Poge Ten THE MfCHiGAN DAIL.Y Friday, August 6, 1976 Happenings... HAPPENINGS film reviews are written by Kim Potter. All week long COMMERCIAL CINEMA Harry and Walter Go to New York - (The Movies, Briar- wood) - An unswervingly triv- iat farce about a pair of turn- of - the - century vaudvillians (James Caan and Elliott Gould) who attempt to beat a million- aire safe cracker (Michael Caine) to the punch in robbing a Boston Bank. The motivations for the heist are exceedingy murky, and tend to undermine whatever comic invention may be present; but this was such a throwaway project to begin with that it doesn't really mat- ter anyway. Gould is surpris- ingly funny as the dumber of two heroes, and Caine is the epitome of suave chicanery. But Caun seems out of his nor- mal action element, and Diane Keaton, as a muckraking jour- nalist, proves again that what- ever her element is, it certain- lv does not lie within the boun- daries of show business. ** Bugs Bunny Superstar-(Cam- pus) - An interesting compend- ium of works from the some- times hilHarious, often violence- prone Warner Bros. animation school Guided by the great Tex Avery and others, the studio :onsistently outdid the Disney amalgamate in both humor and imaginative verve, but wheth- er this inspiration was always utilized to the healthiest ends will remain forever open to question.,{ Ode to Billy Joe-(The Mov- ies, Briarwood) - This Deep South offering unravels at last the long-awaited (?) riddle of Bobbie Gentry's decade-old song. According to the movie, Billy Joe took his plunge off Tallahatchie bridge for reasons more Freudian than Mansonian, but the film suffers not so much from its rather doll solution as from an insufferable saturation of situation comedy cuteness. Directed by Max Baer (late of The Beverly Hillbillies), Billy Joe is gorged with an army of precocious, post-adolescent cher- ubs mouthing cutely-risque wit- ticisms (there must be 700 breast - development jokes), while the adults shake their heads and smile adoringly. The film's acting ranges from mediocre to maladroit. Glynnis O'Connor proves only moderate- ly unskilled in the role of the protagonist, Bobbie Lee; alas, the same cannot be said of a sublimely ill-conceived lad nam- ed Robby Benson, who trans- forms the role of the charismat- ic Billy Joe into an approxima- tion of Donny Osmond doing an imitation of Jerry Lewis. Young Benson's heretofore most mem- orable theatrical achievement was the Wolfman Jack TV acne commercial, an endeavor for which he seemed far more physically and dramatically qualified. * Silent Movie -- (Michigan) - A down-and-out Hollywood di- rector decides to make -a silent picture to financially rescue a beleaguered studio boss, with wild complications resulting. Mel Brooks' film may appear on the surface a parody of the silent genre, but really isn't at all; it's a full-fledged member in good standing of the word- less art, ready to take its place beside the best works of Kea- ton, Chaplin and the other geni- uses of the field, to which Brooks' name must certainly now be added. Masterfully hil- arious. ** Friday CINEMA Take the Money and Ran - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3, 8:45 only) - Woody Allen's funny chronicle of vicious con Virgil Starkwell's descent into crime and degradation. The first Allen-starring Allen-direc- ted film is a bit rough around the edges, but its very free- wheelingness often makes it more effective than Woody's more opulent later efforts. *** Love and Death - (Ann Ar- bor Film Co-op, MLB 3, 7 & 10:30) - What would possess Woody Allen to play variations on Tolstoy? Better he tackle bank robbers, futuristic robots, even gianut breasts. Simply put, Love and Death is a botch. Not just a botch by Woody Allen standards, but by those of far lesser humorists than himself. Perhaps Woody felt the ever- enlarging spectre of Mel Brooks breathing down his back, and thus felt compelled to write something deep and profound and universally humanistic. If so, he clearly bit off more than he could chew. Allen's creative abilities have matured in re- cent years, but his premary tal- ent remains that of comedian, not cosmic philosopher. And his apparent attempt here to grasp for the latter plateau results in Love and Death's containing some of the most sustainedly un- funny passages of any of his films. Things are not helped along by the once-again presence of the absolutely numbing Diane Keaton (Louise Lasser, where are you?), but the prime blame for this cinematic mess must fall squarely upon the shoulders of the most gifted comic artist of our time, who for the mo- ment appears unwilling to set- tle for that much-deserved title. Experimental Animation Night - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 8 only) - A collection of various conventional, surreal and abstract works spanning 70 years of filmed animation, and vividly demonstrating the al- most limitless boundaries of this particular medium. Au Hasard Balthazar - (Cine- ma Guild, Arch. And., 7:30 & 9:30) - A 1970 film by Robert Bresson, the currently reigning god of the auteur school. From what I can vaguely gather, it's about the wickedness of the world, as seen through the al- legorical eyes of a donkey. Hope it's better than Dumbo. Nashville - (Cinema II, Ang. Aud. A, 7:30 & 10:30) - Robert Altman's giant country epic back for a return engagement. The most hotly-debated Ameri- can film in years: It is a soul- searing X-ray of our society, or a smugly simplistic nose-thumb- ing at Middle America? You be" the judge, but either way a gen- uine original, and not to be missed. *** Saturday CINEMA Medium Cool - (Cin. 1I5 Ang. Aud. A, 7:30 & 9:30)-This fictionalized documentary about the moral and political awaken- ing of a cynical young TV news photographer during the 1968 Chicago Convention riots in per- haps the closets thing to a genu- ine radical film ever produced by a major American studio - although the producers probably never realized what they were getting into. Director Haskell Wexler play- ed a hunch that something was going to boil over in Chicago that summer, then created a dramatic plot along the way to blend into the actual events. Conspiracy is the keyword, as the initially hardboiled camera- man is slowly drawn into a web of governmental secrecy and paranoia, culminating in police- protester violence terrifying in its authenticity. Medium Cool doesn't complete- pletely hold together: Some domestic subplots don't work, and reality is occasionally bent too far to meet the dictates of the screenplay. But it is a remarkable experiment, stun- ningly photographed. Not unsur- prisingly, Wexler never receiv- ed another directorial assign- ment, and was recently indicted by a grand jury for his partici- pation in the radical documen- tary, Underground. It would seem a little artistic and politi- cal courage can be a very un- healthy thing.*""* Downhill Racer - (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud. 7:30 & 9:30) - Quite simply, the best dra- matic film on sports ever made. Sunday CINEMA Alexander Nevsky - (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 8 only) - Ei- senstein's saga of the warrior- savior of Thirteenth - Century Russia is visually the remark- able battle epic ever conceived:; unfortunately, a lumbering, platitudinous script deprives the film of an otherwise deserving place among the cinematic greats. Still well worth seeing, and admission to it is FREE.** Monday CINEMA Nothing scheduled. Tuesday CINEMA Enter the Dragon - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9) -sThe best of the kong fu epics, although that fact must of course be taken in limited perspective. However one may feel about how Bruce Lee utilized his talents, he was an unqtuestioned poet of body movements; and if one doesn't mind the lack of any kind of coherent script or directing, Enter the Dragon manages to project a kind of puerile grace uniquely its own. *** Wednesday CINEMA Trash - (Ann Arbor Film Co. op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 only) -- A product of the Warhol-Morrisey Cinema of Langour, featuring the torpid wanderings of super hung-stud-zombie Joe Dellesan- dro. Never seen by this critic, but in its own abnormal way doubtless some kind of classic. Marat/Sade - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 9 only) - Peter Brook's screen rendering of Peter Weiss' fa- mous asylum drama about the assassination of the French revolutionary, Marat. Although it's virtually a photographed stage play, Brook's consuming insight reveals Weiss's work for the first time not as a politi- cal call to action, not as a met- aphor for idealism vs. cynic- ism, but simply a demonic in- quest into The Beast that Lurks Within us all. Terrifying and brilliant. **** Cries and Whispers - (Peo- ples Bicentennial Commission, MLB, 7 & 9) - Ingmar Berg- man's psychological study of three sisters and their servant girl variously pitted against each other amidst the trap- pings of an isolated summer estate. Many critics have hail- ed the film as the Sewidish di- rector's greatest achievement, but from my perspective, it's a thoroughly pretentious bore. Overwritten, floridly direct- ed, poorly acted (save Harriet Andersson as the dying sister), Cries and Whispers comes across as almist a parody of Bergman's other works. It strains and strains for profun- dity, but strikes one as noth- ing so much as a master di- rector running scared, trum- peting his greatness to a pub- lic which has already- adknow- ledged it long ago. * Thursday CINEMA - Love and Anarchy - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9:15) - One of the most stunning films of recent years: A solemn, almost Christ-like Italian peasant (Giancarlo Gia- ninni) sets out on a mission to assassinate Mussolini, while a young prostitute he meets and loves tries to dissuade him from his suicidal quest. Lena Wert- muller's.film builds and builds in heroic, almost grand-opera style, then reverses gears com- pletely in one of the most ironic and unexpected finales in film history. This exquisite work firmly established Wertmuller in the vanguard of new young directors - a position now con- siderably solidified by her more recent works.**** Antlers on most deer grow straight up, or out from the side of the head. The caribou is the only deer i nthe United States whose antlers grow to- ward the deer's nose. VALUABLE COUPON * On Purchase of Any TWO 3 Mr. Tonys SUBS or SANDWICHES OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 12 State & William * 1327 S. University Inear Washtesaw) FAST!!FREE DELIVERY!' Gofo 663-0511 Good for Pickup or FREE DELIVERY at 1327 S. Univ. Good for Dine-in or Pickup at State and William 11 M - wM e:z a f 13 LV lo 400 S 50c Discount on Admission With Student I.D. Hours: Fri. Sat. 8 pm.-2 am. Weekly Hours: 9 pm4-2 am. S516 E. Liberty 994-5350 ri V) LO aLB Q, :L., 2 C; cf -3 Gar; cf -3 rf-,,G --