See editorial page
. E
Ninety Yeaks of Editorial Freedom
l lalig
See Today for details
XC, No. 104
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 6, 1980
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Civiletti: No traps
set in FBI probe
Doily Photo by PETER SERLING
HVPNOTIST JOHN KOLISCH proceeds to guide his subject into "a deeper state of consciousness" at the Michigan
Theater last night.
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-Attorney General
Benjamin Civiletti said yesterday he
kept "basic rightness" in mind and
used precautions to avoid entrapment
during an FBI probe that implicated
eight members of Congress in a bribery
for favors scheme.
Civiletti met with House leaders
yesterday and also indicated his
department will oppose giving evidence
to Congresional investigators in the
FBI's political corruption probe.
THE ATTORNEY general proposed
the meeting with congressional leaders
concerned about the FBI investigation.
He also appeared at the Senate
appropriations subcommitee hearing to
discuss the Justice Department's fiscal
1981 budget, but he was drawn into the
burning topic of interest on Capitol
Hill-allegations that one senator and
seven representatives have been
implicated in the FBI's "Arab Scam"
The investigators posed as rich Arabs
with lots of money to distribute in
return for immigration and business
favors. No indictments have been
returned in the case, but the eight
names were disclosed publicly over the
Several of those mentioned as targets
of the undercover operation have hinted
at entrapment and Sen. Ernest Holings
(D-S:C.) raised the issue with Civiletti
during a hearing.
"IF I WERE attorney general, I
would have general misgivings,"
Hollings said.
Replied Civiletti, "You have to know
all the facts in order to decide."
Cohgressional sources who asked not
to be identified said Civiletti told
leaders that any congressional
investigation now would interfere with
Justice Department efforts to
prosecute its case.
ONE SOURCE said the Justice
Department officials suggested that
Congress delay its investigations for at
least three months but the source said it
was not clear why that much time is
Civiletti was the first official to
discuss the scandal before a
congressional panel and while he
avoided confirming any of the
information printed thus far, he talked
about entrapment.
Under law, investigators cannot
prosecute a. person who shows he was
not ready to commit a crime but was
persuaded to do so by law enforcement
CIVILETTI SAID he was not happy
with news of the investigation had
leaked out before any offical charges
have been made, and Justice
Department officials said they had
been instructed to "hush up."
Carter expected to seek
women's draft registration
Relaxed ati the drop of a coin
John Kolisch is in Ann Arbor this week to sell mind
control. A nationally known lecturer and instructor in the
field of hypnotism, Kolisch is emphatic that by "getting
control of their minds," people can overcome many of
their daily shortcomings.
This week, he is presenting seminars using hypnosis to
help people quit smoking, lose weight, and improve their
study habits. Last night at the Michigan Theater,
appearing more like a magician than a therapist, Kolisch
demonstrated his "mind control" to over 200 people.
His appearance seemed to tantalyze the spectators, as
he engaged in a series of unusual feats of "mind control."
Splitting between demonstrations of ESP powers and
hypnotism, Kolisch tried to sell his product.
AMONG THE FEATS of ESP that Kolisch
demonstrated while blindfolded:
" He predicted the eight-digit serial number on a ten
dolalr bill sent up from the audience;
* He correctely identified a collection of personal
possessions gathered from the audience by two
volunteers. The group included a pen, gold chain and
school ring, and a woman's comb;
s Having asked a volunteer to draw a design and three
numbers on a chalkboard facing the audience, he
correctly identified the drawing as a stickman and the
2ndWard primary heats up
WASHINGTON (AP) - Draft wat-
chers at the Pentagon and on Capitol
Hill say they think President Carter
will ask Congress for authority to,
register women for the military, but he
may not make the request right away.
Although nobody knows for certain,
many experts are guessing that Carter
will satisfy those who favor registering
women by eventually sending Congress
a bill asking for such authority. He
already has the power to direct young
men to register.
Asking for authority to register
women would transfer the burden for a
final decision to Congress, which some
predict will reject the measure.
AIR FORCE and Navy officials said
yesterday there is no military need to
include women in draft registration and
that it would cost more money and be
less effective to operate the armed ser-
vices with equal numbers of men and
The president, who is expected to
limit registration to people 18 to 20, has
said he expects to "let my people
know" his decision tomorrow. His
report to Congress on the issue is due
A top official at the Office of
Management and Budget, which is
helping prepare the president's report
to Congress, said including wbomen
would double the number of people
being registered but would not cost con-
siderably more. This official, who in-
sisted on anonymity, outlined the pros
and cons Carter is considering in
deciding whether to register women.
HE LISTED as arguments for
registration of women:
-The principal of equal rights means
A pro-draft rally was held on the Diag
yesterday. See Page 3.
equal obligations, including the
-Military studies show that women
perform as well as men do in most jobs.
-Excluding women from
registration would reinforce
stereotypes of women that those in
favor of equal rights are trying to
BUT HE SAID the president also is
considering these arguments against
registering women:
-The military needs a pool of four
million to five million people, and this
could be achieved without registering
-The military has more jobs for men
than for women.
-Congressional approval is needed
to register women.
Mud has begun to fly in the city's Second Ward as
two Democrats - incumbent Earl Greene and
student challenger Stacey Stephanopoulos - com-
pete for their party's endorsement in a Feb. 18 city
The Feb. 18 primary will also decide which of four
Fifth Ward Republicans will earn that party's
lIn the other three wards, candidates are not com-
peting in primaries for party endorsements.
BOTH THE Second and Fifth Wards have typically
voted partisan - the Fifth Republican and the
Second Democratic, s6 party blessings in the two
wards will carry weight in the April City Council elec-
tions, in which five council members are up for re-,
Both sides say the campaign will not be decided
upon issues, such as steep rents and lack of parking,
which have fueled other city elections. This one, they
say, hinges on personalities, and which side can con-
vine the voters that their candidate will be more
productive on council.
Stephanopoulos began campaigning in late October
saying that Greene has been an ineffective council
member and that a student should represent a ward
made up mostly of students.
SHE GAINED the support of two City Council
members, Leslie Morris (D-Second Ward) and Ken
Latta (D-First Ward), and the mud began to fly.
Elected officials traditionally withhold endorsements
until after a primary.
"There are problems with what he produced," Lat-
ta said of Greene yesterday.
"The main issue of the campaign is simply, "What
has Earl Greene done?' "said Marc Abrams, a law
student and advisor to Stephanopoulos' campaign.
"We've registered God knows how many new
voters and we have a huge core of volunteers - and
we have them out there working," Abrams said. But,
according to Abrams, Greene's campaign has
nowhere near" that number of volunteers.
See MUD, Page 2
Returning.. women.,. . . stude.zntfind.<..vnew <ostarto at,. 'U's
. s r i ' .. f ., ., n . . k " s , C' ' f .. .Y Y :' .8 , r" r r < 55 : P9' i . . 5 " w
More women age 25-29
enroll in' U.S. colleges
Back in
The future generation of Wolverines
may well include more women.
q' ccording to the U.S. Census Bureau,'
e number of women age 25-29 who are
enrolled in colleges across the country
has been rising steadily.
Why are women dropping into
school? Jean Campbell, director of the
Center for the Continuing Education of
Women (CEW), explained the origins of
this growing trend.
"Post-Sputnik,' people began saying
'Where are women with brains?' Talent
y among women who dropped out of
college to marry, and they were home
making babies. The need for talent in
the marketplace coincided with women
who wanted to return , to have an
education. This was an early phase of
feminist concern," Campbell said.
Women between the ages of 25 and-29
currently account for 12.5 per cent of
the nation's college population, and,
they comprise four per cent of the
University student body, according to
Census Bureau statistics.
Among students pursuing a master's
degree, the level of returning women is
17 per cent. Although the figure for
University professional students dipped
to an average of three per cent, the
Admissions Office of the Law School,
reported that its percentage of female
applicants grows every year. And, ac-
cording to McKinney, after age thirty,
more women than men undergrads are
enrolled on campus.
McKinney went on to say that ad-
mission standards for older students
are the same as those used for the
traditional undergrad. High school or
former college GPA and exposure to a
college preparatory program both
weigh very heavily. But maturity,
motivation, and life experience are also
See 'U', Page 6
school, she's
"Creative" might be an apt word to
describe senior Pam Waterman. Not
only has she come up with an
independent study project and honors
psychology thesis, but she created the
resources she is using for it. They are
her twin boys.
Waterman, a 30-year-old mother of
three, was cited as a "shining
example" of the EONS (Educational
Opportunity for Nontraditional
Students) program by the program's
director, Marilyn McKinney.
Through EONS, Waterman was
accepted into the University as a
fulltime student in 1977. Thinking back
to 1969 and her first college experience
at Marymount, a small, Catholic
women's school, Waterman describes
herself as an "unsuccessful student."
See BACK, Page 6
Dily Photo by PETER
PANT WA TERMAN, an Honors Psychology senior, spends a quiet moment at home with her twin boys.
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ri uunwunnunnnnnaw } 1
memento? "There is a lot of interest in state historical
artifacts," according to Senate Democratic Leader William
Faust of Westland. "These pieces of carpet are attractive
and can be framed and displayed." Each carpet piece is 27
by 27 inches, and includes a reproduction of the Michigan
coat of arms or an outline map of Michigan. No refunds or
exchanges will be allowed, Senate sources said. Qi
Nixon in the news
Could a famous name help the defendant in a murder
trial? Onlv time will tell but the trial of n9-vear-oAd Richard
confinement at his station for 50 days, in sympathy with
American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Iran, has been
fired. Station WOBL of Oberlin said DJ Scott Miller, who
was also program director, was fired because of
unspecified "serious violations of station policy" that had
nothing to do with his.hostage demonstration. Miller ended
his 50-day ordeal a week ago, saying he'd continue to work
on behalf of the hostages, and that he had some speaking
engagements planned with proceeds going to the hostages'
families. Miller, 26, has not been available for comment
since he packed up and left the station Monday. Qi
250 pounds but more than 165. He also specified that he
sought a Christian who was humorous, a good cook and a
good housekeeper. Morrow was besieged with inquiries
from women across the'country, and was still receiving
offers the night before the wedding. After a honeymoon in
North Carolina, the newlyweds will live in Wilson's mobile
On the inside
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