age Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesdoy, July 29, 1 W6 Commission contests loom lifeless By LOIS JOSIMOVICHI When the 14th and 15th com- missioner's districts of Wash- tenaw County were created in the spring of 1972, local Demo- crats and Human Rights Party (I[RP) members smacked their lips in anticipation. The new districts contained the lion's share of the University's liber- al student population which was for the first time being allow ed to register in Ann Arbor, following a Michigan Supreme Court ruling. The liherats' elation proved well - founded that Nosember and again in 1974 when Demo- crats gained a slim 8-7 major- ity over Republicans on the County Board of Commission- ers for only the second time in history. IN CONTRAST, this year's commissioners' races in the student - dominated districts are far from exciting. With the Augtst 3 primary less than a week away the candidates are nowhere to be seen on cam- pus and none of them plan any heavy campaigning after- ward should they win a place on the November ballot. There will not even be a pri- mary in the 14th district, be- cause both incmnhent Demo- crat Kathleen Fojtik, a four- year Board veteran, and her Republican opponent, Robert Jones, are running uncontested. In District 15, which includes the campus itself, Democratic challenger Charles Franklin shows little confidence of dis- placing incnmbent commission- er Catherine McClary. "I DON'T think I'll win, but I want to see how far I can get," confessed Franklin, a senior at the Unwersity. le says he is spending no money campaigning, instead attenipting to get elected by word of mouth," although he claims the support of the local American Federation of State and County Municipal Em- ployes (AFSCME) chapter. Franklin's background in- cludes a University dormitory resident advisor position and a spot on the Central Student Ju- diciary last spring. He decided to run for commissioner be- cause "I wanted to do some- thing - I was tired of com- plaining about the roads and not doing anything." Franklin criticized the pres- ent Board of Commissioners for being "too worried about economics." If elected, he says. he has ideas of instituting a re- gionat transportation system, a program teaching county resi- dents emergency cardiac ar- rest treatment and a bicycle program for the Ann Arbor area. McCLARY, who won the No- vember 1974 election by a com- fortable margin of more than 500 votes over her HRP op- ponent, is presently chairwo- man of the Board's Ways and Means Committee and also a member of the Budget Com- mittee. She is fairly confident of remaining on the Board for another two years because of her voting record as a com-- missioner, which reveals pri- mary interests in health care, affirmative action and budget- arv matters. "I have really enjoyed the job," said McClary, who claims responsibility for amending all the county contracts to elimi- nate sex, sexual preference and marital status discrimina- tion. She also maintains she has "helped put women in admin- istrative and policy positions" from her position on the Nom- inations subcommittee. McCLARY'S two Republican opponents, however, accuse her of "doing nothing" for the dis- trict. "Most of the people don't even know what is involved in the county," contended Elliot Chikofsky, a graduate student at Michigan. Chikofsky has held more po - litical offices than the other Republican contestant - Robert Brandenburg, a law student. While Brandenburg was active in his dormitory government and ran for Wayne County com- missioner four years, ago, Chi- kofsky has been treasurer of the Student Government Coun- cil (now the Michigan Student Assembly); chairman of the University Student Insurance Committee; and chairman of the Student Organizations Board, as well as serving on other student committees. B R A N D E N B U R G admitted, "I don't think I'll have much of a chance" of winning in November, if he were to beat Chikofsky in the primary, because of the over- whelming Democratic tendency in the 15th District - where no Republican ran in 1974. "To a great extent, I am running because they (the Re- publicans) asked me to mrn," he added. He lists his main concerns, if elected, as (1) getting a county administrator appointed to do the paperwork for the Board "so they could make more pol- icy decisions" and (2) giving "more attention to the develop- ing of the county." "With a few more Republi- cans elected and a few more out-county people (outside of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, where most of the present commis- sioners live) it would be a more balanced Board," Brandenburg said. China rocked by massive tremors Escapee sought for questioningin killing tContinued from Pt ne 3 Brown refused to say that in the right side of the head. Wingard was a suspect in the The $5,000 was gone when Mil- case, saying only that Wingard ler's body was discovered. was being sought for question- Police had originally discount- ing along with "a number of ed robbery as a possible motive people" who had known Miller. for the shooting since Miller's Brown did acknowledge that wallet containing $49 was found police had been told that Miller at the scene. and Wells were "romantically Police declined to comment involved." on the theory that Miller may have withdrawn the money from Dorothea Lynde Dix was a her savings account to pay Win- cruspder for humane care of gard as part of a scheme to the mentally ill and her efforts arrange Wells' e s c a p e from resulted in major reforms in prison. asylums. (ContinuedfronPaget available immediately o sible casualties or damat A quake recording 8c Richter is considered to "great" one capable of ing tremendous damage. The Chinese quakei largest since one hit1 on Good Friday, March 27 registering 8.4, the N. Earthquake Information ice reported. Irb said the Chinese was centered inland froi Gulf of Chihli in the no Yellow Sea and it was n pected to cause tidal wa IN TOKYO, the Japane: terological agency report quake occurred at 3:45 yesterday EDT, The Richter scale r ground movement and t crease by one numberc scale means a 10-fold in in the quake's force. A quake registering 7i sidered to be a major on able of wide-spread, damage, while the read 8 means a huge quake w possibility of tremendous age. SAN FRANCISCO's quake registered 8.0. In the past, the Chines claimed some success i dicting quakes and mini their effects. A Chinese in June said two quakes forecast correctly. An American scientis ) Frank Press, president of the n pos- American Geophysical Union, ge. said in April that the Chinese on the had been able to save "count- be a less thousands" of lives by pre- caus- dicting a quake that struck near the city of Haicheng and edu- is the cating the people on what to Alaska do when the quake hit. , 1964, - 1- ational Serv-Oscure quake m the rthern la Tot ex- ves. se me- tuition ed the p.m. (cotited fro nPae,,et 'ecords through your Callaghan until he in- you find the May, 1973 case of on the Regents v. Michigan (also crease known as the "Big Three" case, since it involved the con is con- trolling boards of MSU and e cap- Wayne State as well.) heavy In that decision, the State ing of Supreme Court ruled that uni ith the versity regents have the au dam- thority to determine academic and financial matters within their own institutions without 1906 interference by the legislature Tuition was specifically men e have tioned. n fire- So much for that 1857 law mizing prohibiting tuition. "I don't report think anybody's paid any at- were tention to it for years," said Dann t, Dr. Daane. Correction Yesterday in a story on the judge candidates poll by the Washtenaw County Bar Asso- ciation, a mechanical error de- leted the portion of the results dealing with candidate Arthur Carpenter. Carpenter received 13 "outsanding" votes, 54 "well qualified," 85 "qualified," 37 "not qualified" and 12 ballets with no opinion. Driving on a road cover with wet leaves is like driving on a road withtball bearings and can be more treacherous than driv- ing on a road covered with ice, says the National Automobile Club. It's a spewing smoke- stack. It's litter in the streets. It's a river where fish can't live. You know what pollu- tion is. But not everyone does. So the next time you see pollution, don't close your eyes to it. Write a letter. Make a call. Point it out to someone who can do something about it. People start pollution. People than stop It. .Keep Aweri e [ $ us rAne.ra eazaRI A Yalu Advu't5sirg CwcAur& ______________________Downtown 1(O4' ~ ~ Ann Arbor call 663-0101 One of the Finest Selections OE NL IMPORTED WINE &BEER TIL lAM Mediterranean Foods Specializing in Sun&HoidaysI Greek Imports and Pastries . T M-dnte 211 S. Th Ave., Ann Arbor Between E. Washington & Liberty