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August 14, 1976 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1976-08-14

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Page Ten


Saturday, August 14, 1976

A Renaissance or Detroit-at last

(Continue from Pae 6-
acreage of what is nov a river-
side park. The ultimate goal is
to turn all, or nearly all, of
Wiadsor's riverfront area into-
park. Plans for the future in-
ciude a fottain with a jet that
sprays 8- to 90 feet high, color-
ed lights, and a soft musical
background, "much as they
have in Seattle," the mayor
W EEKS mentioned the possi-
bility of Windsor becoming.
a drawing point for Canadian
tourists; and he also expects
increased tourism from De-
troit's growing convention busi-
ness. "The Center, will, of
course, have the added feature
of improving the look of De-
troit's skyline," said Weeks,
who clearly expects that the
revitalization of Detroit will be
an object of interest to his com-
Rumors have been floating
out that Joseph Niederlander,
Detroit's entertainment czar and
part-owner of the Fisher Thea-

ter, is planning to open a le-
gitimate theater in the podium
area of the Renaissance com-
plex. Niederlander, however,
flatly denies any such plans. "A
guy'd have to be crazy to open
a theater in there," he said
"Look, you have the Music Hall
Center, that's being heavily sub-
sidized, you have Ford Audi-
torium, Masonic Temple, which
I consider the greatest concert
hall in the world, the Orchestra
Hall-and half the time those
places are dark,"
When asked about the possible
greater demand for theater in
Detroit if the Renaissance suc-
ceeded in bringing people down-
town once again, or even per-
haps getting them to live there,
he added, "Look, they got 12
theaters on Broadway that're
dark now." But though Nieder-
lander has no immediate plans
for involvement with the pro-
ject, he remains an interested
spectator, as does most of De-
When Phase I of the complex

is completed next year, consid-
eration, planning and fund-rais-
ing will begin for Phase II,
which is suppased to include
more office buildings as well as
apartments or condominiums
built on land reclaimed from
the Detroit River. According to-
Mayhew, there is no set time-
table for the completion of any
further phases, "but you know,
you're t a l k i n g middle-to-Late
80's, '86 or '87," he added.
By THE TIME Phase II be-
gins, it should ostensibly be
evident whether or not the Cen-
ter is an economic success,
morale-booster though it may
be. Critics of the Center have
brought up the distressing idea
that, rather than bringing in
new tenants, it may merely
siphon off renters from various
existing office structures down-
town. Mayhew has an answer
for that, too. "You're talking
two different kinds of office
space here," he said. "First off,
you have the choice spaces

which we fin Detroitj offer, to be at its inception. Some
and then you have the less nice businessmen and local polsi-
ones. We're not going to -siphon cians expect, overnight chosge
off tenants of the nicer spaces, and that just won't occur.
just those who are already un- But the Center is a step in the
satisfied with the office space right direction for Detroit, and
that they're exposed to." a. step that's long overdue. Fer
what Renaissance Center is go-
That's as may be. But the ing to restore, if it succeeds,
fact is, many civic leaders, with and at astronomical cost, is
their high hopes and high praise civic pride in the city-the pride
for the complex, might be set- that one day may make Detroit
ting impossible expectations; a city to live in and visit with
too, they may suffer backlash, pleasure.
if Renaissance doesn't come up Come to think of it, the price
to be everything it was claimed couldn't be too much to pay.
ThemedXi a and
the Nixon attack

Chw'fc/t W4OP'6A42 enoike4

Presently Meeting at
YM-YWCA, 530S. Fifth
David Graf, Minister
Students Welcome
For infurna'ion or transpor-
tion: 663-3233 or 662-2494.
10:00 a.m.-Sunday Worship.
1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday morning worship at
Sunday Bible study at 10:45.
(Formerly Lutheran Student
Gordon Ward, Pastor
$01 S. Forest Ave. at 111 St.
Sunday Service at 9:30 a.m.
1236 Washtenow Ct.
Pastor: Dn Postema

State at Huron and Washington
Worship Services:
8:30 a.m.-Communion Service
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Worship
9:30 and 11:00 a.m. -Church
Worship Services are broad-
cast over WNRS-AM (1290) each
Sunday from 11:00-12:00 noon.
409 S. Division
M. Robert Fraser, Pastor
Church School-9:45 -a.m.
Morning Worship-11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship-7:00 p.m.
331 Thompson-663-S57
Weekend Masses:
Saturday-5 p.m., 11:30 p.m.
Sonaday- 7:4S am., 9 am.,
10:30 a.m., noon, and S p.m.
(plus 9:39 a.m. North Campus).

1833 Washtenaw
Sunday Service and Sunday
School--10:30 am.
Wednesday Testimony Meet-
ing-8:00 p.m.
Child Care-Sunday, under 2
Midweek Informal Worship.
Reading Room-306 E. Liber-
ty, 10-5 Monday through Satur-
day; closed Sundays.
CHURCH, 1001 E. Huron
Calvin Malefyt,-Alan Rice,
10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship]
1432 Washtenaw-662-4466
Worship - Sunday, 9:30 and
11:00 a.m.
S30 W. Stadium Rlvd.
(one block west of
U of M Stadium)
Bible Study - Sunday, 9:30
am.-Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Worship-Sunday, 18:38 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m.
Need Transportation? C al11

(Conttnued from Page )
tial package and concealing the
Influenced by the White House
strategy to encourage a skepti-
cal view of the media, the imi-
tators advanced. They were
chiefly in the courts, where Por-
ter finds some of the most dam-
aging results of the Nixon years.
In particular, hse gives a care-
fil revies of the 'Pentagon
Papers" case, and points out
that what was first viewed as
a substantial victory for the
press may have ominously over-
riding portests.
many of the anti-media ef-
forts were neither successful,
nor even, in some cases, pot in-
to effect. The point, which Por-
ter makes with an air of as-
tonishment which the reader
comes to share, is that it is
remarkable that these offen-
sives were dreamt up in the
first place. Time after time,
Porter tells of acts which clear-
ly breached the Bill of Rights.
Again and again, he cites ac-
tions which were intended to
make the press impotent or
stuff its mouth with the admin-
istration's own point of view.
The book is not just about ex-
ecutive branch gangsters and
overzealous jurists; it is rid-
dted with anecdotes and in-
sights on the press honchoes
who fought on the other aide,
from Washington Post editor
Ben Bradlee to CBS News
President William Paley and
NBC News Commentator David
Brinkley. The President's
men, God knows, have been
written about enough; and Por-
ter's obvious love for the world
of journalism combines with
comments from his astute
sources therein to give the book

much of its new flavor.
Any student who has listened
to Porter's lectures will recog-
nize and welcome his frank
style and insight on the field
Each episode is treated with
Porter's considerable regard
for the First Amendment and
his deep concern for its preser-
vaton. Butrthere is a problem
here. The reader knows where
Porter stands on the nuances
of First Amendment rights, to
be sure, through his tone and
the frequent labelling of anti-
First Amendment movesas
"dismaying", "disturbing", and
This doesn't seem sufficient
Porter tells the story of the
anti-media siege with the re-
served disapproval of a dachs-
hund surveying the encroach-
ment of a large tomcat upon
its backyard. He certainly
makes no bones about where
he stands; why doesn't he
throw down the gauntlet? If
Nixon and his ilk can ignore
freedom of the press, so will
others without a ringing de-
fense from scholars such as
Portur. Fairness, yes - but
there needs to be a proclama-
finn of the Principles which are
behind the First Amendment,
not merely a calling of atten-
tion to its violation.
t8ORTER concludes with a
L note of caution: "Journal-
ists, particularly American
journalists, are not very often
corrupted by what -inight be
vulgarly described as 'the three
b's of bread, booze and broads.'
They are more likely to be cor-
rupted by that which makes
their job easier and less ten-
sion - inducing . . - there will
he other administrations tooF
wise to make the mistakes of
the Nixon era - but also wise
enough to find in it the elements
of an effective technique of
gentle corruption. And over
time, corruption may prove to
be the most serious threat of
If such an administration is
elected to take advantage of the
Nixon experience, it will not be
because the public was denied
an understanding of the histor-
ical threat. Professor Porter
has written a brilliant warning
to the future. If the -Zieglers
win out, it will not be his fault.

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