The Michigan Daily Edited and mannaged by Students at the University at Michigan Tuesday, August 17, 1976 News Phane: 764-0552 Stop!" IN THIS SUMMER uf national political theatrics, there are more pedestrian concerns for the people of Ann Arbor. And the pedestrian concern of which we speak In particular has mare to do with drivers than with pe- destrians: In ther name of fenders throughout the city, let the power-that-he put up four-way stop signs at the corner of Thomipson and Madison Streets. Fall is almost4 here, and the Madison Street Canyon between South and West Quads will soon be stuffed with parked cars azain, making for one of the blindest cor- ners in the city. Cruising cautiously up Thompson from Packard, the wary driver stops at the lone stop sign, breathes a few soft "Hail Marys'," and risks life and property out in the No-Man's-Land corner. Why is there no stop sign on Madison? Is the city waging a sneaky war of attrition on University students? Stop! TODAY'S STAFF: News: Phit R-Ikovov, Lni-, Josimevich. Ken Parsigian Edit: Jim Tobin Kansas City... ...and the GOP trllt,is , 'sf41 Ssrs cr Term TI TM siHiCK KEN PRaSIGIAN .JsY iFViN JIss rIom El I INE' I I 'T'i'TIi n-al-I"'SET 551' MIKE NORI ON I'H-IL.III.T BKO5 'OY LANI TOHDAJ5 ST UMeIO('N',FT I JENNY MIII ERP BIARD, 75115 St Ell I, Si EltI FiCH TII FEItNER ENI)OI05 DMA"' BOB 5111 JETS MARK W~IT FNEY.. ... >I~ II E1I)5IASN KATIHY MITHERN e ASS ST 'I (ILAIH DEBBIE OHEYFU S BETH STRATIFO(:RD.... NANCY BOCK OLLIF KIESEL ...... DON I %I P SON ANN MARC'IE lTPINSET 1 l"it,,i' .., t. ........ . 0rftf°" / f1tl5 1 1 S/ Arts Editlsr . . Sight Editore . ~ Nl -ht Edio~r .... .... .... Niga1t Editor Atsitlant Nig ht Edlitor Asitt ant Nighit Editiir A. 4i,,Lint Ni-,htEditore A-,st istlNighlt Editor Assi-lial sNight Editor or/s Staf f is'sElr IFO t i% 50 Sports Edior Night Bditor Night Eriltor Pli-St Editso D itisay Adierrtiiig Mtniager Ciriculation Manager ClatsifiTed Manager *. Cirtcilationl Director 0,51,1 AvriingiiAs't. Manae *.Saleperon ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . 'ilsper ao Salesprson "She's complex and difficult to describe. ?t A city ... a town ... a place ... and a way of life. KANSAS CITY. Big enough to be exciting. Small esough tobe lisveable. Youang enlough to be beauti- itl and dynamic -- yet old enoulgh to be gracefulty prould and historis. KANSAS CITY. tDeep-rooted Mid-American values. Strong, vibrant, self-reliant-with as much -fa tradition of "making it Io its ossn" to- uay as it has for the past 125 years. KANSAS CITY. A positive inftlence in the lives of Barry Truman, Casey Stengel, Sachet Page, Count Basie, tBird Parker, Satty Rand, Waltt Dis- ney, Thomas Hart Benton, George Caleb Bing- ham, Goodman Ace, Walter Cronkite, Burt Bacharach, Ed Asner, Hughes Rudd, Ginger Rogers, Jean Itarlow, loan Crawford, Cuab Caltoway and the 1.3 millioin persons who yie in tier mnetriopiitanll area today. KANSAS CITY. Where civic pride is an open religion and quality a golden cute. } KANSAS CITY Warm, open, friendly - and newswoirthy. Acity that prompted tharlie Brost's good pat Snoopy to proclaim: "Kansas City. Wiov! What a pace" We've come to the same concluision. We tthink it's one you'll share." Fdti/sino/c - 1We didnl't iwr//c thi; iame public relti//oisiwh/s for the Repulitcan Party didt. It in a'sincludedlin tie.drrcs packet which thec part 'sn/tut tori'por/ters coiver/ng th/s ice-k's conTven/ti n nKaiisasi . We' 'think it saes a lot abouif.. . Thic Repmblicans. People--. .-.a Par/y.i .a sta/i'of rn/nd. Deep-coo/ieitM/d-Amein w11i//h deep-root- ed Nids-Amler/cailvaluies. Andi a deiepiroiited fiar of jiiiy Car/er and1 /he /)iemicra/tic iart% Andt a d~ee'-rooted jialsnt ) of the Demo- crts il/'miioth//,aliP, itilncr 01 VNih York(Ci/y iii -oii/h. Thei'Repiiblicansi. A /pos//ive /ifuiic on'ithe//ieI/sciof Ron Ric'hardi Nion. The Re'pabl/eans. zrinhg fto tooik C'si/in chenilulthey knew they 'i-c gioig hioge/ chTewed up aid si/t oot li/kgepeanut shlelsiniiiNovmbier. LErN~ EF)T~STjiI.)G W LOA ESTHE O& U JjC 'EP JRIhAMS VS. 4THuEJ'r Q NJ? VS. AR EFT) 1 IB fhG P(SIcf-~-tl) I IW t.Yt' T FEEL-SOf'Y RR ~KIIhU&IJ PAWES T3'1S L I CG1 DlJ OR2GIHUS KC-AREGSu O H jEBJ ? U l}Y tMP'IAtS IA ? U 06 IJ LE~hJ014C N