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August 06, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-08-06

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Friday, Augusf 6, 1976


Page Seven

Reagan snatches up 6 more delegates Minor clashes mar

NEW YORK (A)-Ronald Rea-
gan picked up six more dele-
gates from New York and New
Jersey yesterday and said he
believes the tide is turning his
way in his uphill fight against
President Ford for the Republi-
can nomination.
R e a g a n campaign leaders
have forecast in recent weeks
they would soon be announcing
large numbers of Reagan sup-
porters now counted in the Ford
ranks. And Reagan conceded he
still needs to win more of the
dwindling number of uncommit-
ted delegates to take the GOP
nomination this month in Kan-
sas City.
THE SIX NEW supporters
brought Reagan's nationwide to-
tal to 1,035, 65 delegates behind
Ford and 95 fewer than needed
for nomination.
In New Jersey, there are now
59 Ford delegates, four for Rea-
gan and four uncommitted. Pre-
viously Reagan listed no New
Jersey delegates.
Reagan campaign chairman
John Sears predicted more an-
nouncements for Reagan from
New Jersey. "Today's announce-
ments will make it easier for
other members of the delega-
tion to come out for us," he
The four New Jersey dele-
gates said they were influenced
favorably by Reagan's choice of
Sen. Richard Schweiker (R-Pa.)
S. Africa
(Continued from Page 3)
In the Wednesday confronta-
tion, police gunfire dispersed
20,000 blacks who were trying
to leave Soweto and march on
police headquarters at John
Vorster Square in Johannes-
POLICE LATER confirmed
that two blacks were killed by
police gunfire in that clash and
a 15 - year - old black girl
was trampled to death by a.
stampeding mob. Eighteen per-
sons were wounded by gunfire,
police said.

as a running mate.
THE ADDITION of two dele-
gates in New York increased
Reagan's total in that 154-mem-
ber delegation to 20 in the con-
tinuing Associated Press dele-
gate survey. Ford has 126, and
8 are uncommitted. The AP
tally counts only those publicly
stating a preference or legally
bound and not delegates who
are leaning.
George Clark Jr., chairman
of New York Citizens for Rea-
gan, clI a i m e d more hidden
strength in New York. "I be-
lieve that the number now is 22.
By the end of the week I be-
lieve it will be 25, and I contend
that at the convention we will
have 37 to 40," Clark said.
Reagan campaigned with Sch-
weiker in New York and in New
Jersey yesterday and claimed
several times the alliance with
Schweiker, who had one of the
Senate's most liberal voting rec-
ords last year, has boosted his
campaign. "I am very optimis-
tic. I don't believe we lost sup-
port anyplace, but we are get-
ting support we didn't have in
the Northeast, he said.
BUT REAGAN'S claim that
he is holding his own nationwide
contradicts what his campaign
aides and most neutral observ-
' GE
on TA
(Continued from Pate 3)
trot: you hire the GSAs, you set
up the program, you supervise
the program."
He added, "It (the GEO plan)
would be very cumbersome
and inflexible; it's not guar-
anteed . . . to work and it's
going to cost a lot."
The debate ended as GEO
agreed to consider a University
counter - proposal that includ-
ed some coordination with fac-
ulty. Also discussed was GEOs
request for input into curricu-
lum design.
GEO MET brick - wall re-
sistance when it introduced a
proposal dealing with - pay for
union officers, contending they
should be compensated for time
spent processing grievances.

ers said Wednesday after Rea-
gan and Schweiker met with
Mississippi's delegation.
In other political develop-
-Sen. Robert G r i f f i n (R-
Mich.), Ford's floor manager at
the convention, predicted a rela-
tively peaceful GOP gathering
with "a lot more harmony and
togetherness . . . than news-
men might like or expect."
GRIFFIN SAID Ford's first-
ballot victory would be apparent
before "the gavel comes down
in Kansas City."
-Sen. H o w a r d Baker (R-
Tenn.), among those high on
Ford's list of potential running
mates, said while he doss not
partictilarly want the nomina-
tion, "I certainly would take
He urged the President to
choose someone from the Sun
Belt states of the South and
-AN AIDE TO Gov. Edmund
Brown Jr. of California said the
governor plans to meet with
Democratic presidential nomi-
nee Jimmy Carter, a former
rival, in Carter's hometown of
Plains, Ga., where the former
Georgia governor has been
working on plans for the fall
Forsyth said that union of-
ficers, as GSAs, had a flexible
enough schedule to process un-
ion grievances without neglect-
ing prior committments or un-
dergoing great inconvenience.
He also asserted there weren't
enough grievances made to con-
sume any great amount of time,
GEO retorted that the Uni-
versity compensated other Uni-
versity unions for time spent
servicing contracts and should
do the same for GEO.

newest Beirut truce

BEIRUT, Lebanon (M) - A
general cease-fire appeared to
be taking hold on most fronts in
Lebanon's civil war yesterday.
But it was jeopardized by fight-
ing between right-wing Chris-
tians and a hard-core handful of
Moslems defending a Beirut
The cease-fire suffered an-
other potential setback when
Christian, Syrian and Lebanese-
leftist officials reportedly failed
to attend a truce meeting at
Sofar, a mountain resort near
Beirut, to review progress of the
accord. A leftist source said
only a Palestinian guerrilla rep-
resentative showed up.
THE LATEST in a string of
more than 50 cease-fires went
into effect at 1 a.m. yesterday.
It had been negotiated by the
Arab League and the Syrians,
who are to serve as guarantors.
Residents of Beirut took ad-
vantage of the latest break in
the 16-month-old civil war. A
steady flow of refugees, many
carrying personal and household
effects, moved from the Chris-

tian sector across "no man's
land" into Moslem-controlled
west Beirut.
The absence of rightist lead-
ers at Sofar may have been
directly related to the last-ditch
battle at the Beirut slum of
Nabaa, a Moslem stronghold in
Christian east Beirut.
OBSERVERS theorized that
the Christians may not join
fully in the truce agreement un-
til after Nabaa is under their
total control.
The most crucial phase of the
truce, however, may come when
A r a b L, e a g a e peacekeeping
forces try to set up buffer zones
at "hot spots" along the front
lines in the next day or two.
The Christian radio claimed
originally that Nabaa had fallen
just before the cease-fire went
into effect. But the Christians
later admitted that fighting was
continuing there and at the Tal
Z a a t a r Palestinian refugee
camp, another east Beirut
stronghold of the Moslem-
Palestinian alliance.


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