The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXVI, No. 57-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 30, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages 'U' won't disclose financial records By MIKE NORTON The Michigan Attorney Gen- eral's office has issued an opin- ion stating that the financial records of state colleges and universities should be open to public scrutiny. But University attorney Rod- erick Daane said yesterday that the University is not bound by such an opinion and has no immediate intention of releas- ing any records. THE OPINION, which was is- sued Wednesday to state Rep. Howard Wolpe (D-Kalamazoo) by Attorney General Frank Kelley, declared that "finan- cial books and records of state institutions of higher educa- tion are public records." According to Deputy Attor- ney General Stanley Steinborn, the state has had a long tradi- tion of disclosing such informa- tion. "Now it applies to state universities and colleges," he said. The opinion does allow for in- stitutions to "adopt reasonable restrictions with regard to the examination, inspection, and copying of its records to pro- tect them from loss or destruc- tion, and to protect the effic- ient functioning of the institu- tions." "OF COURSE," Steinborn said, "this is just an opinion. The University attorney could have a different opinion, and whether the University chooses to follow it or not I couldn't say." And the University attorney did, in fact, have a different opinion. Although he stressed he was "not being defiant" toward the Attorney General's o f f i c e, Daane said the University is under no obligation to follow Kelley's line of reasoning. "N O T W I T H S T A N D- ING frequent interpretations to the contrary," he said, "the pronouncements of the Attorney General don't have the binding force of law. They deserve re- spectful attention, of course, but they're not binding." Daane believes the opinion was issved with regard to a lawsuit now pending in Kala- mazoo between representatives of Western Michigan Univer- sity and its employes over a collective bargaining question. "Public records they may be," he declared, "But that doesn't mean they should be open to the public on all occa- sions." He cited a hypothetical case in which a college plans to buy a piece of real estate, and public knowledge of the amount it is prepared to pay might prevent a lower price from be- ing offered. IN MARCH, 1973, the Daily joined SGC (Student Govern- ment Council, the now - defunct campus - wide student govern- ing body) and a local chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) in a lawsuit against the University to gain release of the records. The law- suit was unsuccessful. "You lost then," said Danne. "And I think I can beat you again." Kidnap pair arrested Last two Chowchilla suspects in custody CHOWCHILLA, Calif. 01"- The last two men wanted in the Chowchilla bus kidnaping case were arrested yesterday, two weeks after 26 school children and their bus driver were abducted and held in a buried van. A third suspect in the case was arraigned and pleaded inno- cent to kidnap charges yesterday. FREDERICK WOODS, 24, was captured in Vancouver, Can- ada five hours after his former schoolmate, James Schoenfeld, 24, was arrested near his San Francisco Peninsula hometown. Schoenfeld's 22-year-old brother, Richard, pleaded innocent to 43 felony counts stemming from the mass abduction at an ar- raignment in this small farming community yesterday morning. Ie surrendered last Friday. All three are sons of pronient families and were named in federal arrest warrants listing bail at $1 million. JAMES SCHOENFELD, thwarted twice in attempts to reach Canada, was picked up at 6:55 a.m. yesterday in Menlo Park, near the Schoenfeld family home in plush Atherton. His attorney said he had retirned to California to surrender. Acting on tips from the San Francisco FBI, Woods was cap- tured shortly before noon in a Vancouver post office by officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, according to Charles Bates, agent in charge of the FBI's San Francisco office. Woods' father owns the quarry in Livermore where the chil- dren and bus driver were imprisoned in a buried moving van for 18 hours after the July 15 kid- SHERIFF JOHN McDONALD of San Mateo County leads the second of three suspects in the Chowchilla busnapping case from San Mateo County Jail in Redwood City, Calif. to the Ala- meda County Jail in Oakland. The third suspect, 24 year old Frederick Woods, was arrested shortly after James Shoenfeld in Vancouver, Canada. Pennsylvania delegate support trickles toward Ford WASHINGTON UP) - Pennsylvania Re- publican convention delegates, despite wooing from their Sen. Richard Schweiker on behalf of Ronald Reagan, shifted slightly closer to President Ford yester- day. The delegates met with both Ford and Schweiker, the man Reagan designated as his running mate Monday in hopes the move would earn him new delegate strength from the Northeast. In fact, Ford picked up four Pennsylvania delegate votes yesterday, and three others from Louisi- ana, while Reagan's delegate total remain- ed unchanged. SCHWEIKER told the Pennsylvania delegates at a Capitol Hill meeting how Reagan had opened the door of the GOP to moderates. But while Schweiker re- ceived only polite applause and no new announcements of delegate support for Reagan, three delegates previously listed in The Associated Press tally as uncom- mitted emerged from a meeting with Ford and said they'll now vote for the Presi- dent at the GOP national convention in Kansas City next month. A fourth Pennsylvania delegate had ear- lier pledged support for Ford. Coupled with the move of the three Louisiana delegates from uncommitted to Ford, the AP na- tional tally stood at: Ford 1,104; Reagan 1,023; uncommitted 132. A candidate must receive 1,130 votes to win the nomination. Ford will fly to Mississippi today to meet with the state whose 30 delegates consti- tute the largest remaining bloc of un- committeds. MISSISSIPPI party chairman Clarke Reed, long believed to favor Reagan though publicly uncommitted, announced his endorsement of Ford Wednesday night. The Ford and Reagan campaign each has already claimed it has enough votes to put its man over the top. Drew Lewis, chairman of Ford's cam- paign in Pennsylvania, reiterated his claim that Ford will get at least 90 of the state's 103 votes in Kansas. He acknowl- edged that he had already been counting the three delegates who announced their shifts on the White House north portico. nap. JAMES SCHOENFELD was hooked at San Mateo ('ounty jail in Redwood City in kid- nap and unlawful flight char- ges, officials said. He was lat- er transferred to the Alameda County Jail and was held on $1 million bail. At the courthouse in Chow- chills, Richard- Schoenfeld, clad in a rumpled sweater, beige jeans and cowboy boots, slumped in his chair but answ- ered clearly when Judge How- ard Green questioned him "You have charged aeainst you 43 felony counts," Green told Schoenfeld. He said that if convicted of the first count- k id n ap with bodily harmi against bts driverbEd Ray- Schoenfeld faced "life imprison- ment without possibility of pa- role."