Page 8-Sunday, February 3, 1980-The Michiganlaily -W 48v silber (Continued from Page 3) department, yet have received only the bare minimum raises." Numerous attempts to reach Silber were fruitless. Over several days, B.U. secretaries said he-was constantly in meetings, and said he was unable to return messages. Boston University of- ficials declined to give his home phone number., Sam MCracken, a spokesman for the president who is familiar with the salary increase process, says Zinn's accusation is unfounded. "I don't know why he hasn't received more increases, but I do know that many of Silber's critics have received substantial raises over the years. Increases are based on academic accomplishment." "Academic. accomplishment is not very important if you're number one on his enemies list," Zinn maintains. Earlier in the year, President Silber accused Zinn of being involved in an ar- son incident that took place in the ad- ministration building in 1970, a year before Silber became president. "The charge was preposterous," said Zinn. "I've never been involved in any sort of fire at B.U." Silber later said he had his facts wrong and publicly apologized to Zinn at a faculty assembly meeting. Turning to the recent charges against the B.U. five, Zinn claims that the five faculty members were singled out among as many as 20 professors who honored the picket lines by teaching in alternative locations or by not teaching at all. The administration of B.U. discovered the various "infractions" in a number of ways. Mcracken noted Silber's office had possession of photos of Zinn and political science professor Murray Levin teaching their class out- doors (so as to not break the clerics' picket lines). History professor Fritz Ringer stated publicly that he would not teach his classes during the strike. It is believed a letter that journalism professor Caryl Rivers sent to the B. U. Free Press, which voiced support of the clerical workers, enlightened the ad- ministration of her actions. All five professors are either critics m9vles (Continued from Page 7) have such dirty minds that I've heard that old Phil Donahue stand-by "breast" spliced out because they didn't like the context. That's why the best movies don't of- ten work on television, just as the best novels (i.e., classics) don't make the best films. They lose something in the translation, and with our favorite smiley (Continued from Page 6) In Smiley's People, Smiley in turn blackmails Karla. The final scene takes place near the Berlin wall, where during the cold war tourists would come to look for escape attempts from the East. Today, in this novel, it is a rundown, unglamorous, quite seedy place to live. According to the book's jacket liner, this is the scene for the "final, convulsive encounter" between Smiley and Karla. And one of the two wins. Holmes lost it at Reichenbach Falls, yet Conan Doyle resurrected him. Hor- nblower was shipwrecked and faced certain death, but in the next novel managed to escape the fiendish Spaniards and command a fighting ship again. Will Smiley now retie, to die peacefully in his sleep? of President Silber or activists in the faculty union which Silber has been fighting for five'years. "This is relatively unique in the history of the American university," comments the 55-year-old Levin, who taught his class of 300 on Marsh Plaza, the center of campus. "An attempt to destroy the tenure of university professors . .. for teaching outdoors." THE HARVARD-educated Levin has earned the reputation of be- ing one of the school's most radical professors. He was a consistent participator in campus anti-war ac- tivities during the Vietnam era; today he is, with Howard Zinn, the most out- spoken critic of Silber. Levin lectures class in a dry, witty manner, taking equal pleasure in explaining the essen- tials of Plato's Republic or describing his ranging (and somewhat exaggerated) personal experiences. Currently, though, his favorite topic of discussion is President Silber. "We have a faculty union at BU'' Levin recounts, "because of John Silber. I've been here for two and a half decades and we didn't have a union un- til last year. Silber has created the union through his abuse, his grossness,e his disruption, his vindictiveness, and his arbitrary behavior." Levin also claims to have been vic- timized by Silber's alleged discriminatory salary policies, although they were revised somewhat when the most recent contract agreement was settled last March. Before the contract agreement salaries and benefits for university faculty members were below average for com- parable universities, says Levin. "There were also some political issues involved (in the contract set- tlement)," Levin explains. "The faculty wanted more say in university policy pertaining to budget cuts and tenure review." By late last March an agreement was finally reached between faculty and administration, but when the contract was presented to the university's Trustees (comparable to our Board of Regents), its passage was halted by discussion of a pair of issues - the date works, any loss is too big. But the trimmings and stylistic gift-wrapping in a not-so-great film are often beside the point, and those movies, especially if we've seen them once, can be more enjoyable at home. The emotion seems more concentrated, and we're much more naturally forgiving, since we haven't plopped down a few bucks and always have the channel selector anyway. And television can offer the same in- sulation from the world we get from two hours in a dark theater. The seductive, womb-like refuge of a movie house can work wonders for broken hearts and crushed spirits. Watching movies on television, a few other ingredients are necessary: Food and drink, those timeless soul-boosters; an empty house, denying true fraternal contact and thereby enforcing one's holistic solidarity with the blue-glowing tube; and finally, a late-night hour, preferably after midnight. So the next time life's regular allot- ment of disappoints comes crashing down on your sanity, don't go out to a a ovie-stay in. And -remember that somewhere out there, in houses and apartments and rest homes, otherstare huddled before their sets, and that you're part of a community of reborn souls. You have nothing to lose but your sleep. upon which the new contract would ex- pire, and whether or not a clause for- bidding a "sympathy strike" would be included. A major campus strike ensued from these torturous negotiations, one in- volving at first the professors, but which was soon joined by librarians and secretaries - a remarkably unusual demonstration of solidarity. It was as a result of this strike that the Trustees forced onto the contract a statement that there should be "no sympathy strike or any other interference in the operation of the university." This was the clause that ensnared the B.U. five when they honored the striking clerics' picket lines. The five are shocked that the univer- sity is invoking an obscure disciplinary clause in the case - one which may lead to their termination. "That clause has been traditionally reserved for professors who, for exam- ple, have suffered from long-term alcoholism, or committed an immoral act or crime, such as stealing univer- sity property," Ringer explained. "It never occurred to us that the university would use it for less serious circum- stances." When the story of the B.U. five was leaked to the press, repercussions rat- tled throughout the Boston academic community. Dr. Salvador Luria, a Nobel laureate and professor emeritus from MIT, sent a petition to the B.U. Trustees demanding the ouster of Silber and stating that his policies threatened academic freedom everywhere. The petition was signed by over 600 professors from Harvard, Wellesley, Tufts, Northwestern, and other local universities. The Boston Globe stated in an editorial that the Silber administration was setting a dangerous precedent in challenging the principles of academic openness by trying to end the tenure of the five professors.hAt that time it was also reported that three B.U. Trustees resigned in protest over decisions made by Silber and a member of the board pertaining to, among other things, the 1979 faculty strike. N NOVEMBER 15, over 600 stu- dents demonstrated in protest of the administration's action against the professors. A month later B.U. faculty members voted by more than a two to one margin to ask the Board of Trustees to remove John Silber. And a bill is being filed in the Massachusetts State Legislature calling for an investigation of possible violatioiis of the university's charter by the B.U. administration. Beyond that is a murky mix of half- truths_ and unknown facts. Perhaps Silber felt he had gone too far - at a press conference he said he was ready to drop charges against the five if they would only submit written apologies. It was an offer quickly rejected by all of the professors. "It will be a cold day in you-know- where before I apologize for what I did," said Caryl Rivers. "The last time I was asked to give a written apology, I was in the second grade and dumped grape juice down someone's party dress. I think it is outrageous that such a request be made." Professor Andrew Dibner said that he thought it was Silber who owed them an apology.. "I did absolutely nothing wrong," he said. Silber later denied he made the offer at all. Despite all the furor engulfing Silber, he still maintains the avid support of the majority of the university Trustees. "The Trustees are grateful for the strength and perseverence of Dr. Silber and support him and his endeavors on behalf of the university," Board Chairman Metcalf was quoted saying at the faculty assembly in which the no- confidence vote was passed. "Some of Silber's accomplishments need to be put in proper perspective," emphasizes Ringer. "The steady in- crease in applications over the past four years is not that unusual because B.U. is a lively, big school located in one of the best cities in the country." The university Board of Trustees recently announced a tuition, room, and board hike of $1,120 - one which will bring the total cost of attending B.U. for one year to over $8,000. In response, the Faculty Assembly issued a statement calling the increase unjustified because the university has spent an inordinate amount of money for non-academic en- ds. A look at a recent purchase will illustrate the university's thought- fulness. Planning to invest in some housing for the elderly, the ad- ministration is setting out to renovate aging apartments located in Kenmore Square. Well-known for its rowdy punk rock bars, discos, late night munch-out delis and pizzarias, and close to both student dormitories and Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox, the square is not exactly conducive to the lifestyles of the elderly. Yet the univer- sity seems to think the buy is a sound one with money-making possibilities. Because of the continuous controver- sy surrounding B.U., One might expect tuition at the university to be slacking off. But such is hardly the case. Ap- plications are surging in at about the same rate as last year - meaning over 15,000 admission applications are being received. The B.U. five, meanwhile, are resting their hopes on the findings of an ad hoc investigating committee which will report soon to Silber. Zinn however, is not optimistic. "He'll probably overrule the committee and bring his own charges, which means we will eventually end up in ar- bitration," Zinn says. Such arbitration could easily last more than a year, and cost the five $15,000 to $20,000. lU l C 7 0 i""Oo )i I Cundar Coeitors Elisa Isaacson RJ Smith le Carre's latest anti-thriller Supplement to The Michigan Daily- Tenure troubleN in Boston a Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 3, 1980 4ovies re fun Cover photograph by Jim Kruz