Thursdoy, August 5, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three
Reagan loses delegates in Miss.
Reagan's Mississippi leaders
admitted yesterday he 1 o s t
ground after skeptical members
of the state's crucial uncoramit-
ted Republican delegation quizz-
ed running mate Sen. Richard
Schweiker about h i s voting
Reagan brought Schweiker to
Jackson in a bid to stop com-
plaints that the Pennsylvania
senator was too liberal. But
after a two-hour closed meet-
ing, Reagan delegate coordina-
tor Swan Yerger conceded that
"we may have lost one or two"
ONE, MAYOR Clyde Whitak-
er of Tupelo, said he was
switching to Ford because of
Schweiker's vote favoring a fed-
eral employment bill.
Before meeting with Missis-
sippi's 31-vote contingent, the
largest remaining uncommitted
bloc, Reagan told reporters he
selected Schweiker to bring the
Republican party together and
to serse the party in the North-
There was no move by the
delegation to abandon its un-
committed s t a t u s after the
meeting, however, and since it
has tentatively decided to abide
by a unit voting rule, all 30
delegates remained in the un-
committed column.
AS THE nip-and-tuck GOP
presidential nomination chase
moved within two weeks of the
first ballot at Kansas City,
there were these other delegate
-An uncommitted Virginia
delegate, Ray Edwards, an-
nounced his support for Ford,
calling the selection of Schweik-
er "a stupid blunder" by Rea-
gan. But Ford backers among
the state's delegation said none
of the five remaining uncom-
mitted delegates was converted
to the President's cause during
a White House meeting yester-
day with Ford.
-A r i z o n a GOP chairman
James Colter, who had been un-
committed, declared for Rea-
gan. In a statement issued by
R e a g a n headquarters, Colter
praised Ford's leadership and
courage, but said Reagan could
best translate the present na-
tional mood and attitude "into
an enthusiastic majority and
- . unify the national purpose."
Arizona now stands 27 to 2 for
Reagan. .
-Sen. Clifford Case of New
Jersey told Ford at a White
House meeting that, based on
the first formal poll of the dele-
gation, 60 of his state's 67 votes
Were firmly in the President's
--James Baker, Ford's chief
delegate hunter, claimed that
four Reagan delegates in South
Carolina have shifted to uncom-
mitted, mostly because of dis-
satisfaction with R e a g a n's
choice of Schweiker.
ONE OF THE four had told
The AP about his move Tues-
day, but two of the others said
they are still committed to Rea-
gan althotigh reassesisng their
positions The fourth wasn't im-
mediately available to confirm
or deny, the Ford claim. Lee
Blackbimrn, one of those named
by Baker, said the announce-
ment was "premature; they
just jumped the gin." Baker
said his claims were based on
news reports frota South Caro-
While the Remntbicans scram-
bled after available delegates.
See REAGAN, Page 7
Villain virus cause
of bizarre deaths?
M IlAIElPIIA It' -Scientists said
yesterday they think the mystery di:-
ease that has killed 22 persons sinc' aii
American Legion convention here as
month was probably caused by a virus,
a fungus or a toxic substance, but they
still have not identified it.
.s "Whatever it is, it's one of the most
dangerous things in the world," said Jay
Satz, Pennsylvania's top virologist. "I've
never seen anything like it
RESEARCHERS at a state laborattory
in Philadelphia and the federal Center
for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta
have been working nonstop since Mon-
dat to try to determine what caused the
-F disease which has hospitalized 130 per-
' ; < v sons.
State health officials have confirmed
22 deaths, and Philadelphia hospital of-
ficials said Wednesday a 23rd victim had
died. But that last death was not includ-
ed in the official death toll.
".CIC D irector tr. David Sencer told
an Atlanta news conference yesterday
AP Photo that scientists "do not know what the
DR. LEONARD BACHMAN, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health, gestures Tues- disease is," but "we've ruled out most
day during a news conference at the State Capitol in Harrisburg about the un- of the important bacterial diseases.
explained deaths of American Legion members who attended a convention in
Philadelphia In the background is his aide, Dr. lay Satz. "WE CANNOT say it is swine in-
Orientotion program Election results for
focuses on nutrition U.S Senate House
fl;enta i, say that it is not,' Secr
said, adding that it atplarnntl has been
conftited t those persons ith inetat( died
or ate sitwbeitig treated
-i" ch dlay I iti t gun s tab y itih tt a
stiread from fatilty to coitm nity
makes us rest easier that it is not swine
flu " Sencer said. "BIt it is still too
early to say."
'Ihe possible causes ie listed vaun,
fungus, or toxic substance result ii a
variety of diseases. Influenza is caused
by a vir's; fiuigos causes relatively
rare diseases generally spread by inha-
lation, and a toxic substance could be
any poisonous matter.
ItSEARCIIES are taking samples
of blood cet- aind mnoith scrapings and
inje~ting theiiateri itl into mice and
eggs, trying to reproduce and then iso-
late the disease.
're're tinder a lot of pressure, sure,
be-:aus I guess people from all over the
country or the world are watching to see
See MYSTERY, Page 7
Good samaritan?
It just wasn't t s tud Alay, for 62-year-
old Robert Greenway Jr. of Prividence,
R.h As he was walking home Tuesday
night a man ran up to him and stole
the bag he carried containing a six-
pIck of beer and siome tomatoes. A
second man brought the bag back to
him a few tinutes later, saying "I saw
what happened and I got your bag back
Now give me a reward." Greenway of-
fered the man 511 cents, but it apparent-
ly wasn't enough, the man pulled out
a gun and proceed ed to rotl Greenway
iot $1t0. Noiw that's what yoticcol a
good samarita.t
... It wil he a grind day to stay in
bed, because i'l be rainy outside, and
nolthiig is hatipenig.
Weather or not
Get the unbrellas out, because it
looks like rain today. It may not be
so bad, though, because things will cool
down a bit. Today's high will be 78, and
tonight's low will be about 60.
Are the things Americans eat
really good for them? How
good are fad diets? Is it possi-
ble to survive on dorm food?
The answers to these and other
nutrition - related questions are
all part of "Focus on Food",
an optional program offered
duringfreshperson orientation,
designed to increase student
awareness of the things they
led by Steve King and Karen
Glane, graduate students in
public health, freshpersons par-
ticipate in the one-hour presen-
tation which utilizes information
on file cards passed out in se-
quence and read aloud by stu-
dents. Frequent questions, inter-
jected throughout the presenta-
tion, are answered by Glanz or
The students are also treated
to a colorful snack of fresh
vegetables and yogurt dip.
THE PROGRAM originated
last spring in Markley Hallas
part of a nutrition project con-
ducted by Glanz, King and an-
other public health student. It
consisted mainly of displays ex-
amining the content and nutri
tional value of the day's meal
at Markley and basic nutrition
Acting on suggestions from
the ho using office and several 40
public health professors, Glan
and King met with the director
of orientation to plan a nutri-
tion presentation for incoming
"We didn't know exactly
what we would do in the begin.
ning," said King. "We were
out to create something with
only a framework in mind -
'food is not just food'."
HE ADDED, "Orientation is
the first time most of the fresh-
people have an opportunity to
make individual food choices.
They begin to develop many of
Here are the latest results in Michigan's U.S.
Senate primary:,
6,673 precinct., or 97 per cent, reporting
Austin 209,910 29 per cent
Etlsman 32,021 4 per cent
(l'Hra 168,875 23 per cent
Riegle 318,284 44 per cent
6,739 oreclucts tr 98 per cent, reporting
Itaker 51,380 11 per cent
f3rennaa 129,115 27 per cent
Each 209,810 44 per cent
tltuber 82,793 18 per cent
Htere are the rn-,ults in the primary race in
Muchigan's Second Congressional lDiatrict:
IDemuirals ,
Hoffiman 3,979 11 per cent
Pierce 19,972 52 per cent
Robek 2,523 7 per cent
Spillson 1,435 4 per cent
Stempien 9,436 26 per cent
Purseli 14,351 57 per cent
Trowbridge 10,670 43 per cent
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