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July 28, 1976 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-28

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Page Eleven

Montreal cabbies angry

By The Associated Press
M O N T R E A L - A cab
driver's demonstration, partly
to protest the loss of business
's to official Olympic limousines,
caused massive traffic jams in
downtown Montreal yesterday
while the track and field athlet-
es took a day off and everyone
waited for the gold-medal bas-
ketball showdown between the
United States and Yugoslavia.
The Russian basketball team,
beaten Monday by Yugoslavia.
F 2in the semifinals, won the
bronze yesterday with a 100-72
victory over Canada.
Cab drivers, hundreds
strong, mounted "Operation
Turtle," a slow moving,
sometimes non-moving, cav-
alcade through the city's bus-
iest streets just at the eve-
ning rush hour.
Horn - tooting traffic snarls,
four cars abreast, stretched for
miles in rain that further slow-
ed the cars' movement. Some
- , , zV major thoroughfares were com-
pletely blocked, with traffic at
F f a standstill.
The effect, if any, on the
Olympics was negligible, how-
ever. The day's schedule was
one of the lightest of the Games
with much of the activity cen-
tered in Kingston, Ont., some
100 miles away, where the
yachting finals were held.
AP Photo The traffic tie-up, another in
U.S. ARCHER BARRELL PACE works off pre-competition a continuing string of labor
jitters by throwing a frisbee. Pace, a 19-year-old Air Force tech- problems that have plagued the
nician from Cincinnati, competes in the 90-meter event. Games, and talk of a new and
Electric pain-killer gives athletes
effective alternati*ve todrugs

apparently legal drug were the
chief topics of conversation
The new drug is a "perform-
ance stabilizing" i n j e c t i o n
shvhich a West German team
doctor acknowledged Tuesday
he would continue to administer
to his team's athletes. A West
German rower, Peter Michael
Kolbe, charged that he col-
lapsed in the Olympic single
sculls rowing final because of
a pre-race shot. He said it cost
him a medal.
Dr. Josef Noecker insisted
that the drug was harmless and
brushed off Kolbe's charge.
"It's impossible that Kolbe
could have lost a race because
of this," the doctor said.
"There has never been an ab-
normal reaction and I give the
substance in my hospital in
Leverkusen. I'll continue to
giver it."
The drug, cocaboxylase
thioctacid, is not on the Olym-
pics' list of banned drugs,
but a French doctor said his
team does not use it be-
cause there is an individual
shock factor involved and the
drug is unpredictable.
The U.S. crew of John Kolius
of LaPorte, Tex., and Walter
Glasgow and Richard Hoearner
of Houston won the silver med-
al in the Soling class of Olym-
pic yachting on Lake Ontario.
Denmark won the gold and
East Germany the bronze.
The Americans earned the
silver by winning yesterday's
seventh and final race after
completing the competition
with the same point total as the
East Germans. The boat cap-
tained by Kolius had a chance
for a gold medal until the Dan-
ish boat moved up from sev-
enth to fifth place in the last
leg of the final race.

The U'ite-l States came up
with a bronve medal in Tem-
pest Clas, yachting when the
team of De'nis Conner of San
Diego and Conn Findlay of
Relmont. "alif., rowed home
behind Se-den and Russia in
the first finals in the sailing
Track and field canpetitors
got ready for fine final events
today. America's fast 400-
meter threesome of Maxie
Parks, Fred Newhouse and
H e r a a n Frazier swore to
thwart the bid of Cuba's Al-
berto Tuantorena for an un-
precedented Olympic double.
Moreover, they'll shut him out.
"We can beat him and we
plan to go 1-2-3," said Parks of
UCLA. Newhouse, from Baton
Rouge, La.
American track and field
athletes have collected ten
medals, second only to East
G e r m a n y 's 11, half-
way through the competition.
Dr. Leroy Walker, the Amer-
ican head coach, said he did
not think any big nation
would dominate the sport any
Walker said he thought
Americans would make the fi-
nals in seven of the nine re-
maining events. The best
chances are in the men's hur-
dles and the women's 200. The
hurdlers are Willie Davenport,
Charles Foster and James
Owens, but they will have to
overcome Guy Drut of France.
In the women's 200, the re-
maining hoes are Chandra
Cheese-borough a n d Deborah
Armstrong after ace Brenda
Moorehead was injured.
In soccer semi - finals yester-
day, East Germany beat the
Soviet Union, 2-1, and Poland
downed Brazil, 2-4.

By The Associated Press
MONTREAL - In a dope-
conscious setting, an electric
nerve stimulator that fits in a
pocket is being used for the first
time at the Olympics to relieve
the pains of athletes who are
wary of drugs.
"It's not a curative treatment,
but something to control the
muscular pain that is not asso-
ciaed with a serious injury. It's
really a nice, big help," says
Ir. Jean Paul Bedard, medical
chief at the polyclinic in the
Olympic Village.
"It's useful when drugs are
not in order," said Bedard,
adding that one application
can stop pain for a few min-
utes to hours.
In a way that is little under
stood, it apparently sends the
brain a stronger impulse that
counteracts the pain.
Twenty-five or 30 of the FDA-
approved units, called Neuro-
mods, were given to the Olym-
pic organizing committee by
the manufacturer, Medtronics
Inc., of Minneapolis, Minn., a
major manufacturer of heart
About 10 are being used at the
polyclinic and about 20 patients
a day are using them, says
Claude Brandeau, technical con-
sultant for Medtronics of Can-
Dr. Bedard would only say
that the tiny machines, which
resemble pocket calculators
with electrodes, are being
used but he was uncertain
which teans are using them.

The U.S. team is not, accord-
ing to a spokesman.
The nerve stimulators can be
used for muscular pains suf-
fered by participants in basket-
ball, soccer, field hockey, swim-
ming, track, weightlifting and
other sports, according to Bed-
Bob Williams, coordinator of
basketball therapy, says he has

given five treatments each to
two Mexican basketball players.
He says, "It's been effective in
taking away the pain, especially
chronic pain of Achilles ten-
dinitis and chronic hip pointers."
"It takes away pain without
medication, and that's a very
big thing in international sport-
ing at this level," because of
the strict rules outlawing the
use of drugs, he said.
AT 8 P.M.

NEW Student Ticket Rate
presented t
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senna Gauler (Carol Ann Skimin) spends a moment with
her childhood rival Thea (Sally Bublitz) and Lovborg
(John Wojda) in the Michigan Repertory's production of
Ibsen's masterpiece, "HEDDA GABLER." Tickets are
available through the Power Center Box Office, M-F
12:30-5 p.m. For more information call (313) 763-3333.

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