A Page 2-Thursday, February 7, 1980-The Michigan Daily Thursday, February 7, 1980 DR. STEVEN KEELE University of Oregon 'Behavioral Analysis of Movement" MHRI Conference Room 1057. 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. Compiled from Associated Press and United Press international reports Tanker fire under control ,y ~ Federico Fellini's 1971 THE CLOWNS A flamboyant-exploration of Fellini's fascination with the circus clown as a source of images, passion, melodrama, comedy and pathos. On one level, THE CLOWNS is a nostalgic look at a disappearing art; on another, the film is an allecnrv where the world is a circus and we are its clowns. Pierre Etaix, Anita Ekberg and Baptiste. In French and Italian with subtitles. In color. Short: Ben Turpin and a host of others in KEYSTONE HOTEL. Fri.: EL SUPER (Cuban.Americans in Manhattan) MIAMI-A fire in the engine room of the oil-laden 600-foot tanker Aries yesterday forced 22 crew members! to flee in lifeboats. The blaze was brought under control several hours later, the Coast Guard reported, although smaller fires continued to burn. A Coast Guard spokesman said all the crew members were accounted for, but at least two were reported injured. There were no immediate reports of any oil spill. "There's still concern about the possibility of a reflash fire," said Lt. Moris Turner of the Miami Coast Guard station. "But it appears everything is under control now." 0 Sarasota ok.. Ok~c Fort Myers ~Gumf of ZMex e@ ~ Napies SO Milps s. elld Gld I Lp CINEMA GUILD TONIGHT AT 7:00A.4:05 OLD ARCH. AUD. $1.50 J The Residential College Writers-In-Residence Program Presents a Reading a By: LAURENCE YEP Author of SWEETWATER DRAGONWINGS (A Newberry Honor Book), SEA GLASS and numerous science fiction stories TUESDAY, FEB. 12 at 8 PM In the Benzinger Library (First floor East Quad, East University between Hill and Willard) f THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED A reception for Laurence Yep will follow the reading Laurence Yep will also be the guest at the Hopwood Tea on Thursday, Feb. 14 at 3:30 PM in the Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell Hall. The Residential College Writers-In-Residence Program is made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and Friends of the Residential College. Ar loto JOSEPH SILVESTRI, a key figure in the FBI Abscam probe, sports Arab headwear which he says he purchased on a 1978 business trip to Abu Dhabi, where he was arranging construction projects. Criminal indciment in ABSCAM scandal expected in 90 da ys ~FLORIDA To~e c ap. a hl Florido ryay Tortugas Key West .^^.. 01 IN THIE "VARSITY SHOP" JEANSWEAR LEVI'S® Lo q NOW SELECT GROUP OUFF Regular Price State Street on the Campus lnterVarsity Press Presents: *J.I PACKER "FACING MAN'S DILEMMA" KOWING , s From UPI and AP WASHINGTON - The Justice Depar- tment expects criminal indictments in 90 days in the corruption scandal that implicates at least eight members of Congress and reportedly has spread to high levels of the New Jersey state government. Meanwhile, the House ethics commit- tee decided yesterday to launch its own investigation of the "AI ab Scam" scandal, despite warnings from the Justice Department such a move could jeopardize the government's criminal case. THE SENATE Ethics Committee was to meet later yesterday on whether to take a similar course. Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti asked the House panel in a letter -to delay any "official misconduct" probes until the Justice Department completes its criminal case against members of Congress suspected of taking bribes and promising favors to undercover FBI agents in return., "If this committee were to begin a full investigation before we have had a fair opportunity even to complete our criminal investigations, a number of guilty individuals may go unprosecuted or unpunished, and innocent ones may be more severely prejudiced," Civiletti said. "WE EXPECT that indictments can be returned in a number of cases within the next 90 days," he said, adding that giving information to Congress would mean that "evidence which would otherwise be received in the grand jury process will be adduced in public, per- mitting others to alter or tailor the testimony they might otherwise have given." But Rep. Charles Bennett (D-Fla.), the House ethics committee chairman, said the panel would move ahead with its own probe "without jeopardizing the criminal investigation" and would seek all the information it could get from the Justice Department without resorting to subpoenas. "The attorney general. told me. Tuesday there is information that can be made available currently," Bennett said. "I think the conflict is artificial." REP. RICHARD KELLY, one of eight members of Congress implicated in the FBI's bribery investigation, con- firmed yesterday that he took $25,000 in cash, but asserted he did so to pursue his own investigation of "shady charac- ters." Kelly told NBC News that he took the $25,000 from what turned out to be FBI agents because he thought they were "shady characters" and he felt he "had a unique opportunity" to investigate them.. "When they blew the cover on their, case they blew the cover on mine," Kelly said of the FBI. The Florida Republican said he was given money by one of the shady characters, a man who turned out to be an FBI agent. . Snow buries South. Plains At least 12 deaths have been blamed on a three-day snowstorm that pushed its way from the Plains to the East yesterday, Southern Wisconsin and parts of Illinois got their heaviest snows of the season. Schools shut down in parts of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee. Snow in Atlanta forced postponement of the federal bank fraud trial of former U.S. Budget Director Burt Lance. Student charged with arson waives preliminary exam GRAND HAVEN-David Lanham, a former Grand Valley State College student charged with arson in a dorm fire last fall waived preliminary examination during an Ottawa County court hearing yesterday. Lanham, 18, pleaded guilty at his arraignment last 'week after being charged with arson of an occupied building in the Nov. 17 dorm fire at Grand Valley State. There were no injuries in the fire. Lanham's alleged crime is a felony which carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. No trial date has been set. Cronkite to weigh anchor NEW YORK-Walter Cronkite wants out as "CBS Evening News" anchorman, a post he has held since 1962; CBS said* yesterday. Cronkite wants to deyote more time to specials and other journalistic work, the network said. Cronkite confirmed that he would like to leave the post no later than November, 1981, when his current contract expires. A network spokesperson called the news "not anything really new," though the development fanned rumors that Dan Rather, CBS "60 Minutes" correspondent is in the middle of a bidding war between the three major networks. Rather, however, declined to discuss money. Inmates rekindle violence SANTA FE-Inmates set fires and flooded cells in 'a new round of violence at the riot-torn New Mexico State Penitentiary Tuesday night, and officials said they are trying to expedite the transfer of hardcore criminals out of the state. No injuries were reported in the outburst. Gov. Bruce King's secretary said the group involved in the flareup included men believed to be ringleaders in the 36-hour weekend uprising which killed at least 36 men at the state's only maximum-security prison. As of yesterday, officials said 100 bodies are "unaccounted for." Prosecutor calls Gacy murder premeditated CHICAGO-Assistant State's Attorney Robert Egan, in his opening statement before a jury yesterday, said John Gacy, Jr. premeditated the 33 strangulation murders of which he stands accused. Egan said Gacy used a "rope trick" to take the lives of all 33 young men and boys "because they were inconvenient to him."I Defense attorney Robert Motta said the crimes were "acts of an insane mind...acts which Gacy couldn't control." Motta said "The bottom line is he (Gacy) is dangerously and incomprehensibly ill." Pitt students protest new overnight visitors policy PITTSBURGH-Students at the University of Pittsburgh are complain- ing that a proposed ban of overnight visitors in dormitories will turn the residence halls into "monasteries." Campus officials say they hope the policy, which will begin in May, will reduce crime. The university plans to stop male and female students from sharing rooms between 2 a.m. and 10 a.m. Under the new plan, members of the same sex may stay overnight, but must register at the control desk and cannot stay longer than three days every two weeks. 01 '° 01 1 Your apartment cramped? Read the Daily Classifleds for the latest 'For Rent' info. Daily Official Bulletin THURSDAY, FEBItUARY 7,1980 Daily Calendar: Computing Center: Lab follow-up to Forrest Har- tman's Lectures on the Ontel Terminal, NUBS, 9 a .m. Comparative Literature: Michael Bell, "The Aesthetics of Ordinary Experence," 1054 LSA, noon. Resource Policy & Management Program: Laura M. Lake, "Environmentar Mediation and Political Accountability," 1028 Dana, noon. CAAEAS: Yu Insun, "Women in Vietnamese History," 245 Lane, 2p.m. Medical Care Organization: Stephen C. Crane, "Dollars, votes and Political Exchange: Special In- terest Group Influence on States' Physicians Assistant Legislation," 3001 vV, SPH, 3 p.m. MHRI: Steven W. Keele, "Behavioral Analysis of Movement," 1057 MHRI, 3:45 p.m. Physics/Astronomy: E. Yao, "A Trip to China," 2038 Randall, 4p.m. Guild House: Poetry readings, David victor, Chet Leach, and Ed Engle, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p.m. Chemistry: Graham Cooks, "Mass Spectrometer: Next Generation," 1300 Chem,8p.m. I u~Thej 3idjigau 1utiIu Northwestern University TRANSPORTATION (USPS 344-900) Volume XC, No. 105 Thursday, February 7, 1980 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed uy students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and Field Newspaper Syndicate. News room,: (313) 764-0552, 76-DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562: Circulation: 764-0558: Classified advertising: 764-0557: Display advertising: 764-0554: Billing: 764-0550: Composing Room: 764-0556. 4 1 A program of Transportation Studies is offered that is among the most varied and comprehensive in the nrtion. it includes 3 professional"Master's degrees. I__zj_ I Editor-in-Chief.....................MARK PARRENT Managing Editor.................MITCH CANTOR City Editor.;....................PATRICIA HAGEN University Editor..,...............TOMAS MIRGA Editorial Directors................JOSHUA PECK HOWARD WITT Magazine Editors...............ELISA ISAACSON R.J. SMITH Arts Editors...................MARK COLEMAN DENNIS HARVEY Sports Editor...................GEOFF LARCOM Executive Sports Editor................BILLY SAHN Business Manager.........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI Sales Manager...................DANIEL WOODS Operations Manager,...........KATHLEEN CULVER Display Manager.............KRISTINA PETERSON Classified Manager.................. SUSAN KLING Nationals Manager............ROBERT THOMPSON Finance Manager................GREGG HADDAD Circulation Manager............... JAMES PICKETT Ad Coordinator. ..................PETE PETERSEN BUSINESS STAFF: Patrico Barron, Joseph Broda, Courtney Casteel, Randi Cigelink, Donna Drebin. " An interdisciplinary degree for quantitatively oriented stu- dents interested in public policy analysis. II