Friday, May 14, 1976
Page Three
'U' ranks among highest in costs
Figures released Tuesday by a Wis-
consin newspaper show the overall costs
of attending the University are higher
than those of any other public university
in the Big Ten.
The Madison Capital Times conducted
a survey of the Big Ten and found only
one school-Northwestern--which was
more expensive than the University.
Northwestern is a private school.
THE FIGURES represented the com-
bined costs of tuition, fees, rent for a
double room, and three meals a day. At
Northwestern, those costs total $6,016 a
year. Here at the University, now that
the Regents have approved a tuition hike
for the fall, the costs reach anywhere
from $2,440 to $2,534 for resident under-
graduates. For nonresidents, $4,528 to
$4,764 can be expected to disappear each
The University of Wisconsin trails
slightly behind us now that their Board
of Regents has passed a similar tuition
increase. From then on, costs rapidly de-
crease to the lowest school on the list--
Indiana-whose resident costs are esti-
mated at $1,951 a year.
University President Robben Fleming
said he saw nothing new in the figures.
"It's always been true," he claimed.
BUT FLEMING laid a good deal of the
responsibility on the state, whose sup-
port of higher education has dwindled in
the last few years. The percentage of
personal income in Michigan that goes
for' colleges and universities, he added,
has gone down at an alarming rate;
where formerly Michigan was 17th in the
nation, it is now 34th.
In addition, Fleming said, the propor-
tion of educational costs borne by stu-
dents has increased from 20 to 30 per
Intelligence Committee
proposes JFK inquiry
cent in the same period of time. "Stu- their needs, and less emphasis on other
dents are paying more," declared Flem- University projects."
ing, "because the state is paying less." Undergraduates at this University are
But Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) getting screwed," added MSA Vice Presi-
President Calvin Luker said that the dent Amy Blumenthal. "Innovative, mi-
University itself must share the blame, nority and women's programs are being
threatened by lack of funds- but they
"THE UNIVERSITY needs to reassess don't have any problems funding other
its priorities," said Luker. "It needs to things that most undergraduates never
place more emphasis on students and get to participate in."
U'Center assists ABC -
Sin predicting primaries
By MIKE NORTON voters large e n o a g h and random
Ever wondered how the networks enough to represent the entire popula-
know the results of a primary election tion of a given area, with all its varia-
are going to be, hours in advance of tions. "It's not an easy or a simple
the actual count, just by looking at a procedure," he added. "We have
few "key precincts?" What kind of specialists here who do nothing bit
arcane knowledge allows them to pre- draw samples."
dict a whole state's vote from a mere In each of the representative pre-
ten per cent sample? cincts selected by this process, work-
In the case of ABC, it's rented ers are posted by the network on
knowledge. Researchers for the Uni- election night. ABC uses volunteers
i versity's Center for Political Science from the League of Women Voters.
work under contract to the network, These workers phone in the results
assisting them in interpreting the re- from polling places as soot as the
suits as they come in each election polls close and the voting machines
night. are opened.
"IT'S ONE of the few instances in A SAMPLE report of the sample
which we have an actual business precincts, says Miller, will give a re.,
association," said Warren Miller, di- sonably accurate picture of the entire
rector of the Center. "Bitt what you race,
get on election night isn't really a But if that's true, why are there
projection at all, and the networks such embarrassing mistakes as this '
don't like to call it a prediction. It's year's projections of a Wisconsin vic-
really nothing more than an estimate tory for Morris Udall by ABC and
drawn from a representative sample." NBC, when in reality the winner was
What the networks attempt to do, Jimmy Carter?
said Miller, is to collect a sample of See ABC, Page 10
WASHINGTON 0P)-The Senate intelli-
gence committee voted without objec-
tion yesterday to recommend a con-
gressional investigation of why Lee
Harvey Oswald killed President John
Chairman Frank Church (D-Idaho) said
the committee voted to turn over its
materials on the Nov. 22, 1963, assassina-
tion to the proposed new panel to moni-
tor intelligence activities.
IN ADDITION, Church said, the com-
aiittee authorized Sens. Gary Hart (D-
Colo.) and Richard Schweiker (R-Pa.),
members of a subcommittee to prepare
a written report on their investigation of
the performance of the CIA, FBI and
Tight spot
A 16-year-old youth from Fairfield,
Calif. has learned that chimneys are
suitable for house entry only by Santa
Claus, But he had to learn the hard way.
Police said Wednesday he tried to get
into a home by sliding down an 11-inch
square chimney, but he got stuck. Fire-
nien had to use an air chisel, demolish-
ing the fireplace, to free the youth. Po-
lice cited the youth for burglary and
turned him over to his parents. He was
lucky there was no fire burning at the
Happenings . . .
. ..are light today. Tyagi Ji, a spirit-
tial teacher, will give a free session at 7
hut at friends meeting house 1420 Hill
... also beginning at 7 is Palestine Soli-
iarity Day, at the Assembly Hall of the
Union . . . At midnight, a bus will leave
Detroit for Springfield, Ill., where NOW'
is sponsoring a "Rally for Equal
Rights". There will be a bus leaving
Ann Arbor from the League at 5 pm
Weather or not
The mild temperatures will continue
today with highs in the mid 70's. It will
be partly cloudy with a chance of late
afternoon thundershowers. Lows to-
night will be in the low 50's.
other intelligence agencies in connection
with the assassination.
The report would be completed by the
end of the month but must be approved
by the full committee before it is made
public, Church said.
The report of the Warren Commission
on Kennedy's assassination concluded
that Oswald was the sole assassin and
that there was no credible evidence that
he was part of a foreign conspiracy.
HART SAID he had seen no evidence
to contradict the Warren Commission's
finding that Oswald killed the President.
But hart added, "the remaining un-
answered question is why?"
Reagan 'not a wise
choice' Milliken
tov. William Milliken was in town yesterday to help
dedicate the cornerstone of the new St. Joseph Mercy
hospital on Huron River Drive, but he still had time for
a fet words about presidential hopeful Ronald Reagan.
"If Gov. Reagan's remarks about the Panama Canal
are any indication of the President he would make, I
can't consider him a wise choice," Milliken told newsmen.
REAGAN USED the controversy between American
and Panamanian authorities over the canal as firepower
against President Ford in last -month's Texats primary,
where the former California governor won a decisive
victory. Reagan charged that U.S. interests were being
"sold out" by Ford, and recommended a harder line with
the Panama government.
"That is not a reasoned, thoughtful approach to dealing
with another nation," said Milliken. "We don't own the
Panama Canal; it's just not reasonable to make state-
ments about compelling other countries to di whtt we
want hem to do."
Milliken assisted in the placing of the hospital corner
stone, which will contain a molybdenum time capsule
filled with mementos of the hospital's past and present
He was joined by University President Robben Fleming,
among others.
THE GOVERNOR, who is leading President Ford's
campaign for the May 18 Michigan primary, repeated his
earlier statements of confidence in the candidate.
"The real test is on Tuesday, of course," he said. "But
the President got a good reception in Michigan yesterday,
and we're very happy."
GOV. MILLIKEN laying brick in a cornerstone placing cere-
mony at St. Joseph Hospital yesterday. The canaster being
placed in the cornerstone contains newspaper clippings, video
tapes, a letter from the President and other papers.