Page 8-Thursday, February 7, 1980-The Michigan Daily Candidates split on tax issue (Continued from Page 1) "THEY (CHESBROUGH and Gudenau) surely have better name identification than anyone else," com- mented Fifth Ward Council member Gerald Bell, whose council seat is not up forlre-election this spring. Gudenau is general manager for both Holiday Inns in Ann Arbor. Like 'Chesbrough, he favors action at the state level to cut taxes. But Gudenau backs a proposal to lower the rate of assessment for residential property to 35 per cent. All propeirty in the city is now assessed at 50 per cent. Gudenau said that because the value of residential property, particularly single family homes, has risen higher than that of commercial property, the homeowner has been carrying a larger share of the property tax burden. HE ALSO said-he favors a freeze on assessments of senior citizens' homes, since many live on fixed incomes. A separate plank in his platform is better housing for senior citizens. Council candidate A. J. LaLonde is a taxi-cab driver for Packard Transit, JL Inc. LaLonde said if elected he would "try to improve communication bet- ween the politician and the voter" in order to solve the problem of steep tax increases. Only candidate Velker, assistant general manager of radio station WYFC, said, "It's a catch-all phrase to say you want to cut taxes." Velker said his biggest concern as a council member would be "just to hold it (tax increases) back." Democratic Council candidate Blet- cher is a private management con- sultant with 20 years of experience. He served as Assistant County Drain Commissioner from 1972 to 1976. Although he highlighted the issue4 of better housing, streets and transpor- tation, he acknowledged that dity property taxes were a hot item. But Bletcher said he did not endorse a tax cut such as the Republican can- didates proposed. He stressed that bet- ter management of the city's gover- nment would result in savings that could be passed on to taxpayers. Iranian president denounces mlitants (Continued from Page 1) word whether Minachi was set free. newspaper reported in today's editions Bani Sadr denounced the arrest an that the Revolutionary Council ordered unauthorized by the state prosecutor; Minachi's release after Bani Sadr and assailed the state radio-television delivered the attack on the embassy system for giving air time to the militants. There Wtas no immediate militants without prior government approval. In an interview with the Tehran newspaper Kayhan, Bani Sadr said the embassy militants were paving the way for lawlessness in Iran and he called them "dictators who have, created a y- cgovernment within a government." IT WAS THE strongest attack yet on ' the militants by Bani Sadr, who has taken over as head of the Revolutionary Council, which will be dissolved after parliamentary elections scheduled for March. "11Minachi's was the second such arrest CUC engineered by the embassy militants. 996 - Jody Powell and Hodding Carter, the 24 spokespersons at the White House and State Department, respectively, both said there was "some ferment" in Iran. 1 01 Ar rnot A THAI SOLDIER blocks the way of participants in the "March of Sukival" who hoped to deliver much-needed Cambodia from Thailand. Vietnamese military activity has increased in the area in recent weeks. Vietna-mese troops increase attacks near Thailand border 41 MEN'S and WOMEN'S A j TimbeandAND FRYE i . 7- OFF 10352 j * highly water repellent " insulated to well below 0* - long wearing non-skid lug sole " smooth brown waterproof leather -. fully glove leather lined - needs no breaking in MAST'SCAMPUS STORE 619 E. Liberty 662-0266 'U' falters in women, nun ority. hiring (Continued from Page 1) years. BROOMFIELD ALSO said that the "white male faculty" unconsciously resists tenure appointments for women and minority faculty members and that many departments do not see changing their sexual and ethnic composition as a high priority. Broomfield issued a report to his colleagues last spring which revealed that only one female, but seven males, have been hired into the History Depar- tment during the last two years. The report also said that out of the 58 faculty members in the department, only four are female, even though women make up 37 per cent of the graduate enrollment. "Some changes have to be made," Broomfield insisted. "We need to redefine our priorities to attract more minorities and women." BROOMFIELD ALSO suggested that the University could step up the hiring of couples onto the faculty, and use leave-of-absence funds to stimulate the hiring of minorities or women as visiting professors to replace faculty members on leave. BANGKOK, Thailand (AP)- Vietnamese troops have stepped up attacks on guerrilla strongholds near the Thai border over the past two weeks in what some analysts here say is a long-expected dry- season' offensive. The escalation of the fighting appers to be the concerted "police action" that Vietnamese Vice Foreign Minister Phan Hien referred to recently in an interview in Hanoi. "IT'S NOT spectacular but it's effective," one Western analyst said. "They're just grinding them down." More than 120 Western celebrities and politicians held a protest rally in nearby Aranyaprathet yesterday after their loudspeaker plea to cross a bridge into war-wracked Cambodia with food and medicine went unheeded. The group sat on a sun-scorched road behind a barbed-wre border checkpoint. Its members were asked to meditate for five minutes on "the fragility of life," and "the difficulty of obtaining peace." The pleas over the loudspeaker was made from the bridge by'three representatives of the group and . was addressed "to those who've been standing on the other side of the- border." IT ASKED FOR permission to enter the country with 20 truckloads of 'relief supplies and a medical team, although march organizers said earlier they had already given up hope of entering Cambodia. "We are not here to pre-judge the situation but just to pose the questions of why Cambodia does not let in more doctors and more food," folk singer Joan Baez said. In the past two weeks, large numbers of Vietnamese troops supported byartillery have attacked two main encampments of the guerrillas backing ousted Cambodian Premier Pol Pot, sources say. ' VIETNAMESE TROOPS drove Pol Pot from the capital of Phnom Penh 13 months ago but still have not defeated the last of his guerrillas, many of whom have now dug in near the Thai border. Both Thai and Western analysts say it is difficult to learn what is happening daily and that conflicting reports have been received from the border area. They say it is even more difficult to predict Vietnamese plans for the area and what may happen to the more than 200,000 Cambodian refugees camped along the border. From Jan. 25-29, Thai military sources said, the Vietnamese attacked the mountainous Phnom Malai camp just across the border from the Thai village of Thap Prik-where the first huge influx of starving refugees came , last October. THEVIETNAMESE withdrew after driving out Pol Pot's troops, the sources said, but guerrilla fighting continues in the area. Since Jan. 30, about a regiment of Vietnamese soldiers has battled guerrillas at the mountain camp of Phnom Chat, north of Phnom Malai, the sources said. Both camps are within a few miles of the Thai border town of Aranya Prathet, about 140 miles east of Bangkok. WRIGHT SPEAKS AT POWER CENTER: Rust romotes dynanic sex and God e (Continued from Page 1) propriate for historical matters because history is not reproducable,' NEW YORK (AP)-Danish -astrono- mer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) wore an artificial iose of silver and gold. His real nose is presumed to have been lost in a dual. The story of Brahe's discovery of a new star, disproving Aristotle's theory that the heavens were "fixed," is re- enacted in a new science film series, "The Search for Solutions." The actor portraying Brahe'wears a silver- colored plastic nose. and added, "that the true scientist can- not say a miracle'can't happen." All three lectures ended with a simple exposition of the Christian faith and a call to accept Jesus as a personal saviour. Wright said that those who ac- cept Jesus would "find a new purpose and meaning in life," but warned that they should not expect, anything "dramatic" to happen. "When I asked Jesus to come into my life," Wright said, "I found a peace of . 1 mind, a freedom from anxieties that I didn't have before." But, he .added, "there wasn't any thunder or lightning, I didn't sprout wings, and I didn't start taking harp lessons." Wright's low key approach continued right to the end when he asked all newly committed Christians to join him in a prayer: "But don't worry," he, said "I'm not going to ask you to come fc ward or anything like that. You don't have to bow your heads, I'd even yop prefer you didn't. We're not here to em- barrass anyone." CHEENOS in a variety of colors POETRY READING with DAVID VICTOR, CHET LEACH and ED ENGLE Reading from their works Thursday, Feb. 7 7:30 p.m. (No admission charge) REFRESHMENTS NOON LUNCHEON Homemade Soup & Sandwich 75C Dr. Judith Kerman Poet & UM Administrator,, Extension Service "DREAMS, ART 8 DREAM-ART" ./ (,t. T it 1 L. . - L/ k7 Z.J GUILD HOUSE-802 Monroe Landlords may have to tn v In tirP~t n d cwiits - (Continued from Page 1) "RENT HAS NOT kept up with inflation," he said. "All this bill will do is contribute to the inflationary spiral'-and cost us more money." The tenant will have to pay taxes on the interest earned from the deposit, he added. One local banker, unlike his colleagues, said he agrees with- the Jacquline ' Electrolysis The only medically approved PERMANENT hair removal process. By appointment only 668-7392 Free consultation principle of the bill, but he added that this and similar measures will further damage the already small housing market in Ann Arbor. "OVER THE PAST ten years, there has been almost no new housing built in Ann Arbor," said the banker, who preferred to remain anonymous. "But there has been'a substantial increase in . the demand for housing. Long-te4 market pressures might wori elsewhere-but not in Ann Arbor." The bill also increases government regulation, another negative characteristic, according to the banker. Maize and Blue Management Company has "no problem" with the proposed legislation. "We've been doing that (paying interest on security deposits) since 1973," said spokesperson Jean Ulbrich. "We pay five per cent interest and oq only stipulation is that the tenant pay his rent on time." Don't Miss the Annual KIWANIS SALE Thursday 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. : =n IF F V- - A noA N-%m r Ii