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August 05, 1976 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-08-05

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State News charges Hayes

EAST LANSING () - Cash, promised Rose Bowl
trips and a coach's car for a weekend were induce-
ments used by the Ohio State coaching staff to recruit
players ,says a copyrighted story in today's Michigan
State University student newspaper.
The State News said one source, who is now a
player at another Big Ten school, said he received
cash from Woody Hayes, the Ohio State head coach,
during a recruiting visit to Columbus in January 1974.
"Coach Rudy Hubbard set up a dinner with Woody
for me," the source told the State News.
"HE TOLD me that I should come to Ohio State
because I would be able to go to the Rose Bowl and
that my family and friends would also be able to go for
"Woody then looked up at me and stretched back
in his chair, reached in his trousers and gave me a
$54 bill and said, 'Have a good time, son,"' the State
News reported.
The newspaper said Hayes was not available for
comment Tuesday night on the charges, which if true
would be rule violations of the National Collegiate
Athletic Association and the Big Ten. Ohio State Ath-
letic Director Ed Weaver, in French Lick, Ind., to at-
tend a Big Ten meeting, told the newspaper he had
"no comment" on the charges.
The source said Buckeye fullback Pete Johnson was
assigned to be his guide for the weekend in Colum-
bus, and that he met with Johnson and Hubbard
after the dinner with Hayes.
"COACH HUBBARD gave Johnson some money
and the keys to his green Chevrolet . ..Ile told him to
show me around.
"Saturday night, Coach Hubbard gave Johnson his
new red 1974 Gremlin for us to use" the source told
the State News.
"Both nights, we made several stops at bars includ-
ing one which had a cover charge of $3 per person.
And I never picked up the tab on any of them," the
source told the State News.
Hubbard, who is now head coach at FloridaA&M,
said Tuesday he had a green Chevrolet on loan from

a dealer at the time of the alleged incident and that
he still owns a red 1974 Gremlin.
"I CAN remember that I let Pete Johnson use ay
car on several occasions," Hubbard told the State
News. "But I can't really recall that he ever used
either one on a weekend for recruiting purposes."
Concerning the money allegedly passed to Johnson,
Hubbard told the State News, "I never gave Pete John-
son any illegal money. I can't really remember the
incident you're talking about. But we never did any-
thing illegal at OSU."
Hubbard said coaches are allowed to give $10 to a
prospective recruit. He added, "I never want the stu-
dent guide who's showing a prospect around to bear
any expenses."
A second source told the State News Tuesday he
was approached by the Buckeye program when he re-
cruited in 1972. The source, who attended another Big
Ten school and is now trying out as a free agent with
a National Football League squad, said he received a
call at high school from John Galbreath of Columbus,
owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates and Darby Dan Farms.
The source told the student newspaper Galbreath
told him that "if I went to Ohio State, I would be
taken care of for the rest of my life."
The State News said Galbreath was not available for
comment Tuesday night.
Ohio State Athletic Director Weaver discounted the
second sources' allegations about Galbreath as "to-
tally false."
"I made my statement yesterday on various alle-
gations," Weaver said Tuesday night. "I would suspect
that I would check into the other allegations as soon
as I return to Ohio State."
On Monday, the State News reported that one War-
ren, Ohio, police officer admitted he had received
money from an OSU alumni to take a football recruit
to Ohio State for a visit. Hayes' office said he had no
Last week at a Big Ten meeting in Chicago, State
News reporter Ed Ronders said Hayes "tried to
strangle me" when Ronders asked him about alleged
violations at OSU. Ronders said Hayes threatened
him with a lawsuit if he pursued the subject.

Woody Hayes

Transsexual tennis player
seeks entrance into Open

NEW YORK (/P)-Dr. Renee
Richards, the trans-sexual ten-
nis player, says she will pursue
her right to play in the U.S.
Open at Forest Hills next month
"in whatever way necessary."
The 41-year-old California op-
thamologist, w h o underwent
sex-change surgery a year ago
and a name change from Rich-
ard Raskind to Renee Richards,
didn't actually threaten court
action, but left no doubt that
she would take such action if
the U.S.-Tennis Association does
not accept her entry.
Her bid to play at Forest
Hills apparently has the USTA
in a quandry. As of yesterday,
the only comment from a USTA
spokesman was: "The tourna-
ment committee has the appli-
cation under consideration."
E. LIBER TY-66$-9329
t. UNIVtRSITY-662.0354

Dr. Richards, of Newport men's title in a tourney at La
Beach, Calif., was a national- Jolla, Calif. She also recently
ly ranked singles player as a applied for membership in the
man and, as Raskind, played Women's T e n n i s Association,
in the junior veterans divi- which controls the Virginia
sion at Forest Hills just two Slims pro circuit, but said she
years ago. Raskind played has no intention of becoming a
tennis at Yale and in 1953 professional.
won the E a s t e r n Junior
championship, After the surgery, she legally
changed her name to Richards
The sex change was disclosed and says she now is recognized
earlier this summer when, as as woman "in the eyes of the
Dr. Richards, she won a wo- law."
Directors and Designers
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre is now seeking applications for direc-
tors and designers for our 1976-77 season:S ummer and Smoke,
October 20-24; Little Mary Sunshine, December 15-19; Spofford
H. 5bumlin), January 26-0; Brigadoon, April 2u-24; Anastasia
fM. Murette). May 12-18. We are looking for experienced stage
directors. musical directors, and scene, costume. prop and light-
ng designers. Interested individuals need not be members of
AACT nor residents of Ann Arbor-we invite anyone with an
interest in these positions to send a resume to AACT, PO Box
1993, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, or call 662-7282 or 665-0063 for
further information.
AACT pays honoraria to all directing and design staff.
Note: We hope to hold intervtews for director for Summer and
Smoke on August 8, 1976. Persons interested in ditecting this
show should contact AACT before August 7 to arrange for an
appointment. All other positions wil be interviewed in early
September; uinal deadline for all applications is September
8i, 1976.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
P0 Box 1993, Ann Arbor MI 48106

Book Sale
Michigan's Most Complete Bookstore, needs space to accom-
modate thousands of new arrivals in the Fall 1976 season
SO, for 9 days only, AUGUST 4th through 12th,
Everything in the Store
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SAVE 20% off list on over 40,000 titles
on the MAIN FLOOR!
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of publisher's remainders
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And in THE GALLERY, SAVE 20% off everythinq
in one of Michigon's Most Excitinq
Asortments of Poster Art and
Fine Oriqinal Grophics!
AUGUST 4th THRU 12th
SPECIAL HOURS: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
303 S. STATE 668-7652

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