NVMIO Wfl%'r= Mi MIM= n~ll Y4Z^sruu~, Attyuss e+ 7 15 I rl-CM I% r Ik,71-4V^ I - T '-uturuu0y, rNUgUST 1,IV 1-0 Cause of Pa. deaths still unknown PHILADELPHIA tom - Doc- tors said yesterday they are con- centrating their search for the cause of "legionnaire's disease" on toxins or poisots. Hut they conceded that the list of toxins was almost endless and repeat- ed that they may never know what killed the 25 men and women who have died in the mysterious outbreak. Doctors here and at the fed- eral Center for Disease Control in Atlanta said, mennwhile, that the onthreak appears to be tap- ering off. State Health Secretary Leon- ard Rachman said that although the death toll was officially in- creased by two yesterday, there have heen no new cases of the disease reported since Tuesday. "I do helieve the guarded op- timism we are showing is ap- propriate," he said. The two who were added to the death toll died earlier in the week, utt had been listed as having uffered other diseases. DR. DAVID Sencer, director f the federal Center for Dis- ease Control in Atlanta, agreed. 'The epidemic has peaked and is on its way out," he said at a news coference at the center. The doctors moved closer to knowing what the disease is not: it is not any type of flu. It is not caused by bacteria or fun- gas. It probably is not caused by virus. Sencer and Bachman also em- nhasized that no secondary in- fections have been found, mean- ing the disease is not contagious. It has been limited to persons connected with a state American Legion convention here last month. AN ESTIMATED 10,000 at- tended the convention, and doc- tors now say 108 persons con- tracted the disease. A few re- main in critical condition. Researchers at the CDC and a state laboratory in Philadel- phia have hunted nonstop for the cause of the disease since it was diagnosed on Monday. Sencer said the CDC was now concentrating on toxins, which could appear in such common items as plastics, paper, soap, cigarettes, food, water or just about anything the conven- tioneers came in contact with. ALTHOUGH Bachman said a "slower-growing virus" is still a possibility, he said, "Our em- phasis is shifting definitely to- ward toxins." Don Berreth, information of- ficer at the CDC, was asked what possible toxins could be responsible. "Thousands," he said. "It makes no sense to speculate." A toxin is a poison. Some chem chemicals are toxins by their very nature. Arsenic and cynanide are examples. Others are toxic because of their vol- ume. For example, salt is not toxic to humans in small doses but a cup of salt in a baby's milk would be toxic, TOXINS CAN occur naturally or they can be manmade, rais- ing again the question of wheth- er sabotage is a possibility. Bachman believes sabotage is far fetched. "It stretches my Imagination to believe that there is any human capacIty to create such a subtle and effective sabo- tage," he said. The FBI in Washington said it had no evidence of terrorist ac- tivity in connection with the ill- ness or of any drug being slipped to those who came down with the disease. CITY INVESTIGATORS check- ed out the hotels where the legionnaires stayed. The em- phasis was on air-conditioning sy s t e m s, renovation work, water, sewage, food and any- thing unusual. Bachman has suggested that if a toxin did cause the disease, it was probably transmitted through the air, and not food or water. Three teams of three city em- ployes each fanned out to the six hotels where the legionnaires stayed. Were the carpets sham- pooed, they wanted to know. What type of cleanser was used. Which air-conditioning ducts led to the rooms where the victims stayed. Are there any rust stains in the pantry? 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