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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
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See Today for details
Vol. XC, No. 92
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 23, 1980
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
call for U.S.
assistance in
a rms buildup
By The Associated Press
Pakistan, unable to obtain from
China the kind of extensive assistance it
wants, called yesterday for "durable,
credible" aid from the United States to
build up its armed forces in the face of
the new Soviet presence in neighboring
Official sources in Islamabad, the
:Pakistani capital, said the government
of President Mohammed Zia ul-Haq
needs several billion dollars in aid to
modernize its defenses. Last week, Zia
dismissed as "peanuts" President Car-
ter's offer of $200 million in military aid
*and $200 million in economic aid.
THE CARTER aid package was
withdrawn from congressional con-
sideration and U.S. and Pakistani of-
ficials continue negotiations.
THere were no new reports on the
'war in Afghanistan, iwhere fresh Soviet
combat troops were reported being
airlifted in to bolster the Soviet force,
estimated at 80,000 men, that has been
helping Afghan government troops put
down a rebellion by anti-communist
While most of the fighting has been
reported in northwestern Afghanistan,
China's official Xinhua news agency
said yesterday that Soviet units also are
strengthening their grip in the
See PAKISTAN, Page 2
Reagan, Kennedy
look to Northeast
APP'hoto '
JODY POWELL, President Carter's press secretary, is awarded a kiss
from "Babe" Bisignano, a local restauranteur, and a hug from Jim Sarcone
while walking through the throngs at the Democratic caucus headquarters
in Des Moines.
Prof. l outlines new
technoloical revolution
Special to the Daily
DES MOINES - Sen. Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.), who just four mon-
ths ago was the 2-to-1 favorite of his par-
ty, yesterday said he would have to win
the Feb. 10 Maine caucus vote and the
Feb. 26 New Hampshire to continue his
challenge to President Carter for the
Democratic nomination.
California's former. governor Ronald
Reagan meanwhile predicted that he
would win outright the Republican
primary in New Hampshire, while
downplaying his loss to former Central
Intelligence Agency Director George
Bush in Iowa's Monday night caucuses.
Reagan dismissed the caucus as an in-
significant "straw vote" attributable
more to Bush's superior organizational
effort than to any erosion of his own
support among rank-and-file
Reagan did, however, hint that
he may now alter his aloof style of
campaigning and actually join in
debates with his Republican opponents.
REAGAN AND Kennedy-whom
political observers practically assumed
would be challenging each other in
November because of each man's
favored status in their respective par-
ties-found their myths of invincibility
finaly shattered in Iowa's caucus
For Kennedy, his decline in the polls
and public standing was swift and
steady following his announcement of
candidacy and the outbreak of the
Iranian hostage crisis. His loss in Iowa
had been predicted, although even the
White House was surprised by the
margin-a whopping two-to-one.
Carter, who predicted over the sum-
mer he would "whip his ass" if Ken-
nedy challenged him, won 59 per cent of
the precinct level delegates to Ken-
nedy's 31 per cent. Ten per cent were
REAGAN WENT into the Iowa
Republican caucuses still the
acknowledged frontruner, so Bush's
32.8 per cent to 26.7 per cent win was a
genuine upset for Reagan. Bush's vic-
tory, however, was not totally unexpec-
ted, since Reagan's campaign was seen
as faltering in Iowa ever since his
decision to skip a Jan. 5 debate between
Republican candidates..
Reagan's strategy, laid down by his
national campaign manager John
Sakharoy stripped of
honors, sent into exile
Sears, called for the 68-year-old fron-
trunner to campaign extensively in the
Northeast and virtually ignore Iowa,
relying there on his high name
recognition instead of personal ap-
The Northeast is seen as the pivotal
region in Reagan's master plan to win
the GOP nomination. In 1976, that area
of the county, including New Ham-
See KENNEDY, Page 2
MOSCOW (AP) - Nobel Peace Prize-
winner Andrei Sakharov, the nation's
most outspoken dissident, was banished
yesterday to internal exile in Gorky in
an apparent effort-to silence his calls
for greater human liberty in the Soviet
Harvard University Sociology Prof.
Daniel Bell looked into the future
yesterday afternoon at Rackham Am-
phitheatre and foresaw a day when
"teletext" video terminals, con-
solidating newspaper and television in-
formation, reference books, and even
the Yellow Pages, will occupy a major
part of every household.
Bell, speaking in the first of the three-
part 1979-80 William W. Cook Lecture
Series, entitled "The Third
Revolution-And Its Consequences,"
attempted to illustrate his version of
what might happen in this age of elec-
tronics, computers, and telecom-
munications, an age Bell calls the
"third revolution." "The possibilities of
what might.happen are huge," Bell
said. "Of course, there is no guarantee.
It all depends on the politics of the
BELL, WHO IS chairman of the Arts
and Science Commitee on the Year
2000, estimated that the third revolution
began after World War Il. "There is no
single gadget or process that represen-
See MELL'S, Page 7
" The noted physicist - considered a
hero by the Kremlin for his work on the
hydrogen bomb, then an enemy when
he joined the dissidents in the 1960s -
was accused of "subversive work"
against the state and stripped of all
He was told by a Moscow prosecutor
the move would prevent him from con-
tacting Western newsmen, according to
a woman who lived with the Sakharov
family in Moscow and said she was
quoting Sakharov.
Family members permitted to ac-
company Sakharov and his wife Yelena
Bonner to Domodedovo airport in a
police van said they saw the Sakharovs
board a TU-134 aircraft and the plane
take off for Gorky, on the Volga River
250 miles from Moscow. Like several
other major Soviet cities, Gorky is
closed to foreigners.
. "He was only concerned about us in
those last minutes. He had no 'last wor-
ds' for the world - but you'll hear from
him again, I assure you," the woman,
Liza Alexeyeva, told The Associated
See SOVIET, Page"2
ePoliticians promote a
plethora of tai plans
.,.accused of 'subversive works'
Michigan citizens eager for a property
tax cut will discover a varied and
potentially confusing array of
proposals, should the backers of the
five tax adjustment plans succeed in
getting them on the ballot.
House Minority Leader William
Bryant (R-Grosse Pointe Farms) has
challenged Democratic leaders in the
legislature to "come up with whatever
proposal has the most support," said
Bryant. "We will put theirs on (the
ballot) and compete with them on the
ballot. (House Speaker Bobby) Crim
has accepted."
Democratic and Republican leaders in
the legislature will cooperate to give
each party's plan the necessary two-
thirds vote required to make either the
August or November ballots, and "let
the people choose between them."
As many as three other, proposals
that would reduce property taxes also
cold be placed on the November ballot,
f their supporters manage to collect
286,722 petition signatures.
One tax shift, sponsored by Rep.
Mark Siljander (R-Three Rivers) has
the support of the Republican leader-
ship and 90 per cent of the Republican
caucus, according to Siljander. The
Siljander plan would cut property taxes
on homesteads, while maintaining tax
levels on commercial, industrial, and
second homes. "This reduces property
on farm and residential homestead by
50 to 70 per cent," said Siljander. "Yet
it maintains local control of the
RENTERS WOULD also feel the
proposal's benefits in increased income
tax credits on rent, said Siljander.
Senior ,citizens and the disabled would
also get greater tax credits. The Siljan-
der proposal also would increase tax
Against the backdrop of approaching
city elections and budget discussions,
City Council Monday night took
preliminary steps toward a tax rate
rollback for Ann Arbor residents.
The four part resolution calls for a
millage rollback through the combined
budget efforts of the three overlapping
taxing units - the city, the school
district, and Washtenaw County.
Louis Belcher to invite members of the
Ann Arbor School Board and the
Washtenaw County Board of Com-.
missioners to a Febl. 11 meeting to
discuss millage decreases in each
Councilman David Fisher (R-Fourth
Ward) said his concern over local
property tax increases between ten and
30 per cent annually prompted him to
sponsor the relief measure. The year-
old Headlee Amendment limits average
tax increases to the rise in the Con-
sumer Price Index, but has not relieved
the tax burdens on residential property.
City Assessor Wayne Johnson said
Ann Arbor's total tax rate is "one of the
higher rates" in-the state "because we
have so much exempt property in the
city." The University owns the largest
proportion - about 50 per cent - of the
tax exempt land, Johnson said. While it
doesn't bring in revenue to the city
through taxes, properties on exempt
land still receive city services.
OTHER FACTORS contributing to
high property taxes are inflation, high
construction costs, a tight housing
market, and increasing costs of city
services, according to Johnson.
Monday night, Council also urged the
school board and the county to adopt
budgets that incorporate a millage
rollback. In 1979, 59 per cent of an
average resident's tax bill went to the
See CITY, Page 7
Ready? Go! Housing ra
Campus Manage ment Older and modern 137 units- List available
663-4101 buildings; apartments 2/3 available now
Campus Rentals Apartments and 72 Units- List available
665-8825 houses 40-50 available now
Dahlman Apartments 5 modern apartment 88 apt. units- List available
761-7600 buildings; 16 houses 53 avail.; 8 houses avail. now
Duane Black Apartments in 100 units- Call landlord
665-5620 older houses 40 available for apt. info.
Forest Terrace Furnished 2-bedroom 30 units- List available
769-6374 apartments 10 available now
Maize and Blue Modern 1, 2, and 167 units- List available
761-3131 3 bedroom apartments "very, very few available" next week
McKinley Associates Apartments and houses; 600 units,- List available
769-8520 effic., I & 2 bdrms. about 450 available now
Modern Management Apartments and 140 units- List available
668-6906/663-3641. houses openings unknown end of week
Old Towne Realty Older houses split 150 units- List available
663-8989 into apartments about 50 per cent avail. Feb. 4
Park Plaza Modern Apts, 36 units- List available
761-2559 1 and 2-bedroom "very few open" now
Park Terrace Modern apartments; 15 units- List available
769-5014 mostly two-bedroom nothing available now
Post Realty Older and modern apts; 200 units- List available
761-8220 1 and 2 bedrooms about 50 per cent avail. Feb. 15
Reaume and Dodds Mod., furn. apts.; effic., 68 units-about Call now for
434-0550 1 and 2 bedrooms 50 per cent available appointments
Sang Y. Nam 5 apart. bldgs., furn. effic., 83 units- List available
662-1351 1, 2, and 3-bed. apts. over 50 units now
Tower Plaza Modern apartments; 298 units- Apple. taken in March,
769-5551 . effic., 1 and 2 bedrooms "limited openings" list avail. in summer
University Towers Effic., I and 2 bedroom 240 units- List available
761-2680 apartments 2/3 available Feb. 23
Vernon Hutton 4 modern apt. 95 units- List available
663-9268 buildings openings unknown end of January
ce is on
Just about this time every year,
gangs of curious and anxious studen-
ts trod the city's sidewalks and tie up
the telephone lines in hopes of
securing a spot in Ann Arbor's tight
housing market. If there is anything
certain about what you'll find, it's
that rent will be higher than ever.
And, believe it or not, you'll have
little trouble finding a place for the
"THERE WILL be a reasonable
selection of housing through this
term," said Jo Williams, associate
director of information for the Off-
Campus Housing Office. Williams
said that even though it is a good
idea to start seeing what the market
holds now, students will not hurt
their chances for finding housing if
they wait until spring.
A number of housing alternatives
are available to students. Frater-
nities and sororities embrace bet-
ween seven and nine per cent of all
student housing, cooperative
housing holds one and a half per cent
of the !student population, and
University residence halls hold
about one-third or 10,000 students.
But by far, houses and apartments
are the most abundant types of
housing, comprising over half of all
living spaces for students.
Many student houses and apar-
tments are within one mile of cam-
See SCRAMBLE, Page 7
Listed is housing information from many of
the city's major rental agencies.
Wilson White
Older and modern apt.
buildings; houses
200 units
availability unknown
List available
I I____________________________________________________
- . _________________________________________________________________________ I I ml
being brought back. The award was given to Shapiro by
the dorm's Pride Committee,
which was careful to temper
last night's dorm meal
with a pre-dinner reception
of shrimp and fresh fruit.
But even in the notoriously
crazyvconfines of South
Quad, the evening's events
weren't all fun and games
when after dinner Shaniro
Sexist jurisprudence ?
. Teenage girls are severely discriminated against by
American laws, courts, and correctional agencies, accor-
ding to University Social Work Prof. Rosemary Sarri. Sarri
was co-director of the National Assessment of Juvenile
Corrections, a five-year study which revealed discrepan-
cies in the treatment of male and female juvenile offenders..
Teenage girls are arrested for less serious offenses, are
more likely to be locked up once arrested, and are held for
longer periods of time in inferior correctional programs,
nable to collect blood from those workers as was
cheduled. The organization is relying heavily on a campus
lood drive to supply much of the 900 pints used daily in 75
outheastern Michigan hospitals. Blood donations will be
aken -in the Michigan Union basement today between 1
).m. and 7 p.m. and tomorrow and Friday between 11 a.m.
nd 5 p.m. The blood drive is sponsored by Alpha Chi
On the inside
Recollections of the impressions left by coverage of the.