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January 30, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-30

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

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Vol. XC, No.98 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January'30, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Proposed dorm.


hike trimmed

Director of Housing Robert Hughes
yesterday said he will recommend to
the Regents an 11.2 per cent increase in
room and board rates for most residen-
ce halls and the elimination of the con-
troversial weekend food service con-
solidation program.
The proposed dorm hike fell short of
the 13.2 per cent increase the student
*rate study committee recommended to
Hughes two weeks ago after reviewing
residence hall costs and services.
IN THE PAST, the Regents usually
have approved the housing director's
recommendations. Last year, the
*urges total
of games
WASHINGTON (AP). - The Senate
voted overwhelmingly yesterday to
Surge all Americans, not just athletes, to
boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics as a
protest against the Soviet intervention
in Afghanistan if the Games go on as
scheduled'in Moscow.
The resolution offers an alternative to
a boycott by urging the International
Olympic Committee (IOC) to cancel,
postpone or relocate the Games. But
IOC members have'already indicated
they will reject this request.
THE VOTE was 88 to 4.
The four votes against the resolution
were cast by Senators Rudy Boschwitz
(R-Minn.); Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.);
Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), and Paul
Tsongas (D-Mass.).
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), a
Democratic presidential hopeful, did
not vote although he was in a Senate of-
fice building conducting a news con-
KENNEDY HAS said in the past that
he supports President Carter's position
on the boycott but considers it a sym-
bolic gesture of little value.
Unlike a similar measure adopted
386-12 last week by the House, the
Senate resolution does not set a
timetable for a pullout of Soviet troops
from Afghanistan. No further action is
expected on either resolufion because
each is advisory and does not have the
force of law.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance is
See SENATE, Page 2

Regents rubber-stamped the recom-
mendation made by Hughes and the1
rate study committee to establish;
weekend food consolidation service.
The Regents will vote on the Housing
Office recommendations during their
Feb. 13-14 meetings.
The most significant change in
Hughes' proposed dorm rate increase
and that of the rate study committee;
focused on the inflation figure. Hughes,
who said he "'was concerned about the,
magnitude of the increase," said the
projected inflation rate was established1
at 10 per cent. "We're hoping for a
slowdown in the inflation rate," Hughes

HUGHES SAID, that with one excep-
tion, he will ask the Regents to approve
all of the recommendations the student
rate study committee made, including
installation of cable television hookups
in dormitory TV lounges and in-
stallation of energy-saving
showerheads. Contrary to the commit-
tee report, Hughes did not recommend
a plan which would have made it easier
for students in coverted rooms to get rid
of their leases. This plan to allow the
deconversion of converted rooms would
have slapped another .7 per cent to the
dorm rate increase.
Hughes said dorm residents' strong
opposition to the program greatly in-

fluenced his decision.
"I realize it has not been a popular
concept with the students," said
Hughes. "My feeling is that since the
savings have been modest and that it's
important for students to want food
service in their own buildings, I have
been convinced to recommend
eliminating consolidation."
The food consolidation plan saved
dormitory residents $12 this year, and if
continued, would cut $18 from each
student's bill next year. But many
students said they would rather pay the
extra money than put up with the in-
conveniences of consolidation. They
said they dislike standing in long lines,

having to walk to another dorm to eat,
and eating in a crowded and unfamiliar
WHEN STUDENTS learned of
Hughes' decision, several were quick to
express their great satisfaction and
elation. I
"I'm ecstatic," exclaimed Peter
Hadiaris, a South Quad resident who
served on the rate study committee.
"The Regents have traditionally gone
aginst the rate committee report when
the Housing Office has gone against it,"
said Hadiaris. "I think there's a very
good chance (the Regents) will vote to
eliminate food service consolidation."
See DIRECTOR, Page 5

I realize it has not been popu-
lar concept with the students.
My feeling is that since the
sarings hare been modest and.
that it's important for students
to wat food serrice in their
owfn buildings, I hare been
conv Vinrced to reconimend elrni-
nating consolidation.
-Robert Hughes,
housing director

7J Canadians rescue 6
4Americans in Iran

From All and UPI
WASHINGTON - Six American
diplomats, hidden from Iranian mobs
during the 12-week-old occupation of
the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, were
spirited to freedom with false Canadian
passports, U.S. Officials said yester-
The six are in West Germany, the
Canadian Foreign Ministry said. Their
whereabouts and travel plans were not
Canadian sources said that the six
Americans left this weekend while the
Iranians were preoccupied with their
elections and that Canadian and U.S.
officials had been scheming how to get
them out for three months.
In Canada, Prime Minister Joe Clark
said Canadian Ambassador Kenneth
Taylor gave the six sanctuary Nov. 4
when the American compound was
stormed by militants.
"The Americans were never cap-
tured," Clark said. "They heard of the
seizure of their embassy and they came
to ours for sanctuary."
Hodding Carter said the United States
knew the six were in hiding all along,
and the secret - which could have
sparked reprisals against the
Canadians - was kept until the
Americans were out safely and Canada
had closed its embassy and recalled all
its employees in Iran.
"We knew every day the danger was
becoming greater," Canadian External
Affairs Minister Flora NfacDonald said

yesterday in Ottawa. She said the
Americans got out "when the country
was occupied by its own internal elec-
tion and therefore we were able to
In Washington, Carter said, "I want
to express the deep appreciation of this
government for the Canadian gover-
nment's assistance."
THE STATE Department identified
the six as Mark Lijek, a consular of-
ficer; his wife, Cora Amburn Lijek, who

was employed by the embassy as a con-
sular assistant; Rogert Anders, a con-
sular officer; Henry Schatz, an
agricultural attache; Joseph Stafford,
a consular officer; and his wife,
Kathleen Stafford, who also was em-
ployed as a consular assistant.
The department did not immediately
release the hometowns of the six. But
the Agriculture Department said

Official says Soviet-

for resident
While most students must resign
themselves to runaway rent costs,
288 University students will live in a
single room or spacious dorm apar-
tment for free next year in exchange
for resident hall staff work. In ad-
dition, many of the 57 resident direc-
tors receive stipends of up to $1400
per year, depending on the size of
the dorm.
For these financial benefits, a
resident hall staff member is expec-
ted to provide counseling, discipline,
answers to questions, and 24-hour

hail staffs
door-opening services to dorm
residents. Between 700 and 900
students are expected to apply for
resident advisor (RA), resident
director (RD), resident fellow (RF),
and Minority Peer Advisor posts this
year. The selection processes will be
taking plce in all dorms sometime
between Feb. 2 and 29.
THE DEGREE of competition and
duration of the selection process
varies somewhat with the dorm. The
Central Housing staff devises gen-
eral guidelines for staff selections

U.S. tensiolr
WASHINGTON (AP) - Soviet use of
its growing power against Afghanistan
significantly increases the danger of.
U.S.-Soviet military confrontation
during the next five years, a top defense
official said yesterday.
Gen. David Jones, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of
Defense Harold Brown said events in
Afghanistan show the Soviets may be
willing to threaten vital U.S. interests
in the Middle East.
"THE POSSIBILITIES of a military
confrontation with the Soviet Union will
increase significantly in the first half of
the next decade," Jones told the House
Armed Services Committee.
"I do not believe that means a bolt-
out-of-the-blue nuclear attack on the
United States," Jones added later. "But
I think it is more likely that they will try
to intimidate use-make us blink."
Jones said U.S. ability "to avert such
a confrontation or deal with it suc-
cessfully if it comes" depends largely
on Congress' decisions on President
Carter's $142.7 billion defense budget.

l growing
BROWN SAID U.S. military forces in
Europe could move "right now" again-
st an attempted Soviet takeover of the
Persian Gulf, but he said he doesn't
know which side would win. "We could
not be confident of the outcome. The
Soviets also could not be confident of
the outcome."
Of Carter's proposal to register
young persons for a possible military
draft, Brown said women should be in-
cluded, "largely as a matter of equity
and social policy." But, he added, "I
certainly don't believe they should be in
However, a decision on whether
women should ha've a combat role
would be decided if Congress renews
the actual draft, not simply when
registration returns, he said.
JONES SAID he would be willing to
study plans to draft women but "I
would be reluctant to endorse it right
Brown stopped short of declaring that
there is greater danger of a U.S.-Soviet
See OFFICIAL, Page 2

Expert says faculty
won't proser in '80s

Students, and not faculty, will benefit
from changes which occur in higher
ducation during this decade, a
national education official said yester-
Ernest Boyer, U.S. Commissioner of
Education until last June, also told a
crowd of more than 80 students and
faculty members at the School of
Education yesterday that colleges and
universities must recognize and
prepare for future problems, or they
will face severe difficulties.
"IF YOU DON'T think it's a problem,
you're dead," Boyer, now president of
the Carnegie Foundation for Advan-
cement of Teaching, said. "You have to
have a condition of readiness."
Students will gain from anticipated
enrollment drops as colleges and
universities are forced to compete for
students to survive, Boyer said.'
Boyer predicts that higher education
will increasingly favor the consumers'

needs and choices. "From the stan-
dpoint of the student, things couldn't
look better," he said.
BUT THE picture for faculty mem-
bers is bleak for a number of reasons,
Boyer said. In ten years, the average
age for professors across the country
will be 55. The age gap between faculty
and students presents the most
dramatic problem in higher education,
according to Boyer.
But faculty members will not
necessarily be smarter nor more diver-
sified, Boyer said. "Things couldn't be
darker for the faculty."
In contrast to the market situation
that existed when Boyer began his
career, when "expansion was so
dramatic . . . the mood so bullish,"
today's tight academic market presen-
ts other severe problems.
HE ALSO noted there is an expected
drop in traditional students by 23 per
cent, and said at some institutions older
See EXPERT, Page 7

Durante dies
a t 8 6 o f .
lung ailment
From AP and UP[
Jimmy Durante, the gravelly voiced
Schnozzola who kept audiences
laughing for more than a half century,
died yesterday of a lung ailment. He
was 86.
A St. John's Hospital spokeswoman
said death was due to pneumonitis,
complicated by the effects of several
small strokes. Durante had been
hospitalized four weeks. r
See DURANTE, Page 10 deaat

Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER'
FORMER U.S. Commissioner of Education Ernest Boyer spoke to students
and faculty at the School of Education yesterday on higher education in
the next decade.


A towering tribute
Those with a penchant for hot fudge, and University
administrators can simultaneously enjoy these little
pleasure by indulging in a Sussman Super Sundae at the
Michigan League. Composed of a cream puff, one scoop of
ice cream, and lots of hot fudge the concoction is named af-
ter Albert Sussman, Dean of the Rackham Graduate School
and Acting Vice-President for Academic Affairs. According
to Mildred Nolan, Food Service Manager at the Michigan
League, the sundae came about as part of an effort to
publicize the League's newly remodeled ice cream bar.

middle-class plaything," the Times of London has banned
the use of the title from its stodgy pages. "There is an im-
portant battle to be fought for all women not just a tiny
elite," writes Times columnist Trevor Fishblock who went
on to bluster, "But Ms. is one of the excesses of the
revolution and should be junked." Meanwhile, in the
colonies, Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms. magazine and a
pioneering feminist remarked, "I think that America has
declared its independence from England a long time ago
and we need not pay attention to this ... If Fishblock had to
be identified entirely by his wife's name, I think he'd suffer
a loss of identity." O

community correctional facility. He was also ordered to
repay the sum to Toronto Dominion Bank. C
On the inside.
Results of the Michigan women's basketball game are
on the sports page ... the arts page puts Steve Martin and
Tom Snyder under scrutiny .h. . and the editorial page
features an interview with ROTC chairman Major Joseph
Blai r-

I . I




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