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August 12, 1976 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1976-08-12

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1 nursday, August iz, I v

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Nick/aus seeks PGA crown

By The Associated Press
laus, grimly determined to
turn his season around, faces a
host of hungry challengers in
the PGA Championship, the
last of the year's four major
tests of golfing greatness.
"It has not been one of my
best seasons," Nicklaus admit-
ted after a practice round over
the hilly Congressional Country
Club course, the playground of
presidents and the site of the
tournament that gets underway
"A win at the PGA could
change things drastically,"
Nicklaus said. "I could turn it
all around with good play this
And Nicklaus, generally
regarded as the finest player
the ancient game of golf has
known, is convinced he's as
ready as he can be. He
abandoned his customary
practice of an early arrival
at a major tournament site
and got in only two practice
rounds on the par-70 layout
that plays much longer than
its listed 7,054 yards.
"Usually at the major tourna-
ments I'm trying to build my
game to a peak," he said.
"This time I've played three
weeks in a row. My game is
about where I want it to be. Ac-
tually, my last tournament
(second place in the Canadian
Open) was probably my best of
the year."
A higher level of competition,
the emergence of a corps of
tour - toughened young con-
tenders and Nicklaus' pre-
occupation with business affairs
and his new, Memorial tourna-
ment, have combined to limit
him to a single victory this sea-
son. The same factors make
him less than a prohibitive fa-
vorite, a role he usually enjoys.
One of his chief challengers

is missing from the 142 man
field that will be chasing a total
purse of about $250,000. Johnny
Miller, winner of the British
Open and two other 1976 titles v
and the heir apparent to Nick-
laus' throne, suffered a cut hand
in a motorbike accident last
weekend and will be unable to
play. Bob Wynn, who won
the weather - delayed B. C.
Open early this week, also de-
clined to compete.
But the contenders abound.
Foremost among them are
Tom Weiskopf, Hale Irwin,
Ben Crenshaw, Al Geiberger
and rookie Jerry Pate.
Weiskopf and the veteran
Geiberger are favored by the
course, which plays extremely
long. Weiskopf, of course, is
one of the game's longest play-
ers and seems to be at his best
-- when he wants to be - in the
major championships. Geiber-
ger, a two-time winner this
year, may be the game's best
long - iron player and is at his
best on this type layout.
The dynamic Crenshaw thiq
season has fulfilled the bright
promise of his rookie season.
lIe's won twice. tIe's the year's
leading money - winner. Iie's
challenged in the majors be-
fore. Ile knows the pressures
involved. And he more that
comnrensates for erratic behav-
ior off the tee with nerbaps the
finest potting stroke on the
The slender, sweet-swinging
Pate, only 22, has been the
sensation of the season. The k
handsome young man from
Pensacola, Fla., scored his
first professional victory in
the biggest one of them all,
the United States Open and
proved that wasn't an acci-
dent with a final-round 63
that won him the Canadian
national championship last

AP Photo
THE WORLD'S GREATEST GOLFER, Jack Nicklaus, who isn't having his greatest year, blasts
from a sand trap at the Congressional Country Club yesterday during a practice round. Nicklaus
is looking for his first major championship of the year as the PGA opens today.

Transsexual tennis player
may have to take sex test

fly The Associated Press
tournament committee of the
U. S. Open met Wednesday to
decide whether Renee Richards
would be allowed to compete in
the tennis classic as a female
Before a sex - change oper-
ation, Renee Richards was Dr.
Richard Raskind, an opthalmo-
logist and a top-ranking player
in the men's 35-and-older tennis

category. Now Dr. Richards
wants to compete as a woman
at the U. S. Open, which begins
Sept. 1.
S t a n l e y Malles, presi-
dent of the U. S. Tennis As-
sociation, says he favors giv-
ing Dr. Richards a chromo-
some test to verify "whether
she is legitimately a woman.
If she comes out with an XX
factor, she's a woman."
Doctors say the chromosome

test, used to determine the sex
of Olympic athletes, will find
that Dr. Richards is a man. A
sex-change operation cannot al-
ter chromosomes.
Dr. Richards has said she
will pursue her right to play in,
the women's competition at the
U. S. Open "in whatever way
In a statement released
through World Tennis maga-
tine, Dr. Richards claimed she
was now recognized as a wom-
an "in the eyes of the law."
Dr. Richards has hired a Los
Angeles attorney, Greg Baut-
zer, as both her counselBand
agent for a book she plans to

original works of graphic art-etchings, lithographs,-
by leading 20th century artists:
Pablo Picasso Johnny Friedlaender Marc Chagall
Salvador Dali Alexander Calder Joan Miro
Georges Rouault Victor Vasarely and others.
Special Mid-Summer Art Show!
FRIDAY, AUGUST 13th at 8:30 P.M.
EXHIBITION: 7:00-8:30 p.m.-Moderate Prices
Presented by Meridian Gallery Bank Chg. Cards Accpt.

Bargaining & Organizing ONLY
-setting priorities
-position review (changes?)
-strategy for fall

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