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August 03, 1976 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1976-08-03

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rage twelve ~'i 1hz MkllJIlbAN L) % AITusaAg t3,197

Page Twelve


Tuesday, August 3, 1976

Hosward D a s i s,. 20-year-old
lightsweight boxing gold me-
dalist is welcomed home by
young admirers in Glen Cove,
N.Y. Davis dedicated his me-
dal to 'my mother, my father,
my country." His mother died
while be swas at the Games
in Montreal last wveek and he
planned to visit her grave.

Yanks shu1toult Tigers,


Bty Tta Associted Pre-s-
NEW YORE -Dtoyle Alexan-
der ftirted with a no-hitter for
the fourth time its six weeks last
m ight, pitching the New York
't Yankees to a 1-05 victory over
Detroit and retiring the first 20
hatters hefore Rusty Stauh sin-
gled cleanty for the first of the
Tigers' tsvo hits.
Pinch - hitter A t c x Johnsomn
stopped a sinytle to right coading
oiff the ninth for Detroits other
hit. lBut l) >>,M ,yer, soother
pitch hitter, hlaene Atexan-
ders fifth siiks sit vii tins anld
Ro(n Let-l: ei-,;_rinded intos a
Atc-snci ?-I428biatters,
sai cr il>it hitt
Pt sas the third co-sse-cutise
0-thug is subSIsh Alexandrer.
6-, diiluri ahlns hit until
the late inrnsexC 01It111y23,
he pitc'Il i rt hitles;s in-
nings and fi-i;hadlswith ia
three_-hitterin hitin liston.
L-tst Welnetstlay , he xstool 52.

innings, against Baltimore be-
tore yielding a hit in a gaose
he eventually lost.
The 25-year-old right-hsander
had toi he sharp this time in out-
dueling D~ave Roberts, 10-11,
who allowed only fire hits.
After Roherts retired the first
seven hatters, five of them on
ground halts, the Yankees got
their run io Sandy Alomar's
grousnd-riste dioble; down the
hird host line, an infield out,
svhir i misted hini to third and
Mi-k". Risers' infield hit.
Dtcriii.shoiistosp TomtiVerzyer
fieldled Rivers'hounorer while
moving towairds second hose bt
hip hustried throsswitas iii the
fiii an,.d first baseman Jason
lssssafailedl ts scistp it 5tp
le-xonsier wssebited three
tim-s Isy sparkling outfield
catches before Staub ended
the n-hit hid. Right fielder
l~ot Piniella made a running

grab of a line drive by Aure-
tin Rodrigaez in the third in-
ning, left fielder Roy White
made a tumbling knee-high
catch of Thompson's liner in
the fifth, and Piniella hit the
right field wvall as he caught
LeFlore's fly halt in the ninth,
The Yankees were unable to
add ts their 1-0l advantage

thanks to a fine fielding ploy by
Roberts. With one out in the
fifth, Alomar singled, stosle sec-
ond and continused to third on a
throwing error by catcher John
Wockenfiiss. Roberts then scoop-
ed sip Stanley's stuicide squeeze
hutl with his glioved band and
shoiveled it to Wockenfuss, who
taggediloimar fur the out.

Tribe scalped
CLEVELAND - R i c k Wise
fired a five-hitter and Cart Yas-
trzemski drove in a pair of tons
as the Boston Red Sox beat the
Cleveland Indians 3-1 last night
for their fouarth ciosectitive

3i'sor IA41211CE iEU(ias,

New- Yosrk, 62 35 .0 4
Bialt~imor- 59 50 .5t0
Cieveltond 550 31 .44.,
Dtroliti It53 .475
Mttooaiiit,-e 44 55 .444
Kansit it\ f61 405.6054
MIt is~ti 5 0.5t9
Oakland 53i52.5(05
Texas 1us 51 '485
Chlic~aoss 40itb.451
Ionsuin ICicitrind ]
Mie1 ork 1- ,Detritiioi
301nnicsciiu3, tOakland 50
On niy1es schednied

10 s
t -

W5 1 Pcr. tlt
Phiiladelphti 69 33 .676 -
l'tiittho rgl11 56 46 .549 i3
N,-c % Sit so ss 5 .uit its.,
tChicagon a45940.433 t5
St. Lcuis 43 57 .4361 as
Motlnrrol 306 itt .3i1 in'
C iniittit 6itt38 .63t -
Loit1.Autetv- 57 46 .5533 9
Gt()s tan 55 52 .514 i3
Sonl iteto Si1 57 .472 171i.
Ati nta 46 59 .43i8 at
S+nlauic 466 .442La es not included
Vrsicrutay's Results
Chitiags4, i.'Phiiadciphiua2
Sun Diegti 7-7, Atianta 3-8
5t. Loils 4. Pittsbtuirtii0
iilntiial a;,NewsYork 4
tincinnoti at San Francisso, iu
Hiitstne at ins Anteles, 1
Todays Games
3ltiodciilo (Caritont ii-4 and
Koot to-5) a1 Chicato (RR iieuscel
s-u and stone 2-3). a
St. Louits (tasntnsuen -9, and
tttrti,, 5-7)at Pittsburtih (Rooker
8-:, ;eetDeeper} m6-3), 2, i-n.
San liun tFriesleben 6-9) at At-
laitta (Melssersitit tO1-9), n.
M1ontreat (Kirby 1-t) at New
fork Lnliteit6-10), a,
Cincinnati taililitam 7-8t at
San Ftranlcisco (Ilalieki 9-13), n.
Illnsoinn Andu ar 6-7) at Los An-
teies (Ilnoten i6-1i), n.

T'odai.-s (antes
Bo.tnsni TisliuttnIl-l0s t tcite-
l and (Ecskelrutey 6-h), it-
DctroistiRobets t0-tO) at Nen
York (Aitander 5-7), n.
Baimnor(Pagan 0-41) atSAM-
ctanker t(Rndritnez :3-7), n.
Minnesonta(Rune 4-a) at Kantsas
City tPatan 3-9), a,
_ Oaklandl tMitechell i-5) at Vhi-
rago (Odomoa-os, n
Caliornia (Hlartzelilaasat Tes-
as t(argtan 4-3), ia,

Sandy Alomar of the New York Yankees isonut at the plate as he is tagged by the Tigers'
John Wockenos in the fifth inning at Yankee Stadium last night, Alomar tried to score from
third on a squeeze bunt by Fred Stanley, but Tiger pitcher Dave Roberts scooped up the ball
and got it to the plate in time, The Tigers lost, 1-I0.

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