Roge Tern THE MICHRQAN DAILY Friday, July 30; 1976 Poge Teen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridts~, July 30; 1976- SeNtO camddates Austin, Esd n in Brennan: Hybrid Republican EAST LANSING (UPI) - A poll released last night by the Panax newspapers showed that Secrteary of State Richard Austin and Ann Arbor Con- gressman Marvin Esch appear to have substantial leads over their opponents for the U. S. Senate seat being vacated by Philip Hart. The poll results were based on telephone interviews with a representative sample of 1,432 registered voters throughout the state. THE SURVEY was completed on July 19 The results showed that among all the respondents who have made up their mind and who are most likely to vote in the Democratic primary, Aus- tin has 58 per cent of the sup- port. Flint Congressman Donald Riegle is favored by 28 per cent, U t i c a Congressman James O'Hara has 13 per cent and Birmingham a t t o r n e y James Elsman has the support of less than one-half of one per cent of those surveyed. HOWEVER, almost 30 per cent of the Democrats poled seem to be undecided as to which candidate they will vote for. On the Republican side. Esch is the leading contender accord- ing to the Panax poll and is favored by 57 per cent of those poll participants who are most likely to vote in the GOP pri- mary. Former Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Brennan is favored by 24 per cent, Troy industrialist Robert Huber by 13 per cent and University of Michigan Regent Deane Baker by six per cent. ALMOST 45 per cent of those polled, however, are undecided about their choice. "The undecided and in- dependent voters seem to hold the key to determining the out- come of the Republican sena- torial primary," said V. M. Mishra, who directed the poll. Austin's greatest strength was among liberals in the De- troit metropolitan area and Esch's base was centered in conservatives from the outstate Lower Peninsula. (Cotiaued from Page 3) as a liberal Republican, while Baker is seen as moderate to conservative. Like other mem- bers of his party, Brennan knows he must attract some Democrats and independents to win in a state where fewer than 20 per cent of the voters ident- ify themselves as Republicans. Brennan's edge, he says, is his relatively well-known name., "THERE ARE an awful lot# of people who don't know who I am, or who have only the vaguest notion of who I am," he says. "People say, 'Oh, weren't you a judge?' or 'Wasn't there a judge by that name?' but at least that's something to build on, to get them to recog- nize, 'Oh, that's the guy who " Indeed, Brennan led the field in early recognition polls. But if he is to win, the aff- able, talkative Brennan knows he must capitalize on his name with an appealing image, and he has based his campaign on his "independence" and a call for preservation of a traditional family life-style. "I happen to have a kind of fatalistic faith in popular opin- ion,"'he says, "and I think peo- ple do have, a kind of an inde- pendent mind. I don't sit very well with big opinion-makers and king - makers because I don't take orders. I call 'em- as I see 'em. They know that." BUT THERE is a curious par- adox in Brennan's position, wherever it may be; he says he can appeal to voters across the spectrum, yet he condemns, Esch, who received roughly So per cent ratings from both the conservative Americans for Con- stititional Action and the liberal Americans for Democratic Ac- tion, for being wishy-washy. "I think that Marvin Esch has stayed on his feet for ten years as a congressman . . . because he's been very willing to go where the major forces are going," B r e n n a n said. "Whether or not everyone is fifty-one per cent with me on all the issues .. . I don't know; and, candidly, I don't care. I'm not trying to get a job. I'm making more money than a U.S. senator; I'm a lawyer. I do that very successfully, very well. "I think of political office as an interruption, like military service. You've made a sacri- fice, and you've made a contri- bution to your community. Un- less we take that approach, then basically we're going to have politics in the hands of the ones . . . who'll vote any way they have to in order to stay on the job." BRENNAN resigned from the Supreme Court in 1973 amid a controversy over his founding of a private law school in Lans- ing. Critics, the University's law d e a n Theodore St. Antoine, among them, s a i d Brennan should not serve on the court while having interests in a law- related private enterprise. Bren- nan bitterly denounces the De- troit Free Press, which covered the controversy heavily, for "yellow journalism," and says St. Antoine and others merely felt threatened by an additional law school in the state. Why did he quit? "I felt the law school needed me," he said. "It was a com- plex decision. I also felt that it would- open up options such as the one I'm taking now. I think the experience of working on ts ED 0) ED ED 0) ED 04 04 04 ED 01 04 S 01 ED ED-Ell U----, r WHl KIDS 50c Discount on Admission with Student I.D. WEEKLY HOURS: 9 p.m.-2 a.m. HOURS Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. 516 E. LIBERTY 994-5350 UZI r;M UEl El ElI Ol the courts, debating the issues with lawyers and judges, is as excellent one. I taught constitu- tional law, so I know something about the Constitution." BRENNAN, whose campaign manager is his 24-year-old son Tom, treats domestic issues with a pro-family, anti-govern- ment-intereference focus, not unlike each of his opponents. "I believe that in many ways, sadly, our laws have an anti- family bias, in part because of people who are concerned about the population explosion and who treat having children as though it were having a pet," he says. "Yet where the heck is the future of the country un- less there's some people trying to have some new people for the next generation? I would encourage changes in the tac laws, changes in the welfare laws, changes in educational funding that would be directed ,toward improving the economic situation of the family." -DETENTE. "I don't think we should go back to the Cold War. We can think of our na- tional defense in some other terms than military hardware- in terms of the fiscal soundness of our government, in terms of the moral rectitude of our cit- izenry." -Economy. "I'm a free-enter- priser. You can't manage the economy unless you manage the economic lives of the people, and you can't manage the eco- nomic lives of the people unless you manage their individual lib- erties." He would support tax incentives for some types of employment. -The Equal Rights Amend- ment. He opposes it. "Just be- cause some women don't want any special treatment under the law, I don't think that means that the vast totality of women should be ignored." -ABORTION. He opposes it strongly. -Death penalty. "I would not call it 'cruel and unusual pun- ishment' but would not, as a legislator, vote for it." -Crime control. "I think when a person doss wrong he should pay the full penalty of the law. The biggest problem is that we don't have enough prisons." -Gun control. "I believe in the constitutional provision that says people may bear arms, though I -don't own a gun." $71.2 MILLION SALES NEW YORK (R) -Busi- ness was good at the 66th Na- tional Boat Show held in the New York Coliseum. Total sales were estimated at $71.2 million, Sales pf boats were more than $54 million. "The nine-day New York show was a shot in the arm for the in- dustry," said managing direc- tor Frank Scalpone, -21=0 the ann arbor film cooperative TONIGHT in Wonderfully Airconditioned MLB COPPOLA'S THE GODFATHER (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972) MLB 3--7:30 only Only four years after it was made, THE GODFATHER, is con- sidered an American classic. "This film is about 'an empire run from a dark suburban palace. . . . It plays havoc with the emotions, as the sweet things in life-marriage, baptisms, family feasts--become an inextricable part of the background for murders by shotguns, garrote, machinegun and booby-trapped car. It is also more than a little disturbing to realize that the characters who are so moving one minute are likely, in another, to be blowing out the brains of one another. It's nothing personal. Just business."-Vincent Canby, Al Parino, Marlon Brando, James Caan, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Richard Castelano. JACK BENNY'S MASTERPIECE! TO BE OR NOT TO BE (Ernst Lubitsch. 1942) MLB 4-7 Only Lubitsch farcically transforms Hitler into a clown and Jack Benny into a Shakespearean actor in his smooth w.w. II comedy. In order to protet the Polish underground, a famous actor must impersonate a ruthless Nazi gestapo chief. Done with style, grace and wit, Lubitsch again proves himself to the last of the continental sophisticates. Carole Lombard. (Preston Sturges, 1942) MLB 4-7 only THE PALM BEACH STORY This fanciful comedy tells the tale of a young wife (Claudette Colbert) who leaves her somewhat baffled husband (Joel McCrea) to find love, happiness, and sunshine in Florida. A gem of a film, written and directed by Preston Sturges. Rudy Vaee, Mary Astoe. $1.25. DOUBLE FEATURE $2.00 VALUABLE COUPON WORTH UP TO $1.75! * Purchase one of the following delicious Mr. Tony Sandwiches: GIANT HAM & CHEESE, ROAST BEEF or CORNED BEEF and a Large Drink.. GET AN IDENTICAL SANDWICH and LARGE DRINK FREE! GOOD FOR PICKUP OR DINE-IN ONLY U SISmAR COUPON EXPIRES AUGUST 5, 1976 *imom®®mmmm . CITY NOTICE Attention Voters from Ward 1, Precinct 2, South Quad Your POLLING PLACE for the August 3, 1976, primary election has been moved from South Quad to WEST QUAD, 541 THOMPSON.ST.