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January 29, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-29

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Vol. XC, No. 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 29, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplement

Budget favors

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-With the oil-rich Middle East in turmoil,
President Carter asked Congress yesterday to approve a $616
billion election-year budget that aims most new spending at
energy and defense programs.
Carter's budget proposal for the 1981 fiscal year was the
largest in the nation's history and represented a $52 million
increase over this year's federal spending. Military funding
got the biggest boost, growing from $127.4 billion in 1980 to
$142.7 billion in 1981.
Thee was little new money for most domestic programs,
but dollars were found for job training, housing and revenue
sharing programs to mollify key Democratic factions.
THE BUDGET PROJECTED a $16 billion deficit next
year, the final admission that Carter has been unable to
fulfill his 1976 campaign promise to balance the budget.
This year's deficit, which Carter had expected to hold
close to last year's $27.7 billion, now is projected to exceed
$46 billion. The sharp increase was blamed in part on U.S.
spending for grain purhceashes and Pakistani aid in the wke
of the Soviet Union's military intervention in Afghanistan.
And although the budget document acknowledged that
continuation of inflation at more than 10 per cent this yar
would push most Americans into higher tax brackets by 1981,
it proposed no tax cut.
Tax And other revenues are expected to increase to $600

billion in fiscal 1981, which begins Oct. 1. Some $14 billion will
come from the so-called "windfall profts tax" that Congress
is expected to levy on oil company earnings. Personal income
tax collections are expected to rise 15 per cent above the 1980
level to $274.4 billion next year.
THIS INCREASE in revenue will occur, the ad-
ministration says, despite the likelihood of a mild recession
in the first half of 1980 and sluggish recovery into 1981
"If the economy begns to deteriorate significantly, I will
consider tax reductions and temporary spending programs
for job creation targeted toward particular sectors of
economic stress," Carter promised in his budget message.
"But I believe current economic conditions argue for
Reaction yesterday to Carter's budget was mixed,
although there was general praise from Congress for his
decision to increase military spending.
REP. JOHN CONYERS, a Detroit Democrat, said
President- Carter's warnings to the Soviets and his proposal
for increased military spending will further sap federal funds
from America's cities and its poor.
"The State of the Union Address, coupled with the budget
release, indicates that our new concerns will increase the
military budget even furthr than was originally projected,
undo our foreign relations strategies of the 70s in which, we
See CARTER, Page 9
Carter. seeks

Makeshift classes
An unidentified school administrator (back to camera) conducts a slide presentation for the handful of students
in class at Chicago's Senn High School yesterday morning. Few teachers or students showed up at public schools
as union teachers walked the picket lines. See story, Page 5.
.Kenned tries comeback

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy, seeking to rejuvenate his
presidential campaign, yesterday
blamed President Carter for the
Iranian crisis and Isaid restoring draft
. registration is a "step across the
threshold of Cold War II."
In his own state of he union message,
*ennedy also called for a six-month
wage and price freeze and immediate
gasoline rationing.
The Massachusetts Democrat, whose
loss to Carter in the Iowa precinct
caucuses last week prompted
speculation about the future of his can-
didacy, declared he was in the race to
WHITE HOUSE Press Secretary
Jody Powell refused specific comment
on Kennedy's speech, except to say the
wa vote had driven Kennedy "to the
eft." State Department Spokesman
Hodding Carter dismissed it as a
"campaign speech."
The Carter-Mondale Presidential
Committee termed the speech
"irresponsible" in the way it dealt with
complex issues. It said, Kennedy

seemed to be suggesting the energy
crisis could'be solved by gas rationing
and inflation by a wage-price freeze


a1 Demnocraltic

Presiden t, we hate ha(
three more Years of Re-
publican inflation, three
more years of Republican
interest rales and! three
more years of Republican
-Sen. Kennedy
and that Soviet aggression could be
deterred without Americans making a
sacrifice such as draft registration.
"Sen. Kennedy has once again failed
to make clear why he is running against
an incumbent president of his own par-
ty," the Carter-Mondale statement
The president has opposed man-

datory wage-price controls.
Kennedy's gasoline rationing plan
follows the lines of the president's stan-
dby proposal that Congress approved
last year. Kennedy supported the stan-
dby rationing plan.
BUT THIS was the first time he has
advocated mandatory wage and price
controls. "The voluntary guidelines
have run their course and failed," he
said. "Inflation is out of control.
"Under a Democratic president, we
have had three more years of
Republican inflation, three more years
of Republican interest rates and three
more years of Republican economics,"
Kennedy said. He said the deficits in the
four Carter budgets when combined
"will go down in the economic record
books as the largest deficit of any
presidential term in the history of
The speech at Georgetown University
marked a return to a much more liberal
See KENNEDY, Page 6

- '
. - 1 q "1

WASHINGTON (AP)-President Carter said yesterday the United
States must spend a record $142.7 billion next year on strengthening its
defenses "to contain Soviet aggression" and assure U.S. security in the
face of growing Russian military power.
Carter's budget message to Congress had the ring of the Cold War
years, when U.S. policy was built around the concept of "containing"
dommunism within its borders.
THE PRESIDENT told Congress he could not ignore "the im-
plications of terrorism in Iran or Soviet aggression in Afghanistan."
Only last week, Carter asserted in his State of the Union address that
the United States would consider a Soviet effort to gain control of the oil-
rich Persian Gulf area as a threat to U.S. vital interests and that
America would act to protect repel such an effort.
"Our forces are adequate to protect us against today's threats, but
Soviet military capability is growing," Carter told Congress in the
message explaining his budget for fiscal 1981, which begins Oct. 1.
"OUR FORCES MUST be increased if they are to contain Soviet
aggression and secure our security in the future. -This will require a
sustained commitment over a period of years," he said.
Defense Secretary Harold Brown indicated the adminsitration may
See CARTER, Page 9


Council to decide

on long-term energy
conservation policy

Senators agree
From AP and UPI
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 14-0
yesterday to urge American athletes and sports fans to
snub the Summer Olympics in Moscow even if the Inter-
national Olympics Committee decides to allow the Games
to proceed.
And locally, the Michigan House okayed a resolution
last night supporting President Carter's call for a U.S.
boycott of the games unless. Soviet troops leave
The measure, sponsored by Rep. Leo LaLonde (D-East
Detroit), was adopted on a voice vote. It calls for alter-
native games to be held in Michigan, should the U.S. pull
out of the summer contest.


Snub Olympics
THE SENATE panel in Washington called on the inter-
national committee to agree to the request made by the
U.S. Olympic Committee on Saturday that the games be
canceled or transferred if Soviet troops remain in
Afghanistan beyond the Feb. 20 deadline set by President
The Senators also urged that the international commit-
tee "give urgent consideration to the creation of per-
manent homes for the Summer and Winter Olympic
Games, including one in Greece, the country of their
That move came after a plea for a permanent Olympic
site in Greece from Sen. Bill Bradley (D-N.J.), a member
See SENATE, Page 2

U.S. should boycott Games

Energy conservation in Ann Arbor
equirs the commitment of citizens,
the University, and city government,
according to Barry Tilman, acting
director of the- Ann Arbor Community
Development Office.
Tilman outlined a city energy policy
plan for 1980 which includes practical
conservation measures such as car
pools and solar power at the City Coun-
cil work session last night.
COUNCIL WILL vote next Monday to
,pprove the work plan and a $17,000
transfer from the city's general fund to
finance the program for the rest of the
fiscal year. Approval of the proposed
plan will commit the city to a five-year
energy conservation program.
A 15 per cent reduction in consum-
ption of fossil-derived fuel can be at-
tained through cooperation of the
University, public schools, city gover-

nment, and citizens, according to
Mayor Louis Belcher.
Belcher said he discussed
preliminary energy policies with
University President Harold Shapiro
recently. "We will institute joint tran-
sportation planning. . . to see if both of
our systems can be made more ef-
ficient," Belcher said.
plan to increase the energy efficiency of
existing buildings and the transpor-
tation system through conservation and
the use of renewable resources. The
program would encourage:
" Conservation in both the city
government and the private sector
through education, incentives, and
mandatory actions;
" Voluntary measures such as in-
sulation and storm windows in existing
See Az, Page 6

Expert: Mideast

policy 'unstuck'

A U.S.-Mideast policy of 25 years has
"all come unstuck," says one local ex-
A policy that was based on a triangle
formed by Israel, Saudi Arabia, and
Iran has broken up, said Richard Mit-
chell, a University history professor
and Near East scholar. Mitchell and six
other University experts participated
in a panel discussion Sunday at the
Modern Languages Building on shifting
political fortunes in the Near and Mid-
dle East.
PANELISTS AT the conference,

sponsored by the Center for Near
Eastern and North African Studies,
focused primarily on the Soviet in-
vasion of Afghanistan.
William Zimmerman, political scien-
ce professor and Soviet expert, had four
alternative interpretations of the
Russian move. It could be "part of the
overall Soviet expansionist posture,
that the Soviets have grand strategic
designs to take over the world in in-
cremental steps, and are moving to
destroy Western industrial society- by
cutting off the flow of oil."
Zimmerman was quick to discount
this possibility. There are easier ways

to shut off the oil than mounting a land
invasion over Afghanistan into Iran, he
professor and Southeast Asian expert,
didn't think much of the idea. "This is
an indirect way to go to the oil. The'
U.S.S.R. has built up a navy in the In-
dian Ocean that could stop the tankers
if they wanted to start a World War."
Another theory, said Zimmerman, is
that the Afghan invasion was a "reac-
tion to Western moves," such as an in-
crease in military spending, a
presumed failure of the SALT II treaty,
a decision to introduce short-range

missiles into. Western Europe, and a
recent improvement of U.S.-Chinese
The Soviets, added Zimmerman, may
have acted out of concern for a possible
spillover of Islamic fundamentalism in-
to Soviet Central Asia, with its large
population of Moslems. According to
this interpretation, Zimmerman said,
the Soviets fear the Moslems may
become disillusioned with Soviet rule if
caught up in such a fundamentalist
ZIMMERMAN, however, gave
greatest weight to the interpretation
See U.S., Page 9


d1 b T e t k u & a e w p p r i s t e L d t d S m e s mb s h d 18 2 6
.Which is the elder? HousingfBlu's
1 y'} TwAcllen wsnanu enn rs-TheMianmi stu dent of O'hion's

future. "Waiting in line," explained Feliks, is not"
necessary, because there are so few openings and so many'
other places to live." But one Maize and Blue-managed
apartment complex did have a line Sunday night. Albert
Terrace apartments has a separate sign-up procedure,
Feliks said, which could account for the number of people of
in sleeping bags near the door of the manager. The
manager could not be reached for comment yesterday. E
On the inside
A personal reaction to President Carter's draft regis-
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Miami University and The Darmouth of Dartmouth

Last year around this time, many students began form-





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