A UTHOR 'S PEA CE PROPOSA L: Scienc By DAVID BOWMAN "There are two probably patterns for e future population of the earth. The ost humane one is an overpopulated, rowded, steady state situation where e -have achieved some form of pulation control. The other is an scillating pattern of a period of in- rease followed by catastrophic ecline, followed by increase, decline, increase ... These are the only two patterns I see possible under any kind a system that recognizes a limit to owth situation. But, under a plan of space industrialization, new land is made literally out of nothing; nothing that we could ever use before. Fur- thermore, the amount of land that is made increases geometrically." ;e fiction becomes a fact The speaker is Joe Haldeman, Hugo and Nebula award winning author of The Forever War, Mindbridge, Infinite Dreams and All My Sins Remembered. Haldeman harbors a background of personal experience that makes his views on the possible future quite in- aresting, while his writing has _roduced some of the most memorable science-fiction of recent years. His combinations of fast-moving narratives, realistic dialogue, believable characters, and a solid scientific background produce an en- joyable and captivating style. The Forever War depicts a future war as seen through the eyes of one of its participants, William Mandella. In e midst of a highly inventive world here awesome technology, strength- enhancing war suits, and hypnotically induced aggression are commonplace, Mandella appears as a very real person. This credibility comes from Haldeman's own experience in the Vietnam War. "I meant the book to be about the effect the Viet Nam War had on America," Haldeman explains. "On a character level, the things that Man- [ella went through parallel the things at happened to me." The book is an interesting mixture of high adventure and seriousness. It is rather pessimistic by the nature of its subject matter, but the pessimism is not overpowering enough to lead to despair. There are enough instances of humorous subtlety that allows one needed relief. Violence and sex occur often enough to be considered major themes, but do not permeate or over- balance other ideas. In fact, both are andled with a masterful quality of un- derstatement which leaves one's imagination active and produces very effective literary response. The narrative is so well-paced that it is sometimes easy to miss the subtlety through which the chaacters are manipulated. HALDEMAN'S STYLE is directly related to those writers he terms his vorites. "I should carry a list around, ut it changes all the time. I've been in- fluenced very much by Heinlein and, out of science-fiction, Hemingway. But, some of the writers I've likes best haven't had much influence on my own writing.. "My first novel War Year, which is about Viet Nam, got very good reviews, but several reviewers pointed out my heavy debt to Hemingway. In fact, when I wrote that, the only Hemingway I had ever read was The Old Man and the Sea; and I read that in ninth grade." Another Haldeman novel, All My Sins Remembered, contains a character, Otto McGavin, who is completely manipulated by the spy organization for which he works. In fact, the manipulation is so intense that it produces a completely character-less person; a puppet completely without free will used as a tool to clean up the spy organization's dirty work. Otto im- personates other so well as to be without identity himself. Haldeman ex- plains that this quality of Otto's is the central idea of the. book. "A problem with human nature is the fact that we identify so strongly with our professions. I ask, 'What are you?' and you say a newspaper man or science- fiction writer or housewife. But this is not really true. I spend eight hours a day being a science-fiction writer, but the rest of the time I'm a husband, hob- biest, male. homo sapien ... all sorts of things. I wanted to make a character who literally was nothing but his profession. He had no identity other than his profession: Of course, when he realizes that that's the sum total of his existence, that's the point of the book." HALDEMAN'S SPECULATIONS are usually science-oriented, but there has been occasion for his imagination to dewll on the realm of the fantastic. In this case, Haldeman's fact becomes as interesting as his fiction. "There have been a couple of curious experiences where apparently, at least from my viewpoint, I evidently died; and a microsecond later, I was back on the scene. At least that's the way it comes to me through my senses. "We were on a hill in Viet Nam under intense enemy fire. We'd lost a couple hundred men: it was a very bad battle. We were ging to get wiped- out. There was only one part of the hill from which we were not surrounded. It had a little ledge on which they could bring in small helicopters one at a time; taking out three or four men each trip. To get there, you had to get over the hill, and it made you a sitting duck. "ITBECAME MY turn, and so, I ran over the hill in a hail of bullets. I wasn't touched. I jumped in the helicopter and it took off. "Well, when you get in a helicopter and it takes off normally, you leave your legs dangling over the side. Nor- mally this is no problem because helicopters go up. But this was on a ledge on a 1,000 to 1,500 foot cliff and it went down, and I fell out of the helicop- ter. I remember very strongly looking between my knees. First there was metal, and then nothing but the green of the jungle. And a split second later I was back in the helicopter. When it lan- ded I said, 'Who pulled me in?' and 'Which one of you guys saved my life?', but they didn't know what I was talking about. "MAYBE IT WAS all an illusion. Maybe I just panicked. But, maybe, to get weird; to get science-fictional about it; it could be in this parallel universe I did die. But since I died I'm not there anymore, so I flickered back into a very closely parallel reality where I didn't fall out of the helicopter. It's possible, or maybe if you want to look at it geometrically, there was that 'fork' up there in probability, and the fact that I died flashed back and gave me an in- stant of living in both worlds. "There is a physiological explanation for this. People can do remarkable physical things under death stress: It's possible that as-I was falling out of the; helicopter I reached back and grabbed; a strut or something and pulled myself back into the helicopter. Possibly, all my mind and body was devoted to that one act, and. my memory shortcir- cuited. That's probably the most rational explanation." Because of Haldeman's education in science (he has a B.S. in Physics and Astronomy, and graduate work in mathematics and computer science), his speculations have yet another aspect; one that is deep-rooted through his own personal experience, but lacks the fictional or fantastic elements of his other ideas.i "I'VE TRIED TO come up with a workable alternative to war," Haldeman explained at his recent Rackham Auditorium appearance. "It has to do with space utilization: In general, the idea is once we are ac- tually able to live in space, and using the energy and materials that are in space, we will no longer have territorial problems." In addition to the usual 'reasons for war; -whether they're social, economic, or political; there are qualities of human nature that in- still aggression. Haldeman also postulates a future where space travel and space industrialization serves as a means for redirecting or sublimating these passions of war. Using Gerard O'Neill's ideas and plans for space in- dustrialization as guidelines, Haldeman further elaborated bn the, possibility of a future without war. "There can be no world order until all of the world's people are reasonably prosperous. That means, at least, adequate food and shelter. The key to this prosperity is energy. This energy cannot come from conventional sour- ces." He explained that prosperity is usually gained at the expense of another culture. Without energy- related social differences, tensions will be lessened. Solar power satellites or- biting the earth could provide the energy provided to produce this change. Settlements of workers for the construction and maintenance of these satellites will accompany the satellites, becoming a permanent, constantly ex- panding living space. "These are huger factories that have to be built from scratch. It's going to take a -large, in- tensive laboring force. Tens of thousands of people eventually living in orbit." Haldeman's newest novel, Worlds (to be published later this year), deals with the problems we might face in a future society in which space industrialization has become a reality. "IT'S A FUTURE where there are large space settlements in orbit about the earth. They're just about at the point in this history where they become independent of earth because they're able to use materials from the asteriod belt. They no longer have to import things from earth. It sets up a very ten- se economic situation between these satellites and earth. The story is, on one level, how the people work out these economic and political problems, and also, on another level, a love story bet- ween a woman born on one of the satellites and two earth men." Although these ideas for a non-war- like future create unanswered questions and a whole new set of problems, the quality and thought- fulness of this speculation is typical of Haldeman's work. He admitted a cer- tain reservation over the total effec- tiveness of his plan. The central premise could be wrong. Human nature may possibly remain unchanged in a future world of plentiful energy. Abun- dance of energy may not necessarily lead to prosperity, or prosperity may simply not keep war away. The Michigan Daily-Sunday, January 20, 1980-Page5 A tten tionall cri tc Have you ever attended a concert, play, or film only to awake the following morning to a review that seemed to be written by someone who went to a different show of the same name? If you've ever said "I could do that!" after disagreeing with an arts page review, it's time to put your typewiter where your mouth is. The Daily is looking for new arts staff writers. The basic prerequisite.is a specific interest in writing and a general interest in the "arts" (your definition). Beside the usual popular music-film-theatre criticism we have an urgent need for writers interested in classical music and the visual arts. The bottom line here is creativity; if you have an original insight or ap- proach the arts page can be your outlet. The meeting for prospective arts staff writers is next Sunday, Janury 27, upstairs at the Student Publications Building at 420 Maynard, at 3:00 p.m. Your first assignment is a typed, triple-spaced sample of your writing, preferably representative of what you want to cover. If you can't make the meeting, stop in during the week and ask for the arts editors. Studio 54 -says 'bye to Rubell NEW YORK (UPI - Studio 54 co- owner Steve Rubell slowly climbed the, stairs to the alcove where the taped music was played, sat down at the microphone and addressed the crowd. "It's been a hard day 'for me," he , said, slurring his words almost beyond comprehension. "I'm glad you're here and I want you to have the best of times. All I can say is, 'I did it my way'." What Rubell did his way was evade paying $500,000 in income taxes, for which he was convicted, and sentenced Friday to three and A half years in prison. Rubell was also slapped with a $30,000 fine. The penguin, unlike other migratory birds, does not migrate by flying to new destinations each fall and spring. The penguin swims. It is the only bird that travels that way. American forces under Gen. W.H. Harrison defeated a combined British and Indian force near Moraviantown, Ont., in 1813 during the War of 1812. The British commander, Col. Henry A. Proctor, escaped, but the Indian chief Tecumseh was killed. SUMMER CAMPS The Ann Arbor "Y" is now accepting applications for staff positions at the following camps: Camp Al-Gon-Quian: A resident camp for boys and girls, located on Burt Lake in northern Michiaon. June 23-August 10. Senior staff positions, ages 18 and above, available in fol- lowing areas: horseback riding, sail- ing, canoeing, trips, arts and crafts, archery, woodworking, land sports, swimming and waterskiing. Salary plus room and board. Camp Birkett: A day camp for boys and girls, located on Silver Lake near Pinckney, June 16-August 15. Senior staff positions, ages 18 and above, are available for candidates with fol- lowing skills: archery, swimming, sailing, canoeing, arts and crafts, and nature. Applications and additional informa- tion regarding positions at both camps may be obtained by contacting the Ann Arbor "Y", 350 S. Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, or call (313) 663-0536. 6NjIVER5ITY 5fMUSICAL c OCIETY p re sen t,5 Szm Jan.q 3t* :O oerCne E 1 jI VEITY (1MSICAL 'SOCIETY p res'en tS ALFRED BRENDEL Pianist abortion?. . FreePregnancy Testing mmediate Results Conf identialCounseling Complete Birth Control Clinic Medicaid " Blue Cross 13) 941. 1 0 Ann Arbor and J313941-81 ODownriver area (313) 559-0590 Southfield area Northland Family Planning Clinic, Inc. A professional ballet company of international acclaim makes their second Ann Arbor appearance. Les Grands Ballets Canadiens was hailed in Europe in June, 1979 as an ambassador whose "vigor, eloquence, and stage presence truly represents the exhilarating spirit of its country." (La Gazette de Lausanne) Tickets available: $6.50, 8, 9, 10 Tickets at Burton Tower, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109 Weekdays 9-4:30, Sat. 9-12. Phone 665-3717. Tickets also available at Power Center 1 hours before performance time. L. In It!s s 101s st ,Ca soii NEW DIRECT FORtMULA ENTRY SCIENTHC/T, The incredibly advanced calculators with Direct Formula Entry and an Alphanumeric Dot Matrix LCD with Rolling Writer. Unique cursor. Operates in 3 modes: AER, COMP & STAT. Edit, correct or test your formula without using a pencil. Recall it at the touch of a key. Safe Guard" memory. The 5100 24 character display, rolling writer for up to 80 steps, 10 data memories. Tuesday,January 22 8:30, HiDAuditorium Ty -- - I. 1 The 5101 16 character display, rolling writer for up to 48 steps, 5 data memories. I.r~ff T '. ,. ... .-. . ..r- ... -.- -r. . ir ni hr tr C L rC