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August 05, 1976 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-08-05

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Thursday, August 5, 1976


.age Five

Cob, flood victims rebuild

Viking's scoop jams
for a second time

LOVELAND, Cola. (SP-Hun-
dreds of Big Thompson Canyon
residents who survived flash
flooding that killed at least 100
others began the slow, painful
process of rebuilding their lives
There were 74 bodies in an
old red brick hospital transform-
ed into a morgue and in re-
frigeration trucks on the hos-
pital grounds. Two dozen other
bodies were reported found but
not recovered.
AS THE death toll climbed,
bulldozers and graders scooped
muck from along the twisting
Big Thompson River. The once

peaceful stream had finally
dropped back into its banks,
strewn with wreckage of homes
and trailers.
A 100-member security force
patrolled the wasted canyon for
Sheriff Robert Watson dis-
counted suggestion of wide-
spread thievery but said there
had been several unconfirmed
reports of youths entering the
wrecked area with empty knap-
sacks and leaving with them
AT FEDERAL relief centers
in Loveland and nearby Fort

Galrwarns of Soviet
threat, in South Pacific

Collins andEstes Park, flood
victims lined up to meet with
housing, insurance, unemploy-
ment and legal aid officials.
Victor Klein, 56, worried about
what would happen to his Fort
Medina grocery store. Its silver-
lettered sign glittered under
sunny skies, but shelves inside
were caked with up to two feet
of mud. About 2 per cent of his
trade was tourists.
"We'll have the curious out
here to see what damage there
was," he said, "but once they're
gone . . ." His voice faded.
KLEIN'S business faces U.S.
34 just before it enters the can-
Damage estimates from fed-
eral and state officials ranged
from $5 million to $100 million,
but none of them appeared to
include all categories of losses.
Capt.. John Englebert, opera-
tions chief for the sheriff's de-
partment, said he hoped to dis-
patch 11 helicopters to carry
body-hunting teams of deputies,
state patrolmen and county
search squads. They would also
watch for looters.
Capt. W. E. Thomas of the
state patrol said dogs were be-
ing used to search for corpses
in the rubble. One man walking
his dog near the fairground
seven miles southeast of the
canyon reported finding a wom-
an's body.
The computer-processed list of
those feared dead was revised
almost hourly at Loveland High
School. The sprawling brick
complex was the center for both
refugees and volunteers keeping
up with reports of missing per-

PASADENA, Calif. (P)-Vik-
ing's stuck dirt-scooping samp-
ling arm may be jammed for
good, officials said yesterday.
But if one crucial experiment
can be carried out later this
week, the over-all impact may
not be too serious.
Assuming the organic analysis
experiment can be done tomor-
row, Mission Director Tom
Young said: "We would have
carried out studies of Mars soil
with three analytical instru-
HOWEVER, he said that the
failure to fix the dirt-scooping
sample arm would mean Viking
1 would have been able to ana-
lyze soil obtained from only one
spot in the lander's neighbor-
Officials planned to try and
carry out tomorrow the organic
analysis-a search for basic
building blocks of life-for which
the arm was scooping dirt when

it jammed Tuesday. IHowever,
they suspect that enough dirt
for the test was obtained by the
telescoping arm during its first
digging mission a week ago.
The test is considered crucial
because o fits potential contri-
bution to the search for life,
which thus far has yielded am-
biguous results. Scientists say
they are leaning toward the
view that results from the mini-
laboratorv thus far are not caus-
ed by life processes.
YOUNG SAID the robot land-
er's two camera "eyes" would
he ordered to scrutinize the
stuck arm tomorrow to help
determine what is wrong.
The arm, which is made of
two thin metal ribbons that reel
usp like a tape measure when it
is retracted, jammed as it was
being pulled back into its hous-
ing yesterday after scooping a
handful of soil.

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -
Adm. Noel Gayler, retiring
chief of U. S. Pacific forces,
said yesterday the Soviet Union
is trying to establish port fa-
cilities for its fishing fleet in
the South Pacific and warned
that it could lead to a Soviet
military presence.
Defense officials of the Unit-
ed States, Australia and New
Zealand, completing a two-day
meeting here as the ANZUS de-
fense alliance, decided to ex-
tend more economic aid to
South Pacific islands in hopes
of heading off such Russian
THE SOVIET news agency
Tass, reporting on the session
here, said it could be summed
up as "the return to the times
of cold war" and said the
"hackneyed allegations about
the 'Soviet menace' were re-
Gayler said the Soviet Union,
which has no discernible pres-
ence in the South Pacific now,
has offered to build airports in
Tonga and Western Samoa in
return for facilities for their
fishing fleets,
"We don't want to see an ar-

rangement where an interna-
tional airport constructed os-
tensibly to support movements
to or from the fishing fleet .. .
could be converted to a mili-
tary aircraft operating base,"
he said in an interview during
the session.
T 0 N G A, A former Brit-
ish protectorate, and Western
Samoa, a former New Zealand
trust territory, are independent
nations made up of a number
of islands.
"We don't want to see these
island countries and island
peoples exploited and there's
some potential for that," Gay-
ler said. "We think anything
like this could be highly desta-
"The major point is that in
the Russian state the fishing
intelligence operations, the mer-
-chant fleet and naval operations
are all an integral part of the
Soviet state."
THE RUSSIAN fishing fleet
paves the way in Soviet policy,
he said.
Maryland adopted the first
workmen's compensation law in

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k:W-1CF; cc IWA

UAW Local 2001-U of M CLERICALS

That's the amount unionized clericals in the East North Central States make
over non-unionized clericals (Source: U.S. Labor Department, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review)..-.
Those working for decertification in the August 5-11 vote want us tn trust
University management to do as they please with our working lives. What is
the University's past record?
" The median wage paid to U of M clericals is still only about $3.75
per hour. This is less than Z/3 what the leading sectors of organized
clericals make and nowhere enough to live- on decently. Without
a strong, membership-controlled Union to demand higher wages,
management will not even pay us enough to cover inflation, let
alone enough to bring us up to other organized clericals.
* Of institutions in Michigan employing as many workers as the
University, approximately 75% have better health benefits-at
least outpatient care, prescription drugs and some dental or optical
coverage. What ever happened to the myth of the "great" Uni-
versity fringe benefits package?
University maongement has not respected our work as individuals-it's time
we used our collective strength through our Union to force recognition!
Membership of UAW Local 2001 approved the following economic demands
for the contract negotiations which will begin as soon as the decertification
election is over-provided we still have a Union. Such demands can only be
won by organized workers, although they obviously cannot be won all at once.
Most of the demands already have been won by the leading sectors of organ-
ized labor. Can you imagine University management ever giving them to us
as individual clericals?
" WAGES A new maximum wage rate $50 per week above the..
present maximum. Bring all clericals to the maximum within one
year. Combine the C-2 and C-3 pay grades at the C-3 rate.
" SHORTER WORK WEEK 35 hours work for 40 hours pay.
" COST-OF-LIVING ALLOWANCE Unlimited cost-of-living allow-
ance with a formula that would have provided an $18 per week
increase over the last year.
* LONGEVITY PAY $1 per week increase for each year of seniority
(e.g., an extra $10 per week for 10 years seniority).

* SICK/PERSONAL DAYS Two days per month for sickness or per-
sonal business with no limit on accrual.
" VACATION Two days per month.
* HOLIDAYS Add Martin Luther King's Birthday, Good Friday, Easter
and the two week Christmas break as paid holidays. Clericals may
substitute holidays for any five of the above.
Life Insurance Three times the C-6 base annual wage rate plus
extra accident insurance for every clerical.
Health, Dental and Optical Benefits The best available Blue Cross/
Blue Shield (including outpatient care and prescription drugs),
Dental and Optical Insurance Plans; physical exams, "well
baby" care, allergy tests and birth control paid directly.
Disability and Extended Disability Benefits 100% pay for 26
weeks, then 75 % of pay for 52 weeks, then 50 % of pay for the
duration a fthe disability, with a built-in escalator.
Retirement The University would pay a full 15% of the C-6 base
annual wage rate into the TIAA/CREF Retirement Plan for
every clerical.
* EDUCATION Tuition waiver (refund for other schools) and paid
release time for up to 5 credit hours per term. $50 per term for
books and materials. All courses accepted.
* DAY CARE Free, quality day care run by the Union and parents.
* FREE PARKING Near where we work.
The decertification drive is a serious threat to all of us. With contract nego-
tiations and a chance to make real gains in our working conditions and
standard of living just weeks away, decertification would take away our right
to bargain collectively at all for what we want and need. Now is the time
to organize ourselves together, not dissolve our Union. As individuals, we could
never compel the University management to treat us fairly or pay us decent
wages and benefits.
UAW Local 2001 is us, organized to win a better life for ourselves and our
children. The Local 2001*membership determines contract demands, priori-
ties and strategy, including whether to strike for our demands. The strength
of the Union is the membership, and the direction of the Union is determined
by the membership. We must not throw away what is at present our only tool
for gaining control of our working lives.


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