The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 65-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 11, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Ford continues VP search
WASHINGTON ('} - The list of po-
tential running mates known to be un-
der consideration by President Ford ex-
panded yesterday to include 12 men
and one woman.
Three of the 13 rejected, with varying
degrees of firmness, the possibility of
filling the second spot on the Republi-
can ticket this fall.
A FOURTH who says the White House
asked him for personal information has
said in the past he may be constitution-
ally ineligible for the job.
Seven senators, two Cabinet members,
two governors and two ambassadors
have acknowledged that the White House
has asked for health and financial infor-
mation on them as part of Ford's
screening process.
The only woman known to be on
Ford's list, the U. S. ambassador to
Great Britain, Anne Armstrong, has
been asked to provide information on
herself by the White House, an embassy
spokesman said yesterday in London.
U. N. Ambassador William Scranton
also said through a spokesman yester-
day that he had been contacted by the
White House over the weekend.
Although the Ford search began late
last week, Sens. Lowell Weicker of Con-
necticut and James Buckley of New
York said yesterday they had been con-
tacted Monday night by White House
aides asking for background informa-
Others who have said they have been
contacted by the White House include
Treasury Secretary William Simon,
Commerce Secretary Elliot Richardson,
Sens. Charles Percy of Illinois, Howard
Bakqr of Tennessee, Edward Brooke of
Massachusetts, William Brock of Ten-
See FORD, Page 10
East mops up after Belle
NEW YORK (A)-Thousands of Long Island-
ers who fled from the path of Hurricane Belle
returned to their homes yesterday as the first
hurricane to hit the metropolitan New York
area in 16 years played itself out over New
Three persons were reported killed by the
storm, and several others died Monday and
Tuesday in storm-related traffic accidents.
Barbara Chamberlain, 32, and her son Rus-
sell, 7, were killed when the footbridge they
were crossing near their Huntington, Vt., home
was swept away by a rain-swollen branch of
the Huntington River. Carol Mayer, 19, was
killed when she was hit by a falling tree inthe
eastern Long Island town of Wading River.
ALONG THE storm's path, officials were try-
ing to estimate the damage wrought by Belle,
one of the worst hurricanes to hit the North-
east since Hurricane Donna killed 36 persons
in 1960.
Belle had been moving up the East Coast
for three days with winds up to 110 miles per
hour, sending high winds and waves ashore
from the Carolinas northward. The powerful
heart of the storm finally went ashore for the
first tite early Tuesday morning on Long
Island, but its winds had dropped from 110
m.p.h. to 90 m.p.h.
Enroute a pthe coast, portions of the storm
flooded coastal highways and towns in New
Jersey, caused millions of dollars damage in
beach erosion in that state and sent coastal
residents fleeing inland.
ON LONG ISLAND, which felt the brunt of
the storm, damage was reported lighter than
anticipated. But roads and basements were
flooded, small boats were smashed and power
lines and trees were downed by the fierce
winds. Power was out at one time or another
for more than half -million persons.
New York Gov Hugh Carey requested an
estimate of damage to determine if Long
Island should be classified a disaster area.
"We are extremitely fortunate that the storm
started to come apart just before it reached
See EAST, Page 10
Saline Rodeo fans thrill to
Saturday night at the frontier
Imagine a dusty arena in a small farm town,
filled with families, old men with cans of
Pabst Blue Ribbon and dozens of bug-eyed
youngsters in oversize straw Stetson hats.
The gates of the ring swing open and in
rides a brace of cowgirls wearing green-
sequined Western outfits and carrying the
U.S. flag. They look like the cavalry from the
last ten minutes of an old movie, except that
the fenced-in arena forces them to ride in
JUST AS THE patriotic barrage begins to
bore the kids, who are trying to get a look at
the cowboys and the fidgety bucking horses,
the cowgirls ride into the sunset and the real
rodeo show _.. bareback riding, calf roping,
steer wrestling-- begins.
Such was the scene at the Saline Rodeo Sat-
urday night,- and the swaggering cowboys and
ornery streets gave everyone a chance to ex-
perience part of the myth that is the American
West "I guess everybody sort wants to be a
cowboy," said Jim Zineer, whose J Bar J
Ranch provided the stock for the show.
/inzer, a rtle man who chews tobacco and
talks in a psrposeftlly sli w manner, used to
ride bulls in the rodeo, on event which ac-
counts for more injuries than any other Now
he raises rodeo stock.
"A HORSE HAS gotta want to buck," he
said. "You cAn use a flank strap-it doesn't
See SALINE, Page 5
JEAN RIVARD, a victim of Hurricane Belle, is carried
by firemen from her North Adams, Mass. home on a chair
Tuesday. Water from the flooded Hoosac River appeared like-
ly to pour into her house at any minute, as winds up to
100 m.p.h. tore up the eastern coastline.