See editorial page
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See Today for details
VlX Arbr, as undy, orea rree 3o
VOL. XC, No. 102 Ann Arbor Michigan--Sunday, February 3, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement
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frend yPhotos by" MAUREEN O'MALLEY
Michigan guard Mark Lozier (32) and forward Mike McGee (40) jump up and down the court with Northwestern
forward Jim Stack yesterday afternoon in Crisler Arena. The pair held Stack to just two points for the game, in which
the Wolverines trounced the Wildcats 70-57 to even up their Big Ten record to 5-5. McGee was high scorer with 26 points.
See story, Page 9.
From UPI and AP
WASHINGTON - In what is being
described asihe biggest public corrup-
tion probe since Watergate, FBI under-
cover a'gents posing as bribe-paying
Arab businessmen have for two years
been investigating a U.S. senator, six
congressmen and 13 state officials, of-
ficials said yesterday.
Sources said the FBI used hidden
cameras to film most of the meetings at
which undercover agents handed high
public officials a total of nearly $1
million in cash.
IN RETURN, the public officials
allegedly promised to help a supposed
wealthy Arab businessman in his
business dealings and in winning more
permanent immigration status for him-
self and his friends.
Sources said FBI agents, including
one of Arabian descent, masqueraded
as aides to the Arab while funneling the
SFederal grand juries are expected to
be asked ;soon to bring indictments
against a number of the public officials,
sources said.
AMONG THOSE investigated, sour-
ces said, were: Sen., Harrison Williams
Jr. (D-N.J.), and Reps. John Murphy
(D-N.Y.), Frank Thompson Jr. (D-
N.J.), Michael Myers and Raymond
Lederer (D-Pa.), and John Jenrette (D-
Reps. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.), and
Richard Kelly (R-Fla.), were also im-
plicated in the probe, The Washington
Post reported in its Sunday editions.
Official sources said the FBI had yet
to decide whether to arrest those in-
volved, or to wait until grand jury sub-
poenas are issued. Agents were fanning
out, however, to inform them they were
under under investigation.
NEWSDAY, A Long Island
newspaper, reported that the in-
vestigation first began as an organized
crime 'probe of counterfeit securities
and certificates of deposit. The
newspaper said a convicted felon then
pointed FBI agents toward municipal
contract fraud in New York,
Philadelphia and New Jersey.
Later, allegations arose that mem-
bers of Congress were accepting payof-
fs for their influence in assisting
private businessmen and foreigners
wishing to stay in the United States.
FBI agents in five cities then posed a
Arab businessmen, consultants and ad-
visers, meeting with public officials
over the next 24 months.
ONE SOURCE said the operation -
code-named "Abscam" for "Arab
scam" - was "the biggest in-
vestigation since Watergate" and the
Brzezinski discusses
military aid with Zia
o ers long term help
From UPI and AP panying Brezinski includes Deputy
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan-National Secretary of State Warren Christopher
Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and Ambassador Arthur Humnmel.
and President Mohammad Zia Ul-Haq Neither side would say why yester-
met for nine hours yesterday and ex- day's talks ran 90 minutes over
tended their talks on renewed US. schedule or why it was decided to con-
military aid to Pakistan for another tinue the meeting late today, following
day. a helicopter tour of Afghan border
The U.S. neogtiating team reportedly regions.
was prepared to offer Pakistan .BREZEZINSKI TOLD reporters "We
assurances of long term military are dealing with serious matters which
aid-but no increase in the recent U.S. involve regional and international
offer of $400 million in military and security and these topics we want to
economic aid. Zia called the $400 explore with ourPakistani friends in
milionaidpacagepeautstheday full.'
millrinwadpackageopo eanDespite the conciliatory words, the
after it was proposed. talks were, believed to have been dif-
ZIA, HOWEVER, said yesterday he ficult because of longstanding differen-
-was pleased by the talks with Brzezin- ces between Washington and
ski so far. Islamabad.'
"We had a very successful, construc- Pakistan wants several billions of
tive and friendly exchange of views," dollars in weaponry anda military
Zia said. Zia hosted a formal state din- treaty with the United States.
ner for Brezezinski and high-ranking TE AMERICANS argue as 1959
State Department and Pentagon of-". military agreement is binding against
ficials accompanying him at the
president's guest house in nearby any aggression from Afghanistan, but
Rawalpindi last night. the Pakistanis are equally concerned
The U.S. negotiating team accom- See U.S., Page 7
weight of evidence against the officials
involved was\ "amazing" because it
was on videotape and tape recorded.
Philip Heymann, assistant attorney
general in charge of the criminal
division, refused to comment on the in-
vestigation and said Attorney General
Benjamin Civiletti was ordering all
department officials to withhold com-
The FBI agents allegedly created an
Arab sheik named Kambir Abdul Rah-
See SENATOR, Page 7
I5 die
From UPI and AP
SANTA FE, N.M. - Rebellious
inmates siezed the New Mexico State
Penitentiary and held 13 guards
hostage yesterday in the worst
merican prison riot since Attica.
'Reports from inside the walls said at
least 15 inmates were killed, manyin
grisly reprisals at the hands of their
llow prisoners.
" Corrections officials - negotiated
through the night, hoping to put an end
to the violence before it mushroomed to
even more serious proportions.
New Mexico's top prison official'
acknowledged yesterday the inmates
had legitimate complaints about over-
crowding at the facility.
Rampaging inmates armed with
pipes, homemade knives, shovels, and
meat cleavers yesterday took 15 guards
ostage at the state penitentiary, set
in priso
fires and gained "absolute control" of1
the prison At least 14 inmates were
reported killed.
apparently died in the fires and from
brutal reprisals by fellow inmates.,
Another 15 pirsoners were reported in-
Gov. Bruce King, who talked
with leaders of the revolt by telephone;
earlier, said reports that "10 or more",
inmates had been killed came from
prisoners among 175 who were released
and taken to a recreation area behind
the prison:
"I think some of those, I'm sure, were
murdered," King said. State Police
Chief Martin Vigil agreed.I
"I'M FAIRLY certain we haven't lost
any guards," King said, but he added
that one guard being held hostage was
"badly in need of medical attention."
The prisoners who were released ap-
parently "wanted no part of" the
takeover, authorities said. There were
1,136 inmates in the prison as of Friday,
authorities said.
Leaders of the uprising wore ban-
danas over their faces and were "ar-
med with pipes, wrenches and guns,"
said a fireman who went inside the
compound to retrieve two injured guar-
See INMATES, Page 7
Traveller recounts
Iranian leaders to
meet about hostages
From AP and UPI
U.N. diplomats said yesterday a
eting in the next few days between
anian President-elect Abolhassan
Bani-Sadr and the ailing Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini may hold the key to
whether 50 American hostages are
freed soon.
Well-informed diplomatic sources
expressed hope a breakthrough may
come in three or four weeks froi' U.N.
Secretary General Kurt Waldheim's
Sainstaking effort to work out a plan to
tam the release of the hostages and
answer Iran's grievances.
BUT THEY cautioned against over-
"Nothing is certain yet," a source
said. "The break may come even
sooner than expected or it may be
delayed as it has in the past."
Meanwhile, militants holding the
Americans hostage at the U.S. Em-
bassy in Tehran said yesterday a
special 'American delegation would
arrive this week to hear Iran's com-
plaints against the shah and the U.S.
government. State Department of-
ficials in Washington said they knew
nothing about such a trip.
establishment of an international in-
vestigating commission to look into
alleged crimes of Shah Mohammed
Reza Pahlavi in exchange for the
Americans, who spent their 91st day in
captivity yesterday.
Waldheim met Thursday with
Iranian Ambassador Mansur Farhang,
and Iranian authorities have accepted
that proposal as a basis for
In another development, Iran's ruling
-Revolutionary Council announced it
would set up an international com-
mission to investigate alleged crimes of
deposed Shah Mohammad Reza
See KHOMEINI, Page 7
experiences and insights
from 3-month China trip
By LISSA OLIVER Each family works on its own plot
The changes in attitude and life- of land (equal to about an acre) in
style that have been made in China addition to taking care of the land
sinty daho aoZnadte owned by the commune. It is from
sine te dat ofMaoZeon nd he these commune-owned lands that
passing from power of the "Gang of the state buys the crops used to feed
Four" were among the facets of the cities. People in the country
communist Chinese life discussed by work either in the fields or in fac-
a speaker at the Michigan Union tories-usually a 20-minute bike ride
Friday night.
In a slide lecture sponsored by the LEANER'S GROUP, at the begin-
U.S.-China People's FriendshipLENRSGOPathebgn
Association, Marie Leaner shared ning of its stay, had trouble working
her recollections of three months with the people in the fields. "We
living and working with Chinese were thought of as guests, and in
peasants. C phina, guests don't work," she said.
Sponsored by a member of the The travellers were- also bein'g
association, Leaner traveled to tested, according to Leaner, to see
China last year in a group of 16 how devoted they were to the
Americans-only one of whom brigade.-Once an effort was made to
spoke Chinese. participate in the work, they were
LEANER'S PRIMARY goal was almost expected to help out, Leaner
to find out everything she could said.
about Chinese life, and this meant In addition to sharing in the work,
wokinCin--teseldandhinmeacthere was also a cultural exchange
working in the fields and in fac between the peasants and the group.
tories. When she showed pictures of
The countryside is divided into American cities to the Chinese,
communes"-groups of a bout Leaner was surprised to find that
85,000 people, which are further "the Chinese thought that most
divided into "brigades" of 500 t Cee t houEhtEthageo7
peasants each, she explained. See TRAVELLER. Page 7
MARIE LEANER DISCUSSES her experiences in China where she worked
in the fields with Chinese peasants for three months. As a member of the
U.S.-China People's Friendship Association, she tried to learn first hand
about the Chinese peasants' way of life.
I I, I
Commission from regulating funeral homes-were "par-
ticularly significant symbols of the congressional betrayal
of consumers." Other actions which figured in the ratings,
she said, were billion-dollar subsidies to big energy com-
panies to develop "a questionably effective, and'arguably
dangerous synthetic fuel industry;" subsidies to areospace
firms; and exemptions for airlines for noise standards.
Taster's choice
Can't get along without at least one steaming cup of java
in the morning? If so, there's good news. General Foods
Corp. followed other coffee roasters Thursday in reducing
masked bandit walked into a convenience store, brandished
his forefinger and thumb and demanded that the clerk em-
pty the cash register. It worked. According to the report,
the clerk inquired whether the bandit was serious. When he
replied "yes," the clerk promptly handed over an undeter-
mined amount of money. E
Run for your psyche
Does jogging improve one's outlook on life? Possibly,
according to some researchers. The Institute of Mental
On the inside
A student speaks out in favor of registraton for the draft
on the edit page ... arts page features a review of the Elliot
Feld Ballet ... and for a look at the basketball game again-
st Northwesiern, check the sports page.
On the outside
Stash your dreams of warm, lazy afternoons spent on
the Diag playing frisbee between sips on a tall, cold one
away for at least another six weeks. Groundhog-about-town
Punxsutawney Phil from Punxsutawney, Pa. peeked from