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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
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Vol. XC, No. 00 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 1, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
SEC files
suit against
Textron Inc.
Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG
SHOUTING "NO DRAFT, no way! " approximately 200 people participated in and ended at the Federal Building. Above, protesters march past the corner
an anti-draft registration rally yesterday that began at Community High School of Liberty and Maynard.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Treasury
Secretary G. William Miller knew when
he headed Textron Inc. that the com-
pany failed to disclose that it had spent
$600,000 to wine and dine Pentagon of-
ficials, the Securities and Exchange
Commission said yesterday.
In a federal court civil suit filed
yesterday against Textron, the SEC
said the spending, mostly for meals,
occurred between 1971 and July 1978.
The suit also said Textron and its sub-
sidiaries had made $5.4 million in
payments to foreign officials to secure
military contracts.
THE SEC suit filed in U.S. District
Court after a two-year investigation of
alleged overseas payoffs by the com-
pany, said the Providence, R.I.-based
company failed to disclose the foreign
payments and entertainment expenses
as required by law.
Miller was not named in the SEC suit,
but the action refers to "chairmen" of
the company. Miller was chairman of
Textron from 1974 through 1978, when
President Carter appointed him to head
the Federal Reserve Board. He became
treasury secretary last July.
When the alleged payments were
made, they were not illegal under
existing U.S. law.
TEXTRON AGREED to a settlement
of the complaint without admitting or
denying guilt.
MIller declined to comment directly
200. rally against registration
For the second day in a row yester-
day, anti-draft sentiment was displayed
on placards and shouted in slogans in
Ann Arbor.
Beginning at Community High School
on N. Division Street, crossing the
Diag, and ending up at the Federal
Building downtown, an ever-expanding
roup of high school and University
students and area residents waved
banners criticizing the draft and
promoting pacifism.
organized by the Washtenaw County
Commmittee Against Registration and
the Draft (CARD) and supported by the
''tT-UO 1
Spartacus Youth League and the
Revolutionary Worker's Group.
The crowd reached 200 at the Federal
Building on E. Liberty Street. Eleven
speakers and one singer aroused the
protesters with pleas to make their
cause heard. Ann Coleman, a campus
minister at Guild House, said, "We've
got to write letters-booing won't do
it." She advocated opposition to Car-
ter's proposed $19 million appropriation
tto implement draft registration.
Sandy Silverstein, a lecturer in the
University's Women's Studies Depar-
tment, warned that the "draft is a
weapon." When someone has a weapon,
he's likely to use it, she warned.
HISTORY, PROF. John Broomfield
1 7u
urged resistance to war and a draft
now, before the country reaches a point
of no return.
The signs read: "We won't kill for
Capitol Hill," "Draft Beer Not People."
The demonstrators chanted: "Money
for jobs and education, not
devastation," and "One, Two, Three,
Four, We won't fight Exxon's war." '
Probably the youngest of the demon-
strators, four-year-old Bicky, seemed
unwillingly to comment. His mother,
however, said she was sure that he was
... may be included in suit
on the SEC's allegations.
He said in a statement he was
"pleased to learn" that the SEC and
Textron had reached a settlement and
See SEC, Page 6
Campuses nationwide see draft protests
SVI canidate search
down to 'less than 6'
By the Associated Press
President Carter's call for draft registration is
prompting old anti-war hands to join in protests with
students who were grade schoolers when the nation's
campuses erupted in opposition to the Vietnam War.
"Suddenly this is very personal," said an uniden-
tified woman at a protest rally that drew a thousand
people at Harvard University. "My brother burned
his draft card in 1968 and now it's my turn."
AROUND THE NATION, ad hoc groups were set
up-many with roots in Quaker organizations or in
anti-war organizations of the 1960s-to stage protest
marches and rallies. Demonstrations began after
Carter's State of the Union address on Jan. 23, and
more are scheduled in California, Michigan, Texas
and Missouri.
At Columbia University, about 50 pro-draft and an-
ti-draft protesters scuffled over the American flag
during an anti-draft rally that drew 500 people.
At some campuses, support for the president ran
high. Sixty-seven per cent of those questioned in a
random telephone survey by the Ohio State Univer-
sity student government said they backed draft
registration. And 63 per cent said women should be
required to register.
But at the University of California at Berkeley, a
similar survey showed 68 per cent of those questioned
opposed reinstatement of the draft. Carter has not
suggest reinstituting the draft, however.
"IT'S KIND OF a deja vu for me," said the Rev.
Richard Dannenfelser, Brown University's assistant
chaplain, as about 300 students packed a campus
auditorium Wednesday for a discussion set up by an-
ti-draft activists.
The "characters have changed but war is still
brought to you by the same people-the military,"
said Dannenfelser, a veteran of the 1960s anti-war,
movement. "The military trains you and teaches you
to kill and be violent. I'm completely opposed to this
Counter-demonstrators turned out in some areas,
but there were no violent confrontations.
"I'm definitely pro-peace. But I'm pro-draft
registration. If the United States had a crisis today,
what would we do?" said Dave Adelson at the Colum-
bia rally. "I'm afraid for the rest of the world and for
my country," said an unidentified woman at the
Brown meeting. "You 'can't ignore what's hap-
In Iowa, rallies that organizers saidwould be held
each Wednesday drew a total of about 500 people to
campuses in Des Moines, Ames and Iowa City. "I
think we all know registration is the first step toward
the draft. Once they get that information, you can be
sure they're going to use it," Steve Brown of the Iowa
Civil Liberties Union told about I50 students at the
Drake University campus in Des Moines.
A list of "less than six" finalists for
the job of University vice-president for
academic affairs was handed to
President Harold Shapiro yesterday,
q ccording to Richard Corpron, chair-
an of the search committee.
Shapiro is expected to make a final
decision after personally interviewing
each of the remaining candidates for
the post. The choice must then be ap-
proved by the Regents.
Senate Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs (SACUA), the 10-member
faculty group which, along with two
tudents, was responsible for screening
andidates for the chief academic af-
fairs job, said the search committee
has already interviewed each of the
finalists, but would notsay if additional
candidates were contacted.
The original list of roughly 150 can-
didates included both minorities and
women, but Corpron refused to say
whether any of the finalists fell into
ther of these two groups.
- The search committee did not rank
the list of candidates they submitted to
THE SECRECY surrounding the
nice-presidential search process
parallels that of last year's presidential
search, which resulted inrthe selection
of Shapiro as University president.
"There ate many candidates who are
in sensitive positions in other schools,"
Corpron explained as one of the reasons
for the closed search process. "They,
for one reason or another, do not want it
to be known that they are in the running
for this position.
"A certain amount of privacy is
necessary, and several candidates have
indicated that if they can't remain con-
fidential, they don't want to be in the
running," Corpron said.
AFTER HIS selection, Shapiro said
he would not have been considered for
the presidency if the search had been
run any differently.
The presidential search involved in-
dividual faculty, student, and alumni
advisory groups working with the
Regents, who made the final decision in
July, after a ten and a half month
.nationwide search.
The gears for the vice-presidential
search were put into motion almost
immedia tely after the selection of
Shapiro, who at times served as vice-
president for academic affairs. I
Alfred Sussman, dean of the graduate
school, has been serving as acting vice-
president for academic affairs since
Nov. 1, when Shapiro took a two-month
leave of absence before assuming the
presidency. Sussman will return to his
job in the graduate school once the new
vice-president takes office.
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JDL founder Kahane speaks
Rabbi M
Jewish De
night as pa
ture series
came amid
presence a
volving a
was allowe
Union last
was conta
kill persons
planned to(
hardline p<
pose an3
he would cc
of Nazis in
In his s
current Ai
despite controversy
Y DAVID MEYER for not doing all that was possible 'to
eir Kahane, founder of the prevent the Holocaust of World War II
Ae Kagune, fander on-heand for creating a pervading sense of
ewish Lativis, s e as- apathy among American Jews today.
Jewish activist, spoke last ON THE Palestinian issue, Kahane
rt of the UAC Viewpoint lec- addressed the problem as "the un-
. Kahane's hardline speech willingness of Arabs to recognize a
1st mild protests against his Jewish state in any size or form." Yet,
ifter a bizarre mcident in Kahane said he was opposed to even the
California man who had slightest concession to the Palestinians.
to kill two persons unless he "The next myth is that there is a
d to speak to Kahane. Palestine. There is no Palestine!"
presented his views on the Kahane said.
stinian issue in the Michigan Kahane advocated the complete an
night only one day after he nexation of all lands currently under
acted by the anonymous dispute in Israel. Kahane said that the
man who had threatened to Arabs already living in all those areas
, possibly Nazis, but gave no could continue living there if they
f his identity or whether he agreed to live in a Jewish state with
carry out his death threatss only limitedvoting rights.
E'S SPEECH was also Kahane also condemned current
by other Jewis h Israeli leadership for making too many
ins that objected to Kahane ' concessions to the Egyptians during
recent peace treaty negotiations. "The
yr concessions to the peace treaty is a sham," Kahane said,
s. Kahane had earlier said "The peace treaty will not last long. If
ndone the threatened killing Egypt thought it could win a war, there
California. would be a war. There will not be peace
.nnhh nnpn mie
Doily Photo by CYRENA CHANG
RABBI MEIR KAHANE, founder of the Jewish Defense League, advocates
no Israeli concessions to the Palestinians in a speech before approximately
200 in the Anderson Room in the Michigan Union last night.
pec an ane enounce
See KAHANE, Page 9
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professors there pay an exorbitant sum to reserve a
parking place. "Yeah," cracked Jesse Gordon, a SACUA
member and professor in the School of Social Work, "but at
Harvard, they're prolbably endowed." Gordon then brain-
stormed about increasing research incentives at the 'U'.
"Talk about research incentives - promise someone their
own parking space, and they'll do anything!" But SACUA
members were not unsympathetic to students who wait in
freezing weather at the Washtenaw bus stop. Math Prof.
Morton Brown noted, "Every time I go by, I see a field of
red noses waiting for the bus." Sniff, sniff. QI
work of Peter Fletcher, former chairman of the state
Highway Commission. But the head of the commission's
map committee, Tom Shawver, deleted the "cities" this
year. A Shawver staffer who asked not to be identified said
his boss thought the joke was "a one-time shot." C
A farewell to arms?
It was only a week ago that President Carter mentioned
the idea of registering people for the draft in his State of the
Union message. In no time, students were out on the Diag,
chanting timeworn slogans such as "Hell no, we won't go."
nuclear war) are not recognized by federal law, the
questionnaire said.-The questions NISBCO says we should
all ask ourselves: 1) Describe the beliefs which are the
basis for your claim for classification as a conscientious o-
jector, and whether those beliefs would permit you to serve-
in a noncombatant position in the armed forces; 2)
Describe how you acquired these beliefs; 3) Describe hoW-
your beliefs affect the way you live, and the type of wore-
you do or plan to do. Further info is available from NISB
CO, 550 Washington Bldg., 15th and New York Ave, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005.
sompopp- A y M t. : '
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