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July 30, 1976 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-30

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Cubans stea the show

Friday, July 30, 1976

By The Assca-ted Press
MONT EAL -- Cuban runner
Alberta Juantorena and his
buddy, heavyweight boxer Teo-
filo Stevenson, scared impres-
sive Olympic victories yester-
day over American opposition.
It had to be called Cuban lay
at the Games.
Stevenson knocked out U.S.
heavyweight hope big John Tate
with a right-hand smash in the
first round. He held a quick
news conference, then rushed to
the Olympic Stadium to watch
Juantorena win the 400 meters
and become the first man in
history to capture both that and
the 800 in the same Games.
Fred N e w h o u s e of Baton
Rouge, La., was second to
Juantorena and Herman Frazier
of Arizona State University was
A third American in the race,
Maxie Parks of Los Angeles,
finished fifth. The American
4 trio had vowed they would run
t-2-3 in the 400 and keep Juan-
torena from scoring his upre-
cedented double. He won the
800 meters Sunday.
Stevenson, t h e defending
Olympic heavyweight cham-
pion, appeared unbeatable as
he advanced to the boxing
finals Saturday night. Tate
was no match for the Cuban.
The two fighters traded mean-
ingless left hands and Stevenson
crashed the right into Tate's left
jaw. The American staggered
backward across the ring, grab-
bed the ropes and hit the floor.
Stevenson didn't even follow
him. He knew it was over. Tate
was counted out at 1:29 of the
first round.
Stevenson was asked if he ex-
pected it to be that easy. "No.
I never expect easy fights! I
went there with all of my
strength. I know if I think it is
an easy fight it may be a hard
Lightweight Howard D a v i s
and light welterweight Sugar
Ray tLeonard, brilliantly display-
ing the art of their craft, led six
Americans into the finals.
Six Cbans also advanced.
While the Americans and

Cubans were setting up a Wild
West show for Saturday, the
Soviet Union, one of the
world's amateur boxing pow-
ers, was able to advance only
one entrant into the finals.
Other U.S. fighters who will
bid for gold are the Spinks
brothers, middleweight M i k e
and light heavyweight Leon;
flyweight Leo Randolph, and
bantomweight Charles Mooney.
Meanwhile, six United States
wrestlers, including brothers
Ben and John Peterson of Com-
stock, Wis., remained unbeaten
through last night's freestyle
Ben, the 1972 gold medalist,
outpointed J a p a n 's Yoshiaki
Yatsu 19-2 in the 198-pound
class. John, wrestling at 180.4
pounds, was a 14-4 winner over
current world champion Adolf
Seger of West Germany.
Seger won a bronze medal
and John Peterson a silver in
the 1972 Games at Munich.
Russ Hellickson, a 220-pound-
er from Oregon, Wis., also won
his third consecutive match,
pinning Iran's Saraii Soukhteh
with 35 seconds left. In the
162.8-pound class, Stan Dzeidzik
of Allentown, Pa., earned an 11-
5 victory over returning silver
medalist Jan Karlsson of Swe-
In the morning session, two-
time U.S. Olympian Gene
Davis of Lakewood, Calif.,
won his third in a row, pin-
ning Eduard Giray of West
Germany in the 136.4-pound
Lloyd Keaser, a U.S. Naval
Academy gradaute, wrestled
twice yesterday and was un-
beaten after four matches.
Meanwhile, on the track, Ar-
nie Robinson claimed only the
third gold medal for the United
States in Olympic track by win-
ning the long jump, says the
time has come for the nation to
subsidize its athletes,
"In 1980 in Moscow we will
really be killed unless our gov-
ernment supports the athlete,"
Robinson said.
"I don't mean make them
rich. If the United States would

just give the top five or six in , -
each event $10,000 a year it
would help. I don't think that -
would hurt the government, If
it would, we're in trouble."
There were yet more shake-
ups behind the scenes.
A boxing official at the -
Olympic Games revealed that
one judge had been sent home ? ยข
and two others suspended '
three days on charges of in- -
Karl-Heinz Wehr of East Ger-
many, vice president of the
Amateur International Boxing
Association, said Mario Fantozzi
of Italy had been sent home.
Those suspended for three days
were identified by Wehr as Pat
Hynes of Australia and George
Sermer of Hungary. Sermer has
resumed his duties as a judge
for the Olympic bouts.
The Federation of Asian Ama-
teur Boxing said it "disapproves
the officiating" d u r i n g the
Olympic competitions. It was
the opinion of the delegates that
the decisions were biased, po-
litically motivated, favoring a
few countries.
Fantastic record
Michigan holds a decisive won-
loss advantage of 285 to 128
against the 11 football opponents AP Phott
on the Wolverines' 1976 sched- Swedish steeplechaser Anders Garderud (812) crosses a wate
ule. There have been 18 tie jump in third place behind Polish runner Bronisla Malinowsk
games, five each against Ohio (724) and East German Frank Baumgartle. le went on to wi
State and Michigan State. the 3,000 meter steeplechase in a world-record time of 8:08.2
Error by Garcia sinks Tigers;
'Bird' grounded with third loss
By AP and UPI May singled. After Grich was
DETROIT - An unearned run thrown out at the plate on Ken
in the fourth inning was all the Singleton's roller to first, Tony -
Baltimore Orioles needed last Muser walked to fill the bases. ,
night to hand Detroit Tigers' Mark Belanger tapped to second
rookie Mark Fidrych only his baseman Pedro Garcia, who
third loss in 14 decisions, 1-0. juggled the ball, permitting
The Orioles, winning their May to score.
fourth straight, got their lone ~
run after Bobby Grich and Lee May, 3-4 since coming to the
Orilc fro thi YnnP~ k n


vrioies rrom tn e an ees in a
June trade, allowed six hits and
permitted only two Tigers to
reach third base. He was aided
by threedouble plays.
The loss dropped Fidrych's
record to 11-3 although the pop-
ular 21-year-old hurler reduced
his ERA to 1.08, gave up six
hits and equalled his previous
Tiger strikeout high of eight
while walking only one for his
13th complete game against 15


M~ajor teag4iie Stamzdiligs

W L Pet. GB
New York 60 36 .625 -
Baltimore 50 48 .510 11
Cleveland 47 49 .490 13
Detroit 47 50 .485 13,,
Boston 44 53 .454 16'.
Milwaukee 42 52 .447 17
Kansas City 60 38 .612 -
Oakland 53 47 .530 8
Minnesota 49 50 .495 11
Texas 47 51 .480 13
Chicago 45 54 .455 15',
California 43 59 .422 19
Yesterday's Results
Boston 6, Cleveland 4
Minnesota 2, Texas I
Baltimore 1, Detroit 0
Only games scheduled
Today's Games
New York (Figueroa 13-6) at Bos-
ton (Tiant 10-9), n
Baltimore (Grimsley 3-4) at De-
troit (Ruhie 6-7), n
Texas (Briles 7-6) at Kansas City
(Leonard 11-4), n
Cleveland (Eckersley 5-8 a n d
Waits 4-5) at Milwaukee (Rodriguez
3-6 and Travers 12-7), 2, t-n
Oakland (Bosman 3-0) at Minne-
sota (Singer 1-7), a
Chieagn(Brett 6-4) at California
(Ryan 7-13), n

W L Pct. G P
Philadelphia 66 31 .680 -
Pittsburgh 55 43 .561 ii'.
New York 51 51 .500 17',
St. Louis 42 54 .438 23',
Chicago 41 59 .410 26'
Montreal 33 60 .355 31
Cincinnati 63 38 .6?4 -
Los Angeles 55 44 .556 6'
Houston 52 51 .505 11',
San Diego 49 53 .480 14'
Atlanta 45 54 .455 16'
San Francisco 44 58 .431 19
Yesterday's Results
Philadelphia 9, Chicago 2, 11 inn.
Pittsburgh 2, New York 1, 10 inn.
Cincinnati 9, San Diego 3
Only games scheduled
Today's Games
St. Louis (Forseh 5-5) at Chicago
(Renko 3-5)
San Diego (Strom 9-11 and Spill-
ner 2-10) at Cincinnati (Gullett
7-3 and Nolan 9-5), 2, t-n
Montreal (Carrithers 5-6) at Pitts-
burgh (Candelarta 10-4), n
Philadelphia (Kaat 10-4) at New
York (Koosman 11-7), n
Atlanta (Messersmith 9-9) at
Houston (Larson 1-1), a
Lm Angeles (Ran 10-6) at San
Franciseo (Montetusco 9-9),.

Cuba's Teofilo Stevenson connects with a devastating right that staggered American John Tate
and ended their heavyweight semi-final bout yesterday. Stevenson, the gold medalist of the 1972
Games in Munich, earned his third knockout is as ,many bouts to go into Saturday night's final.

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