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February 07, 1980 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-07

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Clark plans another escape

Page 4-Thursday, February 7, 1980-The Michigan Daily

Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. XC, No. 105

News Phone: 164-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Use ACT for admissions

time, money, and anxiety can be
avoided if the Regents approve the
almost unanimous recommendation of
LSA faculty members to accept either
of two types of aptitude tests for ad-
missions purposes.
On Monday, LSA faculty members
approved the use of , either the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the
American College Testing Service
(ACT) test as part of a prospective
student's admissions application
material. It is now up to the Regents to
approve this sensible, and overdue,
Almost 90 per cent of in-state ap-
plicants to the University take the ACT
because it is used by the state for its
$cholarship program. Yet, the Univer-
sity has required the SAT for ad-
mission, and refused to accept ACT
Numerous studies have shown that
Pakistan and
' SHOULD surprise no one that the
government of Pakistani President
ohammad Zia ul-Haq is guilty of a
song list of human rights abuses. In-
deed, few heads turned yesterday
when the State Department released
4ts annual report on human rights con-
cditions around the world, at least as far
(s Pakistan is concerned.
The report puts on paper what many
have long known: Not only has Zia in-
r efinitely postponed national elections,
1dissolved all political parties, expan-
fded the jurisdiction of military courts,
and imposed formal censorship of
newspapers, he has also detained
ithout, charge or trial many,
politicians associated with former
'rime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto,
vho was executed last April.
Lebanon wi

ACT has a high correlation with the
SAT, and both are equally useful for
predicting first-year college
achievement, according to the chair-
man of the LSA Admissions Commit-
Clearly, this is reason enough to
change admissions policy in favor, of
either the SAT or ACT. Although the
policies of other universities certainly
should not dictate practices here, it is
of further significance that all of the
Big Ten schools, in addition to Chicago,
Dartmouth, Stanford, and Berkeley,
accept both the ACT and SAT.
The time has come for this logical
policy change. Of course, as Ralph
Nader and many others have been
pointing out lately, the validity and
fairness of all types of achievement
tests deserves significant scrutiny, as
do the virtual monopolies that the
major testing services have on the
testing market. These issues, however,
are for another day.
human rights

Last November, President Carter was
preparing to travel to Canada to discuss a
wide variety of issues with Prime Minister
Joe Clark, but had to cancel his diplomatic
excursion because of the embassy takeover in
Iran. Even though the two leaders were
unable to talk, they have conversed many
times since. The subject, as revealed last
week, concerned the fate of six Americans
who were hiding in the Canadian embassy in
Tehran these past three months. They
escaped on January 28 with forged Canadian
Joe Clark said he wished the news hadn't
come out while the other Americans are still
held in captivity, but when Montreal's La
Presse got wind if the incident, there was
nothing to be done. Clark's 21-percentage-
point deficit in the heated prime minister's
race might also have played into the news
being released.
A 40-year-old Progressive Conservative
from Alberta, Clark was ele'cted not solely on
his own merits, but largely because of anti-
Trudeau sentiment.
Pierre Trudeau was first elected in 1968 and
served as head of state for 11 years. He was
known for his suave lifestyle, his competence
in dealing with the issues of Quebec
separatism and foreign affairs, and, oh yes,
his arrogance. Most Canadians. had had
enough of old Pierre, and "Trudeau-mania"
had diminished with a worsening economic
situation and his second-rate Cabinet. People
wanted a change, even if it meant "just plain

By Georgs Golubovskis
old Joe" Clark.
Within two days of the assession of the new
Progressive Conservative government,
Prime Minister Clark made his first slip-up:
He reaffirmed his campaign promise to move
the Canadian Embassy in Israel from Tel
Aviv to, Jerusalem. This displayed his
naivete about world politics, es-
pecially that of third-world nations.
Later, Clark saw that he had gone
wrong and withdrew the proposal, but the op-
position parties still castigated his initial
move. Though most Canadians didn't care
much about the embassy move, as it didn't
really affect them directly, it did undercut
Canadians' confidence in Joe Clark as a
When Clark introduced the annual federal
budget in December it met srong opposition.
Supposedly the budget would get the gover-
nment "back down to business," but it was to
do so by increasing unpopular regressive
taxes. The Parliament's vote on the budget
was a vote of confidence. If the majority of
the Parliament disapproves of the gover-
nment's proposed budget, the government
must dissolve and a new election m t be
called. Trudeau's Liberals, along with tfielef-
tist New Democratic party, voted against the
budget, and the Social Credit party abstained.
The government dissolved, and Canada'
began to prepare for the election acheduled

for February 18th.
Though Clark's economic schemes are
largely unacceptable to the Canadian people,
the main reason he is trailing Trudeau in th
polls is the increasingly volatile worl
situation. Voters naturally favor the can-
didate with greater diplomatic expertise, i.e.,
Trudeau.Among Trudeau's accomplishments
in foreign affairs are successes in trade mat-
ters and the normalization of relations with
the People's Republic of China.
A Toronto Globe and Mail editorial before
the last election said the only way Trudeau
could win would be if a crisis situation
developed, as it might with the threat of
Quebec separatism.
Until last week, Trudeau retained his ad-
vantage in knowledge of international affairs.
But Clark's role in the 'Americans' escape
from Tehran may have been all he needed to
boost his reputation for leadership in global
Clark has played upon the pride of
Canadians, not their specific knowledge of or
interest in world affairs-they have little.
Like President Carter's boon from the Asian
situation, Clark has wrung great benefit from
his part in the diplomats' escape. And behind
that dignified, statesman-like facade, Clarkis
Georgs Golubovskis is a Canadian
born student of political science.


Add to this impressive list
Pakistan's effort to develop nuclear
weapons and the result is a country
that clearly deserves $400 million in
U.S. economic and military aid. Or so
one would believe, judging from the
Carter administration's coddling of
Fear of the Soviets may be justified
at this time, as well as aid to a country
such as Pakistan, which is apparently
threatened. But as many have been
saying lately, it is both unfortunate and
dangerous that the U.S. should be sup-
porting a dictator; who ignores
basic human rights.
Maybe the State department report
should be required reading for the
president and Congress. As long as
they don't get tested on it.
bleed again
citizens to enjoy peace and security."
It is hard to understand a sane man
calling the bloody results of the last
Lebanese civil war peaceful, but the
hasty withdrawal-slated for less than
a week from now-is bound to return the
country to very much the same kind of
Some sources suggested that Syria's
actual reasons for leaving are to show
its military strength as being crucial to
Mideast stability, and to express
disleasure with the Palestine
Liberation Organization for acting
without consulting Syria first.
If these reports are true, it would
seem that al-Assad is sacrificing the
lives of thousands of Lebanese to prove
Syria's pivotal role in the Mideast
balance of power.

go\ PAIL


"Aiy more bright ieas, Gloria?".-
All must sacrifice if U. S. starts draft

, N

T ROUBLE SPOTS in Asia seem to
be spreading like measles. Violent
revolution in Iran was quickly followed
by the Soviet imperialistic invasion of
Afghanistan. The usually turbulent
Mideast had begun to look as peaceful
as Sweden by comparison. At least it
looked that way. But now, Syrian
President Hafez al-Assad has announ-
ced plans to pull his peacekeeping for- '
ces out of neighboring Lebanon, a
move that will likely plunge that little
country back into bloody turmoil after '
a four-year respite.
President al-Assad has said that he
is bringing his troops home because he
wants Lebanon, Syria's "Brother
nation, to become again strong and
sound, in order for the Lebanese

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To the Daily:
There seems to be considerable
controversy about whether or not
young women should have to
register for the draft. If there
must be a draft, one equitable
solution to the problem would be
to have all women and all men,
eighteen years and older, and
also all businesses register. After
all, when it is the national in-
terest to induct young men for
military service, surely it follows
that all citizens should be
obligated to serve in whatever
capacity they are needed-no
wages or salaries to be higher
than those in comparable
positions in the military. And sin-
ce there should be across-the-
board sacrifices, corporations
should also serve their country
for the duration-but without the
huge profits they have enjoyed in
past wars.
To question the need for
military action has usually been
taken as evidence of a lack of
patriotism and what young man
wants to be unpatriotic -youth
is a time for idealism! To refuse
to serve in a particular war has
usually been taken as a sign of
cowardice and what young man
wants to be a coward? Gover-
nments the world over have been-
taking advantage of the idealism
and the vulnerability of the young
by making military service a test
of manhood. Thus, regardless of
the rationale for war, young men
Too mu ch
to drink?
To the Daily:
Something is wrong with your

Letters to the Daily should be typed, .triple-
spaced, with inch margins. All submissions
must be signed by the individual author(s).
Names will be withheld only in unusual cir-
cumstances. Letters may be edited for clarity,
length, grammar, and spelling.
CBN is not money-mad

on both sides have, for the most
part, fought for their fatherland
unquestioningly. As Tennyson
"Theirs not to make reply
Theirs not to reason why
Theirs but to do and die."
If all citizens and all businesses
were required to serve their
country in time of war-the old as
well as the young, women as well
as men, the rich as well as the
poor, corporations as well as in-
dividuals, there might be a
redefinition of "the national in-

terest." If everybne were
obligated to make heavy
sacrifices, the politicians might
not be so hasty in calling for
military action and they might
try harfier to settle international
differences peaceably. Also there
would be less chance that a flim-
sy or fabricated incident might
be seized upon to justify a war. In
the 1960s there was a minor and
unproven incident in the Gulf of
Tonkin; in the 1980s there could
be a similar incident in the Per-
sian Gulf.

Of course the question will be
moot if the USSR decides that it
will not tolerate a hostile fleet
near its borders or if the U.S.
decides that the oil fields in the
Middle East are in imminent
danger and a full-blown nuclear
exchange takes place. In .that
case we will not need the draft as
there would be nobody around to
induct anybody, man or woman,
into the armed forces.
-Beatrice (Schmitt) Henshaw
Class of 1933
Feb. 2
IQB music
change hit
To the Daily:
I have submitted a copy of the
following letter to the station
manager of WIQB:
Dear Station Manager,
Why did you do it? A friend of I
mine with similar musical tastes
just called and confirmed that he,
too, had heard WIQB's new for-
mat and thought it sounded
I had noticed the change of
format a few days ago, and noted
instead of the familiar voices of
Mark Owens, Chuck Horn,
Steve Quinelle, Randy Z and
others playing the most
refreshingly non-commercial.
music in the Ann Arbor-Detroit
area (music and programming
not to be found on any other
station), instead, I heard some
anonymous smooth-voiced DJ
playing the same kind of banal
music that could be heard on at
least half-a-dozen other stations.
Well, what's with it-why the
change? Did the station change
hade Ma tharair. hP an n rac~hnf.

To the Daily:
I am a little upset with Steve
Hook's article about WIQB in
Tuesday's Daily (Feb. 5), because
I feel that a quote attributed to
me could be misinterpreted. The
closing statement read: "If CBN
was a non-student commercial,
station, 'I'd be very happy about
it."' This meant that I would
only be happy about WIQB's
format change if CBN were a
commercial station. We would
then have a virtual monopoly on
advertising geared toward the
student market in Ann Arbor.
The quote easily could be
misinterpreted to mean that I

would he happy if WCBN were a
non-student commercial station.
WCBN takes great pride-in
being non-commercial, as this
helps us to preserve our alter-
native nature. We do not have to
concern ourselves with the size of
our audience, nor with appealing
to advertisers.
I thank Steve for requesting my
input for his article, but I ask that
he take the time, in the future, to
consider the effects of using
quotes in a misleading fashion.
-Judy Schwartz
Program Director
Feb. S

Stephanopoulos no front

m '_ w A t $z ' I WV

To the Daily:

Ms. Stephanopoulos has run just

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