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February 05, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-05

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Page 2-Tuesday, February 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily


Local radio station WIQB-FM,
previously a free-form, album-oriented
rock station, has changed its musical
format to the familiar automated soft'
rock style.
"I've spent some time analyzing the
market," said Ernie Wynn, co-owner
and general manager of WIQB and its
WNRS AM counterpart. "I concluded
that we weren't appealing to a very
broad group. It is not just college
students we are interested in," he said
Wynn and fellow owner John
Casciani purchased the stations last
Dec. 1 for $1.2 million. The format

dopts sol
change, according to Wynn, was made
both as a financial investment and as a
service to area listeners. "Appealing to
this specific group was not what I was
licensed by the FCC to Rio," said Wynn.
"WE NOW have a consistency of
sound," Wynn continued, "some people
liked the old programming because it
was inconsistent, because they could
hear music they have never heard
"But there were frankly not enough
of these people."
Wynn explained that "we're not
blowing off students, I expect a
tremendously positive reaction. We'll
appeal to five times more listeners."

Ft rock format

He said that the decision to shift format
was made to satisfy both listeners and
advertisers. "Local merchants wanted
a station with ahbroader range of.
listeners, and I think they deserved
THE SWITCH caused a mild Uproar
among many students who listened
frequently to WIQB before this
"It's a shame," said LSA sophomore
Pam Baron yesterday. "Half the radio
stations play that kind of niusic, and
here was one that was original and
unique. It was good music."
Among those expected to benefit
from WIQB's format change is WCBN,
the University's non-commercial
station that features less widely known
music such as WIQB did before Friday
midnight. WCBN's Program Director
Judy Schwartz, however, said that she
is not particularly happy about WIQB's
"Our listenership might increase,"
she said yesterday, "but it is not a good
thing that happened. Numbers of
listeners is not most important, we'd
rather have two good stations than one.

It's real upsetting to me." She added
that if WCBN was a non-student com-
mercial station, "I'd be very happy
about it."
Daily Official Bulletin
Tuesday.February 5, 1980
Daily Calendar
Guild House: Gregg Scott, The Graduate Employ-
ment Organization, GEO-Current State of Affairs
with Exploited Intellectuals, 802 Monroe, noon.
Resource Policy & Management Program:
Richard Patterson, "Litigation Modeling and
Negotiation in the Evaluation of Power Plant Impac-
ts on Aquatic Communities," 1028 Dana, noon.
Physics/Astronomy: J. Landau, Technion, Israel,
"Melting Phenomena in '1E Monolayers." 2038
Randall, 4 p.m.
Geological Science: James W. Head, III,
"Geological Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets and
the Satellites of Jupiter," 4001 C.C. Little, 4Ap.m.
Bioengineering: Otelio Randall, "The Effect of Ar-
terial Compliance on Blood Pressure and Ven-
tricular Function," 1042 E. Eng., 4 p.m.
Computing Center: Forrest Hartman, "The MTS
File Editor-3," Lee. 1, MLB, 4p.m. Brice Carnahan,
"The Fortrain IV Programming Language-III,"
Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 p.m.
CCSSEAS: Charito Planas, "The Philippines
Today." Ann Arbor Public Library, 7:30 p.m.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports

Brzezinski in Mideast
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - U.S. national security adviser Zbigniew Br-
zezinski was in Saudi Arabia yesterday, trying to enlist the help of the Saudis
in building up the Pakistani military strength in the face of Soviet
aggressions in Afghanistan: The Saudis have taken a leading role in 4
criticizing the Soviet actions. The Saudis have been reluctant to get involved
in ,anyEast-West confrontation, and are expected to press instead for
American military aid to bolster their own forces.
Brzezinski and Saudi officials are believed to have discussed the "Carter
Doctrine," a commitment to defense of Persian Gulf oil reserves. The
Sultanate of Oman, which controls the southern part of the narrow Strait of
Hormuz, gateway for mostgof the industrialized world's oil, is the only Mid-
dle East nation to support an outside military presence in the Gulf region.
Three OPEC members



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announce price hikes
NEW YORK - Three more members ofthe Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) announced price hikes yesterday. However,
the influential Middle East Economic Survey, quoting an unidentified Saudi
Arabian source, said the Saudis might cut prices or sharply raise oil output
in a bid to arrest the latest OPEC price spiral.
The increases of up to $4.21 a barrel raise to 10 the number of cartel
countries to boost crude oil prices since late January.
The latest increases are expected to add between 2.5 cents and three
cents to the U.S. price of a gallon of heating oil or gasoline. Nigeria, Algeria,
and Indonesia, the three countries that announced price increases yester-
day, provide about 11 per cent of U.S. oil needs.
1979 GM profits down
DETROIT - General Motors 1979 profits dropped 17.6 per cent from $3.5
billion the previous year, the corporation reported yesterday. However, the
1979 profits of $2.9 billion still rates the fourth best in the automaker's
history. Dollar sales reached a record $66.3 billion.
GM officials attributed the decline in profits to lower sales volumes and
material and energy cost increases which could not be fully recovered.




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Each course has an assigned instructor, who consults with
you through the mail or over the telephone. And don't worry
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Grounded Soviet jet
allowed to take-off
NEW YORK - Soviet airline and Kennedy International Airport of-
ficials agreed yesterday to end the two-day take-off delay of a Soviet jet.
Ground crews at the airport had refused to service the Soviet Aeroflot jet as
a protest against Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.
The agreement specifies that no more Soviet Aeroflot flights will come 4
into Kennedy airport until other arrangements have been made.
Correspondencein Pinto

412 Maynard St.,


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case may .be: seen byr jury
WINAMAC, Ind. - Correspondence which led to the recall of the 1973
Pintos may be seen by the jury in the Ford Motor Company reckless
homicide trial, the judge ruled yesterday. Judge Harold Staffeldt's decision
was seen as a major victory for the prosecution, representing the families of
three teenagers killed in a 1973 Pinto crash in Indiana.
According to the ruling, the prosecution will be allowed to introduce an
exchange of letters and documents between Ford and federal" officials
regarding a report by the National Highway Transportation Safety Ad-
ministration (NHTSA). The report, dated three months before the case in
question, had made a preliminary determination that the Pinto was unsafe
and should be recalled.
Ali continues boycott tour
NAIROBI, Kenya - Muhammed Ali continued yesterday on his U.S.-
sponsored tour to promote a boycott of the Moscow Olympics. But he
criticized Jimmy Carter and the Kremlin yesterday, saying his real aim now
is to head off war between "the baddest two white men in history" -
America and the Soviet Union.
Ali's mission to drum up black African support for an Olympic boycott
got off to a rocky start Sunday when reporters in Tanzania pummeled him
with questions about U.S. dealings with white minority-ruled South Africa.
Ali accused Carter of putting him "on the spot" and sending him around the
world to "take the whipping" over U.S. policies. He said if he had known
about the U.S.-South African relationship he probably would not have accep-
ted Carter's African assignment.
Ali said black Africans resented being asked to stay away from Moscow
when the United States refused to join an African boycott of the 1976 Olym-
pics in Montreal to protest Western sports links with South Africa.



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Volume XC, No. 103
Tuesday, February 5, 1980


The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann,
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International,
Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and Field Newspaper Syndicate.
News room: (313) 764-0552, 76DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562; Circulation: 764.0558; Classified advertising:
764-0557 Display advertising: 164-O554; Billing: 764-0550; Composing Room: 764-0556.


Editor-in-Chief..................... MARK PARRENT
ManagingEditor................MITCH CANTOR
City Editor..................... PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editor.................. TOMAS MIRGA
Editorial Directors..................JOSHUA PECK
Magazine Editors...............ELISA ISAACSON
Arts Editors......................MARK COLEMAN
Sports Editor...................... GEOFF LARCOM
Executive Sports Editor ..................BILLY SAHN
Managing Sports Editors ................ BILLY NEFF

Business Manager.........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
Soles Manager.................DANIEL WOODS
Operations Manager........... KATHLEENJ CULVER
Display Manager.............KRISTINA PETERSON
Classified Manager................. .SUSAN KLING
Nationals Manager...........ROBERT THOMPSON
Finance Manager...............GREGG HADDAD
Circulation Manager..............JAMES PICKETT
Ad Coordinator.....................PETE PETERSEN
BUSINESS STAFF: Patrica Barron, Joseph Broda,
Courtney Csteel, Randi Cigelink Donna Drebin,
Maxwell Ellis, Aida Eisenstat, Martin Feldman, Bar-


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