The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University af Mich igan Wednesday, Moy 5, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Unfin heDmort XE hope that Monday's announcement by Indiana Sen- ator Birch Bayh of support for the Jimmy Carter campaign will signal a trend designed to unite the once- fragmented Democratic party, and snatch national lead- ership away from the GOP. Bayh, one of the first Democratic contenders to fade out of the race, made his announcement strategically before yesterday's Indiana primary, and at a time that Carter's incredible momentum had seemed to reach a peak. Brushing aside any differences he has with the Georgian, Bayh did more than leap aboard the proverb- ial Carter bandwagon; he joined a growing tide of Demo- crats who will go to any length to prevent the Demo- cratic fiasco of '72 by backing someone whose chances of nomination, and victory over the GOP, appear great- er everyday. The announcement of support by a former contender should boost the accelerating Carter campaign, but more important, it should spark similar announcements by other party bigwigs, including those who once roundly blasted the former Georgia governor. The party, a confusing mish-mash of names and faces just a few months ago, is beginning to wise up and act for its own benefit, even if that means supporting the front-runner Carter. We hope the Democrats can avoid a brokered convention in July. And with Ronald Reagan's recent burst of potency threatening to divide the Republicans, the Democrats might well be in a strong position on Election Day. TODAY'S STAFF: News-Lani Jordan, Ann Marie Lipinski, Ken Parsigian, Barb Zahs Edit-Jay Levin, Jim Tobin Photo Technician-Steve Kagon Grade inflation: Making someone of everyone By MICHAEL ROUTH More serious than it seems to be at first, the damage caused by the collapse of college grading standards during the past decade has been too long ignored. Quite simply, too many students are receiving too many As and Bs, and -- less obviously -- very few students, no matter how incompetent, are being flunked. Probably nobody has ever accused the Ameri- can university of overusing common sense or, indeed, of using it at all. Presumably the bas- tion of the rational mind, the university itself is often run irrationally. Grade inflation provides a case in point, for when over half the students receive As and Bs, the exceptional is no longer exceptional, and the system of evaluation is rendered meaningless. As Gilbert and Sullivan observed, when everybody's somebody, nobody's anybody. Or, as Shaw put it, "in Heaven an Angel is nobody in particular." AND LET US DISMISS at once the idea we sometimes hear used to account for inflated grades - that students are somehow better today. This presupposes that students of the past decade either benefitted from some miracu- lous leap forward in the evolutionary process, or that their precollege teachers nationwide sud- denly developed new and dazzling techniques that somehow had escaped other teachers for thousands of years. Suspicious hypotheses, these. I recall listening atha teacher'ssworkshop to ooe professor explain his grading scale as con- sisting of A, B, C, and "No Credit." Fs and Ds, he held, were somehow punitive - though he never got around to explaining how a grade of "No Credit" differed from an F, or how a C in his system wasn't as "punitive" as the traditional P. "We're all humanists," he kept saying, implying that therefore we should all grade easily. IF PEOPLE ARE TO improve their minds in college, then the college must be demanding. It must require that students achieve legiti- mate academic standards, rather than adjust itself as it does now to the level of the stu- dents. No instructor could amble out to the football field and say, "Coach, I'd sure like to make the squad. Trouble is, I'm slow, weak, and overweight - think your guys could ease up a little when they hit me and let me score a touchdown once in a while?" And yet, because college has become relatively easy, this is pre- cisely what students have been led to expect - that if something's too tough for them, well, we'll make it easier. Unfortunately, improving academic standards probably isn't feasible today for that grossest of reasons: money. The nation's colleges and universities are scratching as desperately as the rest of us to stay afloat financially, so admini- strators aren't likely to beam upon those instruc- tors who do uphold standards. To many admini- strators, students are monetary units, and if they .tart getting low grades and quitting or flunking out or transferring to easier schools, then the instructors who are "too tough" are thought to be costing the school money. In- deed, the governor of a state in which I once taught delivered an address acknowledging the serious financial difficulties of the state's edu- cational program and saying that the univbr- sity's job, therefore, was to get as many stu- dents as possible into each classroom, then to keep them there by any possible means. This can hardly be construed as a clarion call for quality education. PART OF WHAT A COLLEGE instructor is paid to do is the difficult and sometimes painful task of evaluating student performance. Yet many administrators will fire someone for doing this task honestly if the result is too many low grades and will retain someone else who tacitly ignores it by keeping everybody smiling with a liberal sprinkling of As and Bs. The only question that matters, it seems, is the financial one - whether the monetary unit, the student, will be lost. "When over half the students re- ceive As and Bs, the exceptional is no longer exceptional, and the sys- tem of evaluation is rendered meaningless. As Gilbert and Sulli- van observed, when everybody's somebody, nobody's anybody. Or, as Shaw put it, 'In heaven an angel is nobody in particular.'" The trend toward teacher evaluation question- naires has helped foster insecurity in_ those in- structors who would like to upgrade standards. A study recently found that "students rate most. highly instructors from whom they learn the least," who also happen to be the instructors who tend to grade leniently. Similarly, last fall another survey found that teachers "receive much higher evaluations from students when they are required to do less work, receive higher grades, and learn substantially less." It concludes: "If it is true that students in- advertently give higher ratings to instructors who require less work and give higher grades, and those instructors are rewarded for 'good' teaching by their departments and the admini- stration, while mre demanding instructors are punished, then there is pressure for all instruc- tors to behave in this way ... thus, students are short-changed on the most important commodity which is supposed to result from their univer- sity experience-learning." Michael Routh studies at the English Instifute of the University of Utrecht. 1OtA r76 -1A4J goT YAW .- I tATA7A AX, U , ;Ot1- fI tV vt AL w+vt - t gc5ky ru CA U $, AVJ . j, !'3SUtJ / - 1 ^'U' LW L )-' l / B'4 _