Tuesday, August . ] 7, 1976
PQQe Three
Reuicn seek unity
ti Specilal to 'he Daily
rANS;AS CITY, Mo. - Divifoni heat __n the
(;()I'tanlk, considered a i tajc pr. i 'mi in t~nt.
year's presditltial c- aljaig111, nan the subjec
of manna: s'.Robert Beniiett'n w 'eleonning ad-
Y (1dr's at the start of the 1916 ReTsubli '-In Nationsali
'anvenltioneste'rdtay in Kansas ('it\.
t e « "TlIhon 1Ii out interests may heie I ' tl _,:![i d
rt our 'andidate preference divided,'' Bennett tiild
the delegatens,'niir zeal fornictoryrls .t nt be
a zealot'nssiicida ol enmiitinent for personality.
x ~but r'ither a patrioit's phtisopnhic al commritmentm
to apart which is moved 'indl will move to-
wa rd' the go'aIs to which we can all aspire"
tEIE RG;ED felliiw party nieiibers to show
-;. "di, sin in 'oar choices, but unity in our deci-
Nr But as the bitile beitseeni Presidenit Fined
and foiinier California Govn. IRonald Reagan
Yecornes dowii to the wire, it appea rs that the
= v yparty ranks have not yet coine tog'ether.
g Y Noiw, initlbfinal hornhbeftire Imimorrow night's
nnins iin prces s, members of the Ford and
Reagain forces are still frantically trying to woo
uncomittetd delegates to their cemps and draw
b- ' -znsdefectors finns their opnpoineint's side.
ON 'nATU1RDAY Re'agan caumpaign manager
John Sears predicted a firs t balluit victory fur
° x his candidate with 11411 votes. The nest day Ford
ma'n'iger tigers Moron ho'asted siupposrt of
AP Photo Bitt each side ctincedes that disagreement stir-
PRINCESS Pale Moon of the Cherokee Nation belts out the rounding the pairty platform atnd cotiventin
national anthem yesterday during the opening ceremonies of rules eniuld affect the ountconte of the consen-
the second session of the Republican National Convention. tion
Human Services Dept. plan defeated
A floior fight in -esps'cied tonight itseri a rule
Itroposed Ins Reagant backersi that wouvl 'fore
Ptresidc'nilindto n menhis inrnnintg mte be
fire the nomnintng I'rocess'tmnrronight
MO)RTlON BLAST[EI)tinpp, e dtnt ttn'Iciange
sing tiy"'Last-mtinte imuits ctssnncsar tiemtie
tetsist y ito eform'nancotnteintn. osddelc'nly
change 'tieme'ta ofn ittie gonic'at tt' leetscnti
hins'insint goodnl Insor 'the nari.
Ior had ns ma'intiainedn'thtie tc'wnill aii nnnncesti
ice pinentinal chice in i n'itradtinalmsan
nst aftiertenrecese tin e snitintiun'nts nitis-
SE5.RS SCOF'IlED stdelesgate cuntits show
ing Reaigai ntilinig reidenti Forid by soinme
90t v'tnestitdding ''"'hs' proncedural vo mtes will e-
flectounit srengthlnbettertani te (dielegate
NinnythtsReatgatssni has nsnnnnnnnnedta nn-mi
sylvansiaijsirSeinilnr RictadlSclnieiker is
in chnoice iasii a tirnunnin nst, te hnrdnietion
in whnno Fonrsd wilselectt in im nn ninsthe tic-
ket. MichigantiGovnernor WiliamnniMiliken ld
'lhe Dl thabt hi' persnn~nIls efe's Vc' Piesi
deiii Nelson Ronckefellr itladitntedl 'it'stn
likely tilt he will le chonsen."
THlE PRESIDENT iwan greeted wmth lhnnder
otis applause wnent he arrived in Knsass City
Sundaiy night. Several thousnndminipIeple, hacked
shoilder to sounnlder its the lbbvtf the ('Tw
('enter lHtel where lie P'resident's conventin
headquannrters tre locaed chanted ''We waint
Foird!"in'Buoiyed by the riusing receptiont, F~ad
stated confidently, 'It's the kindtf entutsism
that will give is a victory Wednesday night."
Sahib the elephanti is back in the ele
phlant ride businestiter betag laid low
with whnati the television ads call "tem-
porary irregulrity." Bit it wns'tres
or strain that deked Saib. Saib, an
attactionnat1tlb Wrld Wildlie Safari
cosmnercial animatl reserve in Winston,
Ore., ale tomin unchi sud tne day lst
weekItheni ate snmne rocks in tnnp-
parent Inytt self nedicsatin. 'he result
w a n s oi r t f c n itc r e te in S a ih ib 's s to n -
(eac. Sin here's whatil they did: Each day
ofEx-Las cnitining 5t9 squares per
usx, three casensf apples twit cases
oflettuce, twitcaesc5of carrtms, 21
pounds f plunsi, 41 ounds iof bananas,
adminisered wills a gardens hose. Z/oolo
V gits t th reervesaythe urewrke.
Help wanted
(I 5 Menuandnilwioentarsinetendestotinhelp
enonduct a four-eek orkshop dealitg
ns de- with the proiblenms oittnnsle prn'nt fani..i
lies. 'T'pinc tine covered inlnde sncial
r Frant- services, child cae, food co-ops, self-
Archit healths traininig, ansIconscitusness rain-
of his ing. Vlnteers at-calslo needed to help
rislian counnsel tie children of these single pr-
Pales- ct families in tie issues of alcholismn
efugee drugsouahdtther tprblms. Those inter-
ested in sharing their energy, ideas, and
ighting talent areturgd ton nitact Suzy Ponwers
for 17 01 665- 6212. or ae fGounld t 4-111 1
at has0
A Ilast-minute attempti Innaccommodate
Republican objectins failed tno save
Mayor Albert Wheeler's proiposed Hutman
Services D~epartment from nutright re-
jection at laist night's C'ity-(omuncil omeet-
Wheeler's propsanl, origintilly ired ail
last week's; working C'ouncmil sessions,
would have created a spsecial niiciptal
depairtnment to incoirpomrate a wide rauge
of social and cosmunity prsograms tinder
a sinsgle admsinistrtitive vomot. It innmmedi-
ately ran agrounmd onnaihenap nif protesta-
lions from the Council's Republican ma-
jority', however.
LAST NIGHT liemenayori presented a
somewhat weakened versio~n of Ihis oin-
inal pltan, binping Inn coas nut at letast
some Republican suport. Wheni the snip-
port tailed 'to materialise, Wheeler be-
came openly bitter.
"I came here buping to comsproimise"
lie told the Council. "Bitt I guess there
isn't any compromise."
He eunt on to attack the Reisublicans
for their lack of cooperation, saying,
"M\y colleagues think mitre of streets
annd parking thau they do about people."
COUNCIL MIEIER Robert Hlenry (R(-
Third Ward) dismissed Wheeler's com-
unt as a "political cheap shot." When
the mayor claimed he had "tried Io cut-
operate in every way," ety replied,
"What yonu did was retreat inch by inch
fromm yoiur original position."
The disclussion quickly degenerated in-
to a squabble over whether Republicans
had ever agreed to support a Buman
Scmices Department. H-enry and his tel-
now,; stoutly maintained they had never
supported mutch more than a consolida-
tioni of the federally funded Comprehen-
sive Employment Training Act (CETA)
and Comumunity D~evelopment B 1lmo c k
Grant (CDBIG) programs. But Council
D~emocrats complained that other prom-
msen had been made.
Council member <Jamie Kenworthy (D-
Fourth Ward) reminded the Republicans
that a meeting had been held earlier ia
the snunnoer is nwhich mos1 of the differ-
encees, he thonught, had beeun ironed ouit. . ~- .~
"ti TIOUC;ITu we ha d aim agreement,
hnc maintlained.
MayoriPino TerntIouis Belcher (R-
Fifth Ward)I announaced his intentiont
bring a counter-proposal embodying the
Remnnilican plan, bat there is little like-
lihoonnd thant ('unciiIDemocrats will find x
it 'Iu:ceisaluse.
"We're suit even going Inn bather mre-
smnnsug this thinig," Henry said of the
enntses -promposal, ''if the msaymr's jusu
goig gtInnvetoi it."
A MOVE BY tiemeontcrats. tmmrevive
the mld qunestiomn of pay'ing salaries tin
Councilnmbers-by placing the qunes-
tion as a City Charter amendmenst inn "
the Novn'rnber ballot--wos alsoi defeated
during time session.
See CITiY, Page 7Whe r
Christ'ians sat'eii
ill-,, ',Lebannon 5/'-Christian mili-
tioiren have begun a "decisive battle"
to recapture two mountain towns east of
Beirut held by Palestinian guerrillas, the
Christian radio Amchit said yesterday.
Palestinian I e a d e r s downplayed the
fight for control nu thie traditionally Chris-
tian towns, saying theme was rouutmise
shuelling by both sides.
IN TEL AVIV, the Israeli stole tele-
v'i; i ois s t a t i o n reported that I sraeli
patrol boats are blockading the Lebaniese
coast and slopping ships carrying 1Weap-
ones tnt the Pralestinians and their leftist
Moslem allies.
it was the first semiofficial confirma-
lion of the blockade that could be of
tremendosus aid to Lebanso's right-wing
The television station said "a few
boats" were boarded in the past week
and their cargoes of arms were con-
fi 'rated. Israeli tmilita ry spunkesmu
dlined Inn comment momitlb report.
LEBANESE President Suleiman
jieb, in a tosugh speech over
radio mint the sixth anniversary
electio, declared that his Ch
forces will fight Inn the end unless
tinian guerrillas return tin theirr
Christian militias base been f
the MNlslems oand Palestinians-
months in a biller civil wair lb
tknat least 34,080 lives.,a pe ig
F'ranjich, whose term expires Sept. 24, H p e ig .
sadToth Moslems anod Chris;tia.ns must1
cooperate with President-elec tiasSoc ;"-4-are in short sitp ly,'tud ivi. Au 7
k. "to build the Lebanomn of tomorrons" in i , free filmn,'"Methaone- An
with financial and military raid from Amerircin Way of'IDealing," wiillTbe
friendly Arab stales, Only .then can a1 shown at the Plublic tHealth 191;1-; Au-
true cease-tire take effect, hie said. ditmsriumun. Wilhiom Pelletier, a local na-
"IF 'ItS IS rejected, it will mean the lure photographer, wilt otter a lecture
Palestinians are bent on continuing the at 8 p.m. at the Ann Arbor Art Anuo-
See CHRISTIANS, Page 7 emtion, 117 W. Liberty.