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January 26, 1980 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-26

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Page 10-Saturday, January 26, 1980--The Michigan Daily

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Punish the Soviets,
defector tells U.S.

WASHINGTON (AP) - A prominent
Soviet defector said yesterday that
Russian leaders could steer their
"cruel and dangerous society" to world
domination unless forcefully punished
for throwing military might into
Arkady Shevchenko, a .United
Nations undersecretary general when
he defected in 1978, made a rare public
appearance to give a House Intelligen-
ce subcommittee a chilling account of
life in his homeland and to comment on
recent Soviet actions.
UNLESS TIE Soviets are punished
'in specific, concrete and forceful ways
for their aggression in Afghanistan, the
world will find itself in the not-far-
distant future under the dominance of
Moscow," he s id. '
Boycotting the Olympic Games would
be a "serious blow to the Kremlin," he
said, since Soviet leaders hold "a long-
cherished objective to have such a
huge, political show in Moscow."
He elaborated on the Soviet-
Afghanistan situation and on possible
U.S. steps in a later secret hearing.
BUTT HIE gave his first personal ex-
planation of his defection in a hearing

room crowded with reporters and
onlookers, including one from th*
Soviet news agency Tass.
As Shevchenko rose in the Soviet
diplomatic ranks, he said, he decided
his nation's foreign policy "was not a
policy of peace but. a policy of
aggression, expansion and en-
slavement of other people."
Back at home, he said, "tragically for
the Soviet people, there are clear and
unmistakable signs that Stalinist
measures are beginning to revive in or
der to curtail the growing discontent of
the people.
"THE ROLE and power of the KGB
(secret police) now is growing similar
to that exercised in the darkest days of
Stalin's rule, when millions of innocent
people became the victims of terrible
This wet'k's exile of dissident Andrei
Sakharov was "another indication of
the growing power of the KGB," he
said, as well as a sign that Sovi
leaders know "they can expect nothin
from the U.S." at present.
I n, his homeland, he said, there are
not enough material goods; there is no
freedom or privacy., and "respect for
elementary human rights does not

USSR says dissident
won't be prosecuted

TR lU0 r~nt erSUpders ARKADY SHEVCIiENKO testified before the house Intelligence subcom-
mittee in Washington yesterday. Once a top Soviet U.N. official, Shevchenko
said he defected in April 1978 becaue he was disgusted with "aggressive"
and "expanionist" Soviet policies.

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. MOSCOW (AP) - The Soviets said
yesierday that dissident leader Andrei
Sakharov would not be prosecuted and
scoffed at the White House for its 'bom-
bastic and highflown" expressions of
support for him.
In a commentary, the Soviet news
agency Tass called Sakharov -a 'slan-
derer and renegade" and portrayed the
measures taken against him as humane
a d fair. "Sakharov was not exiled,"
Tass said, "he was moved outside the
city limits of MQscow" and "resettled"
in Gorky, 250 miles east of the capital.
T ASS SAIL) Sakharov's Western
"well-wishers" were not moved by
sympathy for him, "but were infuriated
that they can no longer count on him as
a source of slanderous information on
the Soviet Union and its policies."
Tass confirmed a statement made
earlier in the day by a high Soviet of-
ficial, Vitaly Kobysh, that Sakharov
would not be criminally charged, and
that he would be allowed to continue his
Kobysh, chief of the United States
ection at the international (departmen!

of the Communist Party Central Com-
mittee, said:
"Proceeding from humane notions
and taking into account his previous
merits, he (Sakharovr will not be
KOBIYSI A LSo said that Sakharov, a
brilliant nuclear physicist who played
major role in the development of thW
hydrogen bomb in the Soviet Union
before he turned to dissident activity.
would be free to continue his scientific
Two expatriate Russians now living
in the Netherlands, Dr. Mikhail Shtern
and his son, Victor announced plans for
an international tribunal to focus worl I
attention on the banishment of
Sakharo'., .1 Nobel Peace Prize winner,
The elder Shtern said at a news cor
ference in The Hague, 'Sakharov's
name stands not only for the fight for
human rights in the Soviet Union, but
he is also the personification of the
Russian conscience. We want to help.
him to continue his activities and we
want to tell the Soviets to leave him


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