0 -0 The M higan Daily-Sunda Page 6-Sundby, January 20, 1980-The Michigan Daily The new right's armchair politicians, and what they want for America James Deans Cat Forecast: Anhedonia in th By Howard Witt ONSERVATISM MAY BE sweeping the country these days, but here in Ann Arbor it's difficult to get anyone to admit to holding even a whisk broom. A city that sports a liberal college campus and a Republican government would seem to be open to almost any political beliefs. Yet many students, professors, and politicians who are broom-closet con- servatives vehemently shun unpopular right-wing labels as they would a Scarlet Letter "C." Even if you can get a conservative to wear that label without flinching, the mere whisper of "neoconser- vative" will turn him or her white with fear. Or red with rage. Or blank with confusion. Some have heralded neoconservatism-the mention of which rarely fails to elicit some type of reaction-as the political philosophy of the future. Yet many know little about it: they could not begin to speculate on neoconservative influences in Ann Arbor, let alone the nation. There is no simple definition of the neoconservative movement. Between the economists and sociologists in the movement there is such 'division on some issues that the two groups often sit at separate tables in the brown-bag lunchroom of the American Enterprise In- stitute (AEI)--the neoconservative "headquarters" in Washington. Neoconservatives can be members of any political party; many are former liberals who became disillusioned during the 1960s. A great many neocon- servatives are intellectuals-writers, professors, publishers, editors. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan is perhaps the most well-known member of the movement. Peter Steinfels, author of a book about the movement and executive editor of Commonweal magazine, creates for the reader two brief sketches that begin to outline a definition of neoconservatism. "An outspoken advocate of prison reform, affir- mative action, the Equal Rights Amendment, open admissions, and McGovernite reforms within the Democratic party" is not likely to be a neoconser- vative, Steinfels writes. "The individual with a good word for censorship, capital punishment, consciously vative movement was offered by one of its leaders in a Newsweek article several years ago. Irving Kristol, noted academic and editor of The Public Interest, ex- plained that neoconservatism is not hostile to the idea of the welfare state, but is critical of a paternalistic state; that it has confidence in the free market as an instrument to spread resources efficiently without government interference; that it cherishes traditional values and institutions such as cultural stability, religion and the family; and that it affirms traditional notions of equality of opportunity but rejects as dangerous to liberty the idea that everyone should end up with equal shares of everything. Finally, Kristol noted-long before the current anti- Americanism surfacing in the Mideast and the crisis in splits between neoconservative economists and sociologists. This split is actually something of a paradox, Mit- chell explains. "If everyone were unconstrained, it would be difficult for the development of an orderly society. Most successful societies permit people freedom, but most people in those successful societies behave conventionally, not exercising that freedom." This, according to Mitchell, is the key to a successful society: a few cause the changes, and the system works. Neoconservative ideas in Ann Arbor are certainly .not limited to professors. "The free market and capitalist system wouldn't last a week without the stability that government creates,'' says another Ann Arbor resident, echoing the argument for stability favored by some neoconservative political scientists. Yet this resident is certainly not a neoconservative; indeed, she labels herself a reformer, which she says "is a variety of liberal." Second Ward Democratic Councilwoman Leslie Morris' opinions underline another difficulty in attempting to define neoconser- vatism: many of the movement's ideas are not ex- clusive to conservatives.' Consider Morris' opinions on the issue of equality in society. "I think there has been much reaction to what was perceived as quite rapid change in the sixties. Some groups, for example, perceived that the blacks were making a lot of noise and getting ahead, so they started to make noise also. But if people took seriously what they were demanding from government-equality for everyone of everything-then they would see that government can't possibly do everything they ask it to do.' Stated simply, the neo-. conservat Ives expect ,public to lower its expec- tations. If people expect- less, they will not be dis- appointed don't get when what they By Bodensee R ECENTLY, A FRIEND or ours- with a gun to his head-an- nounced that the 80's had arrived, and pulled the trigger. This set us to thinking. The new decade, arriving right on schedule, promises all sorts of problems and discouragements for everyone, leaving even the most sanguine and reasonable riddled with grief and angst. Yet taking one's own life as an alter- native to facing the future, while a time-honored remedy, may be a bit rash, especially for those with long- term investments or money on loan to friends. Some may want to wait a few years, just to see how things go, and others may bravely commit themselves to living out the decade-ALL TEN YEARS -only to come upon another one almost immediately. 0 Accordingly, we have objectively surveyed the prospect of life in the next ten years in order to help ourselves reach a rational answer to this puzzling problem. Ever the optimists, we con- sidered first those reasons for sticking it out until 1990. First of all, we'll most of us graduate, and this alone will bring untold advan- tages: By 1990, we will face no more in- sidious essay exams, pop-quizzes, and recommended reading lists several meters long. Far away from Michigan, we'll never even blink when the foot- ball team wears the habitual horns of the goat each year around Christ- mastime. All of today's petty annoyances will then seem as nothing. When we're situated in our nice city apartments the whining No-Nukes protesters will be miles away, as will the self-righteous Youths For Stalin who try to sell you their miserable newspaprs during every foray through the Fishbowl. You will go days, nay, weeks without run- ning into any noisy, cat-burning frater- -nity , boys and their consequent monogrammed-sweater clad sorority girls. Should you chance to come bck to Bodensee is a student un-coopera- tive house. Gird your loinsfor the ten years. ahead sire ... Afghanistan-that American democracy is not likely to survive for long in a world that is overwhelmingly hostile to American values. Neoconservatives, he explained in 1976, are critical of isolationism and suspicious of detente. So it is possible to picture neoconservatives in a more positive light. Kristol's brief analysis, however, also turns out to be insufficient. Steinfels points out that most liberals would also be for a welfare state and against paternalism. Few people would insist that equality of opportunity necessarily means that everyone must have equal shares of everything. And many who are not neoconservatives would readily agree with the proposition that American democracy is unlikely to survive in a world that is hostile to American values. i Clearly, then, a more complete and unassailable definition of the neoconservative movement is in order. Unfortunately, such a definition is something of a holy grail. Start, for instance, with the neoconservative political scientist's belief held by many that social stability is essential to the efficient operation of the free market Immediately one must confront the neoconservative economist's philosophy that stability is not necessarily ideal for a strong society or economy-a philosophy favored by one University professor cited as a "kissing cousin" of neoconservatism in an Esquire magazine article about the movement. Business Administration Professor Edward Mit- chell, one of three University professors cited in the ar- ticle, is one Ann Arbor resident not reluctant to be associated with neoconservatism. "I don't really care whether someone thinks I'm part of some group or other," he says. Of course, in Mitchell's case, it would. be rather difficult to deny his affiliation with the movement-he directs energy policy studies for AEI and travels to the Washington think-tank and ren- dezvous about once a month. (Mitchell and the other two faculty members named in the Esquire article-Business Administration Prof. Paul McCracken and Psychology Prof. Joseph Adelson-are the only three professors at the Univer- sity .currently associated with the neoconservative movement, according to Steinfels. McCracken has been unavailable for comment recently, and Adelson declined to be interviewed.) OST CONSERVATIVE economists believe that spontaneity and unpredictable change are not bad words, they're good. It is throug unexpected change that society moves ahead and progresses. Government tends to dull this spon- taneit"Mitchell says, outlinin* one of the ideological ,.,. c - T f _ A neoconservative could hardly express this sen- timent more clearly. The neoconservatives believe that governement is the victim of overload-"attempting too much, it has naturally failed and thereby undermined its own authority," as Steinfels puts it. Further, Steinfels says, "if impossible demands doom a high proportion of government programs to failure," it is the neoconser- vative strategy to shield the government's authority by dispersing responsibility for this failure. Sounding peculiarly Machiavellian, Moynihan writes: "Dif- the Old School, you won't have to read what all the children paint on the rock everytime whimsy strikes them, and the chemistry building will be gone. As an added bonus, all the engineers will be safely exiled to North Campus. Of course, once we're out of here, we won't be able to spend the whole decade reflecting upon our college careers and resting on our laurels. There'll be a lot to elevate and cheer us in the everyday world. Lycra spandex jeans, the breathtakingly revealing garb of the very chic and svelte, will soon be worn by people further and further away from the centers of fashion. This should occasion merrymaking by all. Contem- ptable trendy ,things, such as disco music; will surely begin to recede back into the Stygian depths from which they rose. Soberer magazines than this one proclaim that the 80's will be the decade of the computer, with micro-technology proceeding space and revolutionizing everyday items like toasters and children's toys. The latter, in fact, promise to become sufficiently com- plex and automated that, by the time we have kids, children will no longer be needed in order to conduct "play." This does not mean that children will become obsolete. Instead-and this is certainly encouraging-all the children we now know will grow up. Even the most intractably snotty among our younger brothers and sisters will become older and older, until even- tually they will cease to trouble us at all. In addition, a similar aging process will affect our parents, ensuring that they do not, in their mischief, create any further siblings to upset the situation. All this in the 80's: We'll worry less about the future because it will be ob- vious in our jobs, family lives, and financial obligations; advances in birth control technology will insure the health of the sexual freedom movement of the 70's, while the increasing popularity of powerful recreational drugs will help to neutralize a segment of the population no one cares much about anyway. Still depressed? Try to remember that both dusty entertainer Bob Hope and age-enrusted politician Ronald Reagan will, at some point in the coming decade, drop dead in their tracks. , Y ET ALL IS really not well; we all sense it. The 80's promise to be filled with disappointment and trauma. The energy crisis will not get any bet- ter, . and thus the heightened sophistication and sensitivity of young people will not help them make per- sonal relationships any easier; they will become unable to get anywhere to meet anyone. . The economy will no doubt persist in its discouraging downward trend, making sure that, although we'll make more money than our parents ever did, we'll never be nearly as successful. At the same time, our dwindling health will be in the hands of those slavering pre-meds we know and avoid today. There's more: Children everywhere will grow up, but Bob Talbert will con- tinue to write "Out of My Mind Monday Moanin"' for the Detroit Free Press; Mike Douglas's song (you all heard it), "Happy Birthday Jesus" will surely be played on every radio station throughout every Christmas season for the next ten years; Gary Coleman, the hideous image < not evei adolesc( py eyes. Then been go lately, Colemani combat takes th face the The v worldw enough Wesson is it rea would bi years ur the winc ting. We we (when t again be time t( inevitab publica Magazir If you surely s zipped-u that del speak; ( Carter. worthy out by t will seer so man; won't gii In any be readi soon yot irony ar and gra( that do r light of s Still u thing is else doe: "Me Ge us can e room fo us, we'v in the 70 and say somethit "mom" Noted intellectual Irving Kristol: the 'godfather of neoconservativism' elitist higher education, backroom methods for- nominating presidential candidates, the Cold War, and meritocracy, is quite likely a neoconservative," Stein- fels coitixues in The Neoconservatives: The Men Who Are Changing America's Politics. Not exactly a flattering profile by almost any stan- dards. But these descriptions are, as Steinfels readily admits, much too simple. Neoconservatives would seem to oppose many basic tenets of American democracy and civil liberties. Yet the movement's proponents maintain that neoconservatism represents sober, straightforward, and often painfully direct analyses of what's wrong with America today, and how those wrongs can be righted. Another, more favorable profile of the neoconser- University Business Administration Professor Edward Mitchell: frequent trips to the think-tank fusing responsibility for social outcomes tends to retard the rise of social distrust when the promised outcome does not occur." Stated simply, the neoconservatives expect the public to lower its expectations. If people expect less, they will not be as disappointed when they don't get what they desire, the reasoning goes. Neoconser- vatives do not, however, explain how the public is to cope with these lowered expectations, or which social classes will have to do the most lowering. In fact, because the lowest social classes-who have the least-make most of the demands on government, it is these people who will bear the worst burden of lowered expectations. The neoconservatives, understandably, do not readily point this out. Clearly, ideas such as this one are not going to gain See NEO, Page 8 . I Howard Witt, Daily editorial page editor-elect, is a neoconservative dressgr-r. M .,-. .. . _ . . . ..A.. . * ,- i