Page 4-Saturday, January 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily I Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom PLO is aligned Vol. XC, No. 89 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Reporters' ouster alarming I T HAS BECOME apparent over the past week that the answer to jour- nalists who do their jobs effectively is to evict theni from the areas they are covering. On Monday, all American journalists were ordered to leave Iran because their reporting was allegedly biased. On Thursday, the Soviet- backed government in Afghanistan also ordered out U.S. journalists, charging them with biased reporting and "interference in the country's in- ternal affairs." :That the Soviets could accuse the U.S. of interfering in Afghanistan's in- ternal affairs would be funny, were the consequences not so serious. Since the coup of last month . that ousted President Amin, Afghanistan has been in a state of turmoil, with the Soviets finding themselves forced to send in more troops than they had anticipated simply to keep their puppet gover- nment in Kabul in power. Clearly, western journalists were not making this task any simpler. Network nlews reports'night after night depic- ting rebellion against the new gover- nment and reports and photos of the growing Russian presence were verifying the international com- munity's suspicions of what the Soviets were up to. In times as tense as these, when more and more leaders in this and; other nations are calling for the Olym- pics to be moved from Moscow, image becomes everything. In the past, the Soviet Union generally has - been concerned about its image, not wanting to look tyrannical in the eyes of its fellow nations. This feeling, however, seeme to have fallen by the wayside. The Soviets have obviously decided that the best way to keep themselves from looking foolish is to keep them- selves from being seen at all; they hope to use rhetoric to counter any ac- cusations which cannot be refuted by fact. If there are no western reporters on the scene, we will have to rely on a nearly total Soviet-Afghan monopoly on news from the area. It is almost incomprehensible that the Soviets are naive enough to believe that they can make the international community think them justified in evicting western correspondents because those correspondents have done something wrong. Clearly, they have decided at this point that it is more important to repress the turmoil in Afghanistan without wasting time and effort shdting at journalists, en- forcing curfews, and destroying film, than it is to maintain an international image. This .act is chilling and its repercussions rebound on more than just the journalists. The current crisis in Iran and Afghanistan have put the focus of world attention on the most volatile region of the world: the Middle East and its periphery. Yet while these critical events have been unfolding, Israel and Egypt have been pushing forth to carry out the terms of last year's peace treaty. Israel's return of the Sinai is right on schedule. Both countries are making final arrangements for the opening of borders and the exchange of ambassadors, a historic milestone which will take place in a little over a month. Just last week President Anwar Sadat and Prime Minister Menacherr Begin met for their ninth summit to discuss regional concerns and the Palestinian autonomy negotiations. The fact that the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan dominated Sadat and Begin's discussions illustrated the common interests their two countries share with the United States. Both countries have offered the United States military facilities and other assistance since the American hostages were first seized in Teheran. And both Israel and Egypt seem to have pledged that they will not allow threatening events in the Middle East to in- terfere with the peace process. BUT WHILE ISRAEL and Egypt have been forging more permanent ties, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has been trying to take advantage of the political turmoil in the region. Palestinian leaders have tried to link theactions of the Iranian government and militants with their own political and military struggle. In a recent speech broadcast over the "Voice of Palestine," Yasser Arafat, head of the PLO, expressed Palestinian solidarity with the Iranian revolution. Arafat elucidatedthe role of the Ayatollah Khomeini in the "jihad (holy war) to liberate Jerusalem. Tell Imam Khomeini," he said, "to give the order and we will all obey and move to strike U.S. im- perialism and U.S. imperialist interests at anytime and in any place." The PLO's man on the scene in Teheran, Hani Al-Hasan, confirmed his organization's support for the Iranians against the United States: "The PLO puts all its forces, armed or unarmed, at the disposal of Khomeini, to fight against American intervention, inside and outside Iran." In addition to such statements, several recent press reports have sub'stantiated a direct link between the PLO and Iranian militants 'at the American embassy in Teheran, including the presence of Palestinians among the captors. The most detailed report came from Marvin Kalb of CBS News. "When Washington raised the threat of military intervention, U.S. experts say an unknown number of Palestinian guerrillas joined Iranians inside the com- pound and provided what's called 'technical assistance.' " BOTH CBS NEWS and Jack Anderson have confirmed that it was the Palestinians who By Jeffrey Colman mined the Teheran embassy and may have taken a direct hand in the security of the hostages. In a column devoted to the mysterious role of the PLO in Teheran, An- derson raises the possibility that Arafat's organization "may have had a hand in the planning and execution of the embassy takeover from the start." He cites the seizure of the Egyptian embassy in Turkey last July, as an example of the PLO assuming the deceptive role of mediator in a situation it had itself instigated. The State Department has not yet officially confirmed such reports. But Rep. Philip 'th Iran came to power, joining the Ayatollah in his denunciations of the United States and Israel. GIVEN THE PAST history of the PLO and its connection with Khomeini revolutioaries, why did it attempt to mediate the hostage crisis. at the beginning? Considering the evidence of PLO involvement with the Iranian terrorists, its mediation efforts seem to have been no more than cosmetic. Arafat apparently saw the appearance of a humanitarian gesture as a golden opportunity to gain favorable publicity in the United States. But Americans should not be deceived by the PLO leader who has been popping around European capitals appearing as a moderate while still threatening to destroy' 01 AP Photo IRANIAN LEADER Ayatollah Khomeini and Palestine Liberation Organization Chief Yasser Arafat embrace in Tehran. ILA: Comply with Carter T HE INTERNATIONAL Long- shoremen's Association (ILA), like most unions of blue-collar workers, has the reputation of being quite patriotic-at times excessively so. When President Carter announced. two weeks ago that he was halting grain shipments to the Soviet Union in response to the invasion of Afghanistan, he wisely did not impose the ban immediately. He said he would permit some 8 million metric tons of grain to be shipped first,' so that domestic transportation lines and storage silos would not be choked by the undelivered grain. The union, composed mostly of dockworkers, has elected not to deliver some of those 8 million tons, reverting to a boycott of Russian ship- ping that it held to steadfastly until 1972. But this time, they are doing far -more immediate harm to their countrymen than to their supposed enemies. As the President predicted, the mechanics of transportation and storage have been hindered by the union's action. Increasingly, farmers are finding it difficult to reroute their products to market. Carter's attempts to mitigate the negative effects of halting the grain shipments then, has. been largely wiped out by the ILA's expression of anger with the Soviet ac- tions in Afghanistan. It would seem that the nation could use a dose of Soviet-style labor-agriculture alliance. The union pressed on with its irresponsibility when its president, Thomas Gleason, declined to promise President Carter that he would ex- pedite a reversal of the group's policy. Despite Gleason's stubbornness on the issue, he had no explanation for his reluctance. For Gleason to deny im- mediate support for the President's request is to push the situation even closer to a state of emergency. Hasty action, which might not be afforded by the usual processes of union politics, is called for. The way is paved for the ILA to get about the business of unclogging domestic systems. President Carter is not even asking that the ILA discon- tinue its boycott of non-food shipments. It is past time for the dockworkers to return our foreign policy to the proper hands. Crane of Illinois, a Republican Presidential candidate, said that he was told by Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher that there was evidence of the presence of radical Palestinians in the embassy compound. The PLO-Iranian relationship should be of no surprise to those who are familiar with this terrorist organization. For the PLO has a long record of holding and killing innocent hostages, including diplomats. Most notably, Americans- should remember the 1973 execution of U.S. Ambassador Cleo Noel and Chrge d'Affaires George Moore at the Saudi embassy in Khartoum by Al Fatah terrorists .of the PLO. The instrumental role the PLO played in bringing Khomeini to power should also be noted. PLO leaders boast of having armed and trained Iranian revolutionaries who now control Iran. Arafat in fact was the first official visitor to Iran after Khomeini American interests in the Middle East. The PLO seems bent on taking full advan- tage of the crises in the Middle East to upset the peace process begun by Israel and Egypt. Faced with these crises and the PLO position,, it becomes more and more obvious that American vital interests in the region are shared by Israel and Egypt. The United,0 States should do all it can to prevent disorder in other parts of the Middle East from upset- ting the peace process, including the Palestinian autonomy negotiations now un- derway. It is an interesting irony of history that after being the scene of five bloody wars, the most stable and peaceful area of the en- tire region today is the Israeli-Egyptian bor- der. Jeffrey Colman is an LSA senior majoring in political science and history. Think you're gonna graduate? By Nick Katsarelas A good friend of mine was planning on graduating this April and going on to medical school. Despite the fact no one else was planning on him going to medical school, he insisted on going, maintaining that the rejection letters were a prank and that the acceptance letters were forth- coming. But his hopes were dashed the other day when he received a letter from the Academic Admissions Board in- forming him he cannot graduate. It happens that Fred (his real name) failed to meet all the criteria for graduation and will have to attend summer school. The letter is a good warning to those of you who believe you are headed smoothly down the road to commencement exercises. Dear Mr. McZinsky: We regret to inform you that you will not be allowed to graduate Satur- day, May 3, 1980. After reviewing your transcript, the Audit Council and the Academic Admissions Board of the College of LS&A have discovered you have not yet completed the necessary work required for graduation. The University takes pride in ex- plaining its regulations clearly and coherently, and it is a shame you have not been able to follow simple instruc- tions. According to our evaluation, Mr. McZinsky, you have firsit of all not finished your four-400-level cognates required for successful completion of your biology/zoology major/concen- tration. You filed for Distribution Pattern II (Plan C under the old for- mat) and according to the University of Michigan Bulletin, 1977-1978, Pat- tern II encompasses only 300-level cognates of humanities and social sciences under the new plan, with qualified exceptions to dual BA and BS graduates of the College of LS&A and the School of Nursing. Biology concentrators must complete 24 hours of C or better work in Plan A or C (under the old plan) or Pattern I or II (under the new plan). Or, the student must complete 13-23 credit hours of class inside or outside his or her Field of study, while being certain to fill out Form J (see Bulletin, Pg. 18) or Form X (see Bulletin, p. 48). Ten credit hours of work must be completed within non-cognates, but only with counselor's permission, bladder disrup- tion, and proper completion of Document 3DXZ (file No. 42). Also, Mr. McZinsky, your 432 "Behavior Modification of Hari Krishna" cannot count towards a humanities cognate, for only 17-24 I credit hours under Distribution Plan W (old format) or 12-16 credits under Pattern HImay be counted toward su41 cessful completion of a BA, BS, or BGS in 7 semesters of 2.0 work or bet- ter, not including social and/or natural science courses, under new plan C83XZ (see Bulletin, p. 98) or old plan (see Bulletin, p. 23). If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in 1230 Angell Hall on odd and/or rainy days, or Room 384 Student Activities Building on even and/or sunny or partly sunny days, unless there has been more than thr* inches of precipitation for the month. Signed, Elton Gullett, Assistant iAssociate Director, Academic Ad- missions. The unique humor of Daily reporter Nick Katsarelas will be seen on this page more frequently in coming weeks. argument that politics has been a factor in past Olympics is meaningless. By boycotting the Olympics for political reasons, the U.S. will be justifying future boycotts for similar reasons. This action will jeopardize future Olympics, and future hope for world peace. -David Waddell To the Daily: Jan. 18, 1980 I recall that in two previoul Olympic years (1968 and 1972) after our government had placed mordthan a half million troops in Vietnam (based on the now4 debunked Tonkin Gulf incident); no major countries-not even the USSR-boycotted the Olympics becaase of U.S. military operations there. In this light, the President's threat tn null ITS Letters to the Dail To the Daily: Public schools and universities in a democratic society must be kept free of militarism. The educational institution, which has as its aim the nurturing and improvement of life, remains in sharp contrast to the military which has as its ultimate aim the making of war. In recent years, however, the military presence in high schools has become a fact of life. Many parents and other citizens are not aware that military recruiters regularly visit high schools to various services. College credit is frequently given for military sci- ence courses taught, not by faculty of the academic com- munity, but by military person- nel. At Eastern Michigan Univer- sity, a student can even take military science courses leading to a minor. Against this background of tacit acceptance which can lead to the erosion of civilian control, one faculty member and one student last month challenged the presence of the military program at the University of Michigan and the makeun of the governing questioned whether "a military organization which is run on authoritarian principles should be located on a university cam- pus at all." Dan Soloman, president of the Literature, Science and Arts College student government, asked for greater student and faculty representation on the ROTC governing committee. Those of us concerned about growing militarization in our schools and country are grateful to Dr. Bassett and Mr. Soloman for taking time to raise issues in support of democratic values. -Edith C. Hefley Jan. 2, 1980 To the Daily: Should the United States boy-