Page 4-Tuesday, January 29, 1980-The Michigan Daily es r Olympic6 Perhaps President Carter's threat to boycott "First," s the MoscowOlympics will prove to be a stand that ;blessing in disguise. In the end, its chief effect betrayed by .may be to focus world attention on the widely in .the gam known (but never admitted) fact that the boycott, othe games have long been thoroughly politicized. policy they Ever since the Russians began competing in American so the games in 1953, a good part of the Olympics Asia withoi has been an extension of the cold war, an athletes shot athletic brawl between the so-called "free pics are not world" and the communist bloc. showcase fo Only the most blatant hypocrisy about the muscle and dangers of mixing sports and politics has political obe enabled Americans to continue to believe in the purity of the games. Such rhetoric was respon- "IF THtES sible for the fact that no one protested may have America's participation in the Olympics of redesigned a 1964, 1968 and 1972, despite the American of the Soviet military presence in Vietnam. moved, the h have been politicalfor a long time says Edwards, "we must under- American athletes have been Carter. Those who prepared to be es may have no real reason to er than a need to go along with the had no role in making, just as oldiers went off to die in Southeast ut ever knowing why. But the uld learn from this that the Olym- thing more than a centerpiece, a ir Russia and the U.S. to exhibit d to bully other countries into dience. SE GAMES are not held, the world an opportunity to see them without the arm-twisting influences Union or the U.S. If the games are hope should be that they are held in rld country where all nations and be able to return to a truer spirit of that isn't based on the continuing teen two countries seeking to stead of to participate." nerican media, sterling individual es by foreign athletes are often en- ed-while daily medal counts com- verall success of the U.S. and the the sports pages. The Soviet press begun describing the selection of he site for the 1980 games as a vin- f Russian foreign policy. In and in the Kremlin, the Olympics nother episode in the long saga of showdowns. By Clayton Riley The politicalization of the games began when Hitler presented the U.S. with a political motive for performing well. "The U.S. is still embarrassed by its participation in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, which went on without the pr- esence of socialist countries that chose, in- j - "*ST . stead, to hold their games in Barcelona," ex- plains reform advocate Dennis Brutus, of the South Africa Non-Racial Olympic Committee. Like the Russians, the Nazi regime consisten- tly pictured the games as a showcase for their political, as well as athletic, prowess. AT THE 1959 games in Melbourne, Australia, the bitterness that lingered from Russia's en- try into Hungary spilled over into the water polo finals between the countries and left theh pool where the match was held colored with the blood of the players. That alone should remind the free world of the often primitive quality the Olympic games have assumed in modern times. Theoretically, the Olympics are a com- petitfon between free individual athletes, not governments. However, when James Gulkes of Guinea petitioned at Montreal in 1976 to run as a man free of the restrictions of a national flag, he was turned down by every decision- making body associated with the games. Yet what Gilkes asked for will perhaps prove one day to be the salvation of the Olympic games. Eventually, athletes should be encouraged to compete as individuals or as members of teams that are not necessarily drawn up with regard to national borders. The art of sports should not be harnassed by politburos or state departments that can't tell a hammerthrow from a hammer and sickle, or an anabolic steroid from a nautilus machine. If the games were truly what they are supposed to be, in the last Olympics, U.S. swimmers would not have cried about being beaten by East German robots. Nor would American journalists s easily have written off a boxer as classy a Teofilio Stevenson and a runner as brilliant as Alberto Juantorena, because both happened to be Cuban. The Olympic games might well be the last place on earth where different human capacities can be tested against each other in peace. But nobody will find that out if American hysteria is allowed to intimidate sports figures into taking political stands when they should be more concerned with physical condition and peaks of athletic concentration. Whether the Soviets quit Afghanistan should not be a matter for shot putters and equestrian teams to consider. By demanding a boycott, Americans have boxed themselves in. Though they hate losing, they cannot win in Moscow unless they send a team there this summer. The only way out of the box of no games or rump games might be to see the Olympics redesigned altogether. Clayton Riley is a New York-base freelance journalist who writes regularly for the New York Times, Newsday, Ebony, and the Village Voice. He has a fervent interest in sports and wrote this piece for the Pacific News Service. CARTER's CALL FOR a boycott because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan drives the point home-and also suggests a solution. Yes, let's boycott the Moscow Olympics-and the Lake Placid Olympics, too. In fact, let's end the whole charade, The idea comes from an expert, if controver- sial, source. Harry Edwards, a former athlete and now professor of sociology at the Univer-. sity of California at Berkeley, helped make some Olympic history in 1968 when he con- tributed to a celebrated black power protest at the Mexico City games. Now he thinks the, games should simply be abolished and replaced with a new, non-political forum. a Third Woi athletes willl competition1 battle betw dominate ins In the Am4 performance tirely ignore paring the o U.S.S.R. fill1 has already Moscow as t dication of Washington are simply a super-power U - I ,. ^Y 4 4 4.. C' Il Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Carter opens the door to the draft as roommates shiver Vol. XC, No. 97 News Phone:. 764-0552 By Bruce Brumberg Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan . rri rrrr. n r . S. Ford s legal muscle could r' reek d thre dian For its the plod win it an innocent verdict iHE FORD Motor Corporation is According to news reports, presiding currently standing trial for Judge Harold Staffeldt has barred the kiess homicide in the fiery deaths of state from presenting about 35 per cent ?e girls a year-and-a-half ago in In- of its evidence against Ford. Included na. Lawyers for the state claim that among the barred documents are d's poor design of the fuel system of some obtained from the Ford files that compact Pinto greatly increased examine the integrity of the Pinto fuel likelihood that the car would ex- sytem. le in a rear-end collision. Other defense motions Judge Staf- he current case being a criminal feldt has granted have limited the Ford doesn't have a great deal to testimony of the pathologist who But the result of the trial could in- examined the crash victims and nce a barrage of similar suits that limited the current testimomy of a pending in various courts nation- consultant on automotive safety, who e, whose outcomes could cost the is extremely critical of Ford's design n manufaeturer man millions of of the Pinto. i w TI suit lose flue are wid autn My roommates and I huddled around the television. The beer and chips began flowing. We had just ordered a pizza. However, we were not preparing to watch the Super Bowl. We were waiting for the President's State of the Union Message. Was he going to reinstate the draft? MY ROOMMATES are a motley bunch. Their opinions vary on the desirability of the draft. One of them, Larry, is a vehement anti- communist. He has been practicing push-ups and sit-ups since the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Larry wants to lead the brigade that frees the hostages. Obviously, he favors reinstating the draft. Larry feels we must strengthen our conven- tional forces. And he wants to be in charge.. STEVE ALSO FAVORS the draft. He is an avid MASH fan and thought war would be fun. Being pre-med, he imagines himself Hawkeye Pierce. Steve, however, feels college students should be exempt from the draft. I thought this was very brave of him. Sandy is the'apartment dove. He hates all forms of violence and is morally opposed to war. Sandy is against the draft and registration. AND THEN THERE is me. A moderate Republican who believes in a strong military. Yet I have no opinion on the draft. If Soviet aggression continues, I could sup- port limited military intervention. But I remember Vietnam. I remember people my age returning from battle in body bags or as paraplegics. The President came on the tube. He began speaking about the hostages, the Russians, and the invasion of Afghanistan. All mundane matters. FINALLY HE GOT to the part about military preparedness. "I am convinced that out volunteer forces are adequate for our current defense needs. I hope that it will not be necessary to reimpose the draft." A sigh of relief spread through my body. But Carter continued. "However, we must be prepared for that possibility. For this reason, I have deter- mined that the Selective Service System must now be revitalized. I will send legislation and budget proposals to the Congress next month so that we can begin registration and then meet future mobilization needs rapidly as they arise." I NEVER HEARD the remainder of Car- ter's speech. I was confused. What would registration mean? Was it meant for domestic political consumption or was it a step toward the draft? My roommates were also stunned. Even Larry seemed upset. We tried to joke about registering for the draft. It was hard. "Just think," Steve said, "you'll have another form of I.D. to use in cashing a check at Village Corner." WE LAUGHED nervously, trying to rationalize a fate beyond our control. After finishing our pizza, we continued our homework. That night I didn't sleep well. I imagined I was in a helocopter heading to battle. It seemed too corney, and also too real. Classes the next few days erupted i discussions on the draft and registration. as the pipe was passed at parties last weekend, the topic was also discussed. Either you completely opposed registration and the draft or you favored the draft with student deferments. Everyone was worried. Journalists have dubbed us the Me Generation because we are selfish and self- centered. They are right. We care only about our classes, about ourselves and our friends, and about getting a job. But we are also a generation that grew with war scenes from Vietnam on TV. And we are now very scared. Bruce Brumberg is a junior honors political science major. His roommates do not necessarily approve of his charac- terizations. C o1G 1C11LM.L C 1C1y 1111A0 V dollars in fines and auto sales. Ford's attorneys are understandably using every legal maneuver they can come up with to fight the charges that the company built the Pinto negligen- tly, and further, that it was well aware of the car's fault and choose to do nothing about it. Clearly, Ford is within its legal and moral rights in employing whatever tactics it can muster to fight the ac- cusations. But it seems unfortunate that through Ford's vast resources of legal funding (and therefore, legal talent) it has managed to prevent cer- tain testimony from being heard by the jury. The judge's reasoning in granting the Ford attorneys' motions is unknown to the public, and it must be assumed that the arguments for doing so were legally sound, but it is rather doubtful that so much of the prosecution s evidence would have been shunned if the state of Indiana had at its behest as much legal quality as Ford evidently possesses. Clearly, there can be no legislation preventing an alleged wrongdoer from using as much of his or her wealth as he or she chooses for legal defense, but it is to be hoped that the Ford trial's outcome is determined not by the question of which side wields greater legal muscle, but by the relative merits of the two sides' arguments. PRESIDENT CARTER SPEAKS to Congress during his State of the Union message last Wed- nesday night. Thousands of students here and across the country watched as Carter announced that he would re-institute the draft registration process. LETTERS TO THE.DAILY: Compulsory social services plan is a viable draft alternative To the Daily: In light of President Carter's State of the Union address, the question of national conscription has once again emerged as one of the most salient issues of the day. The ramifications of such an act are obvious to all Unfiversity-age men and possibly women. Carter has taken to saber rattling at the Rnsians .a tthe enense nf nothing to get excited about. It is only a measure that will expedite the process if a real draft becomes reality. But the registration does have tangible implications. Men will have to report to the post office to establish residency and to inform the government every time there is a change of address. What mill ha the resnonn nf the potential problems of a full military draft. This would be the establishment of a social service conscription. Every man and woman upon his or her eighteenth birthday would be obligated to serve a minimum of one year in some form of social service or military duty. Some examples of these services include: community national spirit, or lack of interest in other options. The military op- tion could be sweetened by of- fering financial aid for college for an equivalent amount of time served in the army. This concept is not intended to simply provide an alternative for To the Daily: Meeting after meeting, year af-, those who do not want to do military service, but rather it is a system that will install a sorely needed sense of national pride. If every eighteen year old had to spend one year of his or her life in work that somehow benefits the quality of life in America, a true spirit of patriotism would emerge.. The personal rewards would be tremendous and like many who have done such work, it will probably be remembered fondly for the rest of their lives. This plan would also strike a blow for equal rights, putting men and women on the same footing. This form of national conscripti could provide America. with aP adequate amount of military per- sonnel as well as a youth which feels a closer attachment to the society as a whole. -Bruce Derman Jan.25 divest itself of one single com- pany. Is it because, having No 'U' divestment yet the apartheid state. All this The percentage of blacks in evidene fe11 on the ePeminglv managerial positions declined