-Patge 6-Thursday, January 31, 1980--The Michigan Daily A Rabbi Kahane condones threat to Nazis by Californian man ,g64tc e 6dam-fio* e Qio J -o FbavcL a l{ Q By DAVID MEYER ' Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League and tonight's UAC Viewpoint lecturer, said in a telephone interview yesterday he was contacted yesterday afternoon by an anonymous California man who had threatened to kill two persons, possibly Nazis, unless he was able to speak to Kahane. When contacted by the man, Kahane told'him in the "brief talk of perhaps 25 seconds, You know that to kill innocent people is a crime. I put the emphasis on 'innocent'." But, in the interview Kahane added he "would not weep if someone who has the blood of hundreds of thousands of JeWs on his hands" were killed by the man. KAHANE TOLD the Ann Arbor -News yesterday, that he would condone, the killing of Nazis. "If the man were to tell me he was going to kill Nazis, I would tell him to go ahead," he said. Kahane said the man, while giving no indicatiop of his identity, location or plans, "was extremely rational and spoke very calmly." The man, in a let- ter to the Los Angeles City News Ser- vice, identified himself only as a 57- year-old Jewish widower and asked to be put in touch with Kahane. In regard to his statements concer- ning the killing of Nazis, Kahane said, "I encourage the use of methods that will convince people that Jewish blood is not cheap." He said he felt the time had compe for 'Jews to fight back." KAHANE ALSO said he welcomed0 the predicted protest of his lecture tonight by Arab students. He said he felt the confrontation might force an .end to "the apathy of, the general j~wish student body." He went on to voi 'e dissatisfaction with Jewish representation at past debates for being too "d've-ish". Kahane said, "I am not dove-ish:,I am hawkish." Kahane s Hthe is adamantly opposed* to any concessi mifor the Palestinians. Kahane said, "They&is,,no Palestine!" Kahane's lecture is sch 'uled for 8:15 tonight at the Anderson R.n.the Michigan Union and he will address the -I% Israel-Palestinian issue. 4.,~ i~paeeV,, _4. .... _ EMPLOYERS MUST HIRE GAYS, SAYS SURVEY: G~ouTE ?.r,* PirEp'i''tv R~rnt'5 L * .. or.~e9/No ,/GoS /.?SP/4rro p 1414r 1P45 r0 a/4' 43._ Ofcn'tt OP /RP5 2 5' t 5A }4 0 /40Afg 4LfE s q. *FR/ Ois% D MCA N PAR/ t.,I Oro L R tIAPELE A-o C2 . Pit A'M t So/N\I 2. Pe 13/tC/RUD-4 .Aa/A pe Al oNrTest 525- q-jhm ~P i6MoN s FA'RC/S AV'X AvSf R4NF: &&iT o p"9RM 5.AW ,.. 4 1.2S"' D1-1r/N A44 ? SGIlq",-'I..b44 ir' rfS'bPW. ANE66-P4.4A/T. ropmAro, QTR Poll: Women drafted if ERA passes 01 :s WASHINGTON (AP) - A majority of the American public believes that women will be drafted to serve in com- bat if the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) were added to the Constitution,, a new survey finds. A similar majority believes em- ployers will have to hire homosexuals if the amendment is passed, but rejects the notions that men will be denied jobs in favor of women and that separate toilets for men and women will not be allowed. THESE AND other findings come from a poll, commissioned from the Louis Harris organization by the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs. The ERA, which would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, must be ratified by 38 states by June-30, 1982, to become part of the Constitution. To date, it has been approved by 35 states, but South Dakota~, Kentucky, Ten- nessee, Idaho and Nebraska have since rescinded approval. The legal validity of that move still is in question. Harris surveyed 1,493 adults nation- wide and recorded these results in per- centages : --BY 56-36 Americans favor passage of the amendment. The percentages are about the same as they have'been since the ERA question was first posed by Harris in 1975. -in the East, the ERA is favored 63- 31; in the West, 61-30; in the Midwest, 55-38 and in the South 49-44. -Big city, suburban and small town residents are heavily in favor of ERA but in rural areas it can only muster a 47-45 plurality. The college-educated and blacks have larger pluralities for ERA than do those with lesser education and whites. -MAJOR DIFFERENCES exist by religion. Jews fayor the amendment 85- 9. Catholics by 61-34, Protestants by 54- 39. But among fundamentalist churches 63-34 are against ERA and Harris says, "the fundamentalist group lies at the heart of opposition to ERA in the South." -Liberals favor ERA 73-22, conser- vatives are divided 47-47. Married people like it 53-39, single people 68-27. Men favor it 59-35, women by 54-38. 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