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August 18, 1976 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1976-08-18

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Page Ten


Wednesday, August 18, ;1976

Villagers flee from volcano

POINTFIs A - PITHI-, (;uade-
loupe (. Several thousand
more vilagers streamed from
their homes on this Caribbean
island yesterday, fearing death
from faming la Soufriere vol
There was an explosion deep
in the rumbling volcano Mon-
day night that sent shockwaves
Felt 20 miles away More than
72,000 persons have been evacu-
ated from the danger zone
around Lza Soufriere on Basse
Terre Island, but the new burst
of activity sent thoasands of
others fleeing for safety.
volcanic ashes flowed down La
Galion river, enveloping the
abandoned town of St. ('lade.
Fifteen scientists who had re-

mained near the volcano to
monitor seismic activities es-
caped aboard a French navy
boat Monday night after the ex-
plosion rocked old Fort St.
Charles where they were work-
Three of the scientists made
a helicopter flight near the peak
yesterday morning to assess the
situation and were nearly trap-
ped by an expanding cloud of
steam, ftimes and ash.
"THE VOLCANO is gradual
ly worsening - this is a day-
to-day situation," said Prof.
Robert Brousse of the Univer-
sity of Paris, the ranking vol-
cano expert at the scene and
one of the men aboard the heli-
copter. Brousse and other scien-
tists have predicted La Sou-

friere will have a "catastro-
phic" eruption, with Monday's
explosion just a preview.
Another passenger on the
helicopter, French government
administrator Jean-Claude Au-
rousseau, said that to escape,
'The pilot burned the red,"
meaning he pushed the craft far
over its safe speed of 200 miles
an hour.
1f the cloud had engulfed the
helicopter, the plane would
have been without oxygen and
fallen into the sea, one official
said. The helicopter at the time
was well below the cone of the
4,813-foot mountain, he added.
evacuated from cities and vil-
lages near the volcano, and yes-
terday's rush to get away could
bring the number of refugees to
87,000. The total population of
this French territory is 330,000.
Aurousseau said 1,500 resi-

dents of Vieux-Fort, seven miles
from the volcano, were invited
to leave their homes even
though the town is guarded by
the Caraibes Mountains and out
of danger.
"We are asking them to
leave for psychological reasons
. . . they were alone and
afraid," he said.
THEY WERE moving by car,
bus and boat to the town of St.
Francois, a small community
more than 20 miles away on the
eastern side of Guadeloupe.
Br o u s s e, Aurousseau and
Christian Gerondeau, director
of civil security in Paris, made
their helicopter flight to try
and determine if La Soufriere
is near a major eruption.
Brousse said 891 earth shocks
were felt in Guadeloupe between
6 p.m., EDT Monday and 11
a.m. yesterday.
flew the villages, they're all in-

tact, but there is a very dense
cloud of ash that stopped us
from flying over the town of
"There were numerous and
very violent tremors," he add-
ed, "Because the visibility was
zero we couldn't determine what
happened at the summit. It was
obviously something big."
Very few persons remained
in the danger zone and even po-
lice were withdrawn. Authori-
ties said a handful of elderly
persons refused to leave their
homes and there were some
thieves in the zone who hoped
to plunder abandoned homes.
Police checkpoints were set up
on roads leading into the zone
to bar entry.
There also were cattle, dogs
and other animals left to fend
for themselves.
A truck driver told of packs
of dogs running in the streets
of a deserted town.

TU tells renters
of vacating rights

GEO, 'U' concur on fees provision

Ann Arbor tenants moving out ants. The Ann Arbor Housing c',inue, urom Cai' i>
At their houses and apartments Code stating "No owner shallrqet whichdetconcerned
withsin Itse tetw weeks niay permit a dsvelling tinit to be oc- request which dealt concerned
be faced wvith afew obstacles, pied by new tenants unless it situations where sections in a
according to an Ann Arbor Ten- is clean, sanitary, and fit for particular course had vastly
ants Union (AATU) spokesper- human occupancy," was cited disparate numbers of students.
son. in support of this claim. GEO asked that in these situa-
ln a press release the spokes- The AATU recommended that tions, students be distributed
person said the AATU has re- if a tenant is being threatened more evenly among sections.
ceived calls from several ten- by a landlord, they should "in- THE UNIVERSITY agreed
ants claiming their landlords form (the) landlord that it is to consider the problem if GEO
have threatened to "deduct not (the tenants') responsibility presented a proposal to that ef-
cleaning fees from their secur- to shampoo the rugs, wax the feet.
ity deposits" for failure to wax floors, etc." They also suggested As the school year approach-
floors, clean drapes, and sham- that the tenants leave the dwell- es, the negotiations have be-
poo rugs in their residences, ing in the same condition it was come increasingly slugsh, as
in when 'you moved into it. come sinesingly ltthe, as
BUT, ACCORDING to the The AATU claimed the only both sides anticipatet te re
spokesperson, these demands reason the security deposit can turn of the vast majority of
"are not in accordance with be withheld is for "back rent, summering GSAs. Though the
what can legally be deducted unpaid utility bills, or for dam- sessions will continue every
from a tenants security de- ages beyond reasonable wear Tuesday and Thursday morning
posit." and tear." But if the rent was at 10:30 at the Michigan Union,
The spokesperson said it is withheld because repairs were it is fairly certain that no major
the responsibility of the land- not carried out by the landlord, agreements will be reached.
lords to clean apartments for there can be no deduction from GEO will almost surely try to
incoming tenants, not the re- the security deposit on the basis gauge the disposition of the un-
sponsibility of the previous ten- of back rent. ion membership before it under-

takes any serious bargaining.
Meanwhile, the University will
probably sound out faculty and
other staff members while
readying strike contingency
Both sides have less than op-
timistic views on reaching an
agreement in the near future.
With the August 31 contract
expiration date looming ahead,
the two bargaining teams have
taken steps to allow for exten-
sins of the contract,
BOTH SIDES have agreed to
hold a conference a week prior
to the expiration of the present
contract in order to decide if
a seven-day extension is in or-
der. After the initial meeting,
weekly conferences will be held
to the same effect
At the moment, with 30 bar-
gaining issues, approximately 11
have been agreed or tenatively
agreed to, University rights;
bulletin boards; sick leave; jury
duty and witness service; spe-
cial conferences; changes Re-
sulting in a conference; com-
plaint, arbitration and grievance
procedures; initial employment
and re-employment; bereave-

ment leave; law savings clause
and union dues and representa-
tion service fees.
Of the 19 issues still separat-
ing the two sides, non-discrimi-
nation, affirmative action, class
size, health insurance and the
information clause promise to
create the biggest waves in fu-
tare sessions.
Interesting facts
The first store carrying a va-
riety of goods under one roof
opened in 1862 and by 1970-
there were 6,000 of them with
sales of nearly $30 billion,
The displaced persons act of
1948 was an emergency meas-
ure which permitted immigra-
tion into the United States of
more than 400,000 refugees.
Colfax in Placer County, Ca-
lif., was named for President
Grant's vice-president Echuyler
Juliette Low founded the Girl
Scout movement in America,
March 12, 1912.

U 8-10:30
missIMovies every Mon. & Tues. Nites
Tues. from 8-midnight
15c HOT DOGS every Friday from 2-5 p.m.,
while they last.



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style plaque.
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424 W. Washington St.
Ann Arbor, MI 3103
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