'age ight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 5,'19715 F c - Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 add. 0-10 1 15 9,30 305 3.80 4.55 530 .75 11 15 1 40 2 80 3.70 4.60 550 6.40 .90 1620 1.65 330 435 540 6.45 7.50 1.05 21-25 1 90 380 500 6.20 7.40 860 1.20 26- 30 2.15 4 30 5 65 7.00 8.35 9.70 1.35 31-35 2 40 4 80 630 7.80 9.30 10.80 1.50 36.40 2 65 5 30 695 8.60 10.25 11.90 1.65 41.-4 5 2 90 5 80 760 940 1 1.20 1300 1.80 46-50 315 630 825 10.20 12.15 1410 1.95 INCHES 1 3,15 6 30 8 25 10 20 1215 1410 1:95 2 565 11.30 14 75 18.20 21.65 25.10 345 3 815 16 30 21 25 21620 3l15 3610 4 95 4 10 65 21 30 2790 34.20 40 65 47 10 6 45 5 1315 26.30 34.40 4220 5015 5810 8.95 N.O8 Each proud of choracero counts as one word. HIvohenoted wordls acer 5 characters count os two worads this includes telecihi ye nanmbers) 10 ines eouols 1 inch 5 swords oer line FOR RENT FOR RENT ROOM - ONE BL OCK FROM UNI- FAL NORTH CAMPUS CO-OPS. VE~zSiTrYHucrPIAL, kitchen privi- Shi- large doubile roon in friendlly legra Phonaifoter 1, NO 8-9.538. iiiuu Bicsiittfl area. Regular but. 17C811 sea-icoil+11Cindy, 663-0060. 150012 CO-OP MEAL C()ONTRFACIS AVAIL- CO-OPS CARE, and we care about ABLE FOR PALL. 21 haint--oonked voii We have immeilate call apen- funaii- ri-i-- laa vcall 662-4414 ingisfor women in friendly ca-op orcullt, ICOiii- Hontii wi~~v.Cll62-94002 avuacaon North Campua and main Mrhign U C tins. eRoo 40,18 i-apus. We also have August open- Micl~ga)) 90818 t;,-_for meii and women. Be your NERO A P'LACE TOl RENT THIN owne landlord - Call ICC today pt FALL' Watit.to :iiiiel 'the Ti-asa 660094414, or come to Room 40t2 Uniari? Calllie tAt)) Arbo ena-ngts Ma-hig an Union. 880811 Uion 6-2,)5 fv icladIing Sal.). 14007 SORORITY is accerting woan boaiders for failL Meals Included. AEPi la.5osnii-ega):v irailable for 430-6664 oe 005-1159. 9 am. in 9 Fail. Oslo} Jew i h kosher ciaternity p.m. 14C114 an iaimpus. Call Claarlie, 665-76608-. 10C810 HOUSE TO shaare Onr female. large well fi-sed, quieli-lose tG ara- UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom api. fall pas, ownn eoam. Call 605-9881 aftie accupancy, 010588 mo. includes 4:30 pin.69005 stove. frigernaor heat, and water. FfL OMAO OR--lh No rhildren or pets, pleaase.tO% SiA LaiOOM920DBalOAneR-Alph61 miie rofi acmpus. 663-4101. etc Si 91 Ph.67 0Badinorral761-6 ROSO CAPSfryoungladies. Immediate occupancy only. M D R AP . Na pets please. 761-9356. afternons.1a r * X.,. .,,, ,Ar FOR RENT 8 o n.Fall/Winter Lootse FURNISHED APTS. Starting at 805/ma. Heated Swimming Pool Weekly Housekeping One black from campus Universiy Toweca Call 281-2880 Showing Model Allis. til 8 p.m. ect ROOMMATES AIRY 2-bedroom api. TO SHARE with grad stude-nt or professional wotian. Pleasant neighborhood. Col 685-3226. 04Y807 FEMALE GRAD STUDENT seeking api. end eoommate. Preferably kn- sber or vegetarian. Call Roberta p-p. coliect 15161 701-9402. 05Y806 FEMALE GRAD STUDENT NEED- ED TO SHARE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. OWN ROOM. Eight month lease. $18/ma. Walking d1s- tance. 885-9752 Martha. 97Y806 DESPEEATX - 2 mole roommates urgently needed to fill 4-man sooariment for Fall, Winier '70-77. jExcellent location iand only *85/ month. Call 663-4466. 86Y811 NEXTI YEAR tEASE - Wanted- Pesiale gradaatr studeni in share 2-heii-niai apt, with toen mn Ca: uluilocIation).ICall 994-5705. 09Y803 WANTED TO RENT NEEDED: Raom in cooperative, e getarian hause fnr woman and dong. If gnu ar-e inoawmciking at cooapra- tivenesa and need another house- matr, Its iiterested. Please i-all and leave a ne-sage with Sari-y at 995- 4248. 07L80O7 FALL-WINTER SUBLET nseeded. Prefer an a omantIhouse rapart- meint. P1ease cal 769-5360. 12L,807 I NEFD TO RENT OWN ROOM i house or apt. for foil. Alan have pet. Call Peggy, 665-9261. 95L,807 APARTMENT OR ROOM WANTED by 28 year old female in wh ee l choir on ground level. 662-0985 or 994-1865 weektdays. Evenings a nd weekends, 662-085 or 994-0327. 94L,807 FOR SALE SONY STEREO RECEIVER-Piefect condition. 5 years old. $50. Phase 429-2298. 16B12 CANOE FOR SALE-God rondition. 1000 lb. eaiaacity. $i40. Call Maria or Jim, 761-7188. 20B807 TOADSTOOL POOP CRAIR, orange, one year old. $75. 663-4053. 13B810 EMBROIDERED ISRAELI LAMB- SKIN VEST, 1-speed Schwnn Bike, .22 Calibre J. C. Higgins/Marlin with extras. John Foris, 769-4311. 0OB8OS SONY COMPACT STEREO 8 Y S - TEM, with cassette. $200 nr beat offer. Evenngs after 10. 764-4924. 96B805 12X60 MOBILE Rome with s h e d.- 2-bedrooms. $3880. Call 482-4174 af- ter 7 p.m. 75B806 HELP WANTED ENERGETIC males and females nreded far hall-time, core-giving positios, to uniqur infant carr renter. Somte experience with in- fanis and toddlers requmired. Call 994-2018n between 83t-1:-20. As af- firmative oction., equalop ipoetutnity imnployer. 18R0 7 DOOLEYS IS NOW TAKING appli- catiosfar bounaers. See John. BAvYSITYINO IN MY ROME Sa- line area, 2-3 days pee week. $15 pee day. Own transportation. 429- 1938. 9SH807 BAPYSITTERISI FOR INFANT. Oc- eani-sal evenings, .I./hr. 10 weekly des-dtma hourn in fall, $2.00/ hr. 663-5547, 92H8"8 LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER-Couild be couple in on adult Foster Core Hoir. F-er roam and board plus wages Call Mrs. Tiessnion, 44.-7395_ BIKES AND SCOOTERS 10 SPEED Gitane, 19kz" ferns many exira, $150. 761-6529. 93Z$05 GIRLS 3-SPEED ENGLISH BORE. 135. Call 663-060i9. dZ WANTED TO BUY CAMTERA NEEDED-College student wishes to rent or bsty a used Minolta 100 or 200 series Camera, Cal- Si-nit as 994-4914 or 764-0553. dR729 SITUATIONS WANTED MA'T'URE FEMALE STUDENT will- ing no do household duties in cx- change far ns11all oo. 761-0529. 0900 (Continued on Page Nine) - ANSWER TO PREVIOS PUOWL USED CARS 4A65 AWASH TROT lit/i 10STANG. Fai1 onditionvas ,R0 U frnt sisnnsiio 99-194,ee. c'SU , RME- REAL ESTATE C rI SNAPSKIS FORET BROOK SUBIVISION:4- R AlNOS 0110AE T T AS bedroomatri-lsvel with dotillotv. A LOUD L IB tE RIUN F iilv rmith irSOeplac,large BE E BE SEA R D A TA pk In o n 4s. q71-1575. 11R811 MNM1L4 S 2TEP N DERA ILS EST -S1 LOST AND FOUND OVERLAND TAMPER IN A LL Y FOUND--3-4 muth ld mle iger r Eatten, Pat ard0 .Uuis oarea. 995- YN 2670 after6001 000nd weekenidcs CROISS'AWORD PUZZLE OLOES BOGSES ON CAMPUS We have efficiency and 1 bedroom furnisihed apts. Sn older housea near campsm and the hospials. Al- so modern 2 bedroom 3-4 man apts. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT. INC. 335 . HURON ST. 663-4101 eCia SANS SOUCI APTS. Large, furniahed. 2 bdrm. apt. avail- able through Aug. at $060 pee month with Fali option. Choice I and 2 bdrm. apt. atilS available for fail. Call 994-3952.aCct- BARGAIN CORNER SAM'SI STORE LEV I'S DEN 1IMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Walshed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SALE Lee and Wrangler Denim Jackets Levi's Corduroy Jackets special grouping af Levi's and Wrangler- Shirt s. -.. Y2 off 207 E. Liberty 663-8611 j apt. for the falt. ampus locaton. 663-3641. 418 E. Wshington. Office HOSPITAL LOCATION. 2 bedroom, moderns.furnished apartment. 6200- 100. Cell 769-3639. 64010 FALL '76 Twaohbdtn. opt. in house, large kitcrheti, grent location. Can be cern by calling CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD. Sath University at Wanstenaw 665-1135 ecte KINGSLEY APTS. ionspital location. two bedrm. fur- nished, 2 or 3 person, fall occupan- gy. $250.66 per month includes bras, water, parking. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT. INC. 663-4101 eCcte ACROSS 1 Blotch with varied colors 7 Bengalese poet 22 More sedate 14 "Mrs. Fezziwig, -substantial emile." 16 Turkish inns 17 Clnaing passage of a fugue: Mut 18 Relativesaof 19 Spanish winst 20 Put away safely Slang 22 Regime: Abbr. 23 Vending machir item 26 Ancient Troy 28 Galley marks 3D Not classified 34 Anne Nichols' hero 35 Texas city 36 Hour for a 6cuppar 38 Go: Lat.. 39 Produced 41 What Venusade Milo was once 43 Movie takes 44Unemotional 45 Jot C 1976 LOS ANGELES TIMES 47 Remarqoe 49 Of the sea 52 Spring flower 56 Short song 57 Namesakes of Chaucer heroine it58 Grinds one's teeth 59 Is contingent (on) e 60 Joins s.61 Newport home of a type DOWN r:5 Informal corn- munication 2 Gulf, arnsof tha ne Arabian Sea 3 Changes, as ltaves 4 Monograph 5 Has nothing to do with 6 Common suffixes 7 Poppycock! 8 Certain poker chips 9 Madison's V.P. and family s 50 Exaggerate 11 Thseemu, for instance 12 Villa d'-- 13 Accomplished 12 Signs of the infinitive 19 Closed 21 Loreleis 23 Tropicel American tree 24 Open, in a way 25 Robin Hondas sweetheart 27 Invader from outer space 29 Kitchen gadget 30 Out at the elbows 32 Descriptive of s0o1e winter weather 33 Small teeth 37 Written after 40 Liquidbutter of the East 42 --isfill in details) 46 Bishop's headdress 48 Biblical book 49' Periodical: Abbr. 50 English compeaer 5D Bulk 03 NA. orS.A. 8.4 Wavy, in heraldry 55 Draft gp. 57 American writer thru CI8ssifi'ed S 2 3i 5 6 78 9 1 1! 13 -4i15 2 20 2 2 71 -223 31 2$33231 3-- 355 38 39 2 40 .- - 45 416 4748 4950 51 - SI - 52 853 5w 55 55 57 - - - - - 58. . . - ~ - 80 81