Fridaoy, July 30, 1976 TSHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Pooe Nine (I get thejot) done] (Continued from Pge 8 USED CARS 16 ('HVY Vn, V-, 3-ped t.opl Good coditin.No rus. 95-506evolng, weeen0s7204 BIKES AND SCOOTERS HONDA 450. 1972. Runs well Call ater 5:30, 668-964 81Z731 '73 HONDA C 50. Oly 400 mil1es. Excellent. 2 Helmets, 0wner's Mo- ual. Trry 71-442. 502731 GIRIL'S 2-SPEED 0E01LISH BIKE $3, altlo 63-609, 0 PERSONAL SET A RECORD on any of or pnba11 macines and win1 a fre sutmarie' sand- i. TOMMY'S HOLIDAY CAMP, Pckard and Stoe. THE CROSS- EYED MOOSE, 612 E. Liberty. c F800 WHAT'S NEW in face and eye'. moe-up? At the Village Apote- cary awe ill enoyopteking the time to how otu. 1112 . nversity eFt DON'1 PAY for a sores oerhead via iS mark-no For te reas lowe"4prces ad finst qualtite p tossil on negaement sing, sot) A0st1n Damon,4,1200 . In- etity, 663-7151. Ftc BOiAHD EXAM TUTORING: rroll- ments now b ,acetd for S. H. Kaplan, Tutoring Corse to pepre fo te MCATS, DAT, LAT, and No. Det. Boards. Call (313) 354- 0005, lally 62-149. e~te COPIES-21ac eosch Lowest PriesAywPere IMPRESS, 524 E. Wllam, 065-4321 ,Ytc WH4E MARGINAL PRICES hy duaity dia~ods-AstiDiaond 1209 . Uivrit, 63-7151 stS OPEN TONIEtil I am. Bowing, Pnball1 and0Biliard at the Unon. cF73l HELP! ADAPTALE NON-SMO- ING VEGETARIAN into Mint/Bdy Comunity awareess still seek- ing warn, loing place t stay, stody, and grow this fall. Want own room in hoe (or apatnent). Faly morning Jogger good at ma5s- sage; have MA in Psychology, seek- i00 MA in Social Work; Into Gs- tol tterpy, Tibetn Buddahsm, ad Lberaion. (Men's, women's, All Sentient eings Including th e earh itself.) Do you have room fo m 10 Pane lives, In your house, in our hearts? Call clle, evenings ( le): 512-441-la04. Write John, 1700 Sn Gahrel, Austin, exas 7701. 7M031 MESSAGES FROM TRE MANAGER Today is the deadln, thank Gd, for the idioti contest that I sar- ed to name cetan absurd parts of the body. I deeply regret haing (one that, bt I allowed It is on- tinuetin fairness to those w ho wte in with responses. The re- -tults will e announced sometime ; nextc week and that is the laMI eer want to hear aot it. I am lying to change my "format" somewhat to make things a little em tivial I'm are no one 1s Srticl-ry'3 interested in when I 00 home or what the weather is, so I witry to refrain from In- forming pan all of these inane facts. Thanks for reading and by the way, 'm glad you're hookd Ristine, so am Itt Debbie, c/ Bos 21,. OPEN TOMORROW at 1. p.m. Bi- liars, Pinball and Bowling, all at the Union CF'31 ROB!!! 1 gasSy- letter. May Mary had oened it already, of course, I'm tW glad you're still with me and for- give me' I have absolutely NO PLACE to livr to the fal yet, but that wnt top me. I took my cre ack t the dealer and told him to keep it til they fix t, and they tan make the payment due today, too, as far as I'm conerned I'll answer more of your letter tomor- row. Luev yat wonder woman di9'30 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Pro- lem Pregnanp Help 7697283.400 S Division Free "pegacy tea; Read and Use LDaily Classifieds PERSONAL COPYING CLOSEST TO CAMPUS Boo Ks, siactes, papets, restlwls_- Dissectazoiun quality, tow prics. Every day-reening. Fsro 21ztwpet coct. 211 5. State tllearc 01051. 662-3969. "cFter LUCI TITUNIK, Rritish tralied as- trocherapist. Latest methodsaaoil- able. Problemltsolving sompatible wlth YOURperlsonaltylp strutusre. 994-1311. sF117 All foar75ctpe gamelPas the Union1. cF730 PERSONAL + PERSONAL PERSONAL HAPPINESS Is making pat, look' POtLITICS OP POKR great! URA Stylists at the Union, LADIES ARBO RI NSTANT Harold, Date and Chet. 00131 Pit 1110 11iii tulemsiltaPRI(NT ING WANTED-..ART PEOPLE to-spend KngtRichardIIoncehtuds 111'111i r rt st~e a dty or Iwo in te ountosydr 0111*Let's a IIl5 abot i XI- Itt rePl itons itola'totd in lolwerst,weels, etc. lo be usesd (He also would laterta inI a handl-rafted book. OatrIneres- HliS ttliact pop')tltlb are sar,tlPCal11 517-051-1321. 66P730 Otlss is iio simople lovr s;oac 1SIFOT v'rA('(-01,11lS WKl,COME 1)11113Doag Gaong I :214 5 4111 Ate. 994-4004 HERBOAL MEDICINE, intlrodtictory AiloIpIltolt j F0102 classes on111Atiguot 5th 11n0 12th, 6800r31 7:30 Atugst 0)0, 5:00. $10.00. Lip PERM4aNKENT wEIG"HT LOS! 1,111,1,995-3476, ttoacings best. 'TODAY IS a goadddap. UM Stlilss lsts lpwls SBeh0aIatorModfication. 63F803 at the Untion. cF73t WeilghstConttrtl National. 894-0019. This adfverisemeot pid for by tbe Commni Labor Party Campaign Committee, 16525 Hamilton, Highland Park, Mich. 48203. 313-341-0346 THE DO'TWANT US, TYD~TON THE BALLOT! In March 196, thte liw saki we eeded 17,500 sgnatures from registered voters throutghout the state to get Cotnunist Labor Party member and workittg class beader Mr. General Baker Jr. on the ballot to run for State Represertative in the 9th district. We got more than 33,000. WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? In April 1976, when they saw that we would get enough signature, they passedi a NEW law which said that signatures were not enough. For the first time it the history of the Untied States,w there will be a PARTY QUALIFICATION SECTION on your August 3 primary ballot. To stay on th~e ballot in November, thte Contmunit Labor Party muss get about 5,000 votes in the August, primary. Voters WHO CHOOSE TO VOTE IN THE PARTY QUALIFICATION SECTION OF THEIR BALLOT FOR THE RIGHT OF THE CLP OR ANY OTHER PARTY, TO'BE ON THE BALLOT ARE PREVENTED BY THE NEW LAW FROM VOTING IN ETHER THE DEMOCRATIC OR REPUBLICAN PRIMARY. PROTECT YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS This law is a fundamental violation of the cvl righlts of every Michigan voter Its avowed purpose is to keep the so-called minor parties off the ballot. It represents an attemnpt to throw democracy out the window, to protect the power and privilegeof thecapitalist Democratic and Republican parties since fewer and fewer people vote for them it every election I(EEP THE COMMUNIST LABOR PARTY ON THE BALLOT ! A vote for the CLP is a vote for your civil rights. It is a vote for our righ to be on the ballot. It is a vote for the party which has fought for bussing, better conditions and lower rents in the housing projects, better working conditions from the auto bosses and against the constant threat of war that we face under capitalism, A vote for the Communist Labor Party is a vote for our platform ofJOBS, PEACE & EQUALITY, 'X' the Party Qualiicaion [ever first ____ PABS .-.-.'~..,:,,,, :,,PRIMARY PATQEES,4% IUFICATIOI . ECTIN ,o,oa I-o Illccci P id Polit'cl Advertisement ' baP