Pag ~ridcay, July 30, 1976 THE M CH IGA N DAILY -ridoy, July 30, 1 91~ TI* MI~H1GAN OAILY c-Three ye- 'Three Liberal Riegle seeks wider base By PIILLIP BOKOVOY Third in a Series of Four Rep. Donald Riegle (B-Flint) is get- ting plenty of mileage out of his image as the young, dynamic liberal out to capture the Democratic U. S. Senate nomination. He visits college campuses frequently, drumming up support among these progressive constituencies, and seems to have nurtured a good rapport with the students he has talked to here' at the University. He has enlisted many of them in what is probably the best lo- cal field organization in the state. But the support that Riegle has.gar- nered in other areas of the state hasn't come quite as painlessly. Just one month ago, after criss-crossing the state for a year, he found himself 25 percent- age points behind front-runner Richard Austin. BEFORE RIGOROUS campaigning got underway a couple of months ago, Riegle concentrated on building a rela- tively small-group of dedicated support- ers to help him through the long hard days at the end of the campaign. He visited old friends in their homes, speaking informally of his political philosophy and his concepts of how to make Congress a more effective body in terms of leading the country. He explained that what the Congress needed was a new breed of legislator- one who would take the concerns of people and translate this concern into effective legislation. The Congress had changed quite a bit in the 1974 elec- tions with the addition of 30 or'so liberal Democrats. ONE OF THE main forces in bringing these men and women to Washington was the National Committee to Elect an Effective Congress (NCEEC). Riegle was and continues to be a primary force in this organization. The NCEEC picks races across the country where they feel an entrenched Democrat or a conservative Republican has a chance of being defeated by a new face. They throw a lot of resources into these races with a remarkable rate of success. One of the most stunning surprises of the 1974 U. S. Senate elections was the election of Patrick Leahy, a young lib- eral Democrat, from Vermont. Riegle takes much credit and pride in having been the person who persuaded Leahy, who was guaranteed NCEEC support, to leave his post as State's Attorney to take on Republican Richard Mallary - the hand - picked choice of retiring GOt' Sen. George Aiken. RIEGLE SAYS that he Can be more effective in promoting this type of po- litical transformation if he could be a member of the more visible ,Senate. Since there are only 100 people in the Senate, Americans are more likely to notice things that its members do in the line of legislative solutions to problems. Furthermore, since the Senator from Michigan is so influential because of the si-e of the state, he says more people would be willing to hear what he has to say about making the Congress more responsive to the people. One of the early doubts raised by some people at an Ann Arbor organiza- tional meeting was the fact that Riegle had three years ago switched from the Republican party to the Democratic party. Riegle explained that he had grown increasingly disillusioned with Richard Nixon's stand on the war in Viet Nam and had sent him a letter asking him to end the war as soon as possible. He had seen Nixon in 1968 as the only candi- date with a solution to end the war; but when Nixon started to drag his feet on ending it in 1972, Riegle came out against Nixon's candidacy and support- ed George McGovern. In February 1973, he changed parties. s refuse By MIKE NORTON Tension between members of Ann Arbor's gay community and straight customers erupted Wednesday night in a brawl at the Blue Frogge, a newly - opened discotheque and res- taurant on Church St., in which sev- eral persons were injured. Eyewitness accounts of the inci- dent are fragmentary and conflict- ing. Many gays saw it as part of a plan by the Frogge's management to keep them away from the estab- lishment; other observers consider- ed it nothing more than a sponta- neous outbreak of violence. ALL ACCOUNTS agree, however, that the trouble began when 30 to 40 gays arrived at the disco (which ,.; , Mm gMW~ntam 10 ave isco; figting erupts opened exactly a week ago). -to leave, and offered them a re- "They came in and all- sat down fund of the two-dollar cover charge. together," said Monica Wheeler, who The guys, however, refused the of- was in the bar at the time. "And they fer; and the manager decided to started dancing together. Some of the close the disco for the night. other customers didn't like it, and As customers were leaving, a ser- they started hassling the gays - ies of minor scuffles apparently calling them names and stuff." broke out, and there was a bitter According to Wheeler, a 17-year-old exchange of insults between gays, man "who was there on a false ID" straight customers, and bouncers. traded insults with one of the gays What happened after the closing and finally punched him in the of the Frogge is not quite clear, but mouth. A bouncer separated the two unconfirmed accounts tell of a num- and escorted them outside. ber of beating, incidents in the street POLICE arrived some time later to outside. One eyewitness claims to investigate the incident, and left have seen a group of gays clubbing without addressing the customers. a woman in the street. Wheeler said the Frogge manage- THE general manager of the Blue ment then tried to persuade the an- Frogge, James Prybola, refused to gry customers - most of them gays See STRAIGHTS, Page 2v - 'sr s sg sr ..F.s.g ) M lfsm . . %. S...",, . . 7 te .. . . .. Y _ 55' FIE ADDED that his family had al- ways been Republican - his father was a two-term Republican mayor of flint -and it had seemed natural for him to run as a Republican when he first campaigned for the House of Represen tatives One of his opponents, Rep. James O'Hara, has attacked Riegle for being a "political transvestite", but the charge does not bother Riegle because he says he has always been liberal and changing parties did not change his political phi- losophy at all. Ile cites the continued support he has had both as a Republican and a Demo- crat from the extremely liberal Flint UAW as evidence that his basic politi- cal philosophy has not changed. See RIEGLE, Page 7 Rude awakening harry Schonfeld says only one thought crossed his mind when he saw the shadows of M16 rifles: "Oh, my God. You've got to be kidding." But the nine armed FBI agents weren't. The agents were dispatched to Schon- feld's Denver home by an anonymous tipster who said that Schonfeld was one of two men being sought in connection with the July 15 kidnaping of 26 Chow- chilla, Calif. schoolchildren and their bus driver. It took Schonfeld a few minutes to prove to the agents that he isn't James Schoenfeld, the man actu- ally being sought. In spite of the intru- sion, Schonfeld bears no grudges against the agents. "They were very profession- al," he said. "I think they treated me with as much dignity and respect as can be dxercised with a guy who's sleep- ing in his pajamas at 2:30 a.m. But it scared the hell out of me." 0 Happenings ... It's going to be another one o those unbearable days, so call a couple friends, go to the store and buy some picnic stuffs, and head out to the beach, because there sure isn't anything to do around A2. Nothing is shaking. " Weather or not Things will clear up today, as the mercury will reach the 85 mark under sunny skies. Look forward to another uncomfortable night of attempted sleep, as the low will be only a muggy 65. Brennan: Hybrid Republican By JIM TOBIN Third in a series of four "I'm not even sure that 'conservative' and 'liberal' are words that even hase any meani"g any more. Ie been looking for somse tiay to describe myself; I think Im sonetwhat of a populist, but I'm a person who believes in formalism of gov- ernsnt, oar constitutional system. When I ran for Congress in 1955 1 cailed myself a 'constifntional Progres- sit e,' and that gives me about as good a handle as anything else I can think of." -Thomias tlrennass The trend of Michigan Republicanism this political year seems to be a rejec- tion of political labels, an appeal to voters across the board. Former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Brennan is no exception. Declaring him- self a "maverick" who "can't be buf- faloed" by party leaders or special in- terests, Brennan has run for the U.S. Senate nomination with a combination of hard-line Republican views on domes- tic affairs and a liberal international out- look. Whether out of a sincere belief that his candidacy cannot be described by traditional labels or out of a need to attract voters of diverse political per- suasion, Brennan has rejected the lib- eral-conservative dichotomy of most campaigns. At the same time, he attacks Congressman Marvin Esch, his chief op- ponent, for a lack of consistency in his legislative record. HOW WOULD Brennan classify him- self if he had to choose between liberal and conservative? "I can't. I won't," he declares. "Then I'm accepting someone else's definition of the word. You define a conservative as somebody who's very hawkish against detente. I'm not. I'm described as a kind of a Wendell Willkie guy. It's one world, you've got to learn to live with it. You identify black power as a very lib- eral, almost a radical-left movement, yet I feel very strongly that the black people need to have political and eco- nomic power." Brennan, 48, faces Esch, ultra-conser- vative former Congressman Robert Hu- ber, and University Regent Deane-Baker in the race. Esch is generally perceived See BRENNAN, Page 10