Thursday, August 12, 1976 fHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine ... . dl ,(Continiued fromn Page 81 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS CLASSICAL and Steel Guitars, New and used. 605-7348, 429,9241. exe USED GIBSON ES-335 Armstrong bss, earth amps. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main. exl PRtE C.B.S. Fener Showman amp. Apollo Music Center. 769-1400. cX8 CLASSICAL G U I T A RS- Finest handcaftedi intruments. Imported directly from the world's great LUTHIERS. RAMIE, contreras, Kohno, kMasuok. Guitar Gallery. 234 Nickels Arcade, 02-580. 2181 WANTED TO BUY NEED 176-177 Parking Pace foe 0I of IS campus. Will pay generous- ly. Call 994-5310 persistently after 5:00 p.m. or weekends.- 34K14 HELP WANTED ROOM, BOARD AND small salary in ecange for babysitting. 7 year old girl. Ideal for student. Call 665. 2305. -71H1 FULL.TIE DA CARE STAFF POSITION OPEN Applications available at mss meet. lims 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 1th at Child Care Atics Center, 3310 Shool of Edation Bsildig, Uof M. 61114 EXPERIECED WRITER. nsiness oriented writer needed Is write artile frrm indstial relations- prodtiity data. Plae submit resusead copy of pot writing t TO. Bos 191. Ass Arbor, MO 48106 COMMISSION - WANTED U of Mi student to market banwood clocks inAnn Arbor. Call or write Betty J. Morris, 60 Lakeside Dr., SE., Apt. B, Grand Rapids, MI. 4050 os robl 616496095. 50113 BILLING CLERK: Immediate open- ing. Handle prepared: inoicing. Accounts Payble. Typing requir- ed. 8-5. No Saturday work. Paid oliday. Peaantsroundings Apply Mr. Hawkis, Adrtierse Poils . g Ccmpany 944 Wll St 665-610. 5311010 ART R& CRAFrTEAiCHERSOOWANT SIDFOR FA Lto tea0:h:inte Cl 11cc 03 etheTIof X1Octisctscland informtc isa all 668-78 tweSnre9 tot :cand 5 p.m.. 38H81 rot4Pc: Y'v'Eco p1pottes for t?. 010nowav l..bclyrat ,Bc coal K:ncctc0.Lcry. Shift,tavcil 5 .mcc.,0:.t - 3atm A: equa t:ocpportnity :tcplolycc. 418111 IAYII'~TtR NEED s-tarinclltt.l APPLY NOW-We eed immediat Iep i seeral seem., Ambitious msucexrperencd dekclersand nigt aditos. Apply in peronsa Ramada n, 20 Jackson Road USED CARS 68 OPEL, transprtaton ar. Need: work. $200. Call, 662-472. 5051 to6s FORD VAN. .3-peed. 6-yl laser. Wndws in rear and id toor. Call 76-1633. After 5:30 p.m 4510 SITUATIONS WANTED ROUSE WORK- Will do Indoor o otdoor chores. Responsible Grad Cciil68-71l5. Keep-tying. 4908.2 PETS AND SUPPLIES 'WO ADORALE MALE CATS - Very affectonate. roc,. 5 -months One black, tne slriped. Call per sistraly til I11 p.m., 995-50. 65T1 FOR SALE YASD SALE Atgst 14th, 1-3. 40 S Fifth Ase .)omte, c101e dihm,,tperitr. 2811 RTOUSEROLD IEMS-8 fsot sofa bhases stereo. dnete set, cda .slest. c~tstom drapes, sd woosn wodshade, -vacuum cleaner.lnen bedsprads pots sd pans, dishes slverware, miscollaneos. Call 91 635. 71B84 DOUB3LE BED WTB EDBOARD 2, och 2. Chest of drawers $10, ktchen .cirs, $2.50. sLaps $.00. Call 995-441, peristently. l 9801 ESSENTIALLT COMPLETE U.S Stamp collectIon. $295. 761-0033. 5 7 pn..51B81L Q get the j ob d oneJ BIKES AND SCOOTERS '69 BRIDGESTONE. Good condition. Russ well. $205. Dans. 709-0048. 392012 1903 HONDA 504. Cusom paint. new tires, disc brakes. law, miles, Bmst offer. Will" consides trade. 001- 3361. 322814 LOST AND FOUND F0UND - lMAN'S WRISTWATCH. I West side of S. Forest, ninth of U-Towers. .761-7233. dA8l4 FOUND Airdalt, wire hair terrier. Slack body, brown head, ears and legs, Med. Wie female. Recently cut hale. No collar. Call 995-0005. dA8l2 LOST A BLACK PATENT LEATHER WAL,- LET with tiny gold studs. Last seen in the Michigan Dily office. Af found, PLEASE return, no ques- tions asked. My W~entification cards, r license and pictures are extremely r importsnt to me. There wan no mney in the wallet, ws don't worry about returning it empty. Call days 00440550 hefore 3:30) or 095-4041 any other ine. Ask for Debbie. D. BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING-esoanable cases. IBM Se- lectri. 76-2256 after It .m. . 20J017 EXfPERIENCED PROFES4IONAL TYPIST. IBM 'self-correcting with carbon ribbon. Disserations, manu- scripts, teem papers. Reasonable rates. Campus location. Cell Jim, 605-00. CANl I AM a fitll-time, frees lance typist with considerable experience typing books. dissertations, papers. I type over 100 wpm., perfect accuracy gtsaranteed. Base rote 70c per page. IBM Correcting +Selectrl5< Call Bill, 865-016.. c3te NEW SERVICE 'Kxpereeced, Ercar-Free. Oslarnceed Manuscript. Disertaticn, S pseer n 'Typewriting. Editing, Arademtc/Pcs- fessional. IBM Selectrice. Reason- able Rates. Copying. Pick-tip asid Delivery. Persooo~lled. Conftdoels ,al. Telephone Dictation and Nstary Sericee. ST1EYABENS PROFESSIONAL, TYPEWRIING SERVICR As. Stephense 434-1904 P.O. Boa 10] Ypsilati. Mrsn. BUSINESS SERVICES THE SECRETARIAT DISSERTATION SPECIALISTS '1 plag. Copying, Bnding. .Editing. Notary Service. 812 5nssth State Street Open 10-5, 1-10 994-3594 TYPING SERVICE IBM Selectrics 110 E. Michigan, Ypsi. 405-490 PERSONAL NEEDED: Room in cooperative, ve- getarian house for woman and doe. If you are into working at eampera- tiveness and need another house- mate, I'm interested. Flease call and leave a message with Barry at 90- 4248. 009813 DIRECT PURCHASING volsime sell. ing and marginal profits assure yoss that your diamond will be' an 'in- vestment at Austin Diamond. 1209 S. University, 603-0151. cltc PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- 'em Pregnancy Help, 769-7283. 400 S. Divison. FPeer pregnancy teats. PERSONAL WE ItOH I ;(IrATE St7 he Blue lte t .:c lttloO sotrm.The 4 illyoce 4t. ltrt }r,1112) 9. slle~- 5scat e"NIi. NENTi' WF'lttl'l LOSB9 1lr i h.IIPe It cIto Moiflc,,atlse. 1.S t..ltl cto. t sc ," ,.?~ l 98j4-001J9. tOPISS ltr oscO 1.UstarS]Prices Anywhere IMI1RES. 325'4 U0William 060i-4'3?1 eFte ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING If-ctI'cln~ilcg. Xerto copies X(ox se rrlcctiloso.photstts ttcrtf o01stev, tpecettlng ansd attch stare ST1.11590 ACOUNTIS WElCOME 214 S. 4th Ave, 994-4064 cl Ol{OS COPtYIN .TCljSIIE6TrO CAMPUS Booss clessssstes. papers. cesumee- Dssertationa osality, low prices. rvery day-esensing. Prom 21aC per coov. X11 5. State 4near ino's1. 662-3969. The Copy dtill Q10 LUCt TI'TONTK. British trsisned as- trotheraintat. Lactest methods avail- able. Problemso slving' compatible with YOUR personality atruicture. 994-1311. CF817 When someone drinks too much and then drives, it's thesilence that kills, Your silence. It kills yotir friends, your relatives, and people you don't even know. But they're all people you could save, If you knew what to say, mnaybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe fewer, people would die. --What you should say is, "I'll coffee never made anyone sober. Maybe it would keep him awake long enough to have an accident. But that's about all.0 T7he best way to prevent a drunk from becoming a dead drunk is to stop him from driving. Speak up. Don't let silence be the last sound he hears.- drive you home.tOr)"Lttme call a r ---~----- -cab." Or, "Sleep on n4y couch 1 DR UN DRIVER, DEP'T. Y A toih, BOX 2345 I tonght" .I OCKVULL, MARY AND 20852 1 Don't hesitate because your I don't want toremain silent. I friend may have been drinking only t'Felt me what else I can do.I beer. Beer and wine can be just as I I intoxicating as mixed drinks.. I my wav sse - ...-..~ And don't thank that black ity Aokbmswil Ie im - cofe wllmae imsober. Black _ ________ Nsa-e_______Zp FPRIENDS DO'T LET FRIENDS DRIVE* DRUNK. 1 .nsuase vss * a + .cieasass,rH; ,vr eaa1Mlr