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July 29, 1976 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-29

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Thursday, July 29, 1976


Page Five

Judges' race: Experience is the key

(Continued from Page 3)
to the popularity of social clubs among lawyers. He
has, however, served on numerous city and county
boards and commissions.
If he were to become a judge, Carpenter has no
more apparent plans of reform than Conlin, whom he
dubbed his major opponent "because of his name."
Carpenter, however, says he is going to use "every-
thing available" for his campaign and thinks he has
a good chance to win because of his reputation for
"speaking my mind (and) acting resolutely in favor of
civil liberties."
Burgoyne is perhaps even more of a maverick in
this year's race than Carpenter. She has twice been
rated "not qualified" for judge in a secret poll by the
Washtenaw County Bar Association--once in 1974 when
she ran for a District Court position, doing well against
her opponent, George Alexander, despite the poll and
rumors of mental instability. The second rating cane
only last week.

HOTLY CONTESTING both the legality and the
validity of the negative vote, Burgoyne attributes it to
her "independence and non-political status."
"They (the lawyers) have nothing," she said.
Carpenter, rated "qualified," would not comment on
the poll, but Conlin said he thought "it's valid as long
as it gives all the results." Ile admitted to being
pleased with his own rating of "well qualified," but
neither he nor Carpenter are making Burgoyne's rating
an issue.
BURGOYNE INSISTS that she would be a good
judge with a "creative, moving approach" to the job.
Unlike Carpenter and Conlin, she has ideas of changing
court procedure. Among these are having night court
once a week, improving "courtroom manners," and
taking over more of the divorce cases, which constitute
more than one third of the cases in Circuit Court. This,
she says, would free other judges to handle the felonies

that make up the bulk of the other cases to come before
the court.
Conlin countered that the cost to the county would be
prohibitive for night court and also that the cases could
not be divided with divorces in one court and criminal
cases in another because of the present system of
"blind draw assignment" of cases to judges. However,
"1 have no objection to a night court," he said.
Burgoyne's particular interest is in human rights
cases, especially those dealing with rights of children
in divorce cases. She would like to add a "conciliation
docket" to divorce proceedings to avoid unnecessary
break-ups of marriages. At present she is known for
her advocacy of the custodial rights of a lesbian
Some of her other reform plans include: more con-
trol of treatment of prisoners; encouraging the building
of new prison facilities; and "informing victims in
crimes of the progress of their cases."


Quakes take toll in China

(Continued from Page 1)
The U.S. Earthquake Informa-
tion Service in Golden, Colo.,
recorded its magnitude at 8.2,
the worst since the 8.4-magni-
tude Alasks quake of March 27,
Lighter aftershocks s t r u c k
throughout the day, and then the
second major tremor hit about
15 hours later and reached 7.9

on the scale, the service said.
They were the third major
series of earthquakes to hit
China in 18 months.
THE ONLY specific casualty
report came from the Japanese
embassy in Peking. It said one
Japanese trading company of-
ficial was killed, six Japanese
were injured and two were miss-

ing in Tangshan, 70 miles north-
east of Tientsin, where they
were working on a project.
After arriving in Tokyo on
Wednesday night, Whitlam said
most modern structures in Tien-
tsin, a city of 4.3 million people
80 miles southeast of Peking,
withstood the quake force, but
older buildings "collapsed com-
Although the Chinese have re-
ported success in predicting the
last two major quakes and
evacuating people beforehand,
there was no known warning of
Wednesday's quakes.


U.K. cuts diplomatic

ties with
(Continued from Page 3)
THERE HAS BEEN fear that
Amin might retailate for the
breaking of relations against
the 200 to 300 Britons, many of
them missionaries, remaining
in Uganda.
A Kenyan reporter for the
Nairobi newspaper Daily Na-
tion telephoned Amin's com-
mand post near Kampala. The
reporter said an official there
told him:
"We don't mind about that
severing relations. The French
government will handle the re-
maining British citizens here
and we know most of them have
opted to stay. They will become
Ugandan citizens.
tish government is crying over
Mrs. Bloch and we do not have
an idea about this woman. We
handed her over to the hijack-
ers and she was among those
who were rescued by the Is-
Israel has said Mrs. Bloch
was not with the other host-
ages. She had been hospitalized
and there were various reports
that Ugandan soldiers or po-
liceman dragged her from her
hosnital room after the raid.
Britain's ambassador to
Uganda, Eustace Gibbs, flew
into Nairobi yesterday. He said
two British officials would re-
main in Uganda, attached to
the French embassy, to handle
British affairs.
CROSLAND announced the
break to the House of Com-
mans at the sametime Gibbs
was informing the Ugandan gov-
The foreign secretary said
relations with Uganda had
reached such a point "that it
is not possible for our high
commission embassy effectively
to discharge their normal du-
ties." He said France has~
agreed to represent British in-
terests in Uganda during the
All membersof the Common-
wealth were informed of the

break in advance along with
some other countries, including
the United States, officials
The United States closed its
embassy in Kampala in No-
vember, 1973, citing concern
for the "security of our peo-
ple." Diplomatic relations are
maintained on a very limited
basis, and the Ugandan embas-
sy has only "desk level" con-
tact with the State Department
in Washington.
Uganda's ambassador in Lon-
don, Fredrich Isingoma, was
summoned to the Foreign Of-
fice and told of the break by
Minister of State Edward Row-
lands while Crosland was ad-
dressing Parliament.

Attention Voters f rom
Ward 1, Precinct 2, South Quad
Your POLLING PLACE for the August 3, 1976, primary
election has been moved from South Quad to

*Progressive, Innovative leadership.
Improved jail conditions.
a*Inmate rehabilitation programs.
u-s * Concentrates police resources against
serious crimes.
s - More police on the road, less behind desks.
S*Arrests per officer for serious crimes: up 63%.
- 1975 crime rate: down 2.8% in Washtenaw county,
up 4.7% statewide.
*Juvenile services program.
/ 0Affirmative action.
Good community relations.



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