Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 4, 1976 __ -- . - - -now 777 jyjtoo OV A/ poff'AA I JF I i 2AIN i Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 odd. 0-101 15 9301)305 3.80 4.55 5 30 .75 1 1 15 1 40 2890 3.70 4.60 550 640 .90 $ 16 20 1,65 3 30 435 540 6 45 750 1.05 ' 21-25 1 90 3 80 5 00 6.20 7.40 8.60 1 20 26 30 2 15 4 30 5 65 710 8.35 9.70 1.35 31-35 2 40 4 80 6 30 7 80 9.30 10 80 1.50 36.40 2 65 ',30 6 95 8.60 1025 11.90 1 65 41._45 2 90 580n 760 9.40 11.20 1300 1 80 46-50 3 15 6 30 8 2 1020 12.15 1410 1.95 INCtS 1 3 15 6'0 8 25 10 20 1215 1410 1 95 2 5 65 1170O 14 75 1820 21.65 25.10 3 45 3 8 15 16 3.)71.25 (1620 31.15 3610 4 95 4 10 65 91 30 27 90 34 20 4065 47.10 6 45 513 15 26 30 34 40 4220 50.15 58.10 8.95 N 6 :Each aroup ofi charocter, counts as one word. H, henated wordts aver 5 characters con as two word; this includles teleohone rnumbers) 10 ines eauals 1 inch 5 words per line FOR RENT AEPI hasonace opice sallable for Fall. Only Jeirsh ol tshrr fraternity on camnpas. Call Chatrlie, 665-76i68. UNTPIRNISIIED 2 bedroom apt., fall occupancy. $195.00 ma. includes slave. frigeratar, heat, and water. No eildren or pers, please.% mile froam puems. 663-4101, ectc ROOMS ON CAMPUS far you n g ladles. Immediate accupancy only. Na pets please. 761-9356, afternoans. 99C811 OLDER HOUSES ON CAMPUS We haoe efficiency and 1 bedraam furla.hed apta. in alder houses near campusa and the hospitals. Al- aa moadern 2 bedroom 3-4 man apts. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 335 IR HURON ST. 663-4101 CO-OPS CARE, and we care about you. We have immedite fall open- lnf 0 for women In friendly co-op hnsisres on North Campus and main campus. We also have August open- lngo for men arid women. Se your own landlord - Call ICC today pt 662. 4414. or come to Room 4002 Michiganr Union. 89C828 SORORITY is accepting woman boarders for fall Meals included. 434-0044 or 665-8150, 9 am. to 9 pm. 840514 HOUSE TO share: One female, large well-furnished, quiet,.cvose to cmm- pus, own roam. Call 685-9881 after 4:30 p.m. 690855 FALL ROOM AND BOARD-Alpha Sigma Phi. 920 naldwinr or call 11- 9161. 070810 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE/ LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEV 1'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SALE Lee and Wrangler Denim Jackets *" Levi's Corduroy Jackets special grouping of Levi's and Wrangler Shirt s.. 2/zoff. 207 E. Liberty 663-8611 FOR RENT SANS SOUCI APTS. Larne, fur-niahed. 2 bdrm. apt. sail- able throgh Aug. at 8160 per month with roll optiona Choice I and 2 bdrri apt. still aalable far fall. Call 004-2055. cte MODERN APTS. FURNISHED, modern, 1 bedroom apt. far the fall, campus location. 663-3641. 410 E, Washingto.Office eCte FALL '76 Twaobdrrn. opt. in house, large kichen, crest lacation. Can be seen by calling CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD. Sauth University of Washl ecaw 665-0025 ecte ETNO#SLEY APTS. T3spital location, twa bedrm. fur-i nisned, 2 or 3 person, fall ocisupan- cy. $250.00 per month Includes heal, waler, parking. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, SEC. 563-4101 acte HOSPITAL LOCATION, 2 bedroom, modern, fusrnished apartment. $280- 300. Call 70-3639. 640810 8Ioma. Fall/Winter Lease FURNISHED APTS. Starting at $9S/mao. Hested Swiming Pool Weekly Hausekeeping One b1ock from campus Universiy Towers Call 761-2680 cte Join The Daily Arits Staff ROOMMATES AIRY 2-bedrooam apt. TO SNARE with grad studest ar prafessional womans. Pleasant neighbarhood. Cadl 665-3226. 04Y807 FEMALE GRAD STUDENT set-Slug apt. and roommate. Preferably Ika- thee or argetariaos. Call Roberta P-It, tallest (510: 781-0402. 05Y806 FEMIALE GRAD STUDENT NEED- ED TO SNARE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. OWN ROOM. Eight month lease. $109/ma, Waing dis- tance. 905-9752 Martha, 97Y806 fDESPERAT± - 2 mate roommates urgently needed. to fill 4-man apartment far Fall, Winter '76-77. Escellen' location end only $85/ month,. Carl 602-4466. 86Y811 F'EMAL ROOMMATE- wanted to share ef°. on campus for fall. Ap- p--os. $358. Karin Rulseher. 1-476- 4293. 87Y804 NEXT YEAR 8TEASE - Wanted- Femole grauate stuidest ta share 2-bedrsam apt. with two wmn (C.amtisl1catioa).Cal094-5705. 00880. WANTED TO RENT NEEED: Rooin .etIrianslhauselftr woman an ocd dog. If %tor:are into wartking at raooprra- a-rsand seed ano~thr houses- jt ;arti,I'moitsttr -vrtl Pleaset-callad leas- aarn--sa.t- withiBsrry at 005- 4248. 0718117 FAL L-WINTER SUBLET ee-ded. Prefet- aws raom ishouse at apart- tarot. Please call 709-5308. 121,807 I NEFED TO RENT OWN ROOM in house or apt, car fall. Also have pet. Call Peggy-, 665-9261. 95L807 APARTMENT OR ROOM WANTED by 28 year old female In wh ee l chair on ground level. 662-0985 or 904-1005 weeksdays. Evenings arid weekends, 602-0905 or 004-0227. 94L807 BUSINESS SERVICES FOR Typing"Editinrg/Ttoringis English, roll Dorothy, 005-1075. J817 TYPING : IBM SELECTRIC. Papers, resmea, reasonable rates.7690-2256. Day or evening. 91J818 TYPING SERVICE IBM Selectries 110 E. Michigan, Tpsl. 485-48060 FOB TYPINGEditlng/Ttirng in English call Dorothy 995-1075. J8l7 CJ8I7 SUBLET NO ITS riot rented yeti You st1ll hare a chance to sublet a lovely single room to house for the month of August. Call Elaine at 744-0552 or 663-4981 ito the evenings. MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS CLASSICAL and Steel Guitara, Nrw arnd used. 665-734a, 420.5241. exte NEW SERVICE ExpersncdFEroe-Ftre.Gtirmed Manutsct-ep. Disseration. S p ee c Typeo vhs- 7EdlIting. AedemlctPrs- fetssola. 11BM0Selectrira. Reascis- able Rates. Copying. Pit-S-tip ovid Dli-very. re:stalizerd.C--dfid-'-al Telephane Dictation and NSae- Seerv ices. STEPHENS PROIta1NAI TYPEWSITJNsI SE.RVICE PGO Box181 Ypsilantit Itta Ms. Stepshens 434-3984 USED CARS 1989 CHEVY Van, V-8, 3-sliced, cesr. e: Gaood sondition. Na rust. 995-3506 rvenitngs, weekrends. 72N804 ANSWER TO PREYIOIIS PUZZE MltrFS HAYS ABED TEASE M-ORE LIST EASTER883NNY T T EP .E S D ON KE Y SlAIDR A RE E GO OLdA ARTS RUMPLE M-1Y906 RE LA Y AS G'N SWAT ERR LOG tLIF A KE J O US TS A NG EL S A PT S Tt C K A R NID P S RAKE ARORA U A (f9 6R T IEsNS N A Y9M I NS 0,N SE T BUSINESS SERVICES PETS AND SUPPLIES I AM a fstll-time, free lance typist NEED PERSON TO CARE FOE MY with tonaidrrable experienee typing CAT for 2-3 weeks for. pay. Debbie, boo0s. dimsertationsa. paprrs. I type 663-8306. OI'rS04 over 100 wpw., perfect aertirary __ guatanteed. Base rte 70c per page. IBM Correting Selectrir. Call 0111, FOR SALE 665-a166. c~sc EMBROIDERED ISRAELI LAMB- TYPIST EXPERIENCED, disterta- SKIN VEST, J-speed St-hwlcnn Rite, tion, thesis, reportts, etc. Typed .22 CalIbre I. C. Higgins/Marlini with. an elecric typewriter. Live near extras. John Paris, 700-4211. 601305 Wayne S.C. Call 531-2775 after 6:30 ___ __ p.m. and all day Saturday arid SONY COMPACT STEREO NYT 8- Sunda. 801806 TEN, with casette. $200 or beat offer. Evenings after 10. 764-4024, THE SECRETARIAT 96BW5 DI SSERTATION SHELL, CAMPER: 3' months noId,' SPECIALISTS', 9165..971-1176. 558804 Typing, Copying, Binding. 12X60 MOBILE Home with s hr d. Edting. Notae) Service. 2-berooms. $390. Call 412-4174 af- 812 Sosith State Street tee 7 p.m. 7B0 Opt-s 10-5. 7-10 094-2504 4 i CROSSWORD PUZZLE C(},1976 LOS ANELS TMMES ACROSS I Exclamations 5Flooded to1 Jog 14 Musical instrument 19 Card game 16 Farm of com- petition 17 First name in detective fiction 18 Scuba diveras reahlm 20 Circulates 22 Saroyan,. for one 23 New York island 25 Flavora- 26 U. S. currency 28 Fastener 30 Runner 31 Hluzzas 33 One of Yuma'a rivers 319 Girls' namea 39 One way to rood 41 Ad- 42 TV term 43 Well-known naturalist 44 Burn 46 Results of research 47 Future date: Rom. 49 Short distance 5 Beverage 52 Gaas off the track 56 -Park 58 Cross-country 60 Meddle (with) 63 Locally 65 Relocate 66 Asiatic country 67 Type of window 68 Uninteresting 89 Since, inl Scotland 70 Seven, in Italy 71 French town DOWN 2 Namesakes of a president 3 U-ahaped object 4 City north of Inchon 5 Entertaining 6 Was first 7 "With aSmile -Song" 8 Enidings for song or rang 6 Greek god SO Passed through 11 Proportion 12 Indian, for one 13 Ses birds 19 More ineffectual 21 Certain trains 24 NY. harbor sight. July 4 26 Complain: Slang 27 Saga 29 Travels a fined course 32 Undersea boat 34 Ease up 36 Entrance 37 Meanf travel 38 Hitrh 40 Venus --- 45 Remodel 48 S. American plains 50 School assn. 52 One of the Days 53 Each 94 Shakeapeaream rola 65 Catch 67 Namesakes of Miss Woodhousa 69 Advanced degree 61 Ungodly 62 Fix over 64 Tennis term there's 00 #hCu Classified [ 2 3 '4 5 6 7 8 9 tF11112 14 15 1611 17 -18-l~ E9 - 21 22 2324 25 - - 26 27 28 - 29 30 - - 31 32 33 34 35, 36 37 36 39 - 4-0- 41 - - 42 - - - 43 4 45 46 4 .48 49 150 5 - - 52s5 54 5 -56 5? 58 - - - - 59 6 T.161 6Z2 63 64 65 66 6716 69 70 = ,71t