Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 18, 1976 Ypsi delegate cheers Reagan (Continued from Page 1) The 22-year-old Wilson says ne backs Reagan because of the advance of big government and socialism in the United States. "With the present leader- ship," he said, "there is a drift to socialism. With (Jimmy) Carter (Democratic presiden- tial nominee) it will be a fast drift, with Ford a slow drift. With Reagan we can stop that drift and turn it around." WILSON ADDED, "There is more and more government in- fluence in my life. You can ask older people about the freedoms we have lost." Being a conservative from the Ann Arbor area and a Rea- gan delegate from Michigan has not been easy for Wilson. "It used to be a dirty word to be called conservative in Washtenaw County," he said, adding that the Ford delegates from Michigan had given the Reagan backers a "cold should- er." To combat the dreary mood that prevailed over the Michi- gan Reaganites, Wilson helped organize a pro-Reagan demon- stration of several hundred peo- ple Monday night in the heart of Ford territory - the Crown Center Hotel. "The demonstration livened things tip," he remarked hap- pily. With a smile he added, "We're a thorn in (Michigan Gov.) Billy Milliken's side." WILSON HAS not always been a conservative. "I was a pretty boy in 1972," he recalls. Then he went into the Air Force and was sent overseas. While in the service he picked tip a copy of Human Event. This was the first time he had conservative philosophy explained to him. "After that I was an avid conservative," Wilson remark- ed. He points proudly to Reagan's record as governor of Califor- nia. "When Reagan raised his hand (to take the oath of office), California was in debt and bu- reaucracy was rising. By the time he left office, there was a surplus of money, welfare was diminished and Jerry Brown was left with a fiscally sound state." Reagan's selection of Rich- ard Schweiker as his running mate troubled Wilson at first. "I didn't like it because all I saw was Schweiker's voting re- cord. But the more I saw of him, the more I liked him." He added that Reagan had not abandoned his conservative principles, but instead "Sch- weicker has given up his liberal principles." Looking toward the Novem- ber election, Wilson sees Rea- gan as a stronger candidate against Carter than Ford. "JERRY FORD may get the nomination, but he'll lose in November . . . and it will be the end of the Republican par- ty. If Reagan gets the nomina- tion he can pin Carter down on the issues. They (the public) will see him (Carter) on the is- sues as a liberal." Asked his definition of con- servatism, Wilson explained, "A modern-day conservative is the same as a 19th century liber- al in the Jefferson mold. A con- servative believes in free enter- prise and limited government." Wilson paused a moment and smiled, then emphatically de- clared, "I am proud to be a conservative." Ford wins (Continued from Page 1) hoped to carry, Pennsylvania, home of the Californian's run- ning-mate, voted 89 to 14 against the amendment. MISSISSIPPI, a crucial state in the fight between the Presi- dent and Reagan, abstained from the first round of balloting before casting all 30 of its votes against the amendment. T h e conservative Southern state has been wavering in sup- port of Reagan ever since he named Schweiker as his vice- presidential running - mate. It was widely believed here last night that Clark Reed, the state party chairman, was urged by his delegation to abstain on the first round and, in the case of a tie breaking vote, cast his votes for Reagan. But ashit turned out, the Ford forces-had already won and Mississippi de- cided to go with the winner. It remains to be seen, how- ever, whether Mississippi will remain in the Ford camp for very long. The delegates were scheduled to take up arguments late last night concerning the party's platform, and the cru- cial debate over U.S. foreign policy, the Panama Canal, and abortion. In a press conference follow- ing the vote, presidential press secretary Ron Nessen said, "The President is delighted and he believes it is an indication of his true support." Earlier in the evening, for- mer Texas governor John Connally, in an address to GOP delegates, leveled a stinging at- Men anu wmen i Uut LIauers are neeuu an your Community now. Assistant Leaders and Helpers are needed, too. Many girls want to be Scouts. But they can't because they have no Leader. F some areas, Girl Scout troops have been dis- banded because of lack of Leaders. Here is your chance to do some good and have an enjoyable time. No experience needed. You can begin as an observer if you wish. 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Name I Address c t. State Zip_ Telephone For quick information, telephone your Girl Scout Co,. "Hlow many people doyou know wh have been cured of cancer?" Flip Wilson National Crusade Chairman Almost everybody knows someone who has died of cancer. But the fact is about two million living Americans have been cured .Not only cured but leading active, normal lives. Another fact is millions more could be. By getting to the doctor in time. By availing themselves of the most effective methods of treatment today. By advances made through cancer research. Research which is made pos- sible with the help of the American Cancer Society. However, there's much more to be done. To help save more people, the American Cancer Society needs more money. So, please, give. We want to wipe out cancer in your lifetime. American CnCer Society TMsSPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLSHER AS A PKIUC EN rules fight tack of the Democratic Party last night, saying that "We are living under a government gone amuck." He assailed the Democratic congress for thrusting upon the American people a government of "curse and abomination" and said Jimmy Carter, the Demo- cratic presidential n o m i n e e, was "a man wholly subservient to those factions which are in- exorably tightening their control over that party and over the nation." Minutes before Connally step- ped to the platform to deliver his speech, a six-minute shout- ing match between the Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan forces took place.hNeither won, how- ever, as the candidates were gearing for an intense floor fight tonight with each candi- date having s t r o n g delegate strength. Connally also called for party unity going into the November election and struck a theme common to the ill-fated Califor- nia Governor Edmund "Jerry" Brown's recent race for the Democratic standard. "We must tell the American people that we have seen the end of an era of abundance and affluence and indeed now we face a period of scarcity and sacrifice." He then underscored the tra- ditional Republican values of ending d e fi c i t spending and whipping inflation. "We must end the cruel inflation that si- lently robs all Americans," he said. Warrants issued in Miller murder (Continued from Page ) own work at the Jackson prison where she was employed as a staff physician before coming to Dehoco December 1. PATTERSON said he under- stood that the three "all knew each other," but refused to com- ment on theories that Miller may have been trying to make a deal with Wingard for the escape of another prison inmate with whom she was said to be romantically involved. "I don't want to speculate," the prosecutor said. The withdrawal and subse- quent disappearance of the $5,000 from Miller's savings ac- count on the day she was mur- dered had prompted theories that the 29-year-old physician may have been trying to pay Wingard in exchange for the escape of Larry Wells, a 24- year-old convict from Flint. Wells, currently serving a 15 to 30 year term for armed rob- bery, was employed as a labora- tory technician in the prison hospital. In a handwritten will dated Nov. 27, 1975, Miller left a large portion of her estate to Wells.