Page 12-Friday, January 25, 1980-The Michigan Daily
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Panelists discuss equality in education
"By many it is regarded as a doub-
tful experiment, by some as a very
dangerous experiment . ..certain
to be ruinous to the young ladies
who should avail themselves of
it. ..and disastrous to the In-
stit utionwhich should carry it
o u t . . . -,
-Re gents' Report on the
Admission of Females, 1858
Most would say this "experiment"
has been far from detrimental to
women who have chosen to pursue a
college education, but women still have
obstacles to overcome before the goal
of equality is reached, according to
Women in Communications, Inc.
(WICI) panel.
Four WICI members, Kathleen Dan-
nemiller, Lisa Mitchell-Yellin, Deborah
Orr' May, and Noreen Wolcott, gave
their impressions of the changes
women have made at the University of
Michigan as well astadvice for the.
I-u- -.-
future to an audience of eight at the
Michigan Union last night.
All four speakers cited a lack of con-
fidence as one major problem women
must work to solve. Mitchell-Yellin,
who is a consultant in the Office of
Student Organizations, Activities and
Programs, emphasized that it is impor-
tant that women not be afraid to
analyze themselves.
*"It is also important that women feel
good about who they are and set exam-
ples for others to follow," Mitchell-
Yellin said.
area in which women do not equal their
male counterparts, according to
Deborah Orr May, Assistant Director of
Career Planning and Placement.
Although women's starting salaries are
'A-bomb kid'speaks out
against nuclear power
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If a college student with average
grades could design an atomic bomb, so
could a lot of other people, according to
John Aristotle Phillips, who spoke last
night at Rackham Auditorium.
And design a bomb is exactly what
Phillips did, for an undergraduate
seminar on arms and disarmament at
Princeton University.
PHillips is the 1978 Princeton
graduate who, in the fall of 1976,
researched and assembled the plans for
an atomic bomb without using
classified documents. "Mostly it was to
prove a point," Phillips told the small
gathering attending the Viewpoint Lec-
ture. "There is an inclination to think
that anyone capable of designing an
atomic bomb is an Einstein. That is
clearly not the case."
ACCORDING TO Phillips, the only
thing stopping other people from
building bombs is a lack of access to
fissionable material. Phillips also poin-
ted out that the two largest agencies in
control of these materials, were unable
to account for 5,000 pounds of highly
fissionable material. It takes only about
twenty pounds of fissionable material
to build a bomb of the type that Phillips
Phillips ticked off a number of sour-
ces he used to build the bomb. He said
his research began at the physics
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library at Princeton. Next, he went to
the National Technical Information
Service in Washington which .has a
variety of scientific documents
available to the public for a fee. Among
other things, one can obtain access to
actual bomb designs.
Phillips said that the entire. bundle
cost him roughly twenty-five dollars.
After making the purchase, the clerk
there commented, "Oh, you want to
build a bomb too!"u
BECOMING MORE and more absor-
bed in the project, Phillips stopped
going to classes, except for the
seminar. He received a letter from the
dean, who threatened him with
academic probation and expulsion from
school, unless he received an 'A' in the
class. But by that time he was too ab-
sorbed in his research to let that be a
PIILLIPS' LAST step in designing
the bomb was to call DuPont Chemical
to confirm the information. DuPont
Chemical builds bombs for the United
States government. Disguising his
problem, Phillips spoke to the head of
the chemical explosives division over
the telephone, and indirectly confirmed,
everything he needed to know.
Soon after he finished the paper, he
received a call from an unidentified
voice requesting that a copy of the
paper be sent in care of the Pakistani
"Atthis very moment, the French
government had already sold a
plutonium reprocessing plant to
Pakistan," Phillips said. They had
promised that they didn't want the
technology for the purpose of building a
bomb, but for research and energy
needs, he added..
" This brought home to me the
correlation between the spread of so-
called "peaceful nuclear energy" and
nuclear weapons," he continued. "In
fact, what our government was calling
peaceful nuclear industry, or 'Atoms
for Peace', was nothing short of 'Bombs
for Sale'."
relatively the same as men's, there is a
significant gap in their earnings after
ten years, she said.
"A woman's low expectation of what
she is worth is one of the main causes of
this," said Orr May, "A woman cannot
go into a job with a chip on
AT THE START of the women'
rights movement, prejudices were ob
vious and therefore easily focused o
and attacked, Assistant to the Vic
President for Student Service
Kathleen Dannemiller, said.
But today, Dannemiller pointed out,
"Discrimination is out there, it's just
not as obvious."
Area road
plan balasted
A representative of the Ann Ar
Ecololgy Center last night void
criticism of a 1978 plan designed to
meet the transportation needs along
Fuller Road into Ann Arbor. The Cen-
ter's Steve McCarter said the construc-
tion options being considered by the
Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Urban Area Tran-
sportation Study Committee (UATS)
are "too much, too soon."
"Given the uncertainty of our future
energy picture," said McCarter, "the
question of moving ahead with ce
struction would irrevocably altert'
.character of this part of Ann Arbor in
order to provide greater vehicle
capacity than may be justifiable."
ments were offered at an information
session held at UATS at Huron High
School last night to explain the recently
completed impact study of.the Fuller
Rd.-Glen St. area presented last night.
ThedUATS proposal, initially ap-
proved in 1978, includes widen'
Fuller and Glen to four lanes each a
the construction of a new bridge over
the railroad tracks. One lane will be
designated for high occupancy
vehicles, such as buses, according to
the plan.
About 50 people heard represen-
tatives from the consulting firm, Schin-
peler-Corradino Associates of
Louisville, Kentucky, describe their
work to evaluate the impactof
Fuller/Glen UATS plan on the HurW
River Valley.
AFTER LOCAL government units
have studied the plan, a formal public
hearing will be held for citizens to
register their comments.
"We have a transportation problem,"
said Chizeli, "and we have to start
doing something."
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