Tuesday, August 10,_197f THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Jury finds Harrises guilty (Continued from Page ) prejudicial remark. However, the judge ordered a hearing for today to probe further whether any of the jurors were tainted by prejudice. In an unusual move, the jur- ors themselves sent word they wanted to remain sequestered at a hotel overnight and the judge granted the request. They made the unique suggestion af- ter the judge ordered them not to discuss any aspect of the case with anyone - even rela- tives - until today's hearing is over. EXCEPT FOR juror Ronald Pruyn, the jury is unaware that its honesty and therefore its verdict was being ques- tioned. The judge also told jur- ors not to read newspapers, lis- ten to radio or television ac- counts of the verdict. Sentencing for the Harrises was tentatively set for Aug. 30. "We're very gratified that they were acquitted on all charges involving the shooting at Mel's Sporting Goods," said the chief defense attorney Leonard Weinglass. He added he was "surprised and dis- tressed" about the kidnaping convictions. The verdicts came amid a raging dispute over defense con- tentions that a mistrial is re- quired. THE COURT proceedings re- mained in session, and mem- bers of the jury were expected to be individually polled on whe- ther they were affected by al- leged incidents of prejudice re- vealed after the jurors were deliberating. Weinglass had said moments before the verdicts came in that "there could not possibly be any public confidence in this verdict." The prosecutor said that if there is any sign the jury was tainted with bias, "we will join in any motion for a new trial by the defendants." THE ACQUITTALS on the six assault charges - the first ver- dicts read in the hushed court- room - vindicated the Har- .There IS a . difference!!! * PREARE FOR: MC Te, 35yeas S : MC oAT eperiece anid success S ATSmall classes . j LSAT -oimis hos "oluminous home " G E stdy materias : " "'" ''''i courses that are . constantly updated . AGDT - OCA tape facilities for* reiews of class " * AT lessons and for use : P ot suppiemeniary S FLEX -materials " "Make-ups for "ECFMG mse esn NAT'L MED DS: NAT'L DENT BDS i " write or can: " * 1945 Panltne Bvd. . Aan AArb6r 48103 . " 62-3149 " " "N EDUCATIONAL CENTER " "s~oraao rises, who had contended that the 22-year-old Hearst was a self - willed gunwoman when she whipped out a machine gun and fired wildly to free the couple from a possible shoplift- ing arrest. The newspaper heiress, now a convicted bank robber, ad- mitted the assault during her San Francisco bank robbery trial. But she claimed that she fired out of "a reflex action," in fear of the Harrises and oth- er members of the terrorist group which had kidnaped her on Feb. 4, 1974. The machine-gun assault at an Inglewood sporting goods store came on May 16, 1974, just a month after the Hibernia Bank robbery in San Francisco of which Miss Hearst stands convicted. The Harrises' convictions of two kidnapings and a robbery also involve Hearst. She is to be tried on the same 11 charg- es of the indictment next Jan. 10. SHE HAS SAID she was with the Harrises when they com- mandeered the cars of young college student Tom Matthews and middle-aged contractor Frank Sutter. Matthews de- scribed Hearst as a kindly cap- tor who patted his head and asked after his comforts. But Sutter portrayed her as a gun-toting member of the gang, pointing a gun at him as he was abducted. Some of the verdicts were dated Aug. 5, but among the last to be returned were the charges which had brought the jurors back to the courtroom to rehear testimony - those in- volving the absent co-defendant, Hearst. THOSE WERE the six as- sault charges and the kidnap- ing of Matthews, who said he didn't believe he was a kid- nap victim. The jurors found the Harrises guilty of the Matthews kidnaping. The jurors found that the Harrises did rob' Sutter of $250 but rejected the claim that the trio had robbery in mind when they commandeered Sutter's car in Griffith Park. In addition, the jurors found the Harrises guilty of five charges of firearms violations. THE JURORS were solemn as Court Clerk Steven Brown asked them after each of the 22 verdicts - "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is this your verdict? So say you one so say you all?" The jurors, who had delib- erated 8 days for a total of S1 hours, nodded in unison and answered, "Yes." But their verdict did not end a raging controversy, which was fired earlier in the day by testimony and led to last-mm- ute motions for mistrial and dismissal. SUPERIOR COURT Judge Mark Brandler, who has re- fused many similar motions, turned down the defense again. Weinglass said that irregu- larities and misconduct during the trial had made the reading of the verdict "a farce." le asked the judge to "cleanse this system of this case." "TIERE could not possibly be any public confidence in this verdict," Weinglass said. "This proceeding is so infected with so many errors, with errors of judgme"t and misconduct, as not to be able to survive any test of due process." TL9 AFTER i HOURS BAND 9# 50c Discount on Admission with Student I.D. Coming Aug. 11-15 FREE WHEEL IN HOURS: Fri. & Sat 9 p m.-2ma.m. WEEKLY HOURS: 9 p.m.-2a m. 516 E. Liberty 994-5350