Page 4-Thursday, January 24, 1980-The Michigan Daily Problems with the primaries surfaced in Iowa If a student preference poll of the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates had been taken in Hill Auditorium Monday night, one wonders if the three national television networks would have sent millions of dollars of equipment and their top anchorpersons to Ann Arbor to cover the event. Imagine Walter Cronkite anchoring the evening news from the steps of Hill Auditorium. Syndicated columnists would write light witty pieces about the good-natured people of our fair town. THE EYES OF the world would be on Ann Arbor. It happened in Iowa. Why not Ann Arbor? Last ictober a straw vote of Maine Re publicans was taken for their presidential preferences. The results appeared on the front page of the New York Times. The Monday night extravaganza in Iowa was the first-step of a four-level selection process to choose delegates to the national conventions this summer. But this tiny first-step in the enormous process of electing the President of the United States, tut'ned a quiet, unpretentious midwestern state into a media spectacle. THE TRADITIONAL starting place of presidential politics used to be equally unassuming New Hampshire. But all that dhanged in 1976 when "Jimmy Who?" got 1,0,000 votes in an invention called the Iowa Caucus. Carter finished second in Iowa that year with 28 per cent. Undecided was the win- ner with 38 per cent. The numbers were a little bigger this time around. 15 per cent of the state's registered voters took part in the caucuses Monday as op- posed to four years ago when 7.7 percent of the IDemocrats and 10 per cent of the Republicans Voted. Still one couldn't help but feel that a ridiculously small group of Americans had been handed i major "role in the selection of our next president. Iowa is supposed to be a test. It is supposed to provide an indication of what's to come in the next six months of primaries. But Iowa is about as representative of the reality of life in this country as the overly educated, highly intellec- tual, elite community of Ann Arbor. Iowa is 98.5 per cent white and primarily rural. Not exactly an ideal place to test America's urban state of mind. BUT ALL OF that seemed irrelevant Monday night amid the circus-like atmosphere that had suddenly exploded in an otherwise slow- moving, wheat growing state. Four years ago the media had been taken by surprise when the By Amy Saltzman slick organization of Jimmy Carter's peanut brigade gave new importance to the Iowa caucuses., But the media was prepared this time around, flooding the state with some 600 reporters and technicians. The presidential candidates, also taking a cue from the Carter experience in 1976, poured a total of 2.8 million into organizing the Iowa campaigns. Amidst all the hoopla one almost forgot that a presidential race was -in progress. Walter Cronkite made the front page of one local newspaper about as frequently as the presiden- tial candidates. But whether it deserves to be or not, Iowa is serious business. Serious not only because it is considered a test of the candidate's political strength, but because it is suddenly thought of as the test. According to the generalizations of political pundits, Iowa proved that the nation is standing firmly behind its president in a time of crisis; that Ted Kennedy's performance problems and personal weaknesses have possible destroyed his chances of becoming the next president of the United States; that George Bush's dynamic style and deftly organized campaign have made him the fron- trunner on the Republican side; and that Ronald Reagan's aloof Iowa campaign strategy may have drastically lowered his chances of winning the Republican presidential nomination. All that responsibility assigned to a state made up of less than 3 million people, a few thousand hogscattle, and a lot of wheat. WINNING IOWA involves more than the ability to organize this obscure group. Literally, a hog could probably vote in the Iowa caucuses if a particularly shrewd can- didate was able to get the animal to attend its precinct caucus. The Iowa caucuses are about. ORGANIZATION. Georce Bush was organized. Ronald Reagan wasn't. In Iowa, organization means getting more of your supporters than the other guy to pack the school rooms, firehouses, libraries, and meeting halls where the precinct caucuses are held. Any candidate with enough initiative to fill a few buses with his supporters and haul them off to these in- formal gatherings, can win Iowa. In this sense Iowa represents the most negative characteristics of the primary process. Never has the candidate-media-voter relationship appeared more intense than at the Iowa caucuses. Never has the ability to organize a campaign seemed so much more crucial than a candidates stand on the issues. By its very nature, the Iowa caucuses and the presidential primary process in general, force us to put the issues aside, to concentrate on short-term tactics rather than long-range goals. As we once again begin the long-winded process of selecting a president, perhaps it is time to start thinking about alternatives. Before the candidates start hauling-off their workers to 'Iowa for the 1984 campaign we should seriously begin considering reforming the primary system. Daily Feature Editor Amy Saitzman recently returned from Iowa where she was covering the caucuses. Carter Cronkite Bush h r f ra B il Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. XC, No. 94 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan AKrem 1in rq kd wn Letters to the Daily Afghan people need Soviet presence l Z . 3L- ,L NeA. 1.1 A. A A . HE WAS ALWAYS the untouchable one. When the other prominent Soviet dissidents were given one-way tickets for a vacation in Siberia, this outspoken hero could be detained, harassed, or even threatened with ex- pulsion. But he was never arrested; he was too important. The western world, especially the United States, would never forgive the Kremlin. Detente. was fragile enough without risking it even further. No longer. Andrei Sakharov is ex- pendable. What the Soviets did by transferring the noted scientist and admired dissident to the secluded city of Gorky demonstrated in one big sweep that the Soviets do not care anymore about what the United States thinks. Dealing harshly with the most important dissident in Moscow is no longer a diplomatic liability. Recent events have changed the rules of the game. The Russians want to prove that they're just as tough as Jimmy Carter; he may postpone the Olympics, but the Kremlin can move Sakharov out of Moscow. Afghanistan, of course, dramatically changed the course of U.S.-Soviet relations. The naked aggression and brutal force by the Russians not only completely alienated the American public and its slow-learning leader- ship, but threw the rest of the western world, as well as Pakistan, into a state of alarm. What many hardline policy analysts had suspected for years - that the Russians aim to colonize as much as possible - suddenly was given a new dose of credibility. Jimmy Carter said his view of the Kremlin's intentions has changed; he would-not, be fooled again. Yet, this most recent display of in- justice carries even more dangerous ramifications for the future. If Andrei Sakharov can be treated like this, what does that mean for the others trying to fight the flaws of the Soviet system - censorship, religious restrictions, etc? Since Sakharov broke away from Soviet ideology in 1968, he has been widely viewed as the king of the dissident movement. Even when the Soviets began one of their sudden crackdowns on dissent by imprisoning Yuri Orlov, Anatoly Scharansky and Alexander Ginzburg two years ago, the dissident struggle still had a fighting chance. Using his elaborate contacts among the media and the Soviet government, Sakharov was able to leak out information and aid other dissidents. He represented a symbol of hope, a prayer that maybe, just maybe, the Soviets would give greater freedom to their citizens, and open them to the outside world. Sakharov also symbolized the Carter administration's active involvement in the plight of Soviet dissidents. The president's human rights policies brought him into open conflict with the Russians. That symbol is now in Gorky. If it's an omen for a new wave of Soviet repression to keep the atmosphere calm for the Olympics, then they may as well give up. Any more moves like this can' only re-fuel the anti-Soviet sentiment building up around the globe. As if Afghanistan wasn't enough. To the Daily: When the Soviet-backed regime in Afghanistan was threatened by a reactionary Islamic holy war this month, Russian tanks rolled across the border to quell the uprising by the mullahs and the khans. The capitalist media pulled out the stops to build sym-. pathy for the so-called freedom fighters while Carter, stung by yet another humiliation of U.S. imperiglism in the Near East, began his new Cold War crusade against the Soviet Union. In this military confrontation pitting Soviet soldiers backing the nationalist government in Afghanistan against feudal and pre-feudal forces aided by im- perialism, it is clear that Marxists side with the Russian tanks. Hail the Red Army! The Islamic insurgents, backed by the U.S., are fighting to preserve Afghanistan's cen- turies-old traditions of enforced social backwardness. The coun- try is almost totally rural, life expectency is 40 years, 4 per cent of the population owns 40 per cent of the land, the illiteracy rate reaches 90 per cent for males and 98 per cent for females and the overwhelming majority of women are imprisoned in the head-to-foot chador (veil). While not openly repudiating Islam, the successive Moscow-backed nationalist regimes which first came to power in April 1978, sought to give the country a secular, progressive image. The nationalists cancelled debts of poor and landless peasants to moneylenders and proposed a sweeping land reform to hand 240,000 peasant families full ownership of the land. The main fuel for Islamic reac- tion, however, was not so much economic reforms as the limited measures for the equality of women. The new regime reduced the traditional bride price to the nominal sum and introduced compulsory education for girls and voluntary literacy programs for adult women. In response, the Islamic leaders tookhup arms. Last April troops had to be brought to a small town near the capital where religious mobs at- tacked a school for extending a literacy program to women. The mullah's "struggle for indepen- dence" is in fact a holy war for the "right" to buy and sell women as chattel slavery. The Red army in Afghanistan is most assuredly on the side of progress fighting the most barbaric forces of feudal oppression and religious Angola against the U.S. in-, stigated South African invasion in 1975-76 are three instances sin- ce the end of World War II where Russian military action has clearly aided the liberation of the oppressed and the defense of the Soviet state against imperialism. From a military point of view the=Soviet intervention may or mnsiethave been wise, though it is deeply just to oppose the Islamic reactionary insurgence backed by imperialism. In fact, although it is uncalled for militarily, a natural response on the part of the world's young lef- tists would be an enthusiastic desire to join an international brigade to fight the CIA- connected mullahs. However, some phony leftists like the Young Social Alliance and the Youth Against War and Fascism squirm when the issue of Afghanistan is brought up because in neighboring Iran they champion Khomeini and his fran- atic followers who have an iden- tical world view with the barbaric Afghan mullahs. Within the framework of Afghanistan along there is no solution to national and social problems. These questions are linked, historically as well as socially, to the fate of the Russian Revolution. One need only look at the gains that women have made in the Soviet East to see what proletarian liberation of these pre-capitalist areas meant. Women in the muslim areas of the USSR have vastly more social gains than in any bourgeois Islamic country. By giving unconditional military support to the Soviet army and the left-nationalist Afghan forces we in no way place political ceonfidenc,e in the Kremlin bureaucracy or the nationalists in Kabul. While the Moscow Stalinists apparently presently intend to shore up against the present regime and if anything, limit the space of democratic reforms, the prolonged presence if the Soviet army opens up more far-reaching possibilities. Extend the gains of the Russian Revolution to the Afghan peoples! Today, such an outcome would be at best a bureaucratically deformed workers state. Only proletarian political revolution in the USSR can truly restore the Red army and the Soviet state to its internationalist and revolutionary mission. And only Trotshyist parties armed with the nnartflff nffrmn nt rp* nnuinn Tothi Int the N issue, postp cies daily Resol and o Midd facelE those "Islas Afg the I Israe threa While one a to bu soil.T suffer senin the talks inadc proac dividi No' Amer inforr troub The public is invited to a forum Union. on Afghanistan and Iran entitled, -S partacus Youth League "U.S. Imperialism's New (Cold Irene Rhinesmith War" this Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Jan.23 the Kuenzel room in the Michigan O; Mid-east conflict ersists e Daily: East., Oa anuary,25, 26, and 27 he swirl of recent events in the Ann Arbor Committee for a diddle East certain crucial New JeV'V1 h Agenda is spon- s have been pushed aside, soring the award-winning 1977 oned because of the exigen- film, We are all Arab Jews in of power politics. While the Israel." Directed and produced news is cast in terms of U.N by the Moroccad born Israeli, utions, troop displacements Igaal Niddam, this film brings il supplies, the people of the viewers closer to the actual le East remain in large part people of the Middle East and the ess to us, their problems true problems dividing them. of "tribes," "rebels," and Niddam focuses on the 800,000 or !mic fanatics." so Sepharic Jekvs, their culture hanistan and Iran dominate and their problems, and he headlines, yet the Arab- suggests that these oriental i conflict persists as a Israelies could offer a natural tening, pressing reality. bridge to the Arab world, and Begin and Sadat fall over especially to the Palestinians.e nother in courting the U.S. The film "We are all Arab Jews ild military bases on their in Israel" will be shown Friday, heir populations continue to January 25 in Angell Hall 2235 at r from disasterous and wor- 7:30 p.m., Saturday, January 26, g economic conditions, and in Congregation Beth Israel, 2000 Palestinian "autonomy" Washtenaw, in Ann Arbor, at 7:30 reveal themselves to be an p.m., and on January 27 in 126 equate, half-hearted ap- East Quad at 3 p.m. A small ad- ch to the central issue mission fee will be asked at the ng Arabs and Israelies. door, w more than .ever ricans need to become well- med about all aspects of the ling events in the Middle -Robert Schneider Ann Arbor Committee for a New Jewish Agenda Jan. 21 " Don't draft the young To the Daily: All the proposals for reviving the military draft envisage calling up again our 18- and 19- year-old boys. However, I have a suggestion to make. If conscription is again put over on us, wouldn't it be much more advisable to draft our 40- and 50-year olds. Why put the duty and serious responsibility for the killing and the dying solely on out somewhat immature and inexperienced youths? Experienced and older men could handle the many requirements and grave respon- sibilities of military service far more capably and efficiently. Actually, are out 18- and 19- year-old boys, woth almost their entire lives still ahead of them, the only group in our country required to do the killing and the dying? After the terrifying tragedy of Vietnam, where over 50,000 of our youth needlessly gave their lives, I say our boys have every right to protest. --Charles C. Lockwood (Class of 1914) Jan. 18 Some Steelers are giving F OOTBALL FANS in Pittsburgh had more than just a world cham- 'pion team to cheer about on Sunday. They also had the political conscience of their Steelers to lord above the Rams and the other also-rans in the with 12,000 sorely needed dollars, but - ut the civil rights organization back in- to the news. It was only twelve years ago that two American sprinters raised their fists in the "Black Power" salute on the vic- Imports To the Daily: I am shocked by your editorial (Jan. 20) supporting import restrictions. Import restrictions take jobs away from desperately poor people in the third world, and damage our economy.. Goods are produced abroad because other nations make them cheaper. We will have to pay Shapiro To the Daily: University President Harold Shapiro's contention reported in the Jan. 23 Daily that the educated person is interested in the pursuit of a job is disturbing Why must one who has con- sidered life critically have an ap-r petite for the professional? Perhaps through his reflectiorr