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January 11, 1980 - Image 1

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4.,itjc tj9 tiFREE ISSUE
Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. XC, No. 82 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday January 11, 1980 Free Issue TwelveIa a



*Meany, past
dead at 85
Meany, the gruff-talking one-time
plumber who rose to become the single
most powerful force in the American
labor movement, died yesterday. He
weas 85.
Meany stepped down in November af-
ter 25 years as the only president the
AFL-CIO had ever known.
Meany, who had been confined to a
wheelchair since last May, was read-
mitted to George Washington Hospital
on Sunday for treatment of a painful
buildup of fluid in his legs.
AFL-CIO spokesman Albert Zack
said Meany's cdndition had worsened
yesterday afternoon and he was tran-
sferred to the hospital's intensive care
He died late last night, Zack said.
Meany's health had deteriorated
rapidly in 1979, perhaps hastened by his
wife's death in March. Friends said the
loss of the woman to whom he had been
married for 59 years dampened his
spirit and his determination to recover.
Shortly after her death, he suffered a
knee injury that prompted a flairup of
his arthritic hip. He was left gaunt, pale
and confined to a wheel ch ir.
It was from that wheel chair that
Meany made a tearful farewell tok the
14 million-member labor federation in
November at the AFL-CIO's annual
Meany was "Mr. Labor," keeping an
iron grip on the organization he forged
by bringing together the American
Federation of Labor and Congress of
Industrial Organizations in 1955.
Under Democratic and Republican
presidents alike, he became as much a
political powe+ broker as a labor
leader. And he could never be taken for
Although he led the AFL-CIO to a
strong endorsement of Jimmy Carter
during Carter's campaign against
Gerald R. Ford in 1976, Meany soqn
emerged as one of the new president's
most persistent and harshest critics.
Meany was succeeded as head of the
AFL-CIO by Lane Kirkland, his protege
and handpicked successor.

Afghans cdose
road linking
Russia, Kabul

A REFUGEE FROM Afghanistan stands in front of his tent at Pir Piayee, Pakistan. More than 411,000 Afghan
crossed into Pakistan since the first pro-Soviet president, the late Nur Mohammad Taraki, was installed in
some 20 months ago.
Class tackles realjb

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP)-Diplo-
matic sources reported the Soviet
Union has moved additional men and
armor into Afganistan, but Moslem
guerrillas were said yesterday to have
x. closed a strategic highway linking
Russia with the capital city.
There also were reports that an
Afghan army brigade fought with
Soviet troops in Kandahar, in south-
western Afghanistan, and both sides
suffered heavy casualties.
THE REPORTS could not be confir-
med independently.
Afghanistan's new pro-Soviet gover-
AP Photo nment broadcast a letter to President
have Carter accusing the United States of
K5 "trying with all its force to work again-
Kabul, st us."
The nation's new president, Babrak
Karmal, told a news conference "the
small-numbered Soviet military con-
tingent" will leave the country as soon
as "intervention" by foreign powers
supporting Moslem Afghan rebels is
over, the Hungarian news agency
reported. Karmal claimed the in-
surgency is supported by the United
questing States, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia
g the and Egypt.
Clipson THE NEWS AGENCY, MTI, quoted
I began Karmal as saying Afghanistan's
pcoming revolutionary council had asked the
project, Soviet Union for assistance even before
s to the Dec. 27, when the Soviets sent thousan-
igs and ds of troops into Afghanistan and
mates in helped install Karmal in place of
ds. After Hafizullah Amin, who subsequently
tracks, was reported executed.
projects The Soviets, he said, did not consider
among intervention for some time, but later
returned the assistance of the "Soviet contingent
structed became urgently pressing." He did not
nent of Soviet troops are believed to control
ommen- most of the major cities and highways
emented throughout the country.
running THE OFFICAL Soviet news agency
ccording Tass said in a dispatch from Kabul that
il Plant an American Roman Catholic mission
re funds here had been functioning as an "un-
d for the derground center" for recruiting
"counter-revolutionary agents" to cir-
ess," he culate "subversive literature." Tass
5 claimed the mission was part of the

"When you know that your idea will
not be just looked at by a professor and
put on the shelf, you have a greater sen-
se of purpose," said graduate architec-
ture student Robert Wear. "It's not just
an exercise."
Last winter term, Wear and 16 other
students enrolled in Prof. Colin Clip-
son's Human Factors in Architectural
Design class embarked on a project to
research and design a wide range of
recreational facilities at Jackson State
THE CLASS provided recommen-
dations the state Department of Correc-
tions will follow when improving the
facilities later this year. For the
students, their experiences with the
project provided a welcome and

valuable diversion from training in the
classroom, offering them both
professional and sociological insights.
For the state, the concept promises
high-quality expertise which would not
otherwise come so cheap.
"You can't beat a real-life situation
like that one," saidWear's classmate in
the project, Martin McKee. "You're
scared working in, that environ-
ment-you play by the rules or you
don't play. It grows you up real quick."
McKee said the "restrictions and
limitations" involved with the project,
such as inhibiting the view from watch
towers, and avoiding equipment "that
could be used as weapons by the in-
mates," were a "real challenge."
THE PROJECT was inspired by a let-
ter sent to the University two years ago

by Jackson State inmates re
assistance in upgradin
recreational facilities there.
heard about the plea and
preparations for his up
graduate students. During the
students made frequent trip:
prison, touring the buildin
grounds, and interviewing in
an attempt to clarify their neee
developing plans for running
weight rooms, landscaping
and a new hobbycraft center
other proposals, the studentsr
to the drawing board and con
specific designs.
Since May, the Departm
Corrections has had its rec
dations, although it has implf
just two so far, an outdoor
track and weightlifting pit. A
to the department's Physica
Consultant, Bob Groneleer, mo
have "just now" been allocate
"It's been a very slow proc

American cultural center run by the
U.S. Embassy.
The 152-nation U.N. General Assem-
bly, which has nopower to take punitive
action, scheduled debate on the
situation in Afghanistan. The Soviet'
Union, which on Monday vetoed a
Security Council resolution calling for
withdrawal of all foreign troops, has an
estimated 100,000 soldiers in this Cen-
tral Asian nation.
Afghan sources and Asian diplomats
See SOVIETS, Page 6
pour' into
PIRhPIAYEE, Pakistan (AP)-
More than 2,600 Afghans are pouring in-
to 12 major refugee camps in Pakistan
each day, apparently in search of the
religious freedom they fear has been
lost in their Soviet-dominated
Once inside this Moslem land, the
Afghan refugees are provided tiny food
rations and tents too flimsy to
withstand sub-zero temperatures many
of them must endure. There are urgent
shortages of medicine, baby food,
mobile dispensaries and hospital
AND YET THE Afghans keep coming
with their cattle, camels, goats and
sheep from which many derive their
livelihoods and transportation.
There is not enough food to feed the
animals either,, but the talk here is of
religious freedom not material shor-
tages, though less than the equivalent
of 50 cents is spent on each refugee each

Golddiggers of 1980 strike it rich
trading nuggets worth their weight

Your mouth might be worth its
weight in gold-or parts of it, anyway.
Last week, a woman walked into the
Ann Arbor Stamp and Coin shop,
reached into her mouth and plunked her
gold dental bridge on the counter. She
left with $70.
many individuals scurrying to sell their
gilded paraphernalia. As many as 150
persons buy and trade daily at Ann Ar-
bor Stamp and Coin, according to
Bryan Godwin, owner.
"We'll buy anything gold, as long as
it's marked as ten, eighteen or.twenty-
four karat gold," said Godwin.
Although local jewelers say they
receive many phone calls from in-
dividuals wishing to trade-in their
*keepsakes, the eager consumer may
have a harder time at a jewelry store.
"I'M SNOT BUYING gold at this
point," said M. H. Lewis, owner of
Lewis Jewelers of Ann Arbor. "When I
do buy, I must know the individual and
the history of the piece."
Most jewelers are wary, according to
Lewis, because alloys are difficult to
distinguish from the gold.

Moslem militants from U.S.
Embassy consult with Khomeini

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Moslem
militants from the U.S. Embassy made
a surprise pilgrimage to Qom yester-
day and consulted with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini, stirring
speculation that some solid develop-
ment may be near in the long captivity
of their American hostages.
But one possibility was that the
militants were only trying to persuade
Khomeini to order that U.S. diplomat L.
Bruce Laingen, in custody at the
Foreign Ministry, be handed over to
THE GOVERNMENT radio repor-
ted, meanwhile, that the leader of a
shadowy assassination band called
"The Koran" and 15 of his comrades
had been captured after a shootout with
militiamen. The band had claimed
responsibility for a string of political
killings, including the slaying of a
Khomeini associate last month that
many Iranians denounced as the work

of the American CIA.
Anti-Khomeini unrest continued
among Iran's ethnic minorities yester-
day. General strikes paralyzed two
provincial capitals - Tabriz, center'of
the Azerbaijani region, and Kurdish-
populated Sanandaj.
The purpose of the militants' journey
to the holy city of Qom, 100 miles south
of Tehran, was not revealed, and no
details were available on the meeting
with Khomeini.
ONE SPOKESMAN for the student
militants said 100 of the estimated 500
young people occupying the embassy
had gone to see the Iranian leader, but
another of the youths later denied the
group was that large.
The students refused to say whether
the trip was concerned with their 50 or
so American hostages or with Laingen,
although one said of the Laingen issue,
"If we had wanted to discuss that, we
would have sent two people."

Charge d'Affaires Laingen, the top
U.S. diplomat in Iran, has been at the
Foreign Ministry with two embassy
colleagues ever since the militants
seized the complex and hostages Nov. 4.
The militants say they will not free
their hostages until the deposed Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is sent back
to Iran.
LAST WEEK, the miltants called on
the ministry to hand Laingen over to
them for questioning about alleged
espionage operations at the embassy.
Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh
asked Khomeini to make the decision,
but the ayatollah has been silent on the
It was the first known meeting bet-
ween Khomeini and the militants, who
describe themselves as loyal followers
of the ayatollah and have a clergyman
representative of Khomeini in the em-

Daily Photo by CYRENA CHA
ESCALATING GOLD prices have not kept consumers from shopping for
gilded paraphernalia. Many Ann Arbor jewelers said they are wary of
buying gold because alloys are difficult to distinguish from the expensive

I -

all new tenants.
Artistic aphrodisiac
Is there a cultural void in your life? If so, the solution is
only a short drive away, at the University's Flint campus.
"The Art of Playboy," the private art collection of Playboy
magazine, will be exhibited at the Flint campus' University
Center Gallery through Feb. 5. Arthus Paul, the magazine's
art director and vice-president for corporate art and
graphics director of Playboy Enterprises, Inc., was guest of
honor at the Jan. 7 opening of the collection. Paul's claim to
fs, -n> Un na:tnn l f n kj f ,,,A 1~ r- f - C:...4, ...._ _


CQ s J
A f7

Geddes Ave. bus shelter near the C.C. Little Building. The
Unversity has operated a South Commuter lot for 13 years.
"Along with our expanding program of van pools, the North
Commuter parking lot and the new bus line provides
another step in our use of mass transportation for improved
access to the Medical Center and the Central Campus,"
said James Brinkerhoff, University vice-president and
chief financial officer.
On the inside
A discussion of the United Nations and international law

p=pp- 1', 1 .,,. .. 4.




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