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August 12, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-08-12

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Thursdoy, August 12, 1976


Page Seven

Rhodesian city struck Rioting erupts in Cape Town

by Mozambique raid

SALISBURY, Rhodesia (R) -
Regular Mozambique Army
troops launched a mortar attack
yesterday on one of Rhodesia's
largest cities, and sources here
said the attack was in apparent
-,prisal for a bloody Rhodesian
raid across the border last Sun-
Rhodesian officials said the
Mozambicans fired about' 30
mortars into Umtali, a city of
55,000 one mile from Mozam-
bique's border. They reported
no casualties but said several
houses were damaged.
SEVERAL British - built
Rhodesian fighter - bombers
flew across the border after the
shelling of Umtali, but officials
would not say if they attacked
targets in Mozambique.
The Rhodesian raid Sunday
was on a base camp of black
kill1s tfte3o
(Continued fromn Page 3)
-Police recovered two rifles
and searched the building to be
certain no accomplices were in-
STOUT SAID police had not
pieced together the sequence of
events leading to the shooting,
but the suspect was interviewed
at a Wichita hospital where he
was reported in serious con-
Stout said no motive for the
shootings had been established,
and reports that the suspect was
seen parking a car with Okla-
homa license plates had not been

nationalist guerrillas operating
from Mozambique. Officials said
the raid killed 300 guerrillas,
30 Mozambican soldiers and 10.
Black guerrillas have been
using Mozambique, with approv-
al and backing of the Marxist
Mozambican government, as a
base from which to launch their
attacks on white-ruled Rhode-
RHODESIAN security sourc-
es first said they weren't sure
if the mortars were launched
by guerrillas or regular Mozam-
bican forces. However, they
said later the mortars came
from troops of the Marxist gov-
ernment, launched two or three
miles inside Mozambique. They
gave no indication how the de-
termination was made.
Sunday's attack on the guer-
rilla base was the third time
Rhodesia has acknowledged
crossing the border, but Moz-
ambique claims such crossings
occur much more often.
Residents of Umtali said they
had been expecting some sort
of retaliation since the Rhode-
sian raid Sunday.
Umtali said, "We're living
right on the front line, only
a few kilometers from where
the terrorists are launching
their attacks on us, and we
know what to expect."
In a communique, Rhodesian
security officials said two bor-
der posts, one near Umtali and
one at Villa Salazar in the far
sontheast of Rhodesia, were
also hit by mortars and rockets
fired from Mozambique yester-
Some black Rhodesians were
skeptical of the official claims
that more than 300 guerrillas
were killed in the raid, which
followed a guerrilla attack in
which four white soldiers were
killed near Umtali.

CAPE TOWN, South Africa 0)
-Blacks went on a rampage of
burning and looting in the black
townships around Cape Town
late yesterday, police said. At
least 15 blacks were killed and
50 injured.
Police said that after a day
of unrest, blacks began rioting
in the streets last night, burning
buildings, looting liquor stores
and attacking cars.
HEAVILY armed riot police
units fought pitched battles with
the rioters in township streets.
Unofficial reports said at least
four of the victims were killed
by police gunfire.
Most of the trouble was re-
ported in the black townships of
langa and Guguletu, just north
of Cape Town.
Police repeatedly used tear
gas and fired shots to break up
crowds, including a mob of some
300 blacks that marched on a
police station at Guguletu. Road-
blocks were thrown up around
the townships by police who
were helped somewhat by rain
and, briefly, a hail storm.
AMBULANCES and fire en-
gines moved into the troubled
areas under police escort to
collect the injured and dead and
pt oit the fires.,
The riots were the first serious
outbreak in the southern part of
the white-ruled country since
black rioting erupted in mid-
June in the Johannesburg and
Pretoria area, 800 miles north-
The latest deaths bring to 207
the number killed since rioting
first broke out in the black
township of Soweto outside Jo-
hannesburg. At least 27 have
died in the past week:
Town were the worst in a day
of scattered incidents. Police
reported arson, stoning and
marching in other segregated
black townships across South
Africa, but said most of the in-
cidents were minor.

In Alexandra township near
here, club-wielding black work-
ers dispersed a band of black
youths who were trying to stop
them from going to work, point-
ing up a generation gap in the
racial troubles.
"The youths just scattered
when the older people ran at
them with their 'kieries'," said a
policeman. The workers carried
knobkieries, the short, heavy
wooden clubs borne by African
warriors in the past.
A MAJOR factor in the pro-
tests has been the attempts of
black youths to get the older
generation of blacks to boycott
their jobs in the white-run fac-
tories and businesses in Johan-
The workers have generally
resisted, although students have
stoned buses, erected street bar-
ricades, sabotaged a railway
line and attacked people com-
muting to work.
Police said they were unable
to protect everyone and urged
"law-abiding workers" to arm

themselves with clubs to fight
off the youths, whom the police
describe as tsotsis, or thugs.
Armed police escorts were also
put on buses running into Alex-
andria and Soweto.
THE UNREST reflects anger
over the detention of student
leaders after the June riots in
which 176 persons died but it
has taken on the image of a
general black youth campaign
against South Africa's apartheid,
or race separation, laws.
Promises by South Africa's
white majority government te
look into the grievances of stu-
dents and urban blacks in gen-
eral appear to have had little
One of the most serious dis-
turbances yesterday was in the
township of Sebokeng, near Van-
derbijlpark, where nolice dis-
persed some 30 blacks stoning
vehicles and buildings. Police
fired warning shots and teargas.
California Indians pounded
acorns into a flour from which
porridge and bread were made.

Ford, Reagan may face
Buckley nomination threat

(Continued from Page 3)
The thinking, Nessen said, is
that if Buckley permits his
name to be placed in nomination
as a third entry, the action will
ptill votes away from Reagan.
Meanwhile, Ford managers
said the President had more
than enough delegate votes to
win the presidential nomination.
But they conceded they were
prepared to compromise on
some potentially explosive plat-
form issues to head off the pos-
sibility of divisive floor fights.
"WE'VE GOT something in
the neighborhood of 1,135 votes
and our job is to hold what
we've got," said Sen. Robert
Griffin of Michigan, Ford's con-
vention floor manager. It takes
1,13 delegate votes to nominate.
The latest Associated Press
tally of delegate votes, based on
binding commitments or stated
,references, gave Ford 1,105,
Reagan 1,032, with 122 uncom-
Griffin said he knew of no
potential defections among Ford
delegates in New York if Buck-
ley got into the race.
AT HIS New York news con-
ference, Buckley denied he was
a "stalking horse" for Reagan
conservatives interested in using

a Buckley candidacy to block
The senator said he would
give his endorsement to a move
to push his candidacy "only if I
felt I could contribute to the
national and party interest to
free up the convention."
Buckley refused to identify
the individuals who had ap-
proached him except to say that
Sen. Jesse Helms of North Caro-
lina, a Reagan supporter, was
one of them.
HELMS TOLD reporters he
was a great admirer of Buckley
but intended to continue sup-
porting Reagan.
Speculation on the purpose be-
hind the Buckley trial balloon
centered on two theories. One
was that it was an effort to
siphon New York delegation
votes away from Ford. The
other was that it was a move by
conservatives still angry with
Reagan over his choice of Sen.
Richard S. Schweiker as his
running mate.
John Sears, Reagan's cam-
paign manager, was asked in
Kansas City about the possible
entry of Buckley into the race,
and he said, "We have not en-
couraged anybody to enter the
race . . . Our position is that
if people do enter the race
that's their decision."

PTP struggles. with tough stuff

(Continued from Page 6)
on in those three acts: people
get hired and fired, make the
wrong pictures and fall in love,
but that, as they say, is show
biz, and everything is just swell
for the final fadeott.
I WISH I COULD tell you
without reservations that Once
in a Lifetime was just swell.
Only it wasn't, and I had sev-
eral reservations.
First, the play itself. Kauf-
man and Hart wrote it in 1929
- the epoch of Buddy Rogers
and the Vitaphone, and light
years away from that of Rob-
ert Redford and Sensurround.
Obviously the script could not
be updated and the director did
some nice things with the mate-
rial he had, but the play is a
distant period piece and it is
long. Regrettably, some of the
cast members contrived to
make it seem even longer.
My biggest complaint about
the cast as a whole is that it
was a very noisy group. In a
number of scenes and at the
close of each act the director
filled the large Power stage
with the entire ensemble, and
told them, I'm sure, to do as
much "business" as possible as
loudly as possible. Often their
ad libs stepped on the lines on
individual actors. And I didn't
want anyone to step on the
lines of some of the support-
ing cast, notably Diana Daver-
man as the wonderfully fraudu-
lent columnist Helen Hobart;

Jack McLaughlin as beleaguer-
ed playwright Lawrence Vail;
Charles Sutherland as the movie
mogul; and Janna Morrison as
the empty-headed object of
George's affection.
porting players were uniformly
stronger than the three leads,
Badegrow, Wojka and Forth. I
think I can safely say that I
have never felt less kindly dis-
posed toward an actor than I
did toward Mr. Forth, who -
the program noted - will be
going to Julliard this fall. He
had more posturings, lunges and
body weavings than a Dior mod-
el, and delivered his lines with
shouts and snapping fingers that
would have done credit to a
cheerleader with an over-active
thyroid. Badegrow also came
on too strong and hard for the
first act, but softened as the
play went on and turned in a
pleasant though not over-subtle
performance. Wojda, as the

dope of the trip who ends up
running the studio, needs to
work on his posture a bit but
was otherwise fine.
Mikell Pinkney's direction had
some nice touches to it, though
some of them were a bit too
prolonged. For instance, the
credits and the scene locales
were flashed on a silent silver
screen facsimile a b o v e the
stage. Clever idea. And the
strobe lights at the end of each
scene were a clever idea the
first time, but not the second or
the third or ...
I bow to the costume design-
er, Marty Pakledina, who with
a cast of over 50 had his work
cut out for him.
Regardless of the Rep's per-
formance, winding up another
summer, if you get a second
once in a lifetime chance to see
this play, do. There are still
enough wonderfully funny min-
utes in that vintage script to
make Neil Simon check his laur-


t * 1-n " "- "
TONIGHTI Lina Wertmuller's
(Lina Wertmuller, 1973) AUD. A-7 & 9:15
tiancarlo Giannini plays an anarchist won stays at a Roman
brothel while waiting to assassinate Mussolini. Mariangela
Melato gives a hysterically funny performance as his contact.
Lusciouscinematography of Italy in the '30's wertmuhler, who
used to work for Felini and who also directed THE SEDUCTION
OF MIMI, makes this movie fast and funny. "Extravagant and
operatic."--The New Yorker. Italian, English subtitles.

S 50c Discount on Admission
With Student [.
HOURS: Fr. & Sat. 8 p.m.-2 oam.
WEEKLY HOURS: 9 p.m.-2 a.m.
51 UE. Liberty 994-535
..n .______-





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