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July 29, 1976 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-29

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Thursday, July 29,-197

1-Huber: The conservative crusader

(Oaatnued fram page 61
Huber is a wealthy man. He
took over the Michigan Chrome
and Chemical Company from
his father, who was a founder
of the Ex-Cell-tO Corporation.
Located on Detroit's industrial
east side, Michigan Chrome is
eactlythe type of small but
successful business which, if left
alone by government, he be-
lieves would alleviate unem-
ployment and inflation.
ing was the cornerstone of his
congressional race victory, he
sees the economy as this year's
chief issue.
" Unemployment and inflation
are the two most critical things
we have right now in this coun-
try," he says. "I think the pri-
vate sector, the free enterprise
system, which has given us the
highest standard of living in the
world, is where we ought to
turn. As long as we have an
anti-business climate we're nev-
er going to be able to solve the
unemployment problem Y o u
give a man a broom or a shovel

(as in a government-backed
job program) and he'll have a
just but he won't be produc-
On the other issues, Huber's
stands consistently reflect deep-
seated, traditional opposition to
gosvernment influence.
-BUSING. "I think it's not a
black-white issue, it's an issue
of who's going to control the
child-the parent or the state.
I'm terrified that the state has
moved into the family relation-
ship and destroyed it, with the
approval of the voter, who
doesn't seem to give a damn.
And that, to me, means the de-
struction of civilization, the
American civilization, at least.
No civilization can exist with-
out a strong family."
INS employment bill. "The idea
of relying upon the government
'for solving the economic prob-
lems is the English way of han-
dling it and it's been disaster.
They've fallen to a fifth-rate
power, tremendous reduction in

the standard of living, fantastic
inflation; yet we want to copy
"The motto of the American
Defense Preparedness Associa-
tion, which I belong to, is
'There will never be universal
peace until the strongest army,
navy, and air force is in the
hands of the most peaceful na-
tion.' To me that's very sound
The motto of the Boy Scouts is
'Be prepared,' and nobody ever
said the Boy Scouts are a very
warlike group."
-CRIME. "I think you have
to go after the courts to see
that the laws are enforced. You
have to take away from the
courts some of these discretions
that they have of letting people
out on parole or bail that should
not be out."
lieve we ought to have a right
to life. I think there are rights
of the unborn child ."

AMENDMENT. "I think it's a
farce. I don't think it does what
people say it's going to do, and
I think it's degrading to woman-
hood to be treated the way they
would be treated under this. It's
one more rock away at the fam-
ily relationship. . . . There's no
question that the inequality in
business and job opportunities
has to be changed,"
think we should support any
country that tries to maintain
a democratic position, not with
manpower but with other
things. 'Trade, not aid' has al-
ways been a slogan of mine.
AFRICA. "I think we have tre-
mendous interests in Africa ...
(but) the American p e o p I e
should have learned by now not
to get involved in the affairs of
other countries."
While in Congress, Huber de-
fended Richard N i x o n until
August, 1974 when the Supreme
Court demanded release of the
key Watergate tapes. lie said

the firing of Special Prosecutr
Archibald Cox was "long over-
due," and he said that before
the final tapes were released,
"the only people who were call-
ing for the impeachment of
Richard Nixon were giving lip.
service to the position that a
man is innocent until proven
guilty, but really hated his guts
and wanted to destroy him. The
facts didn't come out until that
day in August when the tapes
were released and within two
hours I had signed a news re-
lease calling for his impeach-

An unreleased draft audit of
the Washtenaw County Draio
Office indicates that the coun-
ty Drain Board overpaid a land
developer about $6,011 for prop-
erty required by the Pittsfield-
Anti Arbor Drainage District.
The audit, prepared by the
Bureau of Local Government
Services of the state Treasury
Department, is in preliminary
form and will be made public
next week.
THE PROPERTY in question
had been condemned by the
Probate Court of Washtenaw
County in February, 1975. At
that time, the court established
that the sum of $512,408 should
be paid for the land to Ber-
nard Brown, the developer, by
May 5, 1975.
Because the county did not
have the funds available to
make payment by that date,
an agreement was reached be-
tween the Drain Board and
Brown's attorney in which the
county was required to pay
more than the amount specified
in the court order.
The rationale behind the set-
tlement, according to Robert
Guenzel of the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Office of Corporation Coun-
sel, was to preventa threatened
suit by Brown which would have
sought immediate payment for
the land.
ficial of the Drain Office, has
stated that the threatened suit
was a "bluff intended to scare
the Drain Board" into paying
more money than allowed by
court order.
In their draft report, the state
auditors charged that the Drain
Board had made an excessive
"We are not aware of statu-
tory authority to overrule the
probate judge in this matter,"
said the report, "and recom-
mend that the additional inter-
est paid ($6,317.25) be recov-
ered from the seller."

All too often, when the party it somr eon Lo slfr al
ends, the trouble begins. drive, dve h yourself. Or c
Peoplewho shouldn't be cab. Or offer to let him sleep over.
doing anything m c han M aybe your friend w on t be
doing anything mre active tan feelin so good on the morning after
Speding .adeving way but you're going tofeel terrific.
9peeding and weaving ther wy
to death.
Before any of your friends
drive home from your party, make.---
sure they aren't drunk. r DUNK DRER, ff.Y
Don't be fooled because they flWX 2345 £
on RcKV .LLE, Y nD 52
drank only beer or wine. Beer and IakeeIy friesalive
wiecnbe jut asintoxicatIng as I I want to keepnY fyreld sle
ine canbejustas cat s Ifor the next party.
mixed drinks. I Tell me what else I can o.
And don't kid yourself
because they may have had some M te4!--
black coffee. Black coffee can't Adsz,-- -
sober them up well enough to drive. L.---- --------- -

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